Hello and welcome to my guestbook! Please don't forget to go to "sign guestbook" and sign your name in! ![]()
dennis & esau - 03/12/00 21:42:06
My Email:sooz_cook@yahoo.co.ukComments:
dennis is our stripey cat and esau is our one eyed black and white cat
elaine - 02/21/00 18:15:31
My Email:vanpardi@vol.net.mt
#of animals: 2 cats
Rebel - 08/25/99 01:32:50
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/2637
#of animals: 5 and ya never know.... 6, 7, ...*L*
Sleepy in PA...I miss ya! Just found a link here from another kitty page. Haven't seen you around in ages!!! Hope you and the critters are well. :) Rebel, Bailey, Mazzi, Max, and Bugs.
Eileen - 01/22/99 14:51:31
My Email:Eileen.Rajczyk@wl.comComments:
Jimmy, I just went on this site and am amazed how terrific it is. How did you learn how to do this? There is alot of great information and it's pretty sad that when I looked at the part "about me" I didn't even know you guys had that many pets - are you insane??? We have a Sheltie named Tashi and a cat named Kenny but the girls would love to get another kitten but since we will be moving hopefully in the near future into a rented house we can't have anymore animals. When we finally move into our new ho se we will get another dog and prehaps a few more cats since we will be living on 10 acres. Love you, Aunt Eileen
DUCK - 01/16/99 03:16:25
My Email:lilduck6@hotmail.com
#of animals: a lot
I was here but now I'm gone, but I left my animals to carry on: I have 7 horses,5 dogs, a lot of cows,and a few cats
Bob - 01/12/99 01:24:49
My Email:yaz@hotmail.com
#of animals: 2 dogs 1 cat
I have 3 animals & they're great. They have 3 personalities which are different. Cat(tom cat rescued out of urban city)
Sparky - 12/29/98 17:50:20
My Email:0763@hoosierlink.netComments:
Rajah - 11/16/98 19:30:37
My URL:/Heartland/Woods/2481/
My Email:rajahcatz@hotmail.com
#of animals: 2 very fat cats
Sleepy!! I miss talking to you, where did you go? I decided to come and see if you had made changes and you did! Hope to see you soon and keep up the great work! Love, Rajah
Kim Robinett - 11/10/98 07:16:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6357
My Email:cats-meow@webtv.net
image: none
#of animals: one cat
Just surfin' Thanks
Eva Weekley - 11/07/98 00:30:32
My Email:rfweek@shentel.net
#of animals: 2 fat dogs
Enjoyed your site...Will visit often.
Unicorn - 10/31/98 00:42:35
#of animals: heaps
Great site.
10/03/98 02:41:34
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments:
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
- 09/16/98 15:33:48
Angela - 07/25/98 09:05:57
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/4787/
#of animals: five cats, two dogs, two mynah birds
I just wanted to sign your guestbook and say hello before I leave this nice place! You have created nice pages with different and interesting contents - I like them. It was nice to meet you and your c ts here!! I enjoyed my visit very much, I'm sure to return to visit you again :-). Have a great day ~ greetings from Germany, Angela & her cats, dogs and birds
Rajah Beta - 07/19/98 18:16:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2481/
My Email:kajol21@hotmail.com
#of animals: Two cats
I like the page very much, sleepy...thank you for putting my name down...stop by andsign my guestbook and give me some pointers....*hugs*
Chris Van Ness - 07/15/98 17:55:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/4284
My Email:ikilled_kenny16@hotmail.com
#of animals: 7, 3 cats, 3 fish, and a dog
i reely like ur homepage, its great.
Stupidgirl - 07/03/98 06:16:52
My URL:http://ww.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1388
My Email:Don't Tell you.Comments:
Nice Page !! =)
Lee Jun Da - 06/27/98 01:33:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1121
My Email:pansylinm@swiftech.com.sg
#of animals: None
Nice page and I think it's perfectly cute ! Those banners out there are make by you ? They're pretty nice ! Do drop by and visit me . Bye.....
Barbara - 06/26/98 12:08:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/1513
Hiya! Lovely page! Please visit our page!
Julie - 06/20/98 22:30:27
My URL:http://gepcities.com/SouthBeach/Canal/6420/
My Email:Selena248@aol.com
image: wot??
#of animals: 2 lizard and hamster
Cool Page!!!
Orion Barrett A.K.A. Monster Cow - 06/20/98 20:03:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/5633/
My Email:dbarrett@eurekanet.com
#of animals: four of `em!
Nice page. It`s good to see pages about pets for a change.
Cje` - 06/19/98 20:38:38
My URL:http://geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/9892
My Email:cjehall@hotmail.comComments:
Only one, he won't allow any others invade his domain. His name is Duckie! and he is fat and sassy. And of course he is all C.A.T!
Hammii Sammii - 06/19/98 17:29:27
My Email:hammiisammii@hotmail.com
#of animals: none--they are my guests
I absolutely approve of your web site and the care you are giving. Isn't a thing I'd change--except to encourage you to keep on going! Hopefully, we can educate more humans so that cruelty and indifference to all living creatures will end.
starla - 06/19/98 09:49:02
My URL:http://www.rain.org/~starla
I miss having a pet... I rent a condo and they dont allow them... thanks for the wonderful page. Stop by some time. star
Suzanne - 06/18/98 01:39:14
My URL:http://www.geocitieees.com/Heartland/Valley/1425
My Email:Meowfrmme@aol.com
#of animals: eight
Love your cat stuff...........A friend send your link to me. I'm glad she did. Come visit Suzanne's Fabulous Felines..........MEOW :)
Kipper - 06/17/98 22:31:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/9173
My Email:t_kipper@yahoo.comComments:
Great site! We just got a new kitten named Snip!
Slinky - Again! - 06/17/98 04:00:41
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/8466/
My Email:carol394@aol.comComments:
Ooops - I forgot to paste in my banner!![]()
Slinky - 06/17/98 03:55:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8466/
My Email:carol394@aol.com
image: http://www.geociites.com/Heartland/Ridge/8466/slinkban.gif
Nice page Jimmy ! Come see mine when you get a chance !!
Mazie - 06/17/98 03:38:29
My Email:n4661g@aol.com
#of animals: 7 dogs, 5 cats, 3 ferrets, 2 hedgehogs, 6 horses, and many exotic birds
Eliana - 06/16/98 23:58:52
My Email:Brazilgrl9
#of animals: Two
Hi there!!! Nice site. My daughter's hamster escaped from her cage. She is roaming around the house but I can't find her. Is there are kind of humane trap? Pet store suggested one with glue (NOT ACCEPTABLE) my daughter almost cried with the thought. Thanks. Eliana
RUSSELL REARDON - 06/14/98 13:14:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/4600/
Breezy - 06/14/98 00:46:05
My Email:velvetp24@hotmail.comComments:
I think the site is very cool.
Nina Krantz - 06/14/98 00:04:40
My Email:Ninakrantz@aol.com
#of animals: Liebe has owned us very kindly for 11+ years, thank you for asking
Daughter, Kathy Krantz, is trying to put me in touch with Cathy so that I might see the new Sammy puppies. Our family has owned/bred/shared loves with Samoyeds since the "Shaw litter", Pretica & Pretica's Pilot. Thus, Kathy is 4th generation plus... : -))
Nina Krantz - 06/14/98 00:03:35
My Email:Ninakrantz@aol.com
#of animals: Liebe has owned us very kindly for 11+ years, thank you for asking
Daughter, Kathy Krantz, is trying to put me in touch with Cathy so that I might see the new Sammy puppies. Our family has owned/bred/shared loves with Samoyeds since the "Shaw litter", Pretica & Pretica's Pilot. Thus, Kathy is 4th generation plus... : -))
Tracie and Emma - 06/12/98 19:18:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9877/
My Email:Tracie@onyxnet.co.uk
image: minted
#of animals: 1 each
Kung Fu, do what you do to me, I can't live without my Kung Fu movies, "Shanghai killers" and "Deadly Road", My life was ruined when the green dragon closed KUNG FU FOREVER!!!!!!
Allen Witherspoon - 06/11/98 20:18:17
My Email:allenwitherspoon@hotmail.com
#of animals: 10
Noah - 06/10/98 23:55:19
My Email:jbriele@earthlink.net
#of animals: 12 cats, 2 dogs
Nice page Sleepy! What you do for those kitties from the shelter is very nice. Most honorable.
Dave 'dalbert' Lewis - 06/09/98 17:02:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5456/
My Email:captains2@juno.com
#of animals: 3: 1 Cat, 2 Basset Hounds
Great site. Our cat, Boh, loved it!!!
Tricia - 06/09/98 16:49:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/4473/
My Email:butterfli30@hotmail.com
#of animals: 2 amazing cats
cute site! I love meeting cat lovers! I will certainly be visiting frequently. Please visit my homepage for natural cat care and cruelty free living information.
Joyce Adair - 06/06/98 23:52:49
My Email:jadair@cjournal.com
#of animals: one kitten
enjoyed your site......
Richey - 06/06/98 18:13:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/3540/
My Email:R.J.Anderson@durham.ac.uk
#of animals: see below
Hi Jimmy, Excellent page! I Have no idea how i got here, i must have clicked on something. I used to have a cat called Joules. As in Danny John-Joules from Red Dwarf who plays the Cat. He was run over. I can't have any pets at the moment being at university, but my mom has a Tibetan Terrier called Taz, and my sister has my cats brother called Simba. Keep up the excellent site, I'll keep the address and come back soon! Richey
Sabrina - 06/04/98 14:04:41
My Email:sbarron@ijob.comComments:
This web page is really cute! I am a freak when it comes to cats I love them!!
Regina Ferreira - 06/04/98 13:18:49
My URL:http://www.solonmagno.com
My Email:mag@fnn.net
#of animals: one dog and tree cats.
Since I have my pets and love too much these big friends , I stopped by to say hello! I enjoyed your site! Keep up your great job! Come to visited my husband site . Have you been in a brazilian site?
Lisa Cissna - 06/01/98 07:32:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9344/index.html/
My Email:avidbookie@hotmail.com
#of animals: 4 cats
I really enjoyed your page! Thanks for adding the pet cemetery for our beloved animals. What a great idea!
Puffer - 05/31/98 23:18:08
Pretty cute site you got there!! I, too, love cats.
Celeste Pagano - 05/27/98 21:49:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/6741/
My Email:weasel28@hotmail.com
#of animals: 2 cats, 1 hermet crab, 2 fish
I LOVED your page! It was soooooooo cute...visit my page...i just started it and it's about 25% done...Celeste
Sherry Sanford - 05/27/98 15:24:57
My Email:SSanf51819@aol.com
#of animals: 18
I really like your page! I'm a grandmother now but my life with animals has never changed.... I have always tried to save as many lives as I could, which explains why I have a 20 yr. old horse, a goat, four dogs (two of which were dropped on our road) an 12 cats...All of which were dropped and rescued when either kittens or grown cats. My youngest cat is about 3 1/2 yrs. and the oldest is about 18. They all have a "house" & enclosed "yard" so they are kept safe.
Ann Loyd - 05/27/98 04:52:05
My Email:annloyd@cosmoaccess.netComments:
I had a little dog for seveenteen years. He passed away December 22. Now, we have a black cat that has taken up at our home. I think he knew how sad & lonely I was and is spending time with me. I really like your site.
Amanda - 05/26/98 01:00:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2516
image: (see web page for awesome dog pics!)
#of animals: 2 dogs, I cat, 1 frog, 1 fish
Fun page. Your cat graphics look like my cat, Honey...
mick watson - 05/25/98 22:11:12
My URL:/hollywood/boulevard/8993/
My Email:mickwatson@hotmail.com
image: >
#of animals: 0..they've all died :( but i do have a pet rock named Jorge.
loved your site!
Sonia - 05/25/98 18:32:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8406/animals.html
My Email:sonia@gate.net
#of animals: 2 Cats, 1 Hamster, 1 Bird, & a few Fish
Enjoyd my visit...I'll add a link to your page from mine! Okay?
Momcat - 05/25/98 03:28:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/2018/index.html
My Email:rice@tgn.net
#of animals: 2 cats, Ben and Emily, also 2 guinea pigs, 1 dwarf rabbit, 2 dwarf hamsters, tropical fish
Cute site. I really like what you've done. Love your beasties.
Cat - 05/23/98 02:22:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/opry/2422
My Email:Catkid13@yahoo.com
image: What?
#of animals: 1 cat
Cats are my favorite animal.
Anita - 05/22/98 20:57:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/4243
My Email:ABugge@aol.com
#of animals: 8 oparakeets, 1 bunny, 1 guinea pig
love your page, sent you the story of my bunny
visitor - 05/22/98 17:38:18
I really love your homepage!It is really interesting about how so many people have talked about their pets and how much they love them
regan - 05/22/98 03:57:01
My Email:cosgrove@ceenet.com.auComments:
shaina - 05/21/98 04:08:29
My Email:smdella@geocities.comComments:
Stephanie - 05/20/98 08:13:39
My URL:http://freezone.com/homes/p/Pooky2/pookymouse.html
My Email:spicegal_v@yahoo.com
#of animals: I have 57 pets altogether!
Great page!!
rita underwood - 05/19/98 00:30:08
My Email:john316@airmail.net
#of animals: 3 cats;2 dogs
first time visit to you
Courtney - 05/18/98 19:43:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/6684/index.html
My Email:WielandP2@iline.comComments:
Neat site! I don't know what image and #of animals is. Besides that the graphics are realy nice. Well, gotta go. Come and do me a favor and please visit my site!
KC Carney - 05/17/98 17:12:22
My Email:ZimaKC@aol.com
#of animals: 5 cats
thank you!
JAIME LOZANO VARGAS - 05/17/98 04:12:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9947
My Email:jlozano@ibague.cetcol.net.coComments:
I'm your NEIGHBOR in Geocities (9947)
Tony - 05/15/98 19:15:05
My Email:alligator77002@yahoo.comComments:
Banner surf'n and caught your wave . Visit me @ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/9166 :)
Evelyn Scarborough - 05/15/98 13:49:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6735
My Email:escarb@bellsouth.net
image: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6735/upwsaward.jpg
#of animals: 2; 1 dog (Katie) and 1 gerbil (Bill)
Just wanted to tell you that you have been selected for the Ultimate Pet Web Site's Pet Site Award for the week of 5/8 to 5/14! You can find the image at the Image link above, I would be happy if you could link it to my site! Your site will be featured on my front page for 1 week and then it will be permanently moved to the past winners page. Congrats! (Past Winners)http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6735/pwinners.html
Maria - 05/15/98 07:56:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/6060/
My Email:mariaalmeida@hotmail.com
#of animals: 2 cats
Meou... congratulations! Great page!! I just love it... And I love cats.... I have 2 of my own. We purr a lot together:-)
Denise Crews - 05/14/98 18:03:36
My URL:http://www.chat.com
My Email:dcrews@msd.k12.mo.us
image: money
#of animals: poodle dog
That all say.
John - 05/14/98 17:58:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2061/
My Email:vanduzer@geocities.com
#of animals: 3 cats, 1 bird, 1 fish
Nice page, I bookmarked it so I can come back when I have more time.
Peachy92 (a.k.a. Shawn) - 05/14/98 13:02:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/9410/index.html
My Email:peachy92@geocities.com
#of animals: 5 cats
Cute cat page! Saw your banner and my guestbook and had to view. I have 5 cats myself. I have a page devoted to my diabetic cat as well as a page with pics of my cats. If you'd like to see it, it's at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/9410/miscellaneous.html
Shell - 05/14/98 11:01:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/7804/
My Email:michelletp_81@hotmail.comComments:
MEOW!!!! Hey there great page! I love animals. Peace.
Elizabeth Dick - 05/14/98 00:32:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/7914
My Email:beef4@hotmail.com
image: of what?
a very nice page. Congrats!
Susan - 05/13/98 18:57:53
My Email:qwho@msn.com
#of animals: 3 cats, 1 dog
Hi, I just signed your guestbook a few minutes ago, but then I read the 'does your cat own you' article...and I had to say how much I liked it....how cute...and several of those (at least) are true about me and my cats. :o) Susan
Susan - 05/13/98 18:51:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5063
My Email:qwho@msn.com
#of animals: 3 cats, 1 dog
Hi, I just wanted to tell you I saw your geocities banner while I was working on my own sites...and being a cat lover, I couldn't resist checking out your page. I love it!! and the graphics are adorable...Please check out my sites (links are there from URL I rovided, sometime...Susan
- 05/13/98 18:46:43
Melba Hardesty - 05/13/98 04:51:30
My Email:Biona@geocities.comComments:
A very pretty informative page i loved the graffics Good job.
Chrissy - 05/13/98 00:28:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9298
My Email:mrsds@geocities.com
#of animals: 6 (five ferrets, and a fish)
i like your graphics :) they're adorable! I've always loved cats, and miss mine! (my mom's holding him ransom, across the states, so that i'll come and visit her.. hehe) Take Care
Jenny - 05/12/98 18:42:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1961
My Email:Jennyart@hotmail.com
#of animals: One dog, one cat, two parrots, several fish.
Nice site. I'd like to see more photographs of pets. I have one of my cat and bird together outside. Check out "backyard wildlife" at Yardweeds Homepage http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1961 OR, see my paintings at Artmakers Worlds http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/5460 Keep up the good work.
Vickitty - 05/12/98 18:10:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/2489
My Email:vickitty@hotmail.com
#of animals: 7 cats, 2 dogs
Nice page! If you would be so kind, could you paw on over to my page and sign my guestbook? ^.^
Shar - 05/12/98 04:24:09
My Email:dale@ruraltel.net
#of animals: Eight/Sometimes More
I love your site. : ) And I sent it to a couple of animal loving friends. We need more places on the web like this. I'm the animal control person in our small town. So far I've had pretty good luck finding homes for the unwanted animals I've pick up. Dumb people for dumping them in the first place.
Mom & Meggie - 05/11/98 15:32:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/1289
My Email:meggiemouse@geocities.com
#of animals: None right now, unless you count my sister and brother!
Jimmy, Mommy and I really liked your page! I don't know much about kitties, but mommy says I like them, I just giggle and giggle when they purr!(My Aunt Debi has a kitty!) ***Note from Mommy*** Jimmy, you have a marvelous page here, everyone should be made aware of the need to "spay" or "neuter" their pets! I have a bowl of food outside for stray cats. It is never full for long! Meggie's Mom
Babistar - 05/11/98 05:35:08
My URL:/hollywood/hills/4289
My Email:babistar@junoComments:
Your webiste is very nice. I have two cute little persian kitties. Their pictures are on my photo page. If you ever get insomnia and need fun links, visit my website!
Christopher - 05/10/98 22:33:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1581
My Email:cabbocca42@aol.com
#of animals: 6 indoor and one feral outside cat
Very nice web page. I clicked on the banner on our link exchange banner, and Im glad I did. Ciao, Christopher
Reidun Svenssen - 05/10/98 12:19:28
My URL:http://home.sol.no/~rsvensse
My Email:rsvensse@online.noComments:
Sincerely Reidun Svenssen - - - <^..^>
Hello ! Nice to visit your site. I have bookmark it for later visits. You are very welcome to look at my CAT site. Much information ībout cats, catnames, and much more. Donīt forget to sign my guestbook, and put in your animated banner.
Gizzzzz - 05/10/98 08:55:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/2733/
My Email:Gizziveaux@aol.com
#of animals: 1 right now......
I just wanted to say "Hey" and to tell you that I love kitties too! Old ones, young ones.....they are all wonderful! My kitty was abandoned outside a vet's office when she was 3 months old..... she's just like my child, and seems to know when I'm sick o upset.... and acts accordingly.... she loves me and I love her! =)
Gwen - 05/09/98 04:34:32
My Email:105053.3471@compuserve.comComments:
Loved your page! MEOW! from us all! Jessie, Fat Albert,Miss Vicki, and me, Gwen the human!
Jessica - 05/08/98 23:02:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6376
My Email:LeoDiCgirlComments:
Great homepage! I really like the animal cemetary because I just had a horse that died. But I can't get enter it in for some reason. And maybe if you could try to fix it. Thanks. I want to put my horse in it.
Carol - 05/08/98 19:17:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4172/
My Email:achildswonderland@integrityonline4.comComments:
I am a preschool teacher, who happens to love cats, as you will see when you visit my web page.
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