Welcome to my Guestbook!

spivey@route66web.com - 12/04/00 05:59:01
My Email:Kingman Arizona
: Message in a Bottle

I am glad to know you.

- 09/30/00 03:21:31

Oppps guess I should check before hiting done!! lol email is JustMe108@msn.com sorry about that

JustMe106@msn.com - 09/30/00 03:18:45
My URL:http://communities.msn.com/AACoffeeshopChat
My Email:Florida
: The Green Mile

You have done a great job with your site,,thanks for visiting mine take care Sober 24 JustMe

aharvey@cite.net - 08/20/00 12:20:29
My URL:http://www.cite.net/~aharvey
My Email:Quebec
: Leaving Las Vegas

Hi Spudl. Saw you on #odaat. Greetings from an AA member of the province of Quebec. We don't want to separate from AA Canada :)))))

gemstone@erols.com - 08/10/00 16:17:38
My URL:http://sunsethills.homestead.com
My Email:AA
: A Clockwork Orange

Love this site! Sincerely, The Sunset Hills Group Of AA sunsethills.homestead.com

roseqult@hotmail.com - 07/22/00 18:36:37
My URL:http://ourchurch.com/member/w/Willow/
My Email:Al.

Hi Paul and Linda, I am in the REcovery ring and thought I'd visit some of my neighbors. Your site is very helpful and informative. I really enjoyed the visit. Only by His Grace, Eve

captron@the-bridge.net - 05/01/00 03:02:28
My Email:
Aurora, Minnesota
: I dunno, I liked Captain Ron

Thank you so much for adding a link to my site on your page. You have done really nice job on yours, so many places to go and not enough time, so I guess I'll have to keep coming back! Thanks again!! I have met so many neat people in the chatroom, I wish I could meet even half face to face! That is another addiction for me. LOL {besides the booze}

paul.rentmeesters@tvd.be - 04/30/00 07:13:09
My Email:Belgium
: several.....

Thank U paul, for this beautiful URL I shall be back soon to check the links I wish u and Linda a great and safe, happy 24 paul from the Coffeeshop :)

weaselboy70@hotmail.com - 04/30/00 07:09:44
My Email:Seattle
: The Good ,the bad and the ugly

Great Show Spudl1 !!!!

Sheila - 04/26/00 10:40:38
My URL:http://people.a2000.nl/pwell/sheilasrs/enter.html
My Email:Netherlands (Originally Pennsylvania, USA)
: Interview With A Vampire

You have a wonderful web site. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work. Peace :o)

Teresa - 03/30/00 16:15:05
My URL:/tmarquez
My Email:Kansas

Just me again:)

Teresa - 03/30/00 15:44:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tmarquez
My Email:Kansas

Your doing a great job. Your on your way to creating your own webpage.

Loni - 03/16/00 08:01:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~LoniSmith
My Email:Los Angeles,CA
titanic: right

Very nice web page :-)

Cindy Dunning - 11/12/99 03:35:46
My Email:cinjeff@in.freei.net
vancouver canucks: indy colts
toronto blus jays: chicago cubs
Hi Paul, I really liked your page. someday when i get one hope you visit. Cindy

Rob - 09/19/99 07:33:57
My Email:roblaw@email.com
Hi, this is Rob from 12 Steppers. Thank you for letting us see your home page!

Rob - 09/19/99 07:30:01
My Email:roblaw@email.com
Hi, this is Rob from 12 Steppers. Thank you for letting us see your home page!

chad - 09/12/99 06:30:57
My URL:http://bbs.tdp.net/~chad/
My Email:chad@tdp.net
vancouver canucks: calgary.canada
thanks for stoping bye my web page just looking at yours now. maybe if you ever stop bye calgary you will come and tell your story at my home group. chad ps:be kind to yourself

Dottie Suggs - 09/04/99 20:05:11
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/paradisedr/tampadottie/HelloEverybody.html
My Email:DSuggs9410@aol.com
vancouver canucks: Tampa Sobrenity Group
toronto blus jays: Tampa Florida House
Well done, Grandpa. You and your wife look very happy in the picture by the water. I hope God will continue to bless you and yours. You have a beautiful family. Tampa Dottie

Margie - 08/27/99 11:44:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/metjoy/joy.html
My Email:Metjoy@aol.com
vancouver canucks: New York State
Hi Paul...Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook.....I enjoyed your site especially the links and your pic.....may you experience limitless blessings daily..........

Heather Hopkins - 08/14/99 17:13:35
My URL:http://www.members.home.net/heatherh
My Email:heatherh@home.com
vancouver canucks: What's Vancouver Canucks?? oh I know...HOCKEY LOL
toronto blus jays: What's Toronto Blue Jays?? Oh I know BASEBALL...is this right??? LOL
You and your wife look like TOTAL SOUL MATES...I am happy for you...and, I am happy that you are able to be a REAL grandpa to your grandchildren... All the best... Heather Hopkins Surrey, BC Canada PS Paul...now you have to sign my guestbook...ok :-)

- 08/02/99 08:11:58
hey there Paul, just visiting, but hey, where are them pictures of your grandkids I thought I'd be seeing here? Pretty cool you have your own web page though, I'm thinking of becoming a web page designer and the course starts Sept. 7

John - 06/01/99 04:34:05
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/bjhbco/index.html
My Email:b_jhbco@yahoo.com
vancouver canucks: Cleveland, Ohio
toronto blus jays: Cleveland Indians
Hi Just dropped in. Like your site. Please check out mine

John - 06/01/99 04:33:16
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members7/bjhbco/index.html
My Email:b_jhbco@yahoo.com
vancouver canucks: Cleveland, Ohio
toronto blus jays: Cleveland Indians
Hi Just dropped in. Like your site. Please check out mine at

DebW - 05/30/99 16:43:50
Very nice, honey :-))

The Castle Emporium - 05/26/99 23:14:29
My URL:http://www.myfreeoffice.com/bevvymac
My Email:BevvyMac@aol.com
You have a Great Site! Job Well Done!

Alan - 05/12/99 08:24:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Falls/8733/
My Email:adeaner@beyond.net.au
vancouver canucks: Townsville
toronto blus jays: australia
Friend of BillW good page nice chatting with you

Stephen Teel - 05/03/99 08:56:31
My URL:http://www.si14.com/cancer
My Email:st@si14.com
vancouver canucks: Kings
toronto blus jays: Angles
Enjoying life fighting cancer. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!

Crazy Ray - 05/03/99 03:20:27
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ray4kelly/index,html
My Email:ray4kelly@aol.com
vancouver canucks: My mother,,I don't believe her,,lol,,Maine !!
toronto blus jays: you don't wanna' really know,,,do ya' ?,,,lol
Nice Grandchildren !!! Gla dto see you care enough about them to dedicate a spot. Stop in sometime & laugh your butt off.

- 04/11/99 08:05:24
Hey Paul, Liked your webpage. Keep up the great AA and Cancer related work . People out there need encouragement and help and you are a terrific example for us all.Thanks for being there. Les N.

Karen weezie Allen - 03/10/99 03:28:04
My URL:weezie@keyway.net
My Email:http://wbs.members.net/homepages/w/e/e/weezie101.html
vancouver canucks:

HI PAUL!!!!.....quite a creative and diferent style here ..kewl!!!!!....and FFFFFFFINALLY I get to see you!!!!...neat!!!....and i sure hope my son and daughter in law will let me see my g-kids iffff they ever have any!!!!......hey ...i didnt get a chance o talk to ya today ...and also i wanna do some more exploreing around here...{{{{{{{{PAUL}}}}}}}}}}.....you are very dear to me!!!take care ...and god bless!!!love you weezie.....weez.........Karen........ OH BY THE WAY???..what are those spaces for that have your info next to them ..im thinkin i outa put mine in ..well ..im gonna anyway!!!!LOL!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{squeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeeeeeee}}}}}}}}}}}

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