Welcome to our guest book
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 09:02:26
Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.
10/03/98 02:40:18
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
07/08/98 18:04:59
Name: LeAnn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What brought ya here?: just surfing |
Whats yer fav movie(s)?: Titanic |
| Comments:
Very nice start on your homepage. If you have time visit mine and sign my guestbook too :)
06/06/98 16:06:05
Name: Pat McGee |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What brought ya here?: just to vist |
| Comments:
Hi there Paul
see you are busy starting a home page good stuff there my fiend keep up the work. It amazes me every day what one can do on a computer these days.
Take care and have a good 24hrs
Your friend Pat (Red43)
04/20/98 01:12:08
04/12/98 19:44:49
04/12/98 19:42:23
Name: paul livingstone |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What brought ya here?: good grand sons |
Whats yer fav movie(s)?: titanic |
| Comments:
i have the best grand son and grtand daughters and the best son and daughter it law in the world and i love them all verry much
oh so cool granpa
04/12/98 19:32:44
04/12/98 19:19:54
Name: fred |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What brought ya here?: testin |
Whats yer fav movie(s)?: lots |
| Comments:
happy now i think
04/12/98 19:17:40
Name: fred |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What brought ya here?: testin |
Whats yer fav movie(s)?: lots |
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