November 1998 Expecting Club 
Alphabetical Listing by BB Member Name 
A - L 
(click on highlighted names to see photo)



November Surprise!

My name is Holly, I'm 31. Will be 32 when bambino arrives. Due Date is 11/6 - but not getting my hopes up. DH is Patrick, 34, a certified computer geek. (Actually a network architect.) Gorgeous son Ian is 2, will be 2 1/2 when he becomes the "big brudder" Live near Los Angeles, CA. I am a RN, background of ICU. Currently a STAY AT HOME MOMMY!!! Most recent job, before Ian was born, was an educator - both in the hospital and at the university. Barely finished my Master's Degree before I became a mommy. Must say, mommyhood is MUCH BETTER!!! Ian was huge at birth. Hoping this one is a tiny little boy - so Ian can have a buddy brother. But, I'll be happy with a girl too. We're NOT going to find out this time what sex it is - we want to be surprised!! CHEERIOOOO!!
 1jen1  Okay, I'm Jen and Dh is Scott. We live in Pittsburgh and are expecting our first which was concieved on our 6th and final cycle of clomid. Horay!!! EDD is 11/21 and we are more excited than ever. Baby's name so far is "Peanut" because of the size and shape at the time. 
It's a 
My name is Holly and I am 34. Could be 35 when junior arrives-My birthday is 11/30 and EDD is 11/16. DH is Chris and he is 36. This will be our first, and after 11 years of marriage it's going to be quite an adventure. We live Long Beach, CA and share a home with Earl Grey and Sidney Baldwin our two cats. I work FT as an office administrator for a University in Los Angeles, and DH is an engineering manager for an electronics company. Our two favorite past times, travel and entertaining, will definitely be put on hold for a while once junior comes. Oh well, I think the sacrifice will be well worth it! :-)
 2timemommy  My name is Jodi Dean (28yr) and live in South Glens Falls (near Lake George) NY with my husband Matthew (31yr) son Evan Darwin (23 months) and new daughter Emma Kathryn (8 wks--11-9-98). She shares a birthday with her adoring aunt Joline (17yr) and Great grampa Gilman who passed away in 86. We have a Mommy cat who has 5 kittens (finding new homes soon I hope!) Started in the November Expecting and have "graduated" to November playgroup! Love it here--I talk to my husband about you all like I talk about my friends here!
It's a 
Tina--Age 26, DH 28--EDD 11/08. We have a son age 9 and a daughter age 4. I am a stay at home mom. We live in the country and have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 2 birds. Can you tell we are animal lovers? 
 4th1  Hi there,
My name is Janna. I am due on Nov. 16, and hope this baby comes sooner. I have three little girls, 7,4, and 2 and are expecting a boy. please add me to the whos who in November club. Thanks!
 Little Angel 
My name is Adrienne and this is our 1st child. DH and I are very excited. We live in Bryan-College Station, TX--The home of Texas A&M University. My due date is 11/20 which is very special because it is my mom's birthday. She passed away 2 years ago and it is a blessing to have this due date. I am looking forward to a great long journey with all of you. 
Anna , 29, DH: Andy, 31. We have 1 daughter, Audrey (7.5 months). Our EDD is November 21, 1998. We have 2 dogs: Chloe & Layla. We live in Carrollton Tx (about 20 miles north of Dallas). My gender prediction is a girl, but I should find out for sure on Monday, June 29. I will let you know then if I am right!
It's a
 My husband and I are having our first baby scheduled to arrive on November 18, 1998. She is a girl and will be named Téa. Please let me know how to be involved in meeting other moms who are expecting in November also. Thanks. Rita
It's a 
Hi, I'm Debbie (8/13/65), DH is Mike (7/19/62), #1 son is AJ (9/7/95), and we have two cats, named Floyd (13) and Cliffy (2). We'll have been married 6 years on 9/6/98. We live in Redwood City, CA (that's the SF Bay Area). I'm due with baby #2 on 11/19. I currently work full time on a contract for Andersen Consulting, but my contract ends on June 25th (I can't wait to go back to being a SAHM!!!) and I am really looking forward to being able to post without guilt (since I've been doing it at work all this time!). I think I'm having a girl, who'll come early - on Friday the 13th, because Mom and I were both born on Friday the 13th (Mom's birthday is Nov. 13!) and it seems only logical that I would have a daughter who would follow tradition! If so, this one's definitely for the Guinness Book people!


November Surprise!

I'm due with my 4th child on November 16, 1998 (or there abouts). My husband Todd and I have a boy who is 7 and a boy who is 5 and a little girl who is 2. We moved to Allen Texas 7 months ago and absolutely love it. 

I have had a plethera of different experiences with pregnancy and childbirth and this pregnancy has just added more different ones to the pot. I am a stay at home mom (when I'm not running my kids here and there and everywhere) and am very overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising children in these days and times to be productive and upstanding adults despite all of my shortcomings. I often look to my Father in Heaven for guidance and direction and pray constantly not only for my own children but for those everywhere that we can all touch eachother for good while these children are placed in our charge while here on earth.

It's a 
My name is Allison, but my friends call me Allie. I am expecting Baby #3 November 3. My age is 27 now, but will be 28 when the baby comes. My husband Bill is 25, and will be 26 when the baby arrives. We have two wonderful children, Danny (age 5) and Sarah (22 months). For the past ten years I have been a Dental Assistant, but if my husband's new salary will allow, soon I will stay home. In my spare time I enjoy working on the computer with my genealology research. We live in Marietta, Georgia. But, we're originally from Morristown, New Jersey(Allie), Randolph, New Jersey(Bill). 
It's a
 My name is Alyssa. my screen name is ALYSSAMC. I am married. due the 18th of November according to the dr. and nov.1 accd'g to me!! This is my first baby. We know it is a boy. We are going to call him Ian-the name we picked the day we found out he was a boy. I am dealing with gestational diabetes and an evasive, too busy doctor, but am managing to smile in the face of adversity!
November Surprise!
Hi ! My name is Amy Rogers (34), husband is Brad (37). We have been married two years and are expecting our first November 22nd. We have decided to be suprised as far as sex of the baby, we can hardly wait ! Currently we are staying busy by painting our home (nursery is finished !) and spoiling our Siberian Husky, Sasha ! I have enjoyed sharing information and reading all of the interesting stories on the bulletin board. We live in Indiana and are getting geared up for a nice cold, snowy winter !!
U/S Says
My name is Amy and I am 24 years old. My DH is Rick and he is 25 (he will be 26 11-22-98). This is our first child. My EDD is 11/28. My ultrasound showed us that we are expecting a little boy. We have been married for almost 3 1/2 years. We live in Indiana. I have a teachers license to teach in the elementary. I just have not been able to find a job yet. We are looking forward to meeting our bundle of joy at the end of November.
It's a 
Amy (25) DH Keith (29) EDD w/#1 11/6 and one choc. lab named Woody -- Houston, TX 


November Surprise!

 My name is Amy (32) and I live in Plymouth, Michigan (a Detroit suburb) with my DH, Iman (32). This is our first baby. We are due 11/23. I work at the Univ of Mich as a computer consultant and my husband is in sales. My husband and I moved from Dayton Ohio to Dallas Texas the week I conceived...(what timing). I took a new job in Dallas but after 3 months and a positive pregnancy test decided I didn't want to stay there. My husband was more wonderful than words and he agreed to pack us up and move us back to Michigan. We moved again at 15 weeks pregnant and here we are. My new doctor is conservative and I don't even know when/if I will have another U/S so the sex of our baby is still a big surprize. After 2 years of trying to conceive, this baby was worth every mile we have traveled. My email is if anyone wants to contact me directly


November Surprise!

 My name is Angela Ryan. My due date is Nov. 25 and it is my husband and my first child. I am 28 years old and I live in Davenport, Iowa. I work full time as an accounting manager. I have had a very good pregancy so far with no complications. I would like to find some due date buddies and start chatting on the boards. It is nice to talk to people who are experiencing the same thing I am. We don't know the sex and plan to keep it a surprise. I look forward to sharing information and meeting lots of new people. Angela (
 Angelsent My name is Paulette Powell, 28, DH is Norm, 31. Our lives have been touched by Angels, we anxiously await the arrival of our newest cherub, Kayce Jessica due Thanksgiving Day. God has blessed our love with the miracle of a new life twice in our lives, Nathan Eric, 5 in Sept, our Earthly Angel and Alyssa Madison, our Heavenly Angel, born 5-8-97, called home to God, 1-19-98. Much to our surprise, we thankfully await the arrival of our healthy baby daughter. We live in St. Petersburg, Florida. I work for Family Network on Disabilities, DH works for the Dept of Juvenile Justice. Hopefully, we will have a lot to be thankful for this Turkey Day. I anticipate a 3rd repeat c-section and plan to breastfeed. Hopefully, I will be able to continue working by bringing the baby to work with me.
November Surprise!

 Name: Angela 
due date:11/26 
web page:

My name is Angela and I'm a 27 year old happy SAHM! DH is Mike and we have one wonderful little 3 year old boy named Michael Timothy and a big burly black and white fuzzball cat named Bear! We live in beautiful central NY state and DH is currently seeking his degree in computer science and he is also an accomplished drummer. We cant wait for our beautiful little bundle to come out and join us in all lifes ups and downs!

Its a 
 My name is Angela, I'm 23 soon to be 24. DH is Damon, 26. He is going back to college to become a computer network administrator (CNA). I am a Claims Examiner for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. We live in East Texas with our 3 year old son Brian. My due date is 11/12. We are hoping for a girl this time but we don't really care as long as the baby is healthy.


It's a

Hi..I'm Anne age 31, hubby Caesar, age 27. I have 3 children from a previous marriage Meghan 11, Drew 7, and Courtney 5. I'm due 11/27. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma. This a first child for my husband, and first grandchild for his family. We're really excited and happy to be expecting. :-) I love this board and I lurk here alot to laugh and cry with you all. (How did I get through the other pregnancies without the internet?!?)My e-mail is

update from annamarie5 - Hi! We've moved since I submitted my info, so our new state is nevada. We also know we're having a boy, Lucas!

It's a
My name is Melisa, I'm 33 years old. This is my second pregnancy and is supposed to be a boy. This is my DH's first child, so it's exciting to see him react to all the things that are happening. I have a 5 year old daughter. My Edd is 11/10/98. I work full-time as a systems analyst at a Nuclear Plant for Federal Govt. DH is a field engineer working on Army contracts. We can't decide on a name yet. Hopefully, when the little fellow gets here, it will just come to us automatically.
November Surprise!
Deanna DH Alan EDD 11/7 with #3: Son AAron (5), daughter Allison (2): Pets, Sneakers and Jessie the cats and two goldfish that have survived amazing odds. I'm from London, Ontario, I'm a professional collections officer for a major bank and my hobbies are reading historial novels, cross stitch and my computer.
U/S says:
My name is teresa(anttc) I will be 29 oct. 31, husband will be 40 oct. 26.We have 2 boys already, one 4 1/2 and one just turned 2 in aug. our third one is due nov. 17, U/S sayes its a boy but my oldest is holding out for a girl, but he sayes he would love another little brother just as much. I'm a SAHM and novice netsurfer. you can e-mail me at we live in OK. hope to hear from someone soon.
U/S says: 
My name is Kellie-29(nail tech part time), boyfriend of 11 years is John-31 (mechanical engineer). We are expecting our second child on 11/19. ( I think earlier! ) Our first is Robert, he'll be 22 months when his little brother shows up. At least thats what the U/S says. We live near Akron Ohio. I was kinda hoping for a girl this time but a boy will be a real money saver! We're naming him Scott Robin after a dear friend who recently passed away. It was kind of odd because we couldn't agree on a boy name at all and that settled it for us. Girl will be Elizabeth Robin. I know some people will think I'm nutty but both pregnancies have been great for me, I've never felt better and wish I could be pregnant all the time! I want at least three more but he says no way. We'll see who wins this one. If I whine long enough I can probably get my way! 
 anuther1 name: tess
baby: f, qwynn born 11-10-98
anything else?
e-mail at 
 artesia Hi! This is Amy(24) my DH is Nathan(23). My EDD is 11/11. This is #2. I have a daughter, Sara who is 4. She is very excited to be becoming a big sister. I am a SAHM and it is the toughtest job in the world. I live in Jonesboro, AR. We are hoping for a boy this time around.


U/S Agrees!

Hi! I'm Melanie (30) and my husband is Jon (31). We live in Michigan. I am a stay at home/homeschooling mom of two. Asa James is 5 and is working through his kindergarten classes now. My daughter, Megan Annaliese, is 17 months and is busy learning how to talk. Michael Asher is due 11/28 but I would be surprised if he arrives on time. I was predicting a boy and our ultrasound on 7/7/98 says that it is (fortunately we got a very clear picture and it was quite obvious). We're all very excited about this new addition to our family, especially Asa who really wanted a brother.

My email is

November Surprise!
Hello! My name is Anita (27) and my husband's name is Jeff (30). We have two daughters: Jessie Ann, age 4 1/2 years and Sydney Ann, age 2 1/2 years and we are expecting our third November 18th. We are very excited! We would like a boy, but all we really want is a healthy baby. I'm a SAHM, but I do work part-time, at home, for the company I worked for before I had Jessie. I am an administrative assistant and do data entry, reports, etc. via modem to their network. I consider myself very lucky to be able to do both things. We just recently moved into our new house, and our now very busy finishing the basement now that #3 is on the way.
 audraj Audra Jensen,  Other children: Isaak (2/12/97), one angel. Due date: 11/29. I'm a WAHM of a very rambunctious toddler, and excited to be a mom again. This pregnancy has been a bit easier than my first. I had an ultrasound already and all looks good! Happy to meet you all!
 BabyThain hiya! My Name is Tracy Thain  I'm due on the 21st November 1998 and look forward to meeting lots of the regulars soon! I am 23 yrs old this is my first pregnancy and all seems to be going well cept the sickness feeling all day! I live in Scotland UK and already I been buying bibs!!!


November Surprise!

Kim (AKA: babymakes3) - will be 28 on 5/9 DH: Steve - 28 Children: expecting our first Due Date: Around November 29th Live: on the east side of Cleveland, OH (I was born and raised in New Jersey) Jobs: Kim: Marketing Coordinator Steve: Sales Hobbies: Anything outside! Anything crafty! Painting/Drawing cross-stitch & Knitting Exercise (biking, walking, swimming) Poetry/Reading Traveling Entertaining Angel: 1 - January 9th, 1998. We have a dog (German Shepherd/Collie mix): Madison Here is my email address: 
 barbalarb  Barb (25), Alex (25), EDD 11/27 with #1, Rottweiler Sasha, cat Shelby. I live in Folsom, CA 
Amnio says it's a 
Me: Barbara (35); special education teacher (1st grade). I love classic horror movies and computers. I also do some cross stitch if I can find the time. DH: Mike (34); police detective (vice). Enjoys working out, camping and riding his motor cycle. From: Arizona EDD: 11/3 Other Children: Justin (9) & Caitlin (7). e-mail: Web Page: /Heartland/Ranch/1899
 Barbara9  Hi, my name is Barbara and I'am 30, expecting our second baby, Nov. 19. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. But want to find out! I've been married 7 years and we have a little boy who is 20 months old. His name is Luis Xavier Jr. But we call him Louie Jr. He was a preemie, four weeks early and he spent 10 days in a neonatal ICU. He gave us quite a scare but you would never know it now!! I'am also a stay at home mom.
U/S says 
 hi my real name is Michelle. I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I'm due 11/18/98 with twins my sons is 2 years old (09/25/98)Jonathan, my husbands name is Jon
It's a 
I'm 27, DH 28, pgnt with #1 EDD 11/13 live in Seattle, WA with 2 kitties.
U/S Says 

Betsy (33), Laurence (32), Ian (21 months) from Chicago, IL and due 11/26 with #2.

Well, ultrasound says it's boy #2 for us. Actually, we are thrilled that he is healthy and that Ian will have a baby brother!!! We are leaning toward Noah Graham for his name.

It's a 
Rebecca, 32, DH Andre, 33, DD 11/13 for #3. Two daughters, Caitlin,8 and Hannah 5. 1 dog a yellow lab named Scout. We live in Kingwood Tx (Houston). 
Believerx3  Hi i'm Jasmine and my dh is Jon. I'm 26 and he is 32, this is our 3rd pg, we have one son in heaven and our second son is 11 months old. We live in Mpls.,MN where it is winter 8 months out of the year.....brrrr.We are very glad we found Parents place and these wonderful bb. Thanks for welcoming us. Jon,Jasmine,Nathaniel and EDD 12/12(but c-section around 11/20)
U/S Says: 
Hi, My name is Beth (29),my husband is Jared (26), we live in Santa Clara, California. We have a daughter Brooke 22 months 9-21-96. EDD 11-6-98. Two ultrasounds say boy. We are stumped on names so we keep hoping for another girl. Ha! I am a SAHM and love it. My husband works for himself. Computer nerd. He loves technology, can't get enough of it. Brooke is already learning how to work the computer.
U/S says
Hi My name is Bobbi (not short for anything) Age, 20 Baby's dear Daddy Is Paul (Age 25). This is my first, his second (Has a five year old daughter). We are both in the US Air Force and currently stationed here in Misawa, Japan. I will be here until January, 2001. Two ultrasounds tell us we're expecting a boy, whom we are going to name Ethan Michael. EDD is 11/26/98. I hope he is born on his due date so I don't have to make a big ole TUrkey Day Dinner!!!
 blsdmanyx I'm 35, a lawyer by training stay-at-home mom by choice since # 3 came. DH is Randy - 38. 4 kids - Teresa 9 (my 5 year cancer survivor); Lori 7; John 2; Joseph 16 months and 1 angel (mc in Sept). We live in Arlington VA. Due date is 11/9. 
 bmovie  username: bmovie 
real name: Heather 
Expected Due Date: Nov 17 
"My name's Heather and I'm expecting baby #1 on Nov 17 (a special day, it's also my dad's b-day). I'll be 22 when the little one arrives and my DH Mike will be 28. We live just south of Salt Lake City, Utah, with our three kitties Turbo, Sage, and Kricket. We have been married for just less than a year. According to the ultrasound it's a girl (as my mom so delicately put it, all we could see were the 'McDonald's arches'!) and plan to name her Bayley Carol. So far the pg has been uneventful, except for the 'morning' sickness lasting up to my 27th week! Homepage at: "
November Surprise!
 My name is Bobbi, husband is Richard, and we are expecting our first 11/16/98. We live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Richard has 2 teenage daughters (who don't live with us) who want a brother! I don't want to know the sex! I am 40 years old. I am an american from ohio who just moved here 4 years ago when I married Richard. I am an anesthesiologist. We have not started buying any baby things yet!
 booties2  My real name is Jennifer(26) & my husband's Dalton(31). We are expecting our first child on November 4, 1998. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary on Oct 11. Thanksgiving weekend (had my first false labor that day). We live in Barrie, Ontario, Canada with our cat Aushi (pronounced AH-SHI) it means star in Japanese. I am new to this as we have only had our computer for about a year. If you's could explain what some of the short forms mean it would save me writing so much. We are very excited about the upcoming arrival of our son or daughter. We aren't sure of the actual sex yet because the baby was moving around to much at 4&1/2 months for them to be able to tell us the baby's sex. We think it's a boy though. But we could be wrong. It'll be a very big surpise. I am a stay at home mom to be and my husband is ex-military and now drives a transport truck (Long- Hauls). Well, I guess that's about it. Nice to meet you all. Thanks for making me feel welcome. Tlk to you's on the boards.<>
U/S Says 
 due 11/12 
Ultrasound says its a girl 
This is our first child and we are very excited. DH is 32. I am 31 and we live in Virginia. 
Recently diagnosed Gestational Diabetic 
November Surprise!
I am Krista (23) and DH Chris (23). We are expecting our first baby on November 29th. We are expecting a November surprise! 
It's a
 My name is Molly ( 21 in oct) and DH is Mark (25 in oct.) Sagrera. We are expecting on Nov. 3rd. (was nov. 9th but got pushed up). It is definetly a Boy whos name will be Brennon Jude Sagrera. We are from South Louisiana. (we live about 30min. from the Gulf ) I'm a receptionist at a Land and Surveying Co. and DH is a rice and crawfish farmer. We also own some cattle. My screen name is cajunmom1 because i'm a cajun and 1st time mom.
(Alison and Jillian)
Theresa (26) & William (34) Storbeck are expecting their 2nd and 3rd children together on 11/23. We already have a son, Brien (who'll be 3 in February). I also have 2 stepkids: Shelli (13) and Dan (15) who have begun living with us permanently since June. I'm a SAHM who'd someday like to finish up college, and William works as a system administrator. :)
 Camidges  My name is Sarah, DH is Terry. I am due Nov 4 with our first baby. I am 22, DH is 26. We live in Oregon, and we are both in the military. We don't know what the baby will be, but I am guessing a boy for now. We are both really excited!
 campbo10384 I'm Tricia. DH and I are both 32 and live in North Carolina. EDD 11/26 with #1. We've already seen the hearbeat. I will be getting a cerclage on May 15th and am looking forward to a happy, 
uneventful pregnancy :) I must be doing this backwards because I get "evening" sickness instead of morning sickness. 
It's a 
My name is Candace. I'm 30 and dh and I are expecting our second boy on 11/8. Our first son was born 3/22/97, so they will be 19 mos. apart. As of 26 weeks, a mostly uneventful pregnancy. Hoping all goes well for all of us November mommies! 
It's a 
Hi, my name's Cathy, I've been reading along for a while, and thought I'd officially join in? My due date is nov 23, I'm 29 years old, and this is my first. I've been married all of 6 months now (my DH's name is Dan). Just trying to get over the morning sickness (all day) ..trying B6/unisom combo helps, but staying awake is tricky!. :-) bye! Cathy 
 Hi! My name's Cathy, age 37 and my due date is 11/10. I live in Northern New Jersey with my husband Jay, age 36. This is our first child. We've been marrid 5 1/2 years. I had an amnio but chose not to find out the sex. My guess is that I'm having a boy.
carenmom Hi, my name is Caren, 28, and my husband is John, 27. We are expecting baby #3 on Nov. 9. We have two girls, Meghan, 7, and Alyssa, 4. We live in St.Paul, MN. I am a childcare provider and my husband works for Home Depot. Thanks for the postings!
U/S Agrees!
My name is Carrie and I am 33 yrs old, I have three children, Catherine 10, Matthew 8, and Eleanore 6. I am due with my 4th on November 23rd. The baby's daddy is Christophe. We currently live in Minnesota but plan to undertake a move to the San Francisco Bay area as soon as we can get organized. I'm really excited about getting to have another baby when I have kids old enough to "get it", and they can't wait. I did foster care for two physically and mentally handicapped kids until this winter.
caroleliz Carol 33, Peter 37, #1 Due 11/15, 2 furry (Maltese) children, Live in Orlando, FL (but we both were raised in Jersey).
cbarnett  My name is Catherine, I am 28 but will be 29 when the baby is born on 11/10. I am an office manager for a Wellness Company in Nashville, TN. DH is Douglas, 33 is a graphic designer. This is our first child. We were told I was unable to have children w/out fertility drugs because I PCOS. My doc recommended that I go off of birth control pills and start charting temps to prepare for clomid in the fall. Two weeks later we conceived. What a blessing! Even though we weren't trying we are very thankful. In my spare time I like to read and do needlework. The Chinese prediction calendar says we are having a little girl.
My name is Katie and i'm predicting the gender of the baby to 
be aboy although we couldn't tell from the ultra sound because it was just to busy playing to show us. I'm due November 2, 1998. We live in Rhode Island.
charista I'm 25, dh will be 26 next month, EDD 11/19, 1st child, Lynchburg, VA - he works on computers, I teach elementary. 
chickee98 My name is Linda, I'm 30, DH Richard, 31. DD is 11/28 for the moment until I see my OB/GYN this Thursday. We have two wonderful daughters: Marie-Josee is 4 and Andreanne is 2 1/2. We are presently living in Colorado Springs, Colorado since Aug 1997. We are originally from Aylmer, Quebec, Canada a town near Ottawa, Ontario and we are French-Canadians. So sorry for any spelling mistakes. I really miss all of my family especially at this time in my life. I'm currently a STAY AT HOME MOM! I enjoy it very much but more when I don't have to go through these MS all day. The girls have trouble understanding that mommy is not feeling well. I had difficult pgs (easy childbirth though) so I am not getting my hopes up but praying that I will give birth to a nice healthy baby again. This was a wonderful idea. So long for now!!!


November Surprise!

 My name is Christine Kumar and my DH is Shailesh Kumar--we live in San Jose, CA. We are expecting our first child on 11/6. I work for Sony Electronics as a Department Coordinator and Shailesh works for Oracle as a Software Development Mgr. I am originally from central Massachusetts and DH is originally from northern India. 

My feeling is that I'm having a baby girl (I think that is because it would be the first Grand-daughter for my parents. Currently, they have 3 beautiful Grand-sons!)

 cismurphy Cissy (26), Ray (33), 1 angel, 3 dogs (labs) EDD 11/19 (keeps changing) Savannah, TN.
 cmmcnish I've been "AWOL" for a few weeks while I was finishing up a class I was taking for my teacher certification in history. Just got the grade: A- I am very happy!! It's a busy time at work so I've been exhausted. Hope to join in more often. Christine (33), Christian (34), our 1st. EDD 11/25. We live in Berkley, Michigan (suburb of Detroit)and will be married 2 years in July. My husband's b'day is Nov. 26th and it's his uncle's b'day too so his family is rooting for that day! I am an Admissions Counselor at the University of Detroit Mercy. My husband is the Sales Manager for my family's business, McNish Sporting Goods, in Novi, Michigan.
ddbump(new name)
Nicole {31} David {29}, EDD 11/26 with #2, have one son Alex 3/22/96, Central Coast, California .
It's a 
 I'm 36, and after a wonderful 8-1/2 years of being married to The Cus, we decided to start a family. This is our first, and the EDD is either 11/24 or 11/25, depending on who's doing the calculating. The amnio results revealed we'll be having a little girl, just as The Cus predicted! We currently live in Columbia, South Carolina where we've been for almost 7-1/2 years, and we really like the area. I'm a CPA employed in private industry by the owner of two restaurant franchise brands as the VP of Financial and Data Management, and oversee the accounting and computer operations for 39 fast food restaurants currently. I've been online in one form or another for 5 years, and decided to join in on November 1998 Club BBS chatter because everyone seemed so friendly! and because the experiences of other women during this exciting time mean a lot.
It's a 
Dana, age 35 (almost 36); several EDDs ranging from 11/1 - 11/8. 1st pregnancy after trying for 11 months. DH is younger - 31; works in the medical field and very excited! We live in Oklahoma but most recently we lived in Chicago for a long time. 
It's a
My name is Donna (29) My husband Steve (37). This is our third child. First is Arielle (7) our son died at birth (1-97) This child is to be a girl and her name is to be Hannah. She is due around 11-10. We live in Philadelphia, PA and have been married for 8 years.
 debbielee Debbie (28) and my husbands name is Todd (29). We are expecting #2 on November 8th. We have a 3yr old little girl. This is our third pregnancy. We lost one in Dec 97. I'm just so excited to be here. We live about an hour outside Atlanta, GA.
U/S says 
Debby , I'm 38..39 in May. My DH is Rob (42). We have been married for 17 years this August 1. We have 8 children; Robert 3rd is 15, Charles is 14, Caleb is 11, Priscilla is 10, Lydia is 7, Joshua is 5, Noah is 3 and Magdalene is soon to be 18 mos.(born 10/96). This treasure is #9 and due 11/26, Thanksgiving Day. We live in Watertown, Wis. I am a SAHM, Rob is a Nursing Home Administrator. We also have two barn cats...Mary and Martha.

Delores(28)Office Administrator,husband  Steve(33)Farmer, 1 angel Kyle born and died(10-3-97), 1 Dog Chloe(great pyranees, 3), Cat Agustus Ceaser (Guss for short, 3), a barn full of sheep, and 1 barn cat Preciouse (expecting kittens anytime, 1). Our Expected due date 11-1-98 (have to have ceserean so may be some time in the last week of October). Live in Holmes County Ohio (yes, were the amish live). email:

Update - Deloress is expecting twins!

November Surprise!
Denise (33) and DH Kevin (32) expecting their first Little One on 11/1/98. They have 2 cats, Harley  and Stimpey and live in Odenton, Maryland. 
November Surprise!
I'm 30, my DH is 35 and we are expecting our first child on 11/25. We have one dog, and live in Scottsdale, AZ.
 dllane Hi, my name is Dolli, I am 27 and expecting my first(11/12). According to U/S it is going to be a boy. (Jay Duncan III). I live in south georgia with my husband who is stationed at Moody AFB.
It's a 

 My name is Dianna (3/12/66) and my husband is Kevin (12/26/62). We have been married for 5 1/2 years and have an adorable son, Devin Tyler, who will be 3 on 12/11/98. He is excited about his little sister and so are we! We still haven't decided on a name but we're working on it! We live south of St. Louis, Missouri and we like to snow ski, boat, and work on our new home - decorating, landscaping and FINISHING it! E-Mail me at!

We also have 3 dogs (all mixed breeds) and some fish!

It's a 
I live in Killeen, Texas and work in Temple, Texas. My due date is 11/8, and this will be our first child. I am originally from Dallas, and moved to central Texas when I married my husband 2 years ago. He is an Army Officer here at Ft. Hood. I have two puppies, Dottie and Hatcher, and I love to cross stitch.
Little Angel
Linda (35) Phillip (39) #1 EDD 11/11; Louis the doberboy, Paul & Betty the Burmese felines; Newcastle, Australia.
U/S says 
 I'm Elizabeth (25), and this is the first baby for my husband (also 25) and I. My 20 week ultrasound showed that this is, in the words of the technician, "probably a girl," which suits us just fine. I had to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed at 16 weeks, but other than that scary episode, the pregnancy has been going well. I'm due 11/13, and we live in the Seattle area.


U/S says: 

I'm envirozoid and my EDD is October 30 (lnmp) to November 1 (u/s). I figure that I will actually deliver on election day (November 3) as that is the full moon, and both my sister and mother delivered their children a few days (to a few weeks even) late. I also know that I'm sensitive to lunar stages in both moods and activity level, and even my monthly cycle. (I also had an early miscarriage last spring on the full moon as well). Sooo.... we'll see if I follow the usual pattern.

My husband and I have been married for 5 years and this will be our first child (other than our two dogs and two cats) so we're very excited and clueless!! The u/s revealed that we are expecting a girl (YES!! PSYCH!!). Of course I know we could be surprised but we got a really good view of her so we are pretty sure. We've got some great pictures, I'll have to get them scanned into the pc and share.

As for why I go by envirozoid - well I teach environmental science and technology at a two-year college and it seemed an appropriate descriptor for me in general.

 evalou  My name is Eva, I'm 34, my husband Hans is 35. This is our third baby! We have Lucy, 3 and Sam 21 months. We live in London, England and my due date is November 15. My E mail address is
U/S Says 

 I'm Susan (35) and my DH is Ed (34). I'm a substitute teacher in Chula Vista, CA, USA. Ed works for PriceSmart Travel. We've been married 6 years and this will be our first baby. His official name is Ian Andrew if the ultrasound is right, or Caitlin Margaret if the ultrasound is wrong, but we've been calling him Wiggleworm because he won't hold still.

My user name is Filker, because A, I like filk music (science fiction folk music, traditionally sung off-key) and B, my first five choices for a user-name were already taken. DH's user-name on the Expectant Daddy board is Armadale, after the Macdonald castle on the Isle of Skye. (DH is VERY into his ethnic heritage; his first choice for a boy's name was Angus Og Macdonald.)

Hobbies: SF, genealogy, baking, history, reading, listening to folk music, RPG. Feel free to contact if you want to chat. Otherwise, I'll see you on the bulletin board.

 frente Diana (29) DH (29). This is our first after trying for 11 months. EDD is 11/25. We live in Salt Lake City, UTAH. 
Kris (30), Mike (35), Chicago suburbs, 1st EDD 11/4 
I'm Karen (30), DH is Ken (30). We're expecting our first on 11/2, but I'm praying for an early delivery on 10/30! That was my dad's bday and I lost him just a couple of years ago. We live in Macedonia, OH (near Cleveland) and have one pseudo-child...our Himalayan cat, Maggie.
U/S says
Hi my name is Gina. I am 27 years old and my DH (Bobby) is thirty. We are expecting our first child November 26th (Thanksgiving Day). The ultrasound says it's a girl so we are naming her Sierra Maryann (Maryann after my mother). We tried for exactly one year and when nothing happened we went to the doctor for an infertility consultation. I was waiting for my next cycle so I could go in for the dye test, but it never came. We have been happily married for four years. We have a house in Denver. We have two adorable and loving dogs. My DH is a Policeman for Denver and I work in the cable internet business. I really enjoy the women in our group and I hope for the best pregnancies and deliveries for everyone. My email address is
Its a
Gina, 23 and Matt, 22 due Nov. 13 with #1. We live in West Michigan. I am a nursing student- 2 semesters left 'til BSN, hubby is a CJ student who also works full time in a factory. We have 3 very spoiled cats, Manny (7 yrs), Squeaky (5 years), and Milo (3 years). We both love to read and are movie buffs, esp. crime and sci fi.
gwendolynb I am Gwendolyn (22). My DH is Eric (23). I work full time as an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)  and Eric is an Electrical Lineworker. We live in Menahga, MN. (Right next to Park Rapids). This  is our 1st baby. My EDD is 11/9. 
November Surprise!
 Hi my name is Amy. I Am 27, Dad is Pete, he is 34. We have two girls Eleanor { 6} and Mary { 4} and they both want another sister. I really would like a healthy baby! Have names picked out, Colleen or Owen. Am due on the 17th of Nov., and the ultrasound could not tell us the sex. Grumpa's take on that was that we would finally have a modest child! I am a stay at home, military spouse, currently in New York. Welcome any e mail at

My name is Brenda Haumesser and I live in Warren, PA with my DH, Les, and 3 year old daughter, Haley. Let us not forget the first two children...Rocket (125 lb. Lab/Shepherd mix) and Roly (the cat). Les and I have been married for 6 _ years and are expecting twins on December 3rd. We were somewhat shocked at first, but are coming to enjoy the thought now. I come from a long line of twins in the family, so I suppose we shouldn't have been shocked, but.....:-). I was a little antsy starting this pregnancy because we suffered a miscarriage in June of 1997. Les was even more concerned because his first wife has lost twins (talk about too much to think about). BUT..this pregnancy has been my least eventful of them all! Don't you just love a happy ending?

Haummy is having twins!



Heather (27) and Paul (35), expecting #1 on November 23. We moved to Jakarta, Indonesia at the  beginning of February. Paul is an exploration geologist (looking for gold--and no, he doesn't work for Bre-X!). I was originally looking for work as an environmental consultant, but have decided to hold off getting a job until after I give birth, for fear of exposing the baby to unnecessary environmental risks (and I'm just too gosh-darned tired to think about looking for a job right now, anyway). I'll be going home to Ottawa, Canada at the end of September to have the baby, much to my parents' delight (we'll be staying with them until after Christmas). I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you over the next seven months! 
It's a 
I'm heidiki, due 15th Nov with my first. I'm 25 years old and live in Finland.


U/S says 

Melanie (23) and boyfriend/fiance Mark (33). I am currently in Clearwater, FL but am moving to Colorado Springs, CO on 6/3 to be with BF. We're expecting #1 on 11/21. I'm thrilled about this baby and cannot wait until it's over (especially the morning sickness)! My e-mail is:
It's a 
DD 11/5 w/ #2,Heather 27, DH Eric 31, Logan 16 mos., we live in Nevada, IA.  :-)
U/S says 
My name is Heather and I am 28ys old. My DH is Robert(28yrs) and we have a daughter named Rachel Elizabeth who is 15 months. We live in Ann Arbor Michigan where I work as a financial analyst for the University of Michigan's health maintenance organization, M-CARE. We are very excited about our new little one due November 3rd. Ultrasound tells us that it is a boy!
It's a
I'm 26, due 11/12 with my second boy . The first is 6 yrs old. I work for the US Government in quality assurance. I'm single and living in Charleston WV. After this child is born, I would like to eventually adopt a girl since I was adopted myself.
U/S says: 
Pam (28), Tim (28) #1 due on 11/5. Live in Pleasant Plains Illinois, I am a bookkeeper for our  local school district.Tim is an Administrative assistant to the chief of Security, state job. We like  the name Tyler for a boy and Hannah for a girl. Had 1 m/c 9 years ago. My sister is due 11/20  with #3. 
November Surprise!
My name is Kacey, age 27 and my DH is Brian, age 30. This is our first child and we are thrilled. We live in Portland, OR with our 2 lab puppies, Allie and Gumbo. My due date is November 14th. We refer the the baby as "Tiger Baby" ever since our waitress at our favorite chinese restaurant told us that this year is the year of the Tiger in Chinese tradition and that "Tiger Babies are always good!!" *LOL* :)
Little Angel
Annie (32) Stephen (38) expecting first child EDD 11/30/98. Homemaker after years with an Investment Bank and attaining an MBA at night. Live in NYC, NY. One m/c August 1997.

 My BB name is jacaranda or jacarandah (it depends if I post from work or home). I can be reached at
My real name is Claire Pferdner Butler and I am 31. My husband, Derek, will be 32 in December. Our first baby (a surprise!) is due 21 November. We have one cat, PoKi, who will be 3 when the baby is born. We live in a cute little house we bought last October in Adelaide, South Australia. I work as an education coordinator for Keep South Australia Beautiful, an environmental organization. He works as a computer programmer. I'm from the States originally, born in LA, grew up in NY and also lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Derek and I met in Japan about 5 years ago. We have traveled a lot together, and hope to again with our baby!

I love the November expecting board and am constantly telling all my friends about you! I am constantly amazed at the huge hearts woman have on the board, and am pleased as punch - and very lucky to be a member of the community!

U/S says 

 my name is Donna. My DH is Chris. Our due date is 11/18, but an early ultrasound showed it closer to the 11/24. We're having another ultrasound on Tuesday, July 7, and should have a better estimate then, as well as knowing if we're having a boy or girl... Our first child, Jenny, was born 1/26/97 and will be about 22 months old when she becomes a big sister. We live in Louisville, Ky. and just celebrated our third wedding anniversary on 6/24.

Update - Our ultrasound yesterday shows we're having another girl, also it gave an 11/16 due date, and the doctor wants us to stick with the original 11/18



U/S suggests 

OK, here we go! Me: Jana, age 29, full time 4th year doctoral student in clinical psychology, also employed as an SAT/GRE/LSAT teacher, as well as doing several jobs in neuropsychological testing and working in my school's testing library, signing tests out to all the doctoral psychology students at my school. busy busy busy. Originally, I'm from Potsdam (where the hell is Potsdam?), NY, currently living in Davie, Florida, attending Nova Southeastern University. DH: Andreas, age 32, employed as an architect and computer hardware/software/all around computer dude. He's from Germany (Esslingen am Neckar, for all you other Germans out there) and my in-laws are still there, but anxiously awaiting the birth of their first grandchild. Baby: EDD 11/7. Nicknamed "Speck," after the size of the kid when we found out we were PG. We've had 2 u/s just because my doctor is nice and cautious; so far everything is looking good. Speck is our first kid, first grandchild on both sides of the family, and is going to be very spoiled!!!! Yes, we do want to find out the sex, but still have to wait until 20 weeks, so we've got time. E-mail:; web page: ~ There are pictures (wedding) and will be a "baby watch" page when I get around to scanning in the two u/s pictures and stuff. 



 Jane and Dan Expecting baby #2, EDD: 11/16 but subject to change soon 1 son: Ryan who is 19 months 1 dog (mutt): Winston We live in Ypsilanti, Michigan email: Husband's occupation: firefighter My occupation: research secretary Hobbies: camping, water sports, fishing. 
janelleger  My name is Janelle and I am a 27 yr. old engineer. DH is Ed and he is self-employed (frames houses). We live about 20 miles from Lincoln, Nebraska in a small community. We are currently expecting our "Jr." on 11/12. We are both extremely excited. DH is extremely protective of both of us and insists on giving us both a kiss before going to work each morning. Very cute! We are still unsure of the gender, hopefully on next U/S. The names we have picked out are Brenden Phillip and Calysta Elizabeth. All we want is a healthy baby, no gender preferences, however my instinct says it's a boy.
janetanne I am Janet (24) and the hubby is Tim (30). We are from Spartanburg, South Carolina. (How much more southern can we get?) We have been married for about 10 months and have been trying to conceive since about month number 2. Needless to say this is our first. I am due November 24 and we hope to be in our house by then. We are in the process of building a house. It is very stressful since my husband and others are actually doing the building. I am a special education teacher, resource and employability skills, at a high school in Sptbg. I am thrilled to have you all to talk to about the positives and negatives of pregnancy.
 Jaymiel  Hi. I'm not quite sure what information you want but here goes. My name is Jaymie and i'm 12 weeks and due on 11/7. First baby but 2nd pregnancy, and everything is going great. If you need anymore info. please let me know. Thanks, Jaymie
 jeanny3  I’m 22 years old my dh is Patrick 28 this is our 3 baby. we live in Florida near Orlando. I’m an accountant and he is a nt administrator. we expect our baby around 11/24 or sooner. we have a girl 6 and a boy 5 and baby. love penpals e-mail look forward to hearing from all of you!!
U/S says: 

My name is Jennifer, I am 35 years old. I have had 2 ectopic pregnancies that left me without fallopian tubes. Thanks to modern science and IVF, our first try worked! We are due 11/9. DH is 33. His name is Brian. We live in Georgia. I am a network consultant and DH is a computer geek as well. We refer to our "baby in waiting" as our science project for the year. This will be our first baby. I am artistic, I love to paint landscapes and portraits just like my parents. I hope the baby gets the same genes too!

jennj  My name is Jenna I'm 25 and happily married to my best friend. Our first child is in heaven but our second is due 11/23. I am a math and physics teacher hoping I can be a full time mom when the time comes. My main hope in life is to serve the Lord Jesus.


November Surprise!

Jennifer (30) Rob (40) We have one son, named Benjamin (3) and we have two cats, Suki (8) and Nutmeg (6). Rob and I have been married since 1993. We are expecting our second child on 
November 6th. We live in a small lakeside town just south of Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
November Surprise!
 My name is Jennifer, I am 26. This is our first baby (don't know the sex...we want to be surprised)!. Our DD is Nov. 18. Hubby Dave and I have been married for just about 5 years now (our anniversary is Sept 25). We are very excited about our little kicker. He/She is very active and everytime the little kicker punches or kicks me I am reminded of the Simple Minds song "Alive and Kicking"! We have done our nursery in a Classic Pooh design, "Pooh & His Hunny Pots." The room is painted a bannana type shade. We have shaker style furniture in a pearwood shade! It looks so cute! I really enjoy reading the posts on the board, its nice to know that I am not crazy and there are others going through this bizarre state of pregnancy!
 jenni_w  I am Jenni (23) and I have been married to my wonderful husband Eric (25) for almost three years. Eric is an engineer and I take care of children (not our own) and attend college part-time. We are expecting our first child Nov 21st and are very excited about it. We have two cats, Tigger and Morris. 
It's a

This is our first child (dd 11/17) and it is a girl. I am on maternity leave from my job as a program analyst at one of the Big 5 Acct/Consulting firms. My DH is an attorney and I plan to be a SAHM (if all works out ok). We live in Pulaski, TN and have two cats (Krima and Lily). We still haven't decided on a name yet. I guess we are waiting for someone to tell us what it will be!
Amnio Agrees!
My name is Jeannie (27), DH (fiance actually) is Chris (35). We've only been together 1 year, 1st baby for us both. We live in British Columbia, Canada. We have 2 German Sheps named Nipper (3) and Wiley (9 mos). I took the gender test linked here and am 75% likely to have a boy. Not sure what my exact due date is, but I hope it arrives by Nov. 23rd, so baby will be a Scorpio like me. We're very excited and overwhelmed. Chris has always wanted kids, I didn't think I did until I found out I was preggers.
November Surprise!
Hi, my name is Jennifer (29) and my husband is Tony (28). We live in Miississauga, Ontario Canada (just outside of Toronto). We have a dog (a black lab named Riley, who is 1). I'm a Retail Consultant for the IT area of the provincial government, and dh does Market Research in the IT Industry. This is our first baby and is due 11/14. We don't know the gender, but Chinese Predictor says boy!
It's a 
 Hi, my name is Cyndi, (37) married to Bill,(39) for 18+ years, with 3 kids, plus baby. Have two boys, 14 and 10, and a daughter, almost 7. Don't have any solid predictions for the baby's sex yet, get to have a detailed u/s because son #2 had congenital heart defect (open heart surgery survivor). We live in the Puget Sound area of Washington state. I'm a SAHM for 14+ years, wouldn't have it any other way! EDD 11/16.
jgood Jane(29)Jim(30)daughter Tait 17mos.#2EDD11/10 we live in Singapore (we're Americans).
Little Angel
Jill (36), DH Jack (40), due w/1st on 11/10, 3 angels, 2 dogs: Skye & Sadie (a Mastiff), MT .
 jjfeeney Hi! I'm "jjfeeney"! My name is Julie Feeney and my husband is Bryan. We are expecting our first anywhere between 10/27 and 11/2. We are expecting a boy according to the Ultrasound and the name we are kicking around is "Jackson Keller" or "Jackson Alexander". We live in Gainesville Virginia where we just bought a house about, oh 9 months ago. (Ironically enough - lots of surprises in one month). I am currently working in Tyson's corner area but will work from home for a while after "bean" is born. I have loved this bored since day one and find everyone's feeling, advice, and similar emotions comforting. Please feel free to email me any time at
November Surprise!
Janet (31) and James (31) -- we're very excited about our first, EDD 11/30. We live in Atlanta, where I'm a lawyer and James is a consultant. Don't know the sex and don't wanna!
November Surprise!
I'm Jodi and my DH is Chris. Both are nearly 30. We live in the LeClaire, Iowa along the Mississippi River. I'm a biologist with the federal government, my DH is part-time SAHD/part-time Taxidermist. EDD is 11/28. I don't want to know the baby's sex. My daughter Kate is 2 ?. I had a c-section with my daughter 4 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia and what they thought was fetal distress (her heart rate was 280 beats a minute!). She actually had a heart condition that has since gone away. I'm am hoping for a VBAC, reading books about the Bradley Method, and have no clue about labor/delivery/contractions, etc.
jstone  Hi! I'm also from Indiana...Evansville and moving to Ft. Wayne soon. I'm due 11/5 with my 3rd.
It's a 
Julie (27), DH Doug (29), EDD 11/5 with our first. We live in Burke, VA. My e-mail address is Our website is Stop by and see our cats (yes, we're pathetic - they have their own page :-) 
Julie  Hi! My name is Julie and my husband Mike and I are expecting our 3rd child November 5th. I'm 36 and Mike is 30. Our oldest Laura is 11 and our baby Melanie was born Aug 27 1997 the day after daddy's birthday. She is now 8 months old and will only be 14 months older than the new baby. So I've done the widely spaced sibling thing and am about to experience closely spaced siblings. I know daddy would love to have a boy this time but we will adore this baby no matter what. From Indiana
 Julie1126 Hi, my name is Julie and I'm new to Parents Place. I LOVE YOUR BOARD! I'm a first time mom to Jacob, born 11/26/98. I'm a stay at home mom. I'm 24 and have been married to Greg for almost four years. I live in Columbus, Ohio.
It's a 
Kadi (kadsw) husband John. We are expecting our 1st around 11/1. We will know the exact due date after the u/s in June. I am 27 birthday in 11/18. I am a pre-kindergarten teacher, but plan to be a SAHM. I love gardening especially herbs and playing on my computer. I have two very spoiled cats. Arlington VA. Do you want e-mail addresses: 
kateiniowa Kate (23) and DH, Jason (26 in May), expecting our first 11/17. I am a biochemist working as a research scientist in Ames, IA and Jason works in Des Moines as an operations manager of a satellite communications company. We just moved into our first home and have a 3 month old yellow lab. I think he is quickly getting us ready for a child. We enjoy any outdoor sports or activities and Jason really enjoys hunting both with a shotgun and a bow. He introduced me to archery, which I began last summer, and so far it has been very challenging--but fun. We had an u/s at 9 weeks and saw our little one's tiny heart beating. What a beautiful sight!!
 katiesw Due 11/3 from the UK.


November Surprise!

Karen here (29), DH is Steve (30), two cats, expecting #1 on 11/12, live in Chapel Hill, NC. 
 kben  Hi my name is Kim and my hubbies name is Jeff. We are both 28. We are due November 15th with our second child. Our first is Amanda and she is 7. This one is also a girl and her name will be Anna. My husband is a steelworker, and I went AWOL from my job in April, and hope to be staying that way for a while. We have waited a very long time for this little one, several years to be exact. So we are overjoyed with this. It is getting to close for me the time went by to quick. It may be our last so we are all trying to enjoy this every little bit we can. I look forward to finding some buddies due around the same time, this whole web site is great I have been checking it out the last couple of nights, and I am very excited about being a part of it. :)
It's a 
 My name is Karen, 30 and my husband's name is David, 29. This is our second baby, another boy, due November 23. We have been married 6 years and live in East Tennessee. Our first son, Casey will be 2 on October 10. I work as a graphic artist for a newspaper, working from home two days a week and David is a photographer for another local newspaper. 
Our email address is dcrigger @
It's a 
 My name's Kendall (35), DH is 48, Cole is 13 months (3/14/97); #2 is due 11/12/98. Live in Royal Oak, Michigan. Work as a writer for a marketing co.; have SAHM aspirations. Am also mom to two cats, Pinch and Earl.
keri  My name is Keri (29) DH is Jeff (30) this is #4 for us. Jamie our oldest daughter will be be 9 the end of June, my son Ryan just turned 5, and my baby now, Meghan will be 4 on May 5th. We are really hoping for another boy to even things out, he will be due November 19th. We live in Northern Wisconsin, a mall town called Minocqua. We really love it here. DH owns a heating and air-conditioning business and I am a SAHM, I lso take care of my 18 month old niece while my sister works. Yes I am very busy, but can't wait for the next one. Feel free to e-mial me for a due date buddy at
kellys2nd  Hi! Kelly (31on 4/26), Joe (31 on 5/19), David (5 on 6/22), #2 EDD 11/16 We live in a small town suburb of Pittsburgh, PA I am a former elementary teacher and current stay at home mom who provides child care out of my home to a 2 1/2 yr. old, 3 1/2 yr. old, and 5 1/2 yr. old, in addition to my son. My son will be going to kindergarten in the fall, and I want to spend as much time with him as possible, so I will be retiring from home child care mid-June to be a full time stay at home mom to him and baby-on-the-way. I love to read, walk, play games, and spend time with my family. 
It's a 
 Hi, I'm Kelly (29...but will be 30 before baby comes!) and DH is Wendell (36). Wendell has two children, Mindy (16) and Parker (13) and this is my first baby....a Boy! We're naming him Zachary Alan (Alan is my dad's name). We live in Plano, Texas (just north of Dallas by 45 minutes). We also have 2 cats, Nikki (a large black cat) and Lena (a small gray tabby). We just married on January 3, 1998, and decided to GO FOR IT if we were going to have more children. We are so excited for a new one during the holidays! Our due date is Nov. 5th (originally it was Nov.13th, but sonogram moved it up and DH & I have agreed all along it should have been a week earlier.) I work full time currently and hope to work from home after the baby comes. I look forward to this new experience! I have worked for 9 years now and am ready for what is about to come. I am so happy to be in a group of women who are all going thru the same experiences as I am....what a great time to have a baby!!! 
Thank you!!! Kelly 
U/S Says 
 Myself, Kelly and husband, Fred are expecting our first child Nov. 28. The 
ultrasound we had determined it will be a girl. We live on West coast of 
Florida. We plan to name our first, Brittney. Kelly. My parents place email 
address is kellymarie or my main email address is this one ''
CVS Says: 

 My user name is kerrivv and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a bit unusual in that I travel every 5 weeks to San Diego, California for the company I work for. This is my third child, I have a 13 year old boy and a 11 year old girl and a husband who is just happy to have more kids rather than another dog!

This was a bit of a surprise, but all the family are extremely excited and I will be travelling to the US at the end of this week with my entire family coming to look after me (or the new addition). I have been extremely pampered and they have laughed everytime I have a mood swing. We had a CVS and found out that this one is a girl so we have been planning to attack all US outlets for 'pink' things in our next visit.... Let's put it this way.. we will contribute heavily to the US economy.

I changed doctors very early and found a fantastic female doctor who has a terrific sense of humour. I was extremely ill with my first to pregnancys but this one has been a breeze and very enjoyable. I think my doctors attitude has a lot to do with it and a close family support. Both my parents have passed away since my first two children were born so I am relying on my kids and husband more than ever.

I stumbled on the internet chat board and have been reading ever since. My due date is November 16th according to the ultrasound, my doctor estimates around the 8th November, and I will be happy any time.

Kind regards, Kerri VV

U/S says: 
Kristy(23 'til 4/26) aka "keepcat" and dh Ricky(27), EDD 11/24(although I believe I'm a little futher than that), I work in the office at a metal recycling plant in Atlanta, Ga Live in Stockbridge, Ga. We 2 furry chidren(who believe they're human - "Pookie"-the cat, "Forrest"(as in Gump)-the puppy. My cat has become a vibrating heat blanket for tummy and its contents. My hobbies are church activities(teach girls club, teens, choir, etc) and sleeeepppp.
kenda  Hi, I'm Kenda (31), DH Matt (31) {married 8 years} and son, Sam (18months). My EDD is 11/27 for baby #2!! VERY EXCITED!!! I had my first sonogram 4/22 and we saw the heartbeat of our child! :-) I have had 3 miscarriages, so its wonderful for us to actually be this far along! My husband and I run an Internet development company and we both work out of the house! We live in the Dallas, TX area. I am an art director(BFA) and my husband is sales, marketing (BBA) and all around super computer genius... basically everything else required for our business except art direction! My 1st and foremost job, however, is MOMMY--which I tackle with great pride and enthusiasm! My e-mail is and web site is
Hi my name is Kim (29) DH-Jeremy (26) We have been married for 6 years and we live in Rochester, NH. This is our 3rd baby. We have two daughters, Alyssa Marie is 3, born 11/94 and Breanna Lee is 1, born 11/96. EDD is 11/11 (yup all of our babies have been conceived in Februaury and born in November, dang anniversary :-)) We used fertility to conceive our first two and this is our *SURPRISE* baby. And our last baby (having a tubal before I leave the hospital). 
email address:
It's a 
My name is Koco age 32 this is baby number 2 for me. Due 11/1 I live in Anderson Indiana
U/S Says: 

 I would like to join the November Who's who. The ultrasound shows that it's a boy due on November 9th.

My name is Karen, and I turn 30 on Oct. 27, less than two weeks before my due date of Nov. 9th! My husband's name is Harry, and this will be our first child. Cleopatra, our dog would be very hurt by that comment if she could read... although I suspect my husband thinks she can! We have two cats, Almustafa and Sampson, who are also very dependant and loved. We live in Phoenix, Arizona and will have been married for 3 years come Oct. 7. We are both very into the outdoors, we met playing ultimate frisbee, a non-contact running game that's sortof like a combination of football and soccer, but played with a frisbee. We even won a tournament when I was just over 2 months pregnant! I am an Electrical Engineer, and my husband is a Pediatrician. This may sound like a good thing, but I don't know if I can take any more of his genetic disorder textbooks! We both have nightmares about all of the things that could go wrong. Even with all of the fear, this is the most exciting thing I've ever done. If you are interested, check out our web site with some of our kid's first pictures:

 kricket Kristy 29, DH 28, Mary Kate 22 mos. , live Hugoton, KS, actively involved in Ag, DD 11/3.
It's a 
Kris (31), Joe (28) Holland, PA EDD 11/13 with # 1. 
 kristanb Hi, I was wondering if you could add me to your excellent page, I am due on the 17/11/98 and it is my first. From West Australia. email -
 kristiegr I would to be part of whos e-mail address is you
edd 11/18
Little Angel
I'm Fredrica, age 32 (will turn 33 before baby arrives). My DH is Kenneth. We live in Sweden and are both native Swedish. Our firstborn will arrive around November 16. 
November Surprise!
Lauren (26) DH Lance (28) EDD 11/12 with #1: Pets, Ginny the Golden Retriever and Penny the cat: Westchester IL.
 Lawdawg  Krisi (29) and Tod (31) are expecting baby numero uno on 11/24. I attend law school (second year) and DH attends the UW (senior in Art History & Classics). We live in Seattle with our two kitties and are looking forward to getting married (been together since 12/91) next March. We'll definitely include "Junior" in the wedding!
leasa_s  DH is Charles, I am 38 and pg with my first (from IVF). Live in Ct. work in NY. Due 11/15/98 with one active (according to my last u/s) baby. We have 3 very loving and fun dogs. 


November Surprise!

Leigh (30), Kenny (29) expecting our first child on 11/18. Born and raised in NJ, though currently living in Louisville, KY. Work as an Art Therapist/School-based Therapist within the local public school system,DH is an Interior  Designer/Drafter. Proud parents to our other "children"...dogs Lewis (5 years my baby) and Miro(9 months and a  wholy terror as she chews everything in sight)and our cat.
It's a 
Leslie (37) and DH, Kevin, (31), expecting their 1st baby on November 21. Had wonderful amnio results come back in just seven days showing normal, healthy baby!!! Leslie now knows the gender but Kevin wants to be surprised. We live in Westbury, New York (although Leslie lived most of her life up til last fall in Maryland!!) We have referred to the baby as "the bun" since we learned of its existence (as in "the bun in the oven"!!) First grandchild for Kevin's mom--fifth grandchild for my parents!
It's a 

 Hi, I'm Lesli, I am 25 and expecting my first son Nov. 14th., although I am shooting for Nov. 1st! My husband is Todd who is 34 and we are pretty set on Andrew Todd for his name. We live in Oviedo, FL, which is near Orlando. I am a tax accountant and Todd is an insurance claims rep.

My best advice to all those who fear labor is to read John 16:21 in the Bible. God reassures us that we will forget the pain from the great joy of giving life to man!

November Surprise!

 Hi my name is liltexann. I'm due on 11-19. Not sure what we are having. My husband and I are from Texas and this is our first born. We are so excited. My email address is I'm 23 and husband is 21. Not sure what other info you need, let me know if I forgot anything.

Thanks, Kim

It's a 
Linda (33) & Charles (33) #1 due 11/2, two cats, live in NC.


DH Predicting: 

My name is Lindsey (25) 9/12/72, and my husband is Chris (22) 11/9/75. We have been married for a year and half (11/9/96), and we live in Jacksonville, NC. Chris is a Marine stationed at Camp  Lejuene, MCB. I have just been hired as the Recreation Assistant of a new recreation facility on base. We have a houseful of pets: 2 dogs (Jake & Pooh), 7 cats (Cally, Chloe, Georgie, Ditto, Princess, Baby, & Kitty), and 1 parakeet (Purdy). 
We are very excited to be expecting our first child, which is due on November 4th by my calculations, and on the 5th using "the wheel." I unexpectedly heard "her" heartbeat at 9 weeks at my first appt. On April 14th I had my ultrasound at exactly 11 weeks, and Chris and I were so happy to see and hear our baby's heart beating. Watching her moving around was thrilling! I even put a picture of him/her on my desk at work! :-) You can e-mail me at
lisacd Lisa (28), DH Daniel (30), due with 1st on 11/19. We live in Maryland, but my husband is Swiss. We spent the last four years in France and Switzerland. E-mail addresses , Web site
November Surprise!
I'm Lisa 26, DH is Jayme, 28. We live in Temple, TX this is our first child We have 4 cats (siamese) and 2 dogs (beagles). I'm a medical editor and DH is in public affairs. We've been married 2 years. EDD is 11/18-11/24. 
Deb (27) and Justin (29) expecting our first on November 20 which is also my birthday. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been married for 3.5 years. We were high school sweethearts and can't wait for our first kid. You can email me at
November Surprise!
Hi! My name is Laura(ljacky15301@Parentsplace). I am 29, soon to hit the big 3-0 on October 4th. Dh (Joe) and I are expecting our 3rd child on November 13th.We have a son, Jonathan (4) and a daughter, Emma(2). Before I decided to become a full time mommy, I was a music teacher. Dh is a high school math teacher. Right now, I teach private piano and
voice lessons out of our home so I can help out with expenses and do something for myself at the same time. The whole family is really excited about this baby, and dying to know whether it will be a new "brudder or sisser!"
 ll64  My name is Lisa Leach. I am expecting my third son on November 23. My oldest son, Sam was three in June and my other son, Joey is 19 months.
 lopez1  Hi! I'm expecting our second child 11/22 and hoping baby will arrive early! I have a VERY active 21 month old daughter and am finding pregnancy extremely difficult. Do I have the energy to look after two children? I'm also very paranoid about premature delivery. I just know that this baby will come early! Anyway, I live in Kelowna, BC, Canada with my husband and daughter and I am a stay at home mom finishing up the last course for my bachelor's degree. I really enjoy reading what other expectant mothers have to say, especially since we don't know anyone in town outside of a few people that my husband works with.
Lesley Lopez
It's a 
My due date is 11/19.   April 
U/S Says: 
Hi, my name is Luci (age 30), my DH is Phil (age 29). This will be our first child. My due date is: 11/18. I'm originally from the UK, but currently live in Marlborough, Massachusetts. We have 2 dogs - a Border Collie (Jake) and a Dalmation (Jae), and also a cat (Cali). We're both really excited and looking forward to having our first baby, but we're also very nervous.
It's a 
Name: Emma 
Due with a boy on Nov 27th1998 
naming him Luke Austin 
Father: Lance
It's a
Heyas, my name is Denise(30)and my hub's name is Tom (26) and my EDD is Nov 28 according to the doctors office and Nov 10 by my reckoning. We'll probably not get to see who was right because of a car accident on Oct 3 which caused the baby to drop on the 5th and me to have contractions on and off since then. This is our first child.
U/S says: 
 Hi, my name is Lori(32), DH is Rich (37). This is to be our second child. Our daughter Casey is 13 yrs. old. Its just like starting over again! Edd-Nov.2nd. We live in Pennsylvania. I work currently in full time management in a toy store, hubby works maintenance at a tower shop. We are all thrilled with this pregnancy! We are going to name him Brendon Richard, after his grandfathers( Brent & Donald). They are honored! We enjoy camping, Nascar racing, visiting wineries(not this year for me!) and surfing on the computer. Good luck to Nov. (& other) mommies!
Little Angel
My name is Linda.....I am 29.....DH is Ricky, he is 33.....  I am due 11/26  I have 2 boys.....Joshua 8 & Craig 6  I have had 3 miscarriages and 1 eptopic Already having some minor complications with this pregnancy  Anyone who wants to e-mail me may...My e-mail address is 
It's a 
I'm from Carmel. I'm Lynette Quinn, expecting my second 11/8.  I used to teach elementary school but now work for Macmillan. Lynette
 Robin (35) DH (43), in Lexington, Ky (Go Wildcats!!), although formerly from Indianapolis, IN. I'm a stay at home mommy now and DH works in insurance. We've had 6 LONG years of infertility due to severe endometriosis and after 4 IVF procedures, we finally conceived Breanna Sue (born 8/6/97) who is now 9 months. We recently had our 4 frozen embryos transferred on Valentine's Day and conceived TWINS due on Nov. 6th. It truly is a miracle and I'm looking forward to sharing the next 6 or 7 months with all of you November mommies. My email is if you ever need it.
lynnj  My name is Jenny (27), and my husband's name is Harry (30). This is our first baby, due November 12th. We have been married 3 1/2 years, and live in Dayton, OH. I work as a technology consultant, and Harry is a stockbroker. We also have a mutt dog named Maggie who is just over a year old. I enjoy reading, traveling, decorating and cooking. Hubby plays lacrosse when he's not working like a dog. 


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