The November Who's Who - AKA Topaz Treasures

Hi - If you have clicked here then you are interested in the November 1998 Playgroup Who's who. Other than a few changes the information from the Expecting Club is still pretty acurate. Changes are - Barbara5 is no longer my partner in crime here. (BOO!) that means that now it may take even longer for your update to occur since it is just me and I now have a little one. So bear with me, things will eventually get added. There are a few "sister" sites attached to our BB these days. I am not working on anything other than this site so if you want changes to the Recipe of the Day or Baby pics page you will need to contact them directly. So..... to learn how to be added to our Playgroup Who's Who read on!


I get lots of email these days from people who want information on the whos who. So I hope this stop will answer most of your questions.


Who are we? - The November Expecting club is a group of ladies and at least one Dad that hangs out at Parents Place. We are all expecting either in November or close to it. The Who's Who is a separate critter from Parents Place. Most of the boards find some members willing to spend some time creating a place for other members to find information about other people haunting the BB's. The November site is maintained by Toyre and Barbara5, both members ourselves. What this means is two things. 1) - we do this for fun (are we warped or what!?) so updating the site happens when we get breaks in our busy lives. One more thing work gets in the way of! ;-) 2) - We are not employees of Parents Place nor do we have any access to information that Parents Place got from you when you registered with them. Therefore, when you signed up with them we have no idea. Now, this is not a bad thing for you because this is the Internet afterall and Parents Place does offer you privacy and doesn't pass out information. The Who's Who board is purely VOLUNTARY. This means if you are a private kind of person you don't have to join. This also means if you want to join you have to let us know.

How to join? - After you have checked out the site and get a feel for the type of information others have sent in, type up a little something on yourself and send it on in! This can be as much or as little as you like. You may email information to or Very Important Thing - ** send your user name that you post under on the BB or I won't be able to add your information. Well I could but no one would know who you are and that defeats the pupose. ;-)**

Barbara (that html goddess that she is) has set up some nifty form pages for you to submit your choices for baby names and eventually delivery information.

Hopefully this clears things up.

Toy (toyre)

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