

I will be filling this spot with some of the monolouges and sermons that I have written

WAVE OF SIN 4-5-96

I had a vision

I was in a resort on a rocky cove on the ocean, resting in a room. When I heard a voice say " COME OUTSIDE," I arose and went outside to the deck that was just outside the door. I was on a large wood deck attached to the front of the lodge, in the cove. The deck was unusal in that the water was coming into the cove and breaching on the rocks right underneth the deck. You could feel the spray coming from the waves that were breaking on the rocks right beneth you. The deck seemed to quiver with watch breaking wave that came in as it hit the rocks underneath the deck. That didn’t really bother me as the deck was built into the rock and had large 4-6 inch thick logs for the railings. The railing in front of me went to either side of the deck. Providing a solidity to the feeling that you were on something that was not going to move. I looked to my right and saw that the rocky cove trailed off to a large sandy beach, long and wide with sparkling white sand. The sand was that perfect white that you see in travel brochures showing Caribbean beaches. My attention was arrested by the number of people on the beach that were playing in the large waves that were breaking on the beach. These were not those warm soft waves that the movies show whenever they show a southern Californian beach. These waves were the Northern coastal waves that crash in during the winter, angry and violet on the coasts of northern Californian and Oregon. Large 6-8 foot waves with just the beginnings of whitecaps that would roll in and continue to roll up the beaches in poundourous majesty. People were playing in these waves and treating it like some sort of game. Some would run down the beach trying to touch the bottoms of the waves before they crashed onto shore without getting wet. Others were saying what the heck and actually in the water playing with the waves, bobbing back and forth in the water. Pulled back and forth by the power of the waves not caring the water was taking them out from shore into deeper water. A few were actually bodysurfing the powerful waves.

Then I noticed something even crazier. Some people had gotten bored with playing in the waves and getting wet. They people actually went and got their cars and were driving in and out of the waves. Trying to just time it so that when they hit the beach a wave would not be their. I could not believe my eyes, I had never seen so many crazy people in all my life.

While I was grazing in wonder on these crazy people, I was abruptly brought back to where I was standing on the deck. I was being splashed with cold salt spray from the ocean waves breaking on the rocks below me. The waves had become even larger, whereas before the waves were 6-8 feet tall, now the waves had become bemouths of 10-13 feet tall! I had never seen such waves breaking on the shore before. The stinging sea salt spray from the waves hitting on the rocks below me was coming onto the deck and covering it in salt water. I turned to the beach and was aghast to see that no one had noticed how big the waves were getting. I started yelling and waving my arms to the people, trying despertly to get some of the people to notice how big the waves were getting. No one seemed to notice, except for a few people who saw that the waves were getting so big that some people were getting puled under in the waves undertow. One or two of the cars had already become stuck in the soft sand and were getting bowled over by the waves. One truck was trying to get out of the waves and get closer to shore but was having a hard time of it. I yelled even more furiously as the waves pounded the shore harder and harder, growing progressively bigger. No one turned to me or even paid any attention to me, I was totally ignored. I was still waving my arms and shouting to no avail when a stern voice called out "LOOK TO THE SEA!"

I looked to the sea and was dumb stuck at the size for the rapidly approaching wave. It wqas a monster wave roaring up in size as it hit the shallows, rearing up to a 40 foot height. The wave stretched off in both ditections, a wall of sestruction racing towards me. I stepped forward to the rail and grabbed on tight, staring in rapt fasciation a the approaching destruction. All I could do was grab hold of the rail and brace myself for the great impact. There wasnt time enough to get back to the cabin room. I was riveted by the horror approaching me. I did notice before the wave hit me that there were two people near me on my left and on my right. The wave was at least ten to fifteen feet over my head as I stood rooted to the deck facing the approaching destruction. I didnt have time to think of all the people still playing in the waves on the beach.

The wave hit us with a shock of raw power that was amazing in its ferocity and intesity. As the wave hit me with its raw power and vitality, I was shcoked by its magnitude and tenacity. It tugged at me with a million little fingers, urging me to let go and flow with it. The wave coaxed at me saying it was to powerful and I shouldn’t resist its powerful force. I resisted and hung on to the rail, bracing myself against the great flow of water. I determined that I would not let go of the railing. I hung onto it with all my strength. I felt that I could make it if I held through my strength, "I am strong" I thought to myself. "I can make it".

I was pleased with my self-willed resistance, until I felt my fingers starting to slip off the rail. I was determined that I would not come off that rail and clung even more to that rail. I still felt myself slipping off the rail, I cried out to god for help, screaming his name in desperation as my fingers started to slip.

Then I felt a steadying hand on my right and on my left, my two companions who I couldn’t even see in the great onslaught of water, were bearing me up. With their steady grip I was able to get a better hold onto the railing. I praised God for his helpers as I waited out the wave. The wave finally washed over us and drained back to the sea where it came from. As soon as the water was below my head I looked over to the beach. It was a pristine beach again. All the swimmers and people who had been playing in the waves were all dead, washed away to sea. The cars that had been playing in the water were all sitting still full of water and half buried in the sand. Their was one vechile moving and that was the truck that I had seen trying to get out of the waves before the big one hit. This truck slowly ccrawled out of the hole it was in and onched its way to shore. Atractor came down to the shoreline and pulled out a long cavble to pull all the dead cars out of the water so the beach would be clean again.

I was still amzed at the ferocity of the wave, never having see such power becfore. The frames on my glasses were crackd from the force of the waave hitting me but I was not damaged or hurt in any other way.

The power and intensity of this vision stayed with me for several days and did not diminish in its form as a dream would. So I prayed to God for a interpretation.

What I felt the Lord saying was that the ones playing in the waves are those of the church whjo are flirting with the world, trying to have God and also play with the World. These will be swept away to the sea with only a few who repent of the world being saved.

The cars playing in the waves are the churches that are not dedicated to God and are not truly preaching the whole gospel. They are not willing to risk that some will leave the church if the whole message of the cross is preached

The truck that I saw is the churches that will nearly die when the wave of evil washes over the churches but they will slowly turn to god and follow him only.

The WAVE itself is the coming wave of sin and evil that ill sweep this land and world. It will be a wave of such intensity that only as we lean on gods strength and not ours will we make it through. We will be broken but whole as sons of LIGHT.

Remember the warning that Eziekal was given in EZ 3:16-21, If a man is a sinner and you don’t tell him, his blood will be on your hands but if you warn him and he doesn’t not turn then his blood is on his own head. Also Rev 3:14-19 warns of being lukewarm. Remember this message is for the church not the world!

This vision is for warning of the saints. Do not use this for personal gain. The purpose of posting this vision is to warn all people. It is not to scare people or to point fingers at people or a church. If you are offended at this vision take it up with God, it is Truth as i have prompted by the Holy Spirit


4-11-98 Zeal: enthusiastic and diligent devotion in pursuit of a cause, ideal or goal

Zealous : filled with or motivated by zeal, fervent

Zealot: a fanatically committed person

I believe I am a zealot, that I am called to be a zealot. I believe that all Christians are called by god to be zealous people. In a world of wishy washy people where you are offensive if you stand up for a ideal and a moral world. If you call a person a homosexual and say that person is sinning against God, you are a prude and close minded person. You are not open-minded and you are taking away that persons right to be who they want to be, who they are entitled to be.

I say that I will be a zealous person in pursuit of God. I stand up and say that I will stand by my beliefs in a "outdated" and "restrictive" world view. In this permissive age I will stand up and not be bowled over by popular sediment and opinion. I will not let people do their own thing and keep my moral views to myself. The world doing its own thing has resulted in several things that are abominable in Gods sight and should be in ours also. When we have 2-4 year old little girls being molested by their brothers, uncles and fathers, am I to say that human nature is taking its course? To let man do whatever he wants to do? Natural Law? If you say that that is wrong to do and is only a small apparition of the norm. By your saying this is wrong, what basis do you say it is wrong on? Is it because man is a inertly good man? Then why did that small portion of mankind do these things to their fellow human beings, their relatives most of the time? By your saying any part of what a man does is wrong you are admitting to the natural law that God has placed inside man. The inherent conscience that God has placed inside man that says these things are wrong. That he needs to seek something outside himself that is bigger than himself. If you say that man has all that law he needs inside himself then you are worshipping a empty god of self knowledge that has no support in time of trouble.

I serve a God of righteous that will not tolerate people who say one thing in church and another thing in the workplace on Monday morning. I say we cast away the culture of popularity that surrounds all of us. That we stand up in our workplace on Monday morning and say that same thing that we promised the preacher on Sunday morning. That we will proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. That we will live a moral life that holds a higher standard up, the standard of the Bible and the Cross. That we walk this talk and stop letting other churches and cults walk our talk without the basis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

the president

22 Jan 1998

--Just a short greeting and thought. As I was watching the news tonight I was struck by the happenings on the TV. Here was a president getting his name dragged through the mud. My conservative Republican blood warmed at first to see the "The Great Liberal One" roasted on a spit again. I could see him floundering in the slime of his own making, flaying away. Thinking that if he stirred the slime to a froth maybe someone would mistake the frothy slime for something other than slime.

As I did my morning prayer walk I exulted in his downfall, crackling away to God. As I walked triumphal in the glory of another persons fall. I heard a small still voice ask what was funny. I primped in front of God, glowing about the great fall and possible defeat of the Spineless One. Spouting the righteous of my way and that I was still pure.

God listened to all patiently...... Then he asked me about my mouth.

Had I been gracious in all my dealings with others in the last week? Had I shown love in all ways to all that I met? I stopped mid-stride in my venting tirade. As I thought carefully of my habits and ways in the previous week. I could not say that I had been perfect in my walk. I had done many small sins that had not glorified God in my dealings with others. No I was not perfect nor was I even close. The scripture came to mind "He who is perfect may cast the first stone."

I had no business casting that stone.

I was not perfect, just a sinful person seeking the shelter of a Almighty God.

I fell to my knees in the middle of the parking lot. As I thought of Gods grace on my life, I thought of a man who so desperately needs Gods Grace at this minute.

Then I begin to pray for a president.


Character of a nation 2-2-98 As I listened to the polls roll easily off slick newspaper tongues of polls done that day. I was troubled by the numbers that were spouted so quickly and without any shame. Sixty five percent of people believe that the President did have a affair but that does not affect in any way their approval of his job performance.

Letters to the editor in the local paper supported the President, saying so what if he had twenty affairs as long as he was a good leader. In fact if he was a better leader having a affair send tons of women to have sex with him.

I was struck by the tone of the messages that I was hearing. Then I remembered where I had heard that tone before. It was in the Old Testament, in the description of what will happen to the Israelites if they sin. If they became so sinful that they couldn’t recognize sin in their own lives. That God would send a leader so without morals that they would change their lives. As a test to see if the people would recognize their sin in their own lives by seeing it displayed in their leaders. However if the people didn’t recognize the vacuum of morals, the Lord would send more evils upon their heads to see if they would change their ways.

I don’t even see Bill Clinton as President so much, nor am I questioning him. I almost believer that it could be any one of a number of men in that office doing the same things. What is important is the office of the President and that leadership being involved in a sexual scandal. If it is proved to be true. The attitude of the people when they heard that a prospective leader of the nation had a affair for years should have been horror at the lies that this man had told and lived. Instead we said the character doesn’t matter, so much as how good of a job we think that he is doing.

When did we as a nation of supposed Christians we gave up part of our national heritage and moral obligation to the world. Yes that sounds harsh and a bit pious. However when I pick up the word of God and it tells me that leaders should be men of one wife, leader of the household and a example to his community. Then I should be offended and indignant!

Am I attacking the president? By no means. I am attacking the lack of moral fiber in our country in this day and age! I am saying that when religion is restricted from our schools and the ten commandants are removed from our schools and courtrooms we will pay a price.

That price is hearing that sixty five percent of American’s do not care that their President had a affair with another woman.


"But She was so good looking"

I wonder at times what goes through a mans head as he does things. Do we -speaking as a man- really think of what we do at times? Are all we are is a bunch of emotions bundled together with no morals to limit us or a conscious to guide us?

I wondered as I watched two different men that I know that are not Christians who threw away their first wives and went after a younger women. In one case it was a 38 year old man chasing a 17 year old nanny to his children. A second man it was a young women in his office 18 years his junior. Both men married these women and both ended up divorced. A huge contributing factor was the age factor. After the great sex was over. That person had to wake up and actually coexist with that person they had chased and won. It was with a shock that they found out that they really didn’t have that much in common. After the treats and trinkets that a older man can give to a younger women. After the sunburn from Cancun had faded into a tan . What else was their to do? Yes they shared the same house and were married to each other but what was the glue that held them together?

Infatuation and sex I believe.

Plus the pride that a older man has that he has the best wife on the block. Better looking and more perky than the other old wives that his friends are married to. But was something missed in viewing the wives around them. Were they seen only for the outside looks and not for the inside? Was the silent relationship that marks a good relationship, the one of friendship and commitment, missed? The quiet times of two friends being together forever. Locked in a such tight bond that no one can really tell where one starts and the other stops. A relationship of such that upon meeting one of the two that you feel you know the other? Yet the one is two people strong in their own strengths complementing each other.

Why is it so hard for us Americans to see beyond the outside and into the inner person? We as a society have shifted so much to the material things that we forget that their are other things in life worth living for then gold. The gold is pretty on the outside and shiny in its form but cold to the touch. With no heat providing factors that can warm one at night or make a good companion.

It is almost sickening to see how much we chase the dream of the perfect looking wife or husband. I am sick of seeing and hearing stories of men who have chased the dream of the perfect wife and caught her. Only to find that the dream is only that, a empty thing of our imaginations. That we may hold that dream for a short while and then it disappears. A heart breaking tale is all that is left. Remorse open for a little bit, but with a tag line. " But she was so good looking". When reminded that the person is alone now with nothing to show the time passed but more scars. The tag line is repeated "But she was so good looking" . Others around nod their heads in unison consoling their friend at his loss, offering words of support and companionship. Yet these were the same friends, wildly jealous as their friend had paraded his new trophy at the local parties. Giving a nudge, nudge, wink, wink to their friend. Openly drooling over the new acquisition their friend has.

I wonder sometimes how we can be so deluded to think that looks and sex can make up for lack of same interests. How can we lower ourselves to the point of thinking on a merely instinctual level, how can we compromise what God has given us in the vows of marriage-hood .

The goal is so high and the rewards are so great if we follow the rules.

Am I saying that I am perfect? In no shape or form brethren! I am just as vain at times in my dealings with people of the world. I too want to be able to say that my wife has a perfect model figure and looks great all the time. It is only by a daily walk with God and throwing every dart of lustful thinking that hits me straight to God. I am a fallen sinful man, woe be it to me. I must take the thoughts that enter my head and ask for Gods strength to overcome everyone of those sinful thoughts. It is not by my strength that I overcome it is by the Lords. I need to concentrate on the wonderful friendship that has developed between I and my wife by Gods Strength. Knowing that even if I was disabled we would still have a friendship and commitment to back up our marriage. That is a wonderful and comforting thought. To know that my wife loves me for who I am and I love her for who she is. Without compromise I concentrate on the relationship that I have with my wife and determine that I will build on it.

Commitment is not for the weak willed person. It requires a determination that you will love that person through all circumstances.

Let us every day brethren, be seeking the throne of God. Seeking out friendships based on a common interest not on a lustful interest. Then we will not be the one crying on a friends shoulder saying "but she was so good looking".

-Zealous for Him -

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