The Family and Community Historical Research Society
West Midlands Regional Network
This is one of a series of networks covering the United Kingdom and Ireland. The West Midlands Regional Network covers the counties of Herefordshire, Staffordshire,Shropshire, Warwickshire, The West Midlands and Worcestershire
For those of you who have not heard of this initiative it's basic aims are:-
* The aim of providing a forum for discussion, of sharing research interests, information and skills and providing mutual support among the serious amateur historical research community
* To offer Students the opportunity to continue their research with peer group support.
* To act as an information network about academic and other opportunities
* To encourage 'amateur' researchers in the community, to set their work within an academic context
The network is concerned with the stimulation of research in family and community history including that aimed at the millennium together with the creation of a flexible academic framework for offering serious researchers comment on their work
International & National Membership
Our Local Network (and indeed the National Society) is open to members worldwide, for further details contact:-
FCHRS West Midlands Region
18 Hobs Road
Wood Green
West Midlands
WS10 9BD
Or e-mail me Dave Ogden
The National Society
The national society was formed during a meeting organised by OSFACH (Open Studies in Family and Community History, an inter-faculty group of the Open University) on 18th April 1998. It is aimed mainly at those researchers (both independent and university based) who are investigating family and community/local history. Membership of the national society is open to all who have an interest in the pursuit of family and/or community history within a scholarly framework.
The society will be publishing (via Maney publishers) two journals per year, titled 'Family and Community History' with each issue comprising 5-6 articles, news and reviews. The journal will be peer and academic-reviewed and it is hoped will emphasise the accessibility and interaction between institution based and independent researchers.
The General Editors of the journal are:-
Prof. Michael Drake, Prof. Ruth Finnegan and Dr. Dan Weinbren all of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University.
There will be a wider board of around 20 advisors to assist in the refereeing of potential articles, writing reviews and articles.
News Editor is Jacky Cooper (ex-DA 301) and Reviews, Maxine Rhodes (Westhill College Birmingham).
The yearly subscription to the National Society is £19 and includes the journals within this cost.
Links to other sites on the Web
Historical and Reference Sites
The Open University's Home Page
DA 301 Home Page
The OSFACH Home Page
The Alcester and District Local History Society
Staffordshire's County Page
Worcestershire's County Page
The Black Country Pages
Ask a Librarian
The Internet Library of Early Journals
British Association For Local History
Guide to Manuscripts and Archives at Harvard Law School
On-Line UK Census plus Hundreds of other Records
Manchester University's Family History Resource
© 1998 FCHRS West Midlands Regional Network
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