Decor by Rhebeka

All graphics and content on this site optimized at 800x600

Click to contact me
To contact me click on the above logo

WELCOME, this is where I keep my backgrounds, borders and assorted graphics. You are welcome to use any of my art for your site but please do not link to my server. Right click on the image and then "save as" to your harddrive.

I have not finished the graphics specific to this site and therefore the pages will appear relatively stark. However, I am working on it daily and will soon have everything coordinated. I have made the individual directory backgrounds as small as possible to expedite load time.

Background sets which are up for a limited time only or do not fall into a specific catagory will have a thumbnail on this page which is linked to the full set.

Due to high demand on my time I am no longer able to do custom site designs for free. However I will still be available to answer basic HTML questions and I will do Headers, Bars, Spacers, etc., for backgrounds which are already in place on my site.

Please do not alter my images in any way.

I am no longer asking that you place my logo on your page but if you would like to use one they are located at the bottom of the page. The linking address is located below the logos.

Index of Background Directories
Floral Children Holidays
Abstracts Muted Religious


09/05/98 added Winnie and Friends to Children.


10/06/98 added Muted Cardinal Background to Holidays/Christmas and Mutes.

BonusMail, E-Mail That Rewards You!

Aaron's Disney Clipart Collection

Decor Logo Light   Decor Logo Dark   Decor Logo marble

Please link one of the above logos to

If you need help with linking just give me a holler and I will send you the code.

Color Picker 

  This is a neat little tool to coordinate your webpage color scheme (it's "postcard ware")

Los Member

Divas of the Net

Bad Girls


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Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro 5

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