Vicki Knox - 12/05/00 07:32:42 My URL:/jamtom_knox/family.html My Age: 24 Any Angels in Heaven: yes a baby miscarried at 13 weeks | Comments: I am so sorry for your loss. I am in tears as i write this to you. You have done a beautiful job on this site. Let us all with guardian angels unite together. You daughter can now look down on you and help you though your life. |
Veronica Kerperien-Robinson - 11/27/00 07:11:34 My URL: My Age: 38 State: Mt Morris MI | Comments: Your website is a beautiful memorial. My heart is with you. ![]() ![]() |
manuela meijer - 11/16/00 18:06:12 My Age: 29 State: Holland | Comments: I am a mother who survived hellp syndrome and got a little girl who also survived. I thank god for this every day, and my heart cries for your losses. |
Robin - 09/21/00 14:10:47 | Comments: Thanx for puttin up the pics STEPHANIE! but don't worry i was talkin to derek and he told me that you 2 were talkin last night so i understand why now!! just kiddin!! I am in class right now but i will talk to you later k??? bye bye |
Donna K - 08/10/00 01:39:47 My Age: 28 State: Michigan Number Children: 1 (5 years old) | Comments: Your tribute to your daughter is wonderful. God Bless you and your family! |
Rosepetal - 07/01/00 16:46:56 My Age: 20 State: CO Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: I do not know what it is like to loose a child..I only saw my best friend go through it, and that was pain enough for me. When someone older dies, who has touched many lives, people can share their grief, whereas when infants die, no one hurts as much as he parents. God will take care of you, as he is taking care of meghan. I wish you luck. |
Theresa McLeid - 06/18/00 15:18:31 My URL: My Age: 37 State: Indiana Any Angels in Heaven: Shawn Michael Web Page: You'll Never Walk Alone | Comments: Your memorial to your daughter is very touching. I lost my son 14 years ago and I just started to visit sites on the internet and it has helped me a lot. It even encouraged me to make my own web site as a memorial to my son. You have done a fantastic job ith this site. Megan is a very lucky baby to have parents that love her so much. Thanks so much for sharing her with me. |
Doralee - 04/26/00 01:58:06 My URL: My Age: 36 State: California Any Angels in Heaven: Yes, 1 Web Page: Through The Garden Gate | Comments: I just wanted you to know that i came to visit Megan and say a little prayer for her and for you both. How blessed you were to be able to carry such a sweet baby for 24 weeks, but I am so sorry that you weren't able to share more time with her! She must ve been very special for God to have called her back so soon! I saw your link through my new friends page (Mark and Michele) who just added me to their page. I wanted to come to pay respects. God bless! |
Dee &2AngelsInHeaven - 04/07/00 03:24:34 My | Comments: Tammy, It seems like yesterday, and now 2 years has past ! But she is still in our hearts and thoughts today as yesterday ~ And she is more beautiful ~~~~~ DEE |
chrissy - 04/06/00 03:38:01 My Age: 33 State: new south wales | Comments: you have done an exellent job on your memory of megan.may she rest in peace. chrissy |
jennifer - 03/21/00 01:32:53 My Age: 25 State: ut | Comments: We lost our little Grace 5 weeks before her due date. |
Valerie Immel - 03/03/00 23:35:41 My Age: 57 State: CA. | Comments: I am deeply touched by your beautiful tribute to your tiny daughter, Megan. I can understand how the grand spirit of one little girl would chose such a special mother. Thank you. |
Valerie Immel - 03/03/00 23:32:00 My | Comments: |
Valerie Immel - 03/03/00 23:27:02 My Email:jvimmel Age: 57 State: CA. | Comments: I am deeply touched by your beautiful tribute to your tiny daughter, Megan. I can understand how the grand spirit of one little girl would chose such a special mother. Thank you. |
Frances Terroni - 02/26/00 12:55:55 My URL:/frankiet65 My Age: 44 State: ME Any Angels in Heaven: one of them Web Page: In Memory of Tony Terroni II | Comments: I came upon your web page in my endless search of on the internet for more information. It is a beautiful site. I am so very sorry for your loss, how sad that you were unable to enjoy your sweet baby for even a minute. The death of ones child is painfu no matter how long they were on earth. My son son Tony died on November 1, 1997 of a combination heroin/methadone overdose. As a Mother I understand your pain. |
Frances Terroni - 02/26/00 12:54:21 My URL: My Age: 44 State: ME Any Angels in Heaven: one of them Web Page: In Memory of Tony Terroni II | Comments: I came upon your web page in my endless search of on the internet for more information. It is a beautiful site. I am so very sorry for your loss, how sad that you were unable to enjoy your sweet baby for even a minute. The death of ones child is painfu no matter how long they were on earth. My son son Tony died on November 1, 1997 of a combination heroin/methadone overdose. As a Mother I understand your pain. |
Stacey Gibbons - 02/16/00 04:36:42 My Age: 31 State: Ohio Any Angels in Heaven: 1-Her name is Grace | Comments: I love your website honoring Megan. Today was the due date for Grace and its comforting to know that others know how I feel and understand my pain. I miscarried at 12 weeks, but felt I had known her for a lifetime. Thank you |
Lawanna Burgess - 02/13/00 20:26:44 My URL: My Age: 28 State: Florida Web Page: | Comments: You have created an absolutely beautiful web page in memory of Megan. I too have a beautiful angel in heaven who was stillborn (placental abruption). It's wonderful that you have memorialized her so beautifully. |
Emma - 02/05/00 22:21:12 My Age: 25 State: Derby, UK | Comments: Just wanted to let you know, I too have two angels in heaven and have no reasons as to why. My heart goes out to you. What a lovely angel Megan makes. |
Brenda - 02/05/00 18:58:00 My Age: 52 State: Ga Web Page: no | Comments: |
Joyce - 02/03/00 19:11:25 My URL: My Age: 32 State: West Virginia Number Children: 2--Ryan, age 7, and Emily, 23 months Any Angels in Heaven: Garrett--stillborn December 21, 1999 | Comments: You have a wonderful site...such a loving tribute to Megan. As someone who has also lost a child, my sympathies are with you and your family. |
Michelle Nixon - 01/29/00 00:17:15 My URL: My Age: 27 State: NJ Number Children: 3 (2 living-1 angel) Any Angels in Heaven: 1 (Cassidy Amber) | Comments: Your site is beautiful! Megan was a beautiful little girl. You have done a great thing here! Michelle |
Todd Walker - 01/25/00 18:28:01 My Age: 28 State: MO | Comments: God be with you during your healing time. Twenty years ago - my little sister, Mary Elizabeth (@15months) was tragically killed. My wife gave birth recently to our first child, Megan Elizabeth. We named her in loving memory of my little Angel-sister in Heaven! May we all look towards Heaven and Rejoice for God's Wonderful Healing Power!!! |
Corene - 01/23/00 04:30:12 My Age: 27 State: OR Any Angels in Heaven: 1, My daughter | Comments: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Yout web page is beautiful. I too lost my daughter on 11-15-98, Natasha Raye. I was 34 weeks along and thought I was going to have her that evening, instead they couldn't find her heartbeat. To this day we still do ot know how she passed away. I think this is the hardest to deal with. Not knowing if I did something wrong to have this terrible thing to happen. She now rests in peace with God. |
LAURA - 01/22/00 22:21:47 My URL: | Comments:![]() |
Pam - 01/17/00 21:15:54 My URL: My Age: 31 State: MN Web Page: in loving memory of Jacob | Comments: I am so sorry for your loss.{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} I too lost my first child. You have created a beautiful, and loving site for megan. Peace and prayers to you in your journey though your grief. |
Shawna Moore - 01/01/00 15:28:29 My URL: My Age: 24 State: Indiana | Comments: I believe Barrett & Megan are up in heaven waitting on us to join them. |
Renee - 11/28/99 01:12:40 My URL: My State: California Web Page: Christian links for kids and teens | Comments:![]() |
Jo Adele Page - 11/23/99 09:11:02 My Age: 61 State: California Number Children: 3 grown children Any Angels in Heaven: 3 babies in heaven Web Page: None | Comments: Your web site is so beautiful in memory of your sweet Meghan. I am so sorry for your loss. You have done a splendid job on this site. It is so comforting for me. God Bless You for the way you are helping women like me and so many other women. I Lost three babies in the 1960's through miscarriage. I stuffed my grief down in my heart for over 3 years. I was so busy raising my three beautiful living children. They are grown up now and so much fun to be with. I thank the Lord for them! But, now I have to go through the very hard job of learning to grieve my 3 sweet babies and other losses in y life. I have been on a lot of sites and they have helped and comforted me very much. Your lovely memorial site to your daughter has really helped me. You have gone through a lot. It must have been so difficult to give birth to your baby daughter and then not e able to keep her. I'm glad you got to hold her in your arms. I'm glad you had such a nice funeral and a pretty white casket for her. Her head stone is very nice. You have a place to go and put flowers on her grave. That's wonderful! I am glad you a d your husband have closure. God BLess You. What concerns me is what happened to my babies. The doctors told women in the '60's virtually nothing. We were so naive. Now I have dozens of questions. I sent for my medical records of my pregnancies and D&C's. I hope to get them soon - so I can have some answers. In memory of all babies in heaven. I am so glad that Jesus is taking care of my babies and all the babies in heaven. I praise the Lord Jesus for this - and I praise Him for my 3 living, grown children and 2 beautiful grandchildren. Keep up the good work of caring for others. Also, you are very talented. Sincerely, Jo Adele Page |
Leesa - 11/23/99 07:12:53 My Email:LSAND85435 Age: 33 State: CA Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: Megan's page has touched my heart. |
gloria - 11/21/99 13:30:38 My URL:/Heartland/Woods/4671/ My Any Angels in Heaven: Ana Caitlin 4/21/98 Web Page: Sitll To Be Born: healing childbering losses | Comments: your page is lovely and very moving. I am only too sorry to read of your loss. The love for your Megan is eminent throughout your story and pages. Within the next week or so, I will add your link to my site, would you be interested in a link exchange? have you and your husband been able to concieve? We have not but pray every day for another miracle. take good care, fondly, gloria |
Katina - 11/16/99 08:01:34 My Age: 39 State: Oklahoma | Comments: My prayer's are with you and your little angel. |
Sandy - 09/26/99 20:01:08 My URL: My Age: 23 State: NC Number Children: 2 a boy and a girl and one on the way | Comments: you have a wonderful web site im sorry about your loss.i felt it my part to sign the gestbook.even tho i have never lost a child i think it is wonderful that there are people out there that can tell of there story. |
connie - 09/16/99 16:52:27 Age: 32 State: Ia Number Children: 8 in all | Comments: I lost my first baby at 6 weeks. The next baby I lost due to Eptopic Preg,they almost lost me at that time also. I had a baby girl on christmas eve,her due date was the same as the first babys. 12 months later I had a son. 3 years later, another son. 4 ears later,I was preg with twins. At 14 weeks it was discovered they had twin to twin transfusion,in it`s advanced stages,both boys had hydrops(water in their hearts)due to ttt. I wanted them to pass along, when God said it was time. At 17 weeks along the went to heaven. My precious boys Luke and John. Just think Megan and my little one`s are playing together on streets of gold,where they never have to experience any wrong doing,and are being read to by Jesus. Your in my prayers. |
- 09/03/99 00:59:58 | Comments: |
Shelly Foster - 09/03/99 00:58:58 My Age: 28 State: Korea Number Children: none | Comments: I know of the pain that you feel Love always Shelly |
Jen - 08/24/99 12:33:58 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Germany Number Children: two boys, one baby girl in heaven Any Angels in Heaven: one, Sarah Web Page: Tribute To Sarah | Comments: I loved your page. I am so sorry for your loss of Megan. She was a beautiful little girl. |
Tammy - 08/06/99 22:30:46 My Age: 27 State: TN Any Angels in Heaven: NO | Comments: Tammy we have a few things in common. The first is we have the same first name. The second is my oldest boy was born on April 3, 1995. Your pages are beautiful and i'm sorry something like this had to happen. My husband and I have been married 8 1/2 year , I too had to take clomid to concieve. The good Lord gaves us two healthy boys. And for some reason he needed your little Megan in heaven. He thought she was to precious to be here on earth. We are going to start back on Clomid this month and try to get regnant. I pray that God blesses us again with another healthy baby. I have always wanted a little girl so bad. After seeing your page, as long as my child is healthy it doesn't matter to me what sex the baby is. My heart goes out to all those that have lost children or expierenced infertility. |
Kimmy Smith - 07/31/99 00:09:07 My URL: My State: Louisiana Number Children: 3, 2 surviving Any Angels in Heaven: 1 lovely daughter Megan Leigh | Comments: I am so sorry for your loss. Grief is something that we all share in the Without You webring. Your site really touched my heart. ![]() |
Frances Dennis - 07/30/99 04:43:12 My URL: My Age: 27 State: California | Comments: Your site is beautiful. I will have to come back often to see every thing! |
Michele - 07/30/99 04:13:39 My Age: 30 State: TX | Comments: Really beautiful! |
Lucia Garcia - 07/26/99 06:33:27 My Age: 37 State: CA | Comments: I enjoyed Megan's home page very much. I lost my son Daniel to a chromosome problem at 38wks. on April 25,1995. I miss him so, although I have gone on to have 2 other children: Gianna 3 yrs. and Aaron 1 yr. I often wonder what life would be like if he w re here with us. |
Lucia arcia - 07/26/99 06:27:24 | Comments: |
Carol - 07/25/99 17:50:02 My Age: 30 State: WA Web Page: none | Comments: I had a miscrage at 3 months it was very hard, I'm sure that God is taking care of our children and we will see them again someday |
Vickie Bragg - 07/16/99 13:32:45 My URL: My Age: 35 State: Texas Web Page: In Loving Memory of Zachary Shane Bragg | Comments: May God be with you and bless you!! Is there another baby in the works. I too have blood pressure problems with my pregnancies. |
Karen - 07/14/99 12:25:33 My Age: 35 Web Page: none | Comments: Your site is beautiful. I have an angel, Adam. Born still 5/1/95 due to incompetent cervix. |
Stephanie Shue - 07/02/99 14:10:53 My URL: My Age: 29 Any Angels in Heaven: one son Web Page: Joseph's Story | Comments: You have a beautiful memorial to Megan. I know she would be proud of the mom that you are. Just know that you are in my prayers. God bless you! |
Kimmy Smith - 06/28/99 13:11:17 My URL: My Age: 36 State: Louisiana Number Children: 3, two surviving Any Angels in Heaven: Megan Leigh Web Page: Megan's My Angel page | Comments: What a beautiful page. I am surfing the Angels of the Net Webring since I am a member and have not been able to do so yet. You have a lovely Angel site. Take care and may the Angels guard you. |
Katherine - 06/20/99 02:53:09 My URL: My Age: 37 Any Angels in Heaven: Matthew, Mariah, and Shelby Web Page: Katherine's Corner | Comments: What a beautiful tribute to Megan. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I know the pain of infertility and empty arms, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Katherine |
Stephanie - 06/14/99 23:57:03 My Age: 20 State: Co Number Children: 1 angel 1 on the way Any Angels in Heaven: Madison Jeanne | Comments: I am very sorry about the loss of your angel Megan. My daughter Madison was also born an angel Feb 1 1999. If you ever need to talk please e-mail me God Bless, Stephanie |
Lynn - 06/14/99 01:21:40 My URL: My Age: 41 State: Missouri Any Angels in Heaven: a miscarriage... Web Page: My Mom and Dad's Memorial pages | Comments: Hi, I'm Lynn, your block leader for the Softer Side of the Web web ring. Just doing a routine check of the sites on my block but your pages touched me enough to make me spend a lot of time here. I was truly touched my Megan's story and photos. You do h ve an angel in heaven watching over you, waiting for you... Peace, Lynn |
Carol - 06/11/99 06:35:29 My Age: 52 yrs young:) State: Washington Number Children: Five | Comments: My heart and prayers are with you, and may God Bless, and keep all of you in his care~~~~~~ Megan's story has touched my heart, and she is a precious little girl, and truly an Angel in Heaven. Peace be with you, Carol |
Aja - 06/08/99 22:13:33 My URL: My State: Missouri Any Angels in Heaven: Liam Web Page: In Memory of Liam | Comments: Hi. I am a member of Random Acts of Kindness and just wanted to say that I was really touched by your site and your angel. I lost my son at 12 weeks gestation this April. Although it was and still is very hard for me, it is comforting to share him with everyone through my website. I hope you have found this to be true as well. Your site is beautiful. If you ever want to talk, I am here. Best wishes and God Bless. |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:24:39 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:23:53 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:20:08 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:16:19 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:16:08 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:16:02 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Sandy - 06/07/99 05:15:40 My URL: My Age: 26 State: NM | Comments: I was touched by your web site. Im sorry about your loss. I know that your little girl is watching over you, waiting for you in her heavenly home. May God Bless you and your family. Love Sandy |
Ali - 05/30/99 17:33:35 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:33:28 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:31:49 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:30:40 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:29:38 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:28:40 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:28:15 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:26:50 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:26:35 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:25:29 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:25:19 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:25:06 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:24:02 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 17:23:47 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:46:01 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:57 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:51 My URL:/Area51/Dreamworld/6505/ My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:46 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:41 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:35 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:29 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:19 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:14 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:09 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:45:03 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:58 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:52 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:46 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:38 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:33 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:26 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:44:18 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Ali - 05/30/99 16:43:20 My URL: My Age: The summer of love! *S* State: IL Number Children: None :-( Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments:
Deanna Symmonds - 05/28/99 19:54:46 My URL:http:// My Age: 34 State: Missouri Web Page: | Comments: Hello, what a wonderful thang you have done for us who have lost children, I do have a nother daughter at home but it is so hard to go on and in my small comunity we have no suport Thank you, ((HUGS)) Deanna |
Darlene - 05/20/99 22:28:12 My URL: My Age: 34 State: Florida Web Page: For The Love Of PJ | Comments: I just wanted to say thank-you for leaving your site address in PJ's questbook. I am so sorry for your loss. You have created a wonderful page in her memory. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. |
Jeann Wilson - 05/20/99 07:48:39 My Age: 29 State: Washington Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: Megan is very beautiful and I know she is looking down from heaven on you and all of her family. |
Ali - 05/16/99 05:34:38 My URL: My Age: Born on the summer of love State: IL Number Children: None Any Angels in Heaven: Too many Web Page: Ali's new piece of heaven | Comments: Tammy I hurt with you pain and I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Please keep in mind that I am here for you. I want you to know you can always talk to me bout anything :-) Ali |
Robbie's Mom - 05/15/99 02:52:12 My URL: My Age: 44 State: VA Web Page: Robbie, My Boy! | Comments: What a beautiful to your true little angel. There can be no greater loss than for a parent to have to say goodby to their child. I have learned that by sharing our grief we do heal a little because we are also helping others. Bless you and keep watch over you angel. |
Kay Tillman - 04/29/99 18:59:35 My Age: 28 State: GA Number Children: 1 angel in heaven | Comments: What a beautiful tribute you have made for your angel Megan. She was so pretty. I just lost my angel Shelby on March 2. She only lived a day due to a heart defect called ebstein's anomaly. Sites like yours have helped me so much. I wish there wasn't a nee for such sites but just knowing you are not alone helps so much. Love and Hugs, Shelby's mommy Kay |
Jo Ann, Operation Angel - 04/27/99 16:07:17 My URL: My Age: 59 State: AR Web Page: Operation Angel | Comments: You've done a wonderful job in honoring Megan's memory. I wish none of us had to have a page in memory of our precious babies. May God continue to give you peace and comfort. |
Charlyne Hand - 04/24/99 01:55:51 My Age: 29 State: Tx. Number Children: 2 girls 8yrs. 10yrs. are there ages Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: I still have what I know has to be the hardest thing in all life to give up, I just don't know where to begin. My heart goes out to all. Sincerley, Charlyne Flynt Hand |
MELISSA GARCIA - 04/23/99 21:23:28 My Email:BITSY_G@HOTMAIL.COM Age: 22 State: TX Number Children: 1(AGE 4) Any Angels in Heaven: 1WOULD BE 1YRS | Comments: GOD BLESS YOU I HOPE FOR A PRECIOUS ANGEL TO BE BLESSED UPON YOU IN THE BEST OF HEALTH. |
MELISSA GARCIA - 04/23/99 21:21:32 My Email:BITSY_G@HOTMAIL.COM | Comments: |
Jan Rasmus - 04/09/99 04:47:47 My Email:SAAB117480 Age: 35 State: Connecticut Web Page: none | Comments: Your website is beautiful. I recently lost my daughter Brittney Rose I went into preterm labor at 23 weeks due a group b strep infection. She was born on Aug.10,98 and passed away on Aug.12. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. May the g od lord bless you and your loved ones. I wish you peace. |
Gram - 04/08/99 16:15:03 Age: senior State: PA Any Angels in Heaven: Our 6 Yr Old Grandson | Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad anniversary of precious Megan's death. She is a beautiful baby now in heaven with the angels. Love, Gram |
Samantha - 04/01/99 06:56:11 My URL:/Heartland/Park/4776/Samsangelspace.html My Age: 26 State: NSW / Australia! Number Children: 1 in heaven Web Page: Sam's Angel Space | Comments: What a truely beautiful site you have in memory of your precious angel Megan. To lose a child at any stage of their fragile lives is so hard, yet through the net we are able to keep their memories alive forever more, in our hearts and the hearts and minds of many. Please come visit my site in loving memory of my precious angel Aiden who was born still in Feb '98. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. {{{hugs}}} Sammy ^i^ |
Linda - 03/09/99 12:06:23 My URL: My Age: 31 State: CA | Comments: I am sorry you do not have Megan on earth, but rest assured we SHALL see our angels again. I lost one to miscarriage and one to SIDS, there is NO good way to lose a loved one. I thank God for those that try to educate the friends and family on what not o say. In His name, Linda |
Maggie Hilton - 03/08/99 22:49:11 My URL: My Age: 34 State: New Zealand Web Page: none as of yet | Comments: I am always saddened, when i hear of the loss of more little angels. Our daughter Lily was born still, due to placental abruption 9 May 1998. I had a case where they thought i was in Labour, then found no heartbeat. There were none of the usual signs o trouble, that come with Placental Abruption. The news there was no heartbeat ripped our world apart. We had spent over 2 yrs on fertilty treatments. I really am amazed at your tribute to Megan, who is and will always be a truly beautiful little girl. Our Love goes out to you at this time and always! |
Maggie Hilton - 03/08/99 22:47:13 My URL: My Age: 34 State: New Zealand Web Page: none as of yet | Comments: I am always saddened, when i hear of the loss of more little angels. Our daughter Lily was born still, due to placental abruption 9 May 1998. I had a case where they thought i was in Labour, then found no heartbeat. There were none of the usual signs o trouble, that come with Placental Abruption. The news there was no heartbeat ripped our world apart. We had spent over 2 yrs on fertilty treatments. I really am amazed at your tribute to Megan, who is and will always be a truly beautiful little girl. Our Love goes out to you at this time and always! |
Nancy Graham - 03/07/99 19:12:21 My URL: My Age: 42 State: IL Web Page: Matthew's Page | Comments: I just visited your sites... very emotional, but beautiful. My heart goes out to you. God bless you. Nancy |
Liv - 03/07/99 09:05:44 My URL: My Web Page: Paint Pots: Homemade Graphics | Comments: Your homepage touched my heart. Know that your little angel Megan now watches over you, and be strong. *~angels are all that is light and love~* |
Carol M - 02/23/99 02:38:10 My Age: 34 State: Calgary Alberta, Canada Number Children: 1 in heaven | Comments: We lost Lindsay June on Dec 15, 1998. Who ever expects to have problems after the 5th month? I certainally didn't. I love your site, Megan is very proud, I'm sure. I am astounded by the number of people who have visited and with whom we have something so very special in common - our Angels in Heaven. |
BethAnne - 02/16/99 21:40:34 My URL: My Age: 26 State: Ohio Number Children: Soon to be 4 Any Angels in Heaven: 2 in heaven Web Page: | Comments: You have created a very beautiful page in memory of Megan.. Thank you for sharing.. Please visit my pages when you have the time.. My first angel Ashley Renee My second angel Christopher Lee |
Ammie Stevens - 02/10/99 21:05:54 My Age: 28 State: IN Number Children: no living children | Comments: Tammy, I just looked at your website and wanted to tell you how beautiful it is. It deserves many awards! It struck me as I viewed Megan's pictures how much she and Emily look alike as they were born around the same gestational age. Thank you for doing this si e. I look forward to visiting often! |
Mary - 02/07/99 03:13:58 My State: FL Web Page: no | Comments: I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter Rachael on January 9, 1999, just 4 weeks ago today to a cord accident. I miss and love her very much, your web page is very beautiful and I visit if often. |
Sharmaine - 02/02/99 01:21:45 My URL: My Age: 47 State: Texas Any Angels in Heaven: My Only One Web Page: "Tracy Lynn's Page" | Comments: You have done a beautiful job creating Megan's page. I know the hurt of losing a child. It is something you never "over come". My thoughts are with you and your family. Sharmaine |
Stephanie Russell - 01/24/99 07:49:59 My URL: My Age: 24 State: CO Any Angels in Heaven: Noble Ragale McQuiggin Web Page: | Comments: Megan's page is beautiful, as is she! You are an inspiration to all of us who have also suffered a loss, thank you for your contribution. Stephanie |
Tracy Martin - 01/22/99 23:14:24 My Age: 27 State: GA | Comments: |
Jan Estes - 01/08/99 08:12:45 My State: Texas | Comments: You have displayed a beautiful and sensitive tribute to your precious daughter. Thank you for having the courage to share with so many others who need the support. The graphics are not only cute, but give me a sense that Megan is at peace "playing in Go 's garden". God bless you all. |
Jennifer - 12/28/98 07:48:55 My Age: 16 State: Texas Number Children: i am a chil Any Angels in Heaven: yes my baby sister Web Page: dont have one | Comments: |
Annie Peters - 12/09/98 00:23:22 My Age: 24 State: Colorado Any Angels in Heaven: 2; (1992 & 1997) | Comments: I am so very sorry about the death of your beautiful baby girl. I know that she is with the Lord in Heaven as are my children. (I wonder if they are friends !) Your Web page is an inspiration for thoes of us who have lost children early in life, and are n t given the respect to grieve. I'm glad that this is a safe place that I can come to where someone understands the pain of "Empty Arms". With much love and sorrow, Annie |
Lisa Larson - 12/04/98 05:01:01 My Age: 26 State: TN Web Page: none | Comments: I have lost two babies in early pregnancy. I miscarried my first pregnancy 2 years ago, and then had an ectopic pregnancy last week. My heart feels so empty and I too feel your deep hurting. If you want to talk, I'm here. I, too, have needed to use Clomid to ovulate. Without it, I don't have cycles. Ladies in Waiting has been a God-send, just knowing that other women share my difficulties. It's a much needed source of strength. God Bless. |
Justina - 12/03/98 00:38:18 My State: FL | Comments: May God bless you ans watch over you nad your family. I cannot begin to imagine the grief you must feel, but please know that you are in my prayers. I feel as though you are doing a wonderful thing by starting this site in memory of your Angel in heaven. I know that Meagan will live forever in your hearts and I want you to know that now she has touched mine in a way that I will never forget. |
Kathy - 12/02/98 21:27:55 My Age: 38 State: tx | Comments: found the page through a message sent to LIW, I think what you have done is beautiful and a very special tribute to your angel in heaven, who may be playing with my 2 angels Christopher and Shannon. God Bless! Kathy <>< |
Exodus - 12/02/98 16:28:39 Age: 26 State: TX | Comments: This is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I cried when I read your story. I know the struggle of infertility and can imagine how heartbreaking this is for you! |
Ann - 12/02/98 03:47:29 My Age: 36 State: Pa | Comments: Your story truly touched my heart. My prayers are with you, and all the woman who have angels in heaven. I am a member of LIW, so that is how I found out about your web page. It is absolutely beautiful. I wish you the best of luck always. |
Amy Lynn Kern - 12/02/98 00:52:40 My Age: 26 State: VA Number Children: none living Any Angels in Heaven: Melodie lost to mc on 1-7-97 | Comments: I admire your courage to do this page and take pictures. I am crying as I type this. God Bless. |
Joan - 11/30/98 12:35:01 My Age: 38 State: Fla | Comments: |
Regenia - 11/24/98 20:52:35 My Age: 26 State: GA | Comments: I popped over here to check out Megan's story before responding to one of your emails. Seeing her pictures was.... There aren't words. Hugs. |
Gloria Tello - 11/13/98 17:46:01 My URL: My Any Angels in Heaven: Yes - Ana Caitlin Web Page: Still to be Born | Comments: I have visited before but I am passing thorugh again. You have made some new changes and addtions that are lovely and touching to the soul. May this note fine you and your family filled with hope, healing and lots of peace, gloria |
Christie - 11/07/98 06:40:43 My URL: My Age: 29 State: ca Any Angels in Heaven: no Web Page: Matthews World | Comments: I love your site, it is so beautiful, and a beautiful tribute to your daughter. she is a lucky girl to have had a mommy like you. You will be in my families prayers. God bless. christie |
Stephanie, Brian, & Jacob - 10/21/98 21:45:11 My URL: My Age: 18 State: NC Any Angels in Heaven: not a child of mine, But Jeffrey Alan, my sister's boyfriend of 5 yrs. Died with cancer. I have a page for him at my site Web Page: Stephanie's Web Site! | Comments: Great web site. I really love it! God Bless U! |
Melissa - 10/16/98 05:58:35 My URL: My Age: 29 State: NJ Any Angels in Heaven: Jessica- 4 yrs. Web Page: In memory of Jessica | Comments: I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby Megan. We also lost a daughter on May 3, 1998. She was 4 yrs.old. I ask God why everyday. The emptiness is more than I can bear at times.The loss of a child at any age is the worst pain that a parent could ever bare. You are in my prayers. |
chicky-ma-ma - 10/11/98 01:18:06 My URL: My Age: 25 State: mi Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: I am your GeoCities Community Leader, and I wanted to let you know I dropped by. I cried. My Aunt lost her first baby Josua, and I am going to refer her to your page. Thank you for sharing your story. If you ever need any help, email me or icq me. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Veronica - 09/18/98 12:19:42 My URL: My Age: 33 State: A.C.T. Australia Any Angels in Heaven: No thank God | Comments: I think you have a beautiful memorial for Megan, I lost my nephew when he was 4 days old, after his parents had tried for 10 years to have children, he had cyctic fibroise but lucky they have now had a health little girl so there is a god out there take c re |
Jo Ann - 09/14/98 21:49:20 My Age: 59 State: AR | Comments: I pray God will continue to bring comfort and healing to your heart. |
John and Anna Leroux - 09/14/98 04:50:27 My Age: 34/24 State: Missouri Number Children: none living | Comments: Megan has a wonderful mommy. We have lost 3 babies. Meagan was stillborn at 40 wks. Tanner was stillborn at 38 wks. and Konner was stillborn at 34 wks. It is helpful to know that there are others who know how we feel. It was an honor to see your beautifu daughter's pictures. |
Belynda - 09/06/98 08:23:30 My URL: My Age: 21 State: Australia Number Children: none Any Angels in Heaven: no Web Page: Beynda's Home Away from Hell | Comments: I love this page. It took a lot of courage to share the pain of losing Megan...I found it hard not to cry while reading this page. I wish there were more loving parents like you in the world..I have no children yet..after trying for 6 months..maybe one da . But anyways..this page is gorgeous, all the graphics:-) |
April Matthews - 09/03/98 22:21:46 My URL: My Age: 24 State: Massachusetts Number Children: none living Any Angels in Heaven: 5 angels Web Page: angelbook | Comments: Your site is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. Thank you for sharing her with the world. |
Suzanne - 08/26/98 07:42:35 My URL: My Age: 28 State: Perth - Australia Web Page: | Comments: Tammy you have truly done a beautiful site in memory of your darling daughter Megan. Thanks also for including links to my own daughter Sarah Kaitlyn. |
Mary Biernaczonek - 08/25/98 18:38:22 My Age: 34 State: MI | Comments: Thanks for letting my Mara be apart of your Angel Page. Today I looked at Megan's picture and I am reminded of how my daughters looked when they were born at 24 weeks. I am greatful everyday that I had both of my daughters for 24 weeks. I wish that I c uld have seen their other brothers/ sisters but they were given to God much earlier in their precnancies. Wishing you and your family lots of love and prayers. Mary |
Carla Hoffmann - 08/25/98 16:39:29 My Age: 27 State: Mexico City Number Children: two in heaven Any Angels in Heaven: two | Comments: Tammy, I love Meghan page. Carla H (infanlos) |
kim - 08/25/98 00:19:53 My Age: 32 yrs. State: Ontario Canada | Comments: My son Blake died due to oxygen deprivation 8 hours after his birth. He was born on his due date 11 September 1997. I am expecting another child on 10 December 1998. Currently 24 weeks. I am very nervous and scared but I don't think it will get any ea ier. I just had to do it. My thoughts and prayers are with you...Kim |
Lori - 07/28/98 22:27:45 My URL: My Age: 32 State: New york Any Angels in Heaven: 2 are in heaven Web Page: Angel Whispers | Comments: Great Job Tammy.. I know how hard all these first anniversary's are. I am thinking of you. Angel Hugs, Lori |
Lori - 07/28/98 22:27:05 My URL: My Age: 32 State: New york Any Angels in Heaven: 2 are in heaven Web Page: Angel Whispers | Comments: Great Job Tammy.. I know how hard all these first anniversary's are. I am thinking of you. Angel Hugs, Lori |
Darlene - 07/28/98 00:59:03 My URL: My Age: 33 State: Florida Any Angels in Heaven: Peter James-Alan Buth Web Page: For The Love Of PJ | Comments: We lost our precious ANGEL PJ to SIDS. He was our 3rd child. Our only little boy. He became an ANGEL Oct 3, 1995. We have been blessed with a brand new baby to love. Our precious Victoria Rose was born July 23 1997. Which is also the same day PJ was born July 23, 1995. Just 2 years later. I have 2 other precious girls ages 11 and 5. Our thoughts are with you in your family. |
Adair - 07/25/98 23:07:46 My Age: 34 State: California Number Children: 3 - 2 here | Comments: My heart goes out to you for your loss. Your beautiful site is a loving tribute to a true Angel in Heaven. You are in my prayers. |
Renee - 07/25/98 02:00:22 My URL: My Age: 35 State: ny Web Page: my baby has a choroid plexus cyst???? | Comments: I am so sorry you had to lose your little angel G-d has a special place for her!!! you have made a nice page for her I am sure Megan looking down from heaven is proud of her momma for making such a nice spot on the web for her. i wish your family peace |
Lisa - 07/13/98 06:03:34 My URL: My Age: 28 State: Alberta, Canada Number Children: 1- but he's in heaven Any Angels in Heaven: yes, my only child Derek Web Page: see above | Comments: You have created a beautiful page in memory of your precious angel Megan! |
Samantha - 07/09/98 07:51:02 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Sydney, Australia Web Page: Sam's Angel Space | Comments: Your tribute to your precious daughter Megan is truely beautiful and an inspiration. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my son was born still at 24wks in Feb '98. To share your angel helps you to keep her memory alive in your heart and mind as well as he hearts and minds of many others. You will be in my prayers Tammy. -"How very softly you tiptoed into my world, Almost silently, only a moment you stayed, But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart" Little Footprints by Dorothy Feruson- |
LeAnn - 07/01/98 03:31:20 My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/1917 My Age: 38 State: Ga Any Angels in Heaven: no Web Page: He Shall Appear | Comments: Very nice homepage you've got started. Yes, she is with Jesus now and the other angels in Heaven. If you have time, visit me too :) ![]() |
Christine - 06/28/98 01:04:12 My Age: 30 State: MA Any Angels in Heaven: no | Comments: So very sorry for your loss -- my thoghts & prayers are with you. God Bless Chris |
Kimberl Holmes - 06/25/98 03:10:24 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Georgia Number Children: 2 children alive Any Angels in Heaven: 1 child in heaven | Comments: My son Bradley was born on January 23,1997 at 34 weeks. He passed away on September 25,1997 at 8 months due to a rare birth defect. He is an angel now. |
Sandy Chagas - 06/24/98 03:17:52 My Age: 27 State: Ontario,Canada | Comments: Tammy, your page for Megan is so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope everything is going well for you guys. I hope to talk to you again soon on ICQ. Hugs and Prayers Sandy |
Lisa Thiessen - 06/15/98 20:54:43 My URL: My Age: 28 State: Alberta, Canada Number Children: 1 - Derek Any Angels in Heaven: 1 - Derek Web Page: | Comments: I am so very sorry to read about your loss of Megan, I can relate to FINALLY getting pregnant after battleing infertility - we fought for 4 years to concieve, and we fianlly did in June 1997, I was due March 7th, 1998 - unfortunatelt my son was born still on March 10, 1998. You have done a beautiful page in memory of Megan. |
Colleen Spongberg - 06/14/98 03:43:39 My Age: 28 State: Alberta, Canada Number Children: Wyatt & Dallas Any Angels in Heaven: Wyatt | Comments: Tammy, You have done a wonderful job on your site! Megan is a beautiful little girl ! I look forward to "takling" to you soon Take Care, Colleen (kelcel) |
Wendy Weist - 06/05/98 19:15:32 My State: PA Any Angels in Heaven: Buddy 3/17/98 | Comments: Tammy and Clay, What a wonderful tribute to Megan! Praying Christ's peace over you... Wendy |
Achnes Smith - 06/04/98 23:01:09 My Age: 47 State: Canada Any Angels in Heaven: 2 Benjamin&Jessica | Comments: My prayers are with you. May God grant you His peace. |
Kim Shiflett - 05/26/98 19:40:26 My Age: 29 State: GA | Comments: Megan is with God. I pray that you have the strength to continue until you can be with her again. |
Karen Johns - 05/24/98 15:56:44 My URL: My Age: 29 State: NE | Comments: We lost our son, Andrew, also stillborn, on April 5, 1992. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of grief. I know it has helped me to talk to other parents who have gone through similar experiences so feel free to contact me if you'd li e to talk. God bless and take care. |
Suzanne - 05/24/98 15:41:16 My Age: 28 State: Western Australia | Comments: So sorry to read about the sad loss of your little Megan. You are in my thoughts. Suzanne, Brian, Amy 5, Kirsty 2, Kyle 9 (Stepson) & Sarah in heaven 4/13/98 lived for 2hrs and died from heart failure caused by Endocardial Fibroelastosis. |
Linda - 05/21/98 00:12:31 My URL: My Age: 34 State: Virginia Web Page: Memories of Our Angels | Comments: So sorry to hear of your loss. Heaven is even richer now. God bless U and your family. Best of wishes |
Laura Gaukroger - 05/14/98 16:28:57 My Email:cwhfamhlth@nwi.lnet Age: 42 State: wa Web Page: none | Comments: Tammy and Clay, What a wonderful page. Take care Laura |
Tami Hauf - 05/13/98 19:58:29 My Number Children: 2 living Any Angels in Heaven: one | Comments: Nice page. I hope I can make one someday too. |
DAwn Garcia - 05/13/98 02:01:50 My Email:Dawn 00 Age: 28 State: FL | Comments: |
Tracy Oak - 05/09/98 17:23:38 My Age: 31 State: New York | Comments: Your page dedicated to Megan is beautiful. What wonderful parents you are to give such a tribute. I hope to one day be able to create one for Kayley (s/b 40+ weeks) and Baby Oak (m/c 10 weeks). You should be proud!! (((Hugs))) |
Kathy - 05/09/98 16:11:21 My URL: My State: NJ Any Angels in Heaven: yes 1 Web Page: | Comments: Thank you for sharing your precious Megan - my thoughts and prayers are with you. Kathy |
Julie Donahue - 05/09/98 03:41:42 My URL: My Age: 28 State: CA Web Page: Ladies in Waiting | Comments: Just wanted to let you know, Clay and Tammy, that you are in our prayers. |
Tina Rager - 05/08/98 14:14:52 My Age: 33 State: Kentucky Any Angels in Heaven: 5+ | Comments: I am so sorry you had to endure this pain. Remember, God will free us from our bondage. While we endure pain we learn to love and trust God more. Moms and Moms to be - We will prevail! |
Tami Spearman - 05/08/98 11:38:01 My Age: 28 State: TX | Comments: Tammy, you did a beautiful job on Megan's webpage. I'm from LIW and I continue to pray for you! Love, Tami |
Bev (LIW) - 05/07/98 23:28:07 My Age: 30 State: VA | Comments: Tammy and Clay, What a loving tribute to your precious angel. You both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. |
Janice Miller - 05/07/98 21:30:01 My URL: My Age: 43 State: FL | Comments: We grieve with you Tammy & Clay, but we have something not all do, we can rejoice for our angels are in heaven! We love you. Janice - LIW |
Vivian - 05/07/98 17:24:03 My Age: 24 State: Alabama Web Page: | Comments: Pretty good homepage. |
Kelly (fellow LIW sister) - 05/07/98 16:58:19 My URL: My Age: 23 Number Children: 2 step-children Web Page: Kelly's Page of Expression | Comments: You are in my prayers. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young." Isaiah 40:11 |
Achnes Smith - 05/07/98 16:48:49 My Age: 46 State: Alberta,Canada | Comments: Your little Megan and my Jesica, Benjamin and Joshua will probably be playing together right now in heaven. It is such a commfort to know that they are safe in the arms of Jesus. If you ever need to talk or want to share the dreams you had for your precious little girl, I would be honored to listen. I know where you have been and although it has been a long time for me and the Lord blessed us with three healthy children I often th nk about my little angels. You will be in my thoughts and in my prayers. God bless you and keep you in His care. Achnes |
Kim Dietz - 05/07/98 14:39:04 My Age: 34 State: Idaho Any Angels in Heaven: 13 plus 1 baby niece | Comments: My prayers are with you and your family. |
Elisa Jordan - 05/07/98 13:18:17 My Age: 29 State: MN | Comments: Our prayers are with you!! |
Gail Collins - 05/07/98 12:44:25 My State: Colorado ( LIW-PNW/R) Number Children: 1 on earth Any Angels in Heaven: 3 in heaven Web Page: I am still creating one : ) | Comments: Tammy and Clay~ I can't even begin to imagine what you have gone through these last few weeks. I am still praying for you! What a great tribute to your little angel Megan this page is. I hope that it helps others in their search for peace in their losses. God Bless~ gail : ) |
Mabel Montoya - 05/07/98 12:07:10 My Age: 29 State: Florida Any Angels in Heaven: Baby sister | Comments: Our love and prayers are with you. Please have the hope that you shall see Meagan again some day in the precious arms of Jesus! |
Kimberly Henry - 05/07/98 03:40:53 My Email:KAH4107 Age: 38 State: OH Number Children: 1 step daughter | Comments: Megan is now in her heavenly Father's arms, and she looks down upon us with a beautiful smile! The smile from her Earthly Mommy! She will be missed, but very much in good hands! Our Heavenly Maker. May the God comfort you all in your time of sorrow In Jesus Love Kim |
Shannon McNeely - 05/07/98 03:18:29 My Age: 23 State: IN Number Children: Now expecting | Comments: I am so very deeply touched by your webpage. It broke my heart to see your beautiful daughter. I'm sending you prayers for peace and understanding. Megan is in a better place, surrounded by God's love and you will be reunited with her again one day soo . Love, Shannon (LIW sister) |
Bev - 05/07/98 03:00:05 My Age: 27 State: MD Any Angels in Heaven: NO | Comments: Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with us!! I am so sorry and can never even begin to express that to you! I know that this must be a hard time, but I pray that God will give you the strength you need to perservere! Much Love |
Kris Kremer - 05/07/98 02:40:01 My Email:KKremer649 Age: 32 State: Ohio Any Angels in Heaven: no Web Page: none | Comments: Your tribute to Megan is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Since I have not experienced the loss of a child, it is hard to find the right words to say. But I will tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and comfort yo . Love, Kris |
Joan - 05/07/98 02:10:03 My Age: 35 State: SC | Comments: Your tribute to your daughter is beautiful. I am a fellow LIW and will pray that God will continue to give you comfort. |
Dominique - 05/07/98 02:07:40 My Age: 27 State: Canada Web Page: | Comments: Hi Tammy, I feel for you very much, as I know what you went thrue. I too lost my son Zackary, still born at 5 months. I send you a big virtual hug, and will say a prayer for your Megan. Don't give up hope of being pregnant again. I know I don't. Take extra good ca e of yourself. Your friend, Dominique |
Carolyn Uptain - 05/07/98 02:06:29 My Age: 28 State: Alabama Web Page: NONE | Comments: Bless you for having the strength to do this, my prayers are still with you, did you recieve the card I mailed you , I can't remember if you said you did or not... Love, Carolyn |
Staci Tenhave - 05/07/98 01:26:06 My Age: 35 State: NY Number Children: none Any Angels in Heaven: yes 2 | Comments: Your page for Megan is very beautiful.. Some day I hope to be able to do something for my son Justin he was delivered to Gods hand at 24 wks on 2/10/98 and as of yet I can't bring myself to work on anything like this. Maybe some day.. Thank you for sharing Megan with us.. |
Staci Tenhave - 05/07/98 01:24:30 My Age: 35 State: NY Number Children: none | Comments: Your page for Megan is very beautiful.. Some day I hope to be able to do something for my son Justin he was delivered to Gods hand at 24 wks on 2/10/98 and as of yet I can't bring myself to work on anything like this. Maybe some day.. Thank you for sharing Megan with us.. |
Suzanne Smith - 05/06/98 22:19:40 My Age: 28 State: Arkansas Number Children: one in Aug. 1998 Any Angels in Heaven: yes--one--(April 1996) Web Page: no | Comments: May the Lord continue to heal your hearts. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to Megan; I know she is in heaven keeping my own angel company. |
Shannon Foster - 05/06/98 20:25:47 My URL: My Age: 28 State: Iowa | Comments: What a wonderful idea. I hope that you find the support you need to get through this trying time. fellow LIW member |
Kari Apted - 05/06/98 19:44:03 My Age: 29 State: GA Any Angels in Heaven: 3-KerryLee, Faith and David | Comments: Tammy, I'm part of LIW and was so saddened by the news of your loss. Karen Owen is a good friend and she shared the news of this page with us. I am so glad that you have a tribute to her here. It's beautiful and she is too. I've had three miscarriages, so I now a bit of what it's like to lose a child. I can't imagine the depth of pain that exists losing one so late in a pregnancy, though. My prayers are with you. May God be your peace. |
Sarah M.Quinn - 05/06/98 19:06:11 Age: 19 State: New Hampshire | Comments: Dear Tammy, Your family is in my prayers. |
Jamie A. Peterson - 05/06/98 18:50:00 My Age: 40 State: FL Number Children: 2 adopted Any Angels in Heaven: 1 adopted | Comments: With deepest sympthany, The Peterson family (J. Peterson - LIW member) |
Grace - 05/06/98 18:12:33 My Age: 33 State: Ontario Canada Number Children: 1 here Any Angels in Heaven: 2 sons, Andrew&Tyler Web Page: none yet | Comments: Praying God's continuing peace and comfort. What a lovely thing you have done in your daughter's memory. |
Kelly Bowland - 05/06/98 17:58:50 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Arizona Number Children: 1 living Any Angels in Heaven: 2 angels Web Page: Bowland family homepage | Comments: Tami and Eric, This page is very touching, I am praying for peace and guidance. Kelly Bowland |
Laurie - 05/06/98 17:43:06 My Age: 25 State: WA | Comments: It was a very touching page. I will keep you in my prayers. |
Cheryl Crouch - 05/06/98 17:22:39 My Age: 42 State: Indiana Number Children: 2 stepchildren, expecting 6/98 Any Angels in Heaven: No | Comments: I am a member of LIW. I pray that God will bless you with another child for here on earth. I will pray for you and your family. |
Denise Saylors - 05/06/98 16:51:24 My Age: 26 State: Georgia | Comments: Dear Tammy, {{{{{{{{HUGS!}}}}}}} |
Danielle Farrell - 05/06/98 16:41:47 My Age: 30 State: Missouri | Comments: |
Louise Bijesse - 05/06/98 16:33:54 My Age: 35 State: NY Number Children: 2 plus pg with triplets Any Angels in Heaven: 2; Paul and Samuel | Comments: Dear Tammy and Clay, What a beautiful tribute you have established for your daughter. May she be a special part of you and all of us forever. I will forever remember her soul in my prayers. With love. Louise LIW |
Amanda Phelps - 05/06/98 16:30:56 My Age: 28 State: TX Number Children: 1 unborn | Comments: Dear Tammy, I just stopped in at your page to let you know that my prayers are still with you! I love you very dearly and I hope and pray that you are healing well, both physically and spiritually. Peace, Mandy |
Connie - 05/06/98 16:28:11 My Email:Mom2BeOf Age: 24 State: IL Number Children: 3 on the way | Comments: You are in my prayers as well as all the other members of the PIA group. We love you and take care of yourself. Connie |
Holly Gibson - 05/06/98 15:59:04 My Age: 23 State: OH | Comments: You are in my thoughts and prayers! With Love, Holly LIW member |
Patricia - 05/06/98 15:58:07 My URL: My Age: 33 State: Delaware Number Children: three Any Angels in Heaven: three Web Page: | Comments: Tammy and Clay, I am so sorry for your loss of your precious daughter Megan. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Patty |
Alice Schoonover - 05/06/98 13:30:10 My URL:/Heartland/Flats/6487/ My Age: I'm a Grandmother. State: Missouri Number Children: Three Any Angels in Heaven: Yes Web Page: KK'S Corner | Comments: I know how you feel Honey. The same thing happned to me and my daughter both. She held her baby and everything. I will have to tell you what happned to me later. E-Mail me so I can e-mail you back. My prayers are with you. God Bless Alice |
Alice Schoonover - 05/06/98 13:30:10 My URL: My Age: I'm a Grandmother. State: Missouri Number Children: Three Any Angels in Heaven: Yes Web Page: KK'S Corner | Comments: I know how you feel Honey. The same thing happned to me and my daughter both. She held her baby and everything. I will have to tell you what happned to me later. E-Mail me so I can e-mail you back. My prayers are with you. God Bless Alice |
Alice Schoonover - 05/06/98 13:28:40 My URL: My Age: I'm a Grandmother. State: Missouri Number Children: Three Any Angels in Heaven: Yes Web Page: KK'S Corner | Comments: I know how you feel Honey. The same thing happned to me and my daughter both. She held her baby and everything. I will have to tell you what happned to me later. E-Mail me so I can e-mail you back. My prayers are with you. God Bless Alice |
Karen Owen - LIW - 05/05/98 23:25:24 My State: Fl. | Comments: To my friend Tammy and her husband Clay: Words can in no way express what is in my heart. You have done a beautiful job paying tribute to your precious daughter. I pray the Lord will ease the ache that is in your hearts and grant you peace. Megan is safe in the arms of her heavenly Father where one day you will be reunited. Matthew 11:28-29 "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..." |
Barb Thornton - 05/05/98 22:20:58 My Age: old State: wa | Comments: |
Garth's Mommy - 05/05/98 05:24:42 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Maryland Web Page: | Comments: You have a beautiful dedication page to your daughter Megan. She is a beautiful angel. I loved the music that you used. in peace, Andrea |
Clara Ordonez - 05/04/98 17:20:50 My URL: My Age: 25 State: Texas Number Children: 2-Ashton Danielle & Alec Henry Any Angels in Heaven: 2-ectopic pg 4/91 & Taylor Alyssa 1/23/96-1/28/96 Web Page: | Comments: You have created a beautiful memorial to your beautiful daughter! I'm so sorry for the pain you have had to endure. I wish no one ever had to go through this terrible ordeal. May you have some peace knowing that Megan is in Heaven with Jesus Christ--I now that is little consolation when you are going through something like this, but as time goes by I think it helps to know. |
Nina Butler - 05/04/98 13:35:35 My URL: My Age: 32 State: Florida Number Children: 3 wonderful children & Any Angels in Heaven: 1 precious angel, Hayden died 3/1/98 1 day old Web Page: | Comments: Dear Tammy and Clay, Your daughter is a beautiful angel. I know that you would rather have here here with you. Sorry for your loss. |
Paula Lewis - 05/04/98 12:34:25 My Age: 30 State: Nova Scotia, Canada Number Children: 2 (James living on earth, and Jacob living in Heaven) | Comments: Megan is beautiful! And what a great job you've done on the Page, a wonderful tribute for a beautiful little girl. |
Nhi C DoAn - 05/04/98 06:12:12 My URL: My Age: 58 State: CA Number Children: 2 boys All grown up! | Comments: All my sympathy to my dear friend and colleague Clay and his wife Tammy... Love, Nhi DoAn |
Karlee Roberts - 05/04/98 05:28:47 My Age: 24 State: nc | Comments: |