This would have been Megan's first birthday but she is now celebrating it in
Heaven. We wish very much she was here with us enjoying her birthday but
it was not to be. April 3, 1998 she was born still. It been a long year
full of ups and downs. Megan was to be our first child and we miss her
so much. I've had alot of support from family and friends. If it weren't
for some support groups I don't think I would have made it this far. I go
to a support group at our hospital and have gotten to know some people very
well there. It is just sad how we met. I also belong to a online support
group called infanlos . I've
met so many people through these groups. This page is to celebrate Megan's
first birthday. Please enjoy!!!

These are the words to a special song played by Megan's Aunt Christine at
her memorial service April 9, 1998.
Ten thousand little angels
Lined up from star to star
Did you ever stop to wonder
How many there really are?
How many angels are there
Does anybody know
Do they really get all dressed up
In uniforms of snow?
Angels dressed in white
In uniforms of snow
How many angels are there
Does anybody know?
It's all one grand procession
From Heaven down to earth
Some carry a golden trumpet
For heralding a birth
Row after row of angels
A Milky Way of lights
How many angels are there
To light the starry nights?
Angels dressed in white
In uniforms of snow
How many angels are there
Does anybody know?
Angels dressed in white
In uniforms of snow
How many angels are there
Does anybody know?

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