Canton Road Baptist Church
A Word From Our People...
What some of the people of Canton Road Baptist Church have to say about
our church.
- "God put me here because He knew all the heartaches I'd be going through and He knew I
would be fed the Word and grow in His grace and have the encouragement of the people here
to pray for me as I went through the storms."
- "There is a blessed peace here...We help one another."
- "My, how God answers our prayers!"
- "It's like home - friendly and Spirit-filled."
- "The pastor preaches the true Word of God...and this is the friendliest church in
the area."
- "This is a soul-winning church."
- "Friendly, 'non-cliquish' people."
- "They make me feel I am in a family that loves and cares at all times. We all are
treated the same."
- "Family atmosphere...and the Bible is made plain."
- "This church is alive with Christ and each individual counts. It is one big family
that cares not only for each other, but also for Christ."
- "You can go to any church and learn nothing. When you come to this church you learn
everything you thought you knew (but didn't) about Christ...the reason you came in the
first place."
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