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Welcome!! Please take a tour.

Follow the links to the Surname Pages where each surname has a fairly detailed description of the family.

Please use these files with care.
Much of the information contained here has been shared by other genealogists
researching these surnames. I do not have documentation relating to all of the
connections and have not personally researched much of it.

Let me know if you find a connection!

Visit my relocated site at Rootsweb for updates!!

I am the Provincial Coordinator for the Alberta GenWeb Site - part of the Canada GenWeb Project!

Surname Pages, Helps and Links
My Browning Line
The Chaudoin Family
The Chaudoin Database

This information is online only because I have accumulated so much of it. It is for information purposes only. I am not actively researching this family as it is not in my direct line.
My Druin Line
My Duncan Line
The Farmer Family

A Farmer Book
This information has been placed online for research purposes only. I am not actively researching this surname as it is not in my direct line.
My Haddon Line
My Hawkins Line
The Henkel Family
My Herron Line
My Homme Line
My Howell Line
My Jones Line
My McCarty Line
My McMinis Line
My Meger Line
The Ratliff Family
Ratliff/Ratcliff FamilyLinks
Bill's Ratliff site.
Toni's Ratcliffe site.

I am not actively researching this family as I have found that it is no longer in my direct line. I've left the information online as an aid to other Ratliff/Ratcliff researchers.
My Reich Line
My Schmidtke Line
My Simmons Line
My Walker Line

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