Mandee Stosky - 10/10/00 16:50:23 My | Comments: Hi. I just found it interesting that you had Stosky in your family tree. Where is your family from? I have only heard of other Stosky's in Canada. Very interesting web page! |
Björn Saxe Barstad - 03/30/00 10:50:04 My | Comments: Hello, I have looked at your web-site and saw the surname Barstad there. My Barstad family name originates from near Aalesund city i Norway, and both my family name and the middle name are from the Viking age, 800-1200 AD, with direct ancestors back to the ancient city Uppsala in Sweden appr. 200 AD. Best regards, Björn S Barstad |
Cathy Hoff - 11/17/99 07:35:52 My | Comments: Just wondering about your SHOUPs. I have Caroline, Edna, Elizabeth (and 1 unknown) from Coloma MI - I believe around the late 1800s. |
Cheryl Rochon - 10/26/99 04:18:11 My | Comments: Hi Bev! My mom Charlotte (Tupper) Langridge is visiting me and we went through your site together. We really enjoyed it. It must be a lot of work to put something like this together. I live in Sidney and my name is in the phone book if you want to give m a call sometime. |
Angus McCracken - 09/15/99 04:15:10 My | Comments: Hello again Bev. You're website just keeps getting better. Bye the way - please note correction on my email address. Regards, Angus |
kim &lilian hamilton - 07/04/99 23:40:43 My | Comments: hi beverley are your parents dennis and pat the square dancers? If so have them e-mail me. kim the square dance caller. |
Danny Pinske - 06/21/99 14:04:41 My | Comments: Hello I was looking for my Daughters web sie on Geocities and saw your page. There are quite a few of us Pinske living in Northern Minn. I know we come from a branch of Pinskes that used to live in Southern Minn. My great grandfather Ernest came form Germ ny with his family, brothers, cousins the late 1800s his family was one of the first to homestad in Norman county in Minn. would like to know if we connect to your branch and how? Danny Pinske |
roberta pinske - 05/29/99 23:03:54 My | Comments: Hi Beverly I hope to have some information for your site shortlly. You have really put alot of effort into this site, much appreciated |
Bill Anderson - 05/16/99 15:56:44 My URL:/~banderson205/ My | Comments: Nice site,,lots of work,,I am looking for history on Giltinan,Gilman,Powers Cook,Anderson,Vancamp and others for my page. THANK YOU BILL |
Angus McCracken - 04/06/99 03:56:19 My | Comments: Bev. Just found your web page.... very impressive. Keep up the good work. By the way, my BD is Jan 16, 1938 and Angela's is Dec. 14, 1942. Megan's bd was Dec 1, 1965 Regards, An |
Carol Schmidt - 03/13/99 04:55:41 My | Comments: Beverley, You should be very proud of your hard work. I'm just getting started on my family tree and it's already frustrating. I was reading your list of surnames and you had the name Wadsworth listed. Can you send me any information on it? Thanks! |
Marianne Cook - 03/01/99 03:16:09 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Beverley, I finally managed to find your URL! I am very impressed by your site. You did a great job, and I think you have the most fabulous photos! Treasure them! |
adamson - 02/15/99 06:19:24 My URL: My | Comments: Hello, popped by checking out BLAKE surname. No match at this time :-) I must check out some more censeii. Nice page. |
Dan Karran - 12/27/98 16:40:02 My URL: My | Comments: Nice to see some Karrans in your tree... I'm trying to trace as many as possible... Take a look at the Karran website if you're interested. |
Donald and Quentin Gardiner - 12/11/98 05:23:42 My | Comments: Hi. Surprised to find our names posted on the net. This page must have been an awful lot of work! Good stuff... |
John Hardegree - 11/11/98 17:27:01 My URL: My |
Comments: Hey there Beverley, I was just looking through your web page. I left you email on Dreamscape (which I just now finally found after all these months!). I read the "Wuggle Bug" poem and it made me realize how much I miss you. I hope you will email me and say hi because I don't wan't to lost touch with you. I'd love to hear what's new in your life in the past two years. By the way, Jennifer and I are engaged. We're getting married December 19th of this year in Houston. I'd like to send you an invitation...even though I know you wouldn't be able to come. Anyway...I miss you. Please email me. *hugs* --John |
Mike Tupper(Vern's son) - 10/19/98 01:28:00 My |
Comments: Hi all I think this site is great but I would like to ask if it would be all right for you to send me a complete copy of this? Then I could more easily copy these's pictures for my father. Please get back to me as soon as possible. Yours truly Mike Tupper Mike, I'd love to, but this email address doesn't work! Please contact me! Beverley |
10/03/98 02:31:08
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Mirco Pinske - 09/05/98 17:09:15 My |
Comments: Hi! Greeting from Germany. I found your site with altavista, wondered that there live PINSKE in America also. It is a nice site... Mircü |
Roger - 08/15/98 22:46:34 My |
Comments: Hi: Enjoyed you page. Great Stuff. I wonder if you have any info on Henry Stewart. My ggggrandfather had a brother Henry, but I have not been able to get any info on him. Thanks |
Pinske, Mom & Dad - 08/12/98 05:30:04 |
Comments: August 11, 1998 Boy we must be related to half the world! Sure are a lot of different last names. |
Barbara Love Cady - 08/05/98 02:04:37 My |
Comments: Beverley, Nice site! I looked at your Loves again and checked mine, but still no help. ....Barbara |
liza carswell - 06/12/98 05:52:59 |
Comments: wow it must have taken you months to organize these pictures. I can't even organize my own pictures never mind 3 generations back. Give yourself a pat on the back for me... oh heck give yourself a hug for me too. o.k. Patrick can do that. Good Work... see ya soon |