Doberman, Dobes, Dobermann, Jean's Doberman Fun and Information Page - My personal Dobermans.

Bubba and Kayla rule this page!!

For pictures click on the next link at the bottom

Registered name: "Bubba's Energized to the Maxx, CGC, WAC". He is 4 years old, Black/Rust, Cropped/Docked, Neutered male. Very dominant and strong willed. He is a product of his past environment. We adopted him from Delaware Valley Doberman Pinscher Assistance after fostering him. His first two adoptive homes did not work out. Although they were completely screened, one home abused him and the other did not understand how to deal with him. He is now happily living with us and will never have to move again. He has his Canine Good Citizen certificate, his Working Aptitiude Certificate, is in training for his CD (companion dog title) and NA (Novice agility title).

Registered name: "ClarDobe's Kandid Kayla, CGC" She is 3 years old, black/rust, cropped/docked, spayed female. Dominant strong willed girl. Rules the house, self declared Alpha Bitch. Keeps all the other dogs in line. She is our first Dobe. We got her as a puppy from a Back Yard Breeder. While we were lucky, we could have had many problems with her health and temperament. We received no assistance from the "so called breeder". She hasn't called or made any contact since selling us the puppy. Kayla has some obedience training and has completed beginners agility but enjoys being a couch potato and princess most of all.

Pictures of Bubba, Kayla, and my Fuzzy Dobe in Husky clothes.

Jean's Doberman Fun and Information Page

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Page last updated on 11/3/99