Lingy - 11/17/00 06:33:03 Dobe Owner?: Meow Number of Dobes: Zip Name of Dobes: Ccory? Interests: Sex | Comments: Nice page Jean, looks good. :) |
JEAN EARLEY - 09/27/00 04:50:20 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 2 now Name of Dobes: sophie, maggie Interests: loving my pet quality dobies, making stained glass candle holders, being mommie to my two girls | Comments: my boy died yesterday of lymphoma. he was 3 years young, had chemo therapy for 5 months, up until he died, he had gone into remission and then the cancer came back with a vengence, my heart was taken away from me. i must find another son, nothing will e er take his place but i can start to look for another heart to love. |
NICULESCU FLORIN - 09/02/00 22:40:17 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: 11 Number of Dobes: 11 | Comments: YOU HAVE a nice dobermans |
sorrel wunderlin - 08/25/00 21:10:40 My Dobe Owner?: you betcha Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Comrade Interests: dobes, horses, kittys | Comments: I love your site and all the information contained therein. Living on a farm i am so fortunate to have oodles of wide open spaces, miles of hiking trails and animals galore. I absolutely adore the doberman breed and would have no other. My beloved "Butche " passed this winter and that was more difficult than the loss of my parents....must be that unconditional love thing. But now a new love has come into my life, Comrade is now 6 months old and a total joy..thanks for your wonderful web site. Much success o you, Sorrel W |
alexia - 08/22/00 23:33:01 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: buffy,cleo,skyler,coco,harley,riley,amber | Comments: |
kayla - 08/22/00 00:20:05 My Interests: hockey | Comments: i never really knew kayla i just wanted to see the web page and i thought it was pretty cool so i went to see what it was and found this so that's how i found it and never really knew her just one question did these kayla's die and how did they die.Anyway that's how i found this page and those are my questions so i just wonder why they did or how they dided.Anyway i have to go now hope you have a good life bye. KAYLA J J PS. that stand for my inisals. |
Georgia L. Bean - 08/20/00 15:57:36 My Dobe Owner?: Yes!!!!!! Name of Dobes: Shadow Dancer Interests: Everything | Comments: Shadow is my first dobie and I just love him. He is a red just turned a year old Thursday. He has brought alot of joy to my life. I have been thinking about getting another dobie but don't want to take anything away from him. I am interested in the do ie's that you rescue. Thank you for your time. |
Tammy Galloway - 08/02/00 20:53:01 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Molson/Tyson | Comments: |
debbie and harry - 07/29/00 04:57:15 My Email:MSN/jetmo Dobe Owner?: yes!!!!!!!!!!! Name of Dobes: Jessie marie, Black Bob, Susie Q and Trixie ana Pop Interests: having more dobe fun | Comments: enjoyed the pictures. need more pictures. good looking animals |
Peter Bailey - 07/27/00 12:19:14 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one at a time, now 4th Name of Dobes: Mutz, Lazer, Ku, D4 Interests: his main interest is me | Comments: Enjoyed your site |
Heather Parrish - 07/18/00 17:59:24 My Dobe Owner?: Not yet | Comments: My uncle owns Dobes and currently owns one that is a show dog. I'm searching the net to try to find a rescue program near me. Though my uncle has several contacts himself, I wanted to do enough research that I felt comfortable in my decision. Currently I own a 2 story home with a fenced in yard ( I also have a 15' x 15' x 3' tall fenced in area inside my other fenced in yard so my current dog can be in there if we are mowing. The reason I'm looking for another dog, if that my current dog is having seiz res and is on double the medication that he was on 1 month ago. Other than that, he is a very active 3yr old English Bulldog. I would like to find a companion that I can take with me on outings to the ball park where my kids play. I have 2 boys and 1 s ep-son and 1 step-daughter (ages range 11 - 8). My boys live with us all the time, and my step-children live with us on the weekends. I loved your web-site and enjoyed your stories and information. I believe that it will help in our decision! If you ave any other web-sites, I'd appreciate any of your assistance. Sincerely, Heather |
debbi - 06/30/00 15:54:38 My Dobe Owner?: was Interests: finding the right puppy | Comments: I loved your site. We had our family member for 11 years. He died in March. He is missed much. We don't want to replace him but honor him, by having his breed again to protect us as well as have a family to call his/or her own. |
Jennifer Volbert - 06/19/00 15:12:09 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Keba | Comments: My baby Keba is in need of a new home. He is an active 1 year old gentle giant. He has attended puppy kindergarden, and loves attention. I am glad that I found your site after hours of looking on the internet for help. Thanks. |
Shelley Oppenlander - 06/06/00 21:48:16 My Dobe Owner?: proudly Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Jackson | Comments: Love your info, am comming back to check out the obedience sites. |
KAYLA - 06/04/00 17:22:43 My Email:OOOO@PTD.NET Dobe Owner?: KAYLA Name of Dobes: SADIE | Comments: GREAT!!!!!! |
COLIN ROBINSON - 05/25/00 08:40:19 My Dobe Owner?: untill june 1999 Name of Dobes: kola | Comments: We lost our Kola last year due to an unfortunate accident,as he was always a curious dog.He decided to rip up a box of fish blood & bone fertiliser for plants,therefore digesting some of this he become bloated,and his gut twisted causing him to become ver ill in a matter of minutes.We had to have him put to sleep.he was 13 years old. He is sadly missed. |
COLIN ROBINSON - 05/25/00 08:39:44 My Dobe Owner?: untill june 1999 Name of Dobes: kola | Comments: We lost our Kola last year due to an unfortunate accident,as he was always a curious dog.He decided to rip up a box of fish blood & bone fertiliser for plants,therefore digesting some of this he become bloated,and his gut twisted causing him to become ver ill in a matter of minutes.We had to have him put to sleep.he was 13 years old. He is sadly missed. |
- 05/03/00 10:19:26 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: 1 now, used to be 2 (sob!) Name of Dobes: Jessie (now) Samson (before) Interests: Dog training | Comments: Hi, I'm Greg from Melbourne, Australia. I've happened to visit your website and I think it's great! I had two Dobe's, Samson and Jessie, but Samson died in June 1999. I've missed Samson every day for nearly 11 months now. I came across a really good website and put a tribute up for Samson at I have been helped so much by the fellow who runs this site, you cannot imagine, but if you've lost a Dobe you will understand. Jessie is really god, but a totally different temperment to Samson - they are all different and you love them for who they are, not what you want or expect them to be. This site is really good and I thank you for promoting Dobe's. Regards. |
Anne Walker - 05/02/00 06:07:54 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: four Name of Dobes: Foxy, Bonehead, Tyshaku.and Scraper Interests: Always open | Comments: I have a problem..reading your website made me know I'm not the only one. But I've never experienced a problem like I have now. Seriously, I've had Dobes years ago, and never ran into this problem. All my Dobes have been very interested in cats..never o hurt them, just very curious and playful, and so is Foxy. We live in the country and its always been a dream of my daughters to have a horse, and her father bought her two (so she wouln't have to ride alone). Foxy is part of the family, I'm a single m m of 5 6 including Fox. The other day a friend came up to the house riding her horse..Foxy was in the yard..everything was fine ..we were talking..all of a sudden Foxy went crazy on this horse..I mean biting at its legs..going for its as a rodeo,lasted about 30 minutes. It's a good thing this lady is an experienced rider and a friend or I might have a law suit agaist me. She had biten the horse pretty badly in about six areas mostly on the legs but one good one on the horses neck! W did'nt know what in the world to do!! Foxy is so fast, trying to get in between her and the horse would be daughter finally distracted Fox with our cat giving Debbie enough time to run her horse home. After everything settled down I had a alk with Fox.. she knew just what I was talking to her about. She looked at me saying "I know mom i just couldn't help it" She was obbsessed or possesed with the horse. She has run around our pen chasing the horses..I figured that she'd learn her lesso if the horse kicked her..but no..shes been kicked 3 times and goes back for more. Foxy has been quarenteened to my room since the incident with Debbie and her horse. I don't like shock collars or electric fences (for dogs) but I can't control people ri ing horses out here in the country and can't allow my dog to try to kill the horses either. None of wnat to get rid of Fox and we don't want to get rid of the horses either...Any suggestions? She had her first litter of pups in Jan, 2000, could that mak her over protective???does she think the horses are her to hurt us? PLEASE anyone with any advice is more than welcome to e-mail me.. I'll be checking... my address is Thanx...and thanx for this webpage...I LOVE MY DOG...but its real y hard to trust her now...PEACE |
Sharon R - 04/27/00 14:12:32 My Dobe Owner?: not yet - considering at present Interests: horses, dogs, cats - oh yeah, and working to support all of them! | Comments: The site is wonderful - really helpful in my search to determine if we are qualified to be owned by a Dobie! |
Sharon R - 04/27/00 13:53:03 My Dobe Owner?: not yet - considering at present Interests: horses, dogs, cats - oh yeah, and working to support all of them! | Comments: The site is wonderful - really helpful in my search to determine if we are qualified to be owned by a Dobie! |
Louise Natoli - 04/21/00 23:58:48 My Dobe Owner?: used to own one Interests: Love the breed | Comments: This is a beautiful site. Thanks for being on the internet. |
Peggy Frey - 04/17/00 22:01:12 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: absolutely Number of Dobes: 2 now 3 prior to these guys. Name of Dobes: erica frieda shika zelig hoshi Interests: Pet therapy,hiking,riding in trucks and chasing squirrels and cats | Comments: We really enjoyed your site. Only a Dobe lover can understand the bonding of this really human dog. |
Irene Hetrick - 04/13/00 22:49:02 My Dobe Owner?: hopefully soon Number of Dobes: 1 on the way Name of Dobes: ??? Interests: akc tracking | Comments: Great page. I need to find info on tracking with dobermans. I'm waiting for my puppy to be born. |
Irene Hetrick - 04/13/00 22:47:24 My Dobe Owner?: hopefully soon Number of Dobes: 1 on the way Interests: akc tracking | Comments: |
Diana UK - 04/08/00 19:20:54 Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Dylan | Comments: Found the site very interesting and I will certainly visit again |
Irene Hetrick - 03/26/00 03:26:21 My Dobe Owner?: I am waiting for one. Interests: tracking, obedience | Comments: I love your web page.It is so full of all the info I have been looking for.Thank you! I am presently awaiting the birth of my dobe puppy.I am very interested in competing with my dog in tracking and obedience.I've checked alot of ads and believe I've foun a good breeder. |
kllrboy - 03/25/00 05:02:37 My URL: Dobe Owner?: black labrador owner Interests: animals | Comments: fine looking animals.....great photos...keep up the great work! |
Lori - 03/21/00 20:32:25 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Harley | Comments: We are very proud owners of a doberman. This is a wonderful dog. they aare playmate for the children, compaionship for adults and house protector all roled into one. |
Randy Teal - 03/16/00 22:59:59 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 1 right now Name of Dobes: COLBY | Comments: |
DANIELLE - 03/16/00 13:06:19 | Comments: |
- 03/13/00 18:01:15 | Comments: |
Christian Wiethe - 03/05/00 16:55:32 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Unfortunately not yet, but soon. Interests: Dobermanns, animals in general, Sports | Comments: Hi Jean, Bubba and Kayla, I found your page through a link at I liked your articles very much so I had to discover your HP, too. I enjoyed my visit. Please take a look at my Dobepages, too. best regards Christian |
Craig - 02/27/00 10:26:36 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: tarleya | Comments: Great site lots of info thanks. I have 1dobey at the moment i am in the prosess of breeding her its the first time so its al a bit confusing at the moment Thanks again Craig and Ruth Western Austrailia |
Ken Ganinan - 02/21/00 00:57:41 My Dobe Owner?: Until recently Number of Dobes: Did have 2 Name of Dobes: Phaedra and Jessie Interests: Amateur Radio. Computers | Comments: I like your pages very much. I would also like some information on how the Doberman breed was established, and what breeds of dogs were used in obt6aining same, and does the name Dober have a special meaning if so could you let me know why, and by whom was it chosen. Both of my dogs had to be put to sleep after contracting kidney failure within a year or so of each other. Jessie only 3 weeks ago, and i mess them very much. Ken Ganinan. |
J.B.C. - 02/11/00 23:09:16 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: ARGUS V. CHIVAS REGAL DOB Interests: ALL | Comments: GOD SITE! I'M ONORED TO SIGNED YOUR GUESTBOOK. HELLO DOBS! FROM ROMANIA. |
kayla - 02/11/00 14:48:30 My Dobe Owner?: no | Comments: |
lukas - 02/06/00 03:48:39 My Email:difuntos@box43, Interests: i want know kenel of america | Comments: i live in poland end i want to know a american kennel and people |
Dusty+Kim - 02/05/00 04:49:17 My Dobe Owner?: Dobes ownes us Number of Dobes: 1 reg 1 mini Name of Dobes: Roxxy and Baby Interests: playing with my family | Comments: Very nice web site. |
Ken Lozito - 02/04/00 21:17:56 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Sasha Interests: Dogs | Comments: I love Dobermans. I have a 2yr old female red. She is the best dog I've ever had. I plan on getting another one over the summer. |
Chuck Knoernschild - 02/02/00 01:21:55 My Dobe Owner?: Was Number of Dobes: Had three Name of Dobes: Cognac,JD,Stoli | Comments: Hello, this is my first time doing this, so bear with me. I had three dobes, and I loved them all! JD, was a black, Stoli aws a black as well, but, Cognac was a red, and he had so much personality, grace etc. I owned im for 14 yrs!! Such a loyal and true friend. Thanx for this page |
Dee Veo - 01/30/00 20:04:00 My Email:DEEVEO@AOL.COM Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Angel | Comments: I had decided not to get Angels ears clipped but alot of people are telling me that she will get alot of ear infections if I do not get them done. Any comments ? |
Bob Miller - 01/28/00 12:20:10 My Dobe Owner?: not anymore Name of Dobes: Bo & Randy Interests: Dobies | Comments: I noticed I made a MISTAKE in my address. OOPS!!!! I hope everybody will forgive me. Bob |
ida - 01/26/00 01:56:05 Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: conan,kevin Interests: ipo,agility,dogshows | Comments: nice page,loved your dobermans...lives in norway whit my 2 dobermans 1 cat and1 weasel.the dogs are fantastic I just loves the breed.You do a nice job for the breed...THANK YOU |
Cindy Raymann - 01/25/00 20:03:55 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: One Name of Dobes: Polanna Interests: Agility | Comments: I Loved your wallpaper and the photo of your Dobe. Great site !!!!!! Lots to go to... I will be back! CINDY |
scoojo - 01/25/00 16:42:58 My Interests: dobes | Comments: Really nice page.Cant wait to see the pictures. |
- 01/22/00 23:51:17 | Comments: |
Liz Bryman - 01/17/00 05:31:42 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 1 (at the time) Name of Dobes: Buddy Interests: jewelry history | Comments: Glad to find your page! Meet Buddy at: Buddy was preceded by Cookie II, who was preceded by Cookie (I). All Bryman Dobes were rescued, all reprogrammed to perfect loyal lovable pets. Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of Doberman dogs everywhere. Liz Bryman, a/k/a Isabelle Bryman Also: Guide, Costume Jewelry Collecting at and Owner-Administrator Jewelcollect Organization |
pamela yeo - 01/15/00 00:42:28 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: suijin and vogner Interests: dogs,horses,camping | Comments: i am looking for web site links offering dobe merchandise. |
Stephen - 01/08/00 11:12:09 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Thomas and Emily Interests: Sport - Golf | Comments: Cool web page. We live in Cape Town - South Africa. Why do you guys in the Sates still crop the Dobes ears? It such a more attractive dog with it's "full" ears. |
DEBBIE - 01/07/00 20:06:44 Dobe Owner?: YES!! Number of Dobes: CURRENTLY 1 Name of Dobes: TASHA | Comments: |
Julie Ladd - 01/06/00 00:22:20 My Dobe Owner?: YES Name of Dobes: Holly, Morgan, Country, Flordia, McGwire, and Cinder | Comments: I have 6 CH. and I love them to death. |
Ryan - 01/04/00 11:27:44 Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: Just 1 Name of Dobes: RAJAH Interests: Chewing soccer balls | Comments: |
Connie Kahn - 01/02/00 03:37:19 My Dobe Owner?: Yes | Comments: I had a beautiful Dobe, Her name was Nastasha, who just died 1 month ago. I had her for 12 great years. I am going to buy anought Dobe, within the next week, I hope. |
suzanne gordon - 12/27/99 22:23:58 My Name of Dobes: nacho | Comments: looking for info on minature dobermans. nice web page thanks |
Terry - 12/24/99 04:32:19 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Lily | Comments: I just found out it was against the law to have your dog barking in my city. I bought Lily because I wanted a watch dog, (She is a very good watchdog) but now I have to scold her for doing what comes natural. She loves to play outside and also loves to bark when someone passes by. So lately she's been inside. I don't want a shock collar on her or muzzles. I love her to death but should I find a nice country home for her anyway? |
Mike Gordon - 12/13/99 21:17:19 My Dobe Owner?: no | Comments: Question: do males or bitches make better pets? We prefer a calm, responsive dog. Also, can you recommend a breeder in Southern California? Your site is superior to most others in my opinion. Mike Gordon |
Debbie Royston - 12/01/99 03:24:11 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Shelby Interests: disorders | Comments: Shelby has been incontinent since she was 6 months old. How common is this in Dobes?Other than med., have you heard of anything that could help? |
nicky m from uk - 11/26/99 23:24:32 Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Diva Interests: ladies hockey | Comments: Diva is the only Doberman I have owned and now there will be no other!!She lives with us and our 2 cats and she has her own kitten!!She tells us when the kitten wants to come in and out after all what are we but mere slaves to her and her kittens needs. |
Mike Shumack - 11/24/99 20:12:19 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Yes, 2 reds, black on the way Name of Dobes: Lucy, Nike, Rocky Interests: Agility (Schutzhund) | Comments: New to Schutzhund - would like to learn more. Showing too expensive. I live in Central Florida. |
Carolyn &Omer Agar - 11/13/99 08:04:14 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Clio Interests: agility and obedience | Comments: I love your web page. It is great to read about other people who love dobermans too. So many people avoid Clio and I when we are out on our walks----if only they knew what a sweet little girl she is----she wouldn't hurt a flea. I have a couple of friends ith black and tan dobermans(Clio is red). When we all go out together with our dogs, we create quite a stir. We love our doberman---she is the second one that we have owned. Our Amber died of old age several years ago. We would not have any other kind of og. Dobermans are so smart and funny and interesting. It is never dull to hang around the doberman world! Keep up the good work. Thanks. |
Robert Miller - 11/12/99 12:18:14 My Dobe Owner?: former Name of Dobes: Bo...Randi Interests: Dobies | Comments: Those were two of the smartest dogs I have ever seen. Bo didn't reconize me one evening when I came home from work one night. I was in my inslaited coveralls and a full face hood. He stopped me telling me not to come any closer and he hasn't eaten in a wh le. All I had to do is speak his name and he was a 6 year old puppy again. When I moved to Colorado, I couldn't keep him were I lived, so I gave him to some friends I knew who lived in the country in the same town. Bo was doing well and then I was told he had to be put down. He got cancer. They didn't tell me what happened until after they did it. I cried a lot and still do when I think about him. One of the worst times in my life. Bob Miller, Grand Jct. Colorado |
Toby - 11/12/99 02:52:15 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Saucy; Siegfried | Comments: I signed your guestbook just over one year ago and told you about my then 11 year-old Saucy that had Wobbler's symptoms. Thanks to a natural diet (I feed her Pat McKay's food) she is basically free of all of those symptoms. No more tripping, falling, foot dragging... About a month ago we took in another homeless dobe. Siegfried is a 100 lb. blackk male with natural ears/cropped tail. He is the biggest baby I've ever met and he keeps Saucy active (she has been witnessed jumping off the porch--down 4 stairs--into the backyard!). Thanks for the fun site and also for the home remedy advice (white raisins) so long ago. We did give them for a long time, then just stopped and all |
Regena Moore - 11/09/99 23:57:09 My Dobe Owner?: NO, but interested in becoming one | Comments: You had some helpful information. We have never owned a dog before and have recently been searching for that "perfect" companion. We don't have any kids and don't plan on having them for another 2 or 3 yrs. from now. My husband is in the Marines, there ore we move occasionally (every 2-3 yrs.) We currently live in 29 Palms, CA which is located 1 hr. East of Palm Springs. We are living in a nice home (approx. 1900 sq.ft.) with a nice size fenced in back yard that consists of dirt (because we are in the desert). Because my husband is gone a lot of the time, he wants a dog that can keep me company as well as protect me if needed. I'm currently a housewife, but may do part-time volunteer work in the future. Concerns: -Will a Doberman adapt well to our living conditions=desert, moving, husband being gone for 6 mths. at a time? I would appreciate any advice. Thank-you very much. Sincerely, Regena Moore - |
Beth - 11/06/99 00:48:26 My Dobe Owner?: Previously Number of Dobes: Previously 1 Name of Dobes: Bennie | Comments: I just love my Bennie - I miss him alot. We had to put him to sleep he was 13 years old. We are now looking for another doberman. I love your site. I you have many helpful item - that I will be checking out. Thanks B |
Rob Perez - 11/01/99 22:43:21 My Dobe Owner?: Yes! Name of Dobes: Boxster Interests: Aviation, computers, investments, my puppy! | Comments: Nice site! |
Reed2000c (after my dobe) - 11/01/99 22:25:27 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: 2 Dobes 3 minpins Name of Dobes: Reed,griffin,remie,ballie,neo Interests: DOG DOGS DOGS!!! | Comments: Nice site. |
Rosa Davis - 10/27/99 16:05:16 My Email:Rdavis@DHS.STATE.NJ.US Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Catawas Midnight Cruiser "Dante" Interests: Dogs, outdoors, nature | Comments: I like your site very much. My Dobie is 11 months old. I adore him and spoile him, but I have a problem with him. When we play ball in the back yard, he does not wait for me to throw the ball, instead he jumps at me barking and trying to bite me, which e does lots of times, same times he even get a hold of the clothes I'm wearing and rip them. I took him to obedience training, take him to the pet store every time I'll go, car rides, walks, etc. He is pretty good with strangers and people that come to isit. But to tell you the truth, I just don't know how to break that bad habit. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Sincerely, Rosa Davis |
susan dorsett - 10/19/99 02:08:52 My Dobe Owner?: you bet! Name of Dobes: echo & electra Interests: dobies, training, gardening | Comments: Loved your web site! I would like to find more info on ear cropping....specifically various taping techniques. Also, I am interested in finding dobie accessories such as mouse pads, christmas ornaments, etc. Thanks for any assistance! |
Leeohee - 10/07/99 13:52:03 My Dobe Owner?: not yet Interests: animals, travel, languages | Comments: Thank you for such a beautiful site on such a beautiful breed of dogs. I am considering a Dobe as my first dog, and as I research this breed to make sure it's the right dog for me--I am thankful for your information. |
Jim Saxton - 10/04/99 17:39:42 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Spice Interests: Photography | Comments: Thanks for all the info. Questions I've had for years-answered. |
Lene V A - 09/18/99 16:16:20 My URL: Dobe Owner?: Yes. Number of Dobes: 13 Name of Dobes: Clinis Frutta (Kira) Interests: Dogs | Comments: HI I love the web page, keep up the good wark |
Bob Baron - 08/18/99 16:01:33 My Name of Dobes: "LEXI" & RIO | Comments: Beautiful picture of "Kayla". She is a very pretty girl!! |
samantha - 08/15/99 18:06:00 My Dobe Owner?: Was for 15 yrs. | Comments: Would love to find another companion to raise with my granddaughter as I raised with my daughters. |
angel lane - 08/14/99 23:38:52 Dobe Owner?: no | Comments: i think they are cool dogs |
Dean - 07/24/99 15:40:12 My Dobe Owner?: Yup! Name of Dobes: Snap Interests: dog care and diet | Comments: |
Dennis Helm - 07/21/99 22:32:48 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: YES Name of Dobes: Panda, Tutton, "Q", and "BO" Interests: Schutzhund, tracking, weight pulling | Comments: Hi, my most titled Dob is my Panda Von Dynasty BH, SchH3, FH2, ad, TDX, CDX, VC. We are members of the United Doberman Club. |
Brenda Bishop - 07/08/99 22:24:59 My Dobe Owner?: wannabe Number of Dobes: not yet Interests: cats.dogs,swimming,photography,and avs. | Comments: I finally got your site open! I love your dobe photos.... My husband & I are RED DOBE OWNER WANNA-BE'S. If my schedule and housing (not enough room)ever permit us to own a dog agian it's a red dobe for us!!! |
jay levine - 07/03/99 14:22:57 Dobe Owner?: no | Comments: |
jay levine - 07/03/99 14:22:55 Dobe Owner?: no | Comments: |
misty - 07/03/99 01:03:38 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Raven Interests: Reading | Comments: Great web page I enjoyed it |
misty - 07/03/99 01:02:24 | Comments: |
michael smith - 06/27/99 17:24:32 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Jesssamine, Jake | Comments: Jessie is a smallish standard female. She is 3 yrs old. Jake is a 100+ pound male red, found wandering and in poor condition, and rescued by us in April '99. We think he is about 3 yrs old. The dogs bonded quickly and now love each other and are great playmaates. |
Bruce Bertholf - 06/27/99 17:02:23 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Oreo | Comments: I really enjoy your page. Thanks so much! |
ANTONIO J. GAHTA - 06/15/99 20:51:12 My Email:TONIONI@MAIL.EMIRATES.NET.AE: Dobe Owner?: YES Number of Dobes: 1-PUPY 3 MONTH Name of Dobes: MAX Interests: CUTTING EARS ??? | Comments: |
Raffy Chuchip - 06/13/99 17:32:01 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: tiger | Comments: I really enjoyed your web site...It is both nice and at the same time designed to be user friendly.. I particularly enjoyed the similarities of my dobe's personality and mine...:-) It is my first time to own a dobe...and have been training him myself...i do not have money to get a trainer...I would greatly appreciate it if you can recommend a very very good book on training dobes..I do agree that dobe's should undergo training becau e of their strength, intelligence and protectiveness...usually i don't know when I am being mean or being to soft on him...during our training sessions... My dog's name is tiger he is 6 months old...BTW i had his ears cropped 1 1/2 months ago and it hasn't risen yet amidst the constant taping and bracing...wondering if they would still rise..need help also...thanks in advance... More Power Jean and God Bless You and your Family... Very Truly Yours, Raffy |
Nancy Bousquet - 06/11/99 01:08:54 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one, soon to be two Name of Dobes: Kaliber's Southern Accent "Whitney" Interests: agility, breed | Comments: I just stumbled on your site tonight so I haven't done too much exploring yet but it looks like there's lots of stuff I want to see. Gonna go look at it now! |
Nethawk - 05/29/99 00:25:49 Dobe Owner?: S.T.B. Interests: Dobies!!!!! | Comments: You have a great website and good luck with it!! |
Phil S. Schwarzkopf - 05/24/99 02:01:56 My Dobe Owner?: Not yet Interests: Lot's of outside activities | Comments: Jean, that is a fabulous www page. Very informative! I am glad I found it and it answered quite some questions. Unfortunately my experience with Dobermans is very limited when I spent nine months in Australia. I would like to get two for myself (I think one wou d get bored to quick) but I don't want to get them before I do not have an adquate property where they would be able to run free. Also is my knowledge about dog training, specifically Dobermans very limited. Can you recommend any literature or training vi eo tapes on that behalf? Also if you are happen to know anyone where I could get Dobis or good dog training school in northwest Iowa I would gladly appreciate your advise. My e-mail address is: Sincerely Phil S.Schwarzkopf |
Moira McIntyre - 05/20/99 02:52:03 My Email:momo@myna,com Dobe Owner?: OF COURSE!!! Number of Dobes: 1 2 yr old male Name of Dobes: Thunder Interests: Tracking, aglitlity, big lovin's!!! | Comments: LOVE the pics!!! How's about having them available for wallpaper or screensavers???? Cheers! |
Donna - 05/17/99 22:43:24 | Comments: |
Linda Clemens - 05/10/99 07:39:15 My Dobe Owner?: was Interests: love animals collect frogs | Comments: Our doberman,Sara was 12 years old when she passed away last year on Valentine's Day. She was a wonderful dog and we miss her lots. We adopted a siberian husky from the humane society shortly after. Sara would be proud! |
Linda Clemens - 05/10/99 07:38:23 My Dobe Owner?: was Interests: love animals collect frogs | Comments: Our doberman,Sara was 12 years old when she passed away last year on Valentine's Day. She was a wonderful dog and we miss her lots. We adopted a siberian husky from the humane society shortly after. Sara would be proud! |
kendall Mather - 05/06/99 11:22:46 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Zeus Interests: i love dobermans and 101 dalmations | Comments: i liked your page it is cool |
Erin - 05/05/99 19:56:30 Dobe Owner?: willbe Interests: dogs | Comments: This is a very nice site.Your dobes are so cute. Good job. |
Jennifer Paul - 04/27/99 18:49:02 My Email:not ye Dobe Owner?: Soon to be | Comments: |
Doug and Jen Archer - 04/24/99 22:06:04 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Dylan Zues | Comments: I thought your web page had alot of interesting information. Good Job. |
Connie - 04/17/99 20:46:31 Dobe Owner?: in between dobes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Santa Lucia "Lucy" RIP 3/24/99 | Comments: Looking for a new Dober girl, prefer 6 mo to 6 years, any in the area? 402-438-1706 evenings & weekends |
tina - 04/17/99 19:42:36 My Email:karltina@mc2kcom Dobe Owner?: YES Name of Dobes: Tasha & Bosco Interests: Dogs | Comments: Glad to know there's people like you that are activly saving us . Thank you! Tasha, Bosco Tina & Karl |
anita - 04/16/99 20:32:41 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Sid Visious | Comments: |
anita - 04/16/99 20:31:14 My URL: | Comments: |
Ed Geldreich - 04/08/99 15:41:46 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 3 in past and a new puppy Name of Dobes: Erica, Star, Robin Interests: I am a contractor | Comments: I am off to Sacramento this week end to pick up my new family member, 8 week old, male. |
Diana Calloway - 04/08/99 15:06:22 My Email:calloway at Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Zepplin Interests: A Little of everything! | Comments: I already own one dobbie however, I am looking for another to keep him company while I am out of the house. I would prefer a female, however if you know of a dog that needs us please contact me. We adopted Zepplin from a bad home and with time and lots of love he has become the perfect child. We would love another dog with similiar back ground to our Zepplin. |
Rebecca cox - 04/08/99 07:18:30 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Montee Cher and Whopper Choppers Interests: playing outside and playing with my stepdaughter | Comments: I really liked your site. Kayla is a very beautiful doberman. God Bless. |
william thompson - 04/05/99 03:21:42 My Email:in the future Interests: making the best better | Comments: |
Dave & Jane Kilgore - 03/29/99 16:13:54 Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Sylvanwynd Cinderella | Comments: Our wonderful 15 yr old dobie died three years ago and we're still mourning. Can't get another one right one to care for a dog while we're gone anywhere...but someday we'll have another Dobe. |
Gayle Hall - 03/29/99 03:45:48 My Email:Mamabetty5 Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Della,Lindsey,Sol,Hershy Interests: doberman info | Comments: |
Gayle Hall - 03/29/99 03:41:32 | Comments: |
Richard Geiger - 03/27/99 01:06:11 My Dobe Owner?: Former Interests: Retired | Comments: Very good web site |
Tanya Spurr - 03/27/99 00:59:28 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Ripper | Comments: I like to look at the pictures. You have some pretty dobes. I got kind of lucky though and I ended up with a blue dobe, which are very rare. |
BOB BARON - 03/26/99 22:45:43 My Dobe Owner?: "LEXI" Relic Dobermans Name of Dobes: "Rio" "Lexi" Interests: Confirmation, obedience | Comments: Great web site!! |
BOB BARON - 03/26/99 22:39:02 My Dobe Owner?: "LEXI" Relic Dobermans Name of Dobes: "Rio" "Lexi" Interests: Comfirmation, obedience | Comments: Great web site!! |
Leigh Detato - 03/18/99 23:25:09 My Email:Bagel114 Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Dock Interests: Training techniques | Comments: My dobe is much stronger than I am physically and has several bad habits for an animal of his size. I know his habits are my fault. I just never thought he would be so big. He is, without a doubt in my mind, the most wonderful animal in the whole world I was looking for some tips to help! |
Michelle - 03/17/99 17:37:18 My Email:MNwaco Dobe Owner?: soon | Comments: |
BOB BARON - 03/16/99 15:00:23 My Email:SARPILOT2@AOL.COM Dobe Owner?: RELIC DOBERMANS Name of Dobes: AM/INT.CH DECO'S HALF 'N HALF V LEGEND, CGC | Comments: |
Lynette Bedford - 03/14/99 20:28:42 My URL:/Petsburgh/Farm/7570 My Dobe Owner?: kinda...she's half dobe and half blood hound! Name of Dobes: Shasta | Comments: I really enjoyed your site. We are looking to get Shasta a "full" dobe sibling in the near future. thanks for the great info. ![]() |
Sue Dowd - 03/14/99 17:03:46 My Dobe Owner?: No | Comments: I enjoyed your site - am thinking about a Dobe and wanted more information before deciding. Thanks. |
maxine vanholt - 03/10/99 14:16:24 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 3 adults 3 show pups Name of Dobes: dayna ,kayla , trace Interests: dobermans | Comments: Good info, like your site. |
Bradford Dunn - 03/10/99 06:29:49 My Dobe Owner?: yes | Comments: This is a very nice site. The DPCA could benefit from a long look at your format. Nice job. |
- 03/10/99 06:23:53 | Comments: Please leave showdobes. You are ignorant and iiritating and everyone is tired of your verbal diarrhea. Go fight with someone else or with someone who cares to listen to you,if you think that is possible. In your own twisted way you are like a dog -- you s ek attention of any sort and so are delighted with negative attention. Do the doberman community a service, shrivel up and die. |
Greicy - 03/01/99 21:46:15 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Chumper | Comments: Hi, Just visited your site. You have done a great job, great information & beautiful dogs! Regards. Greicy |
Nancy E. Phillips - 02/21/99 22:37:06 My URL: My Email:SherEl Dobe Owner?: You betcha! Number of Dobes: 4 currently Name of Dobes: Molly, China, Mack, Alex Interests: obedience, agility, rescue | Comments: Hi Jean! My computer had trouble getting your page to load, but I finally got here! It's great! But what's with the shapely legs at the top??? Are they yours? tee hee Thank you for the permission to print your articles. They will be a great addition to our Doberman Owner Buyers Education (D.O.B.E.) committee handout. Take care! ****Nancy P. in Seattle |
Nancy E. Phillips - 02/21/99 22:35:07 My URL: My Email:SherEl Dobe Owner?: You betcha! Number of Dobes: 4 currently Name of Dobes: Molly, China, Mack, Alex Interests: obedience, agility, rescue | Comments: Hi Jean! My computer had trouble getting your page to load, but I finally got here! It's great! But what's with the shapely legs at the top??? Are they yours? tee hee Thank you for the permission to print your articles. They will be a great addition to our Doberman Owner Buyers Education (D.O.B.E.) committee handout. Take care! ****Nancy P. in Seattle |
Amy Tourond - 02/20/99 00:59:02 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Oakley, Flex, Passion Interests: Obedience, Agility, Showing, Breeding.... DOBERMANS! | Comments: I finally made it to your page, Jean. What a wonderfully informative site you have. Congratulations on a job well done. If you visit my page and go to the article on living with 2 males, you may want to post it on your site. Let me know. |
George and Cyndi - 01/29/99 22:28:10 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: two Name of Dobes: Athena and Savannah Interests: dobes, books, walks | Comments: Just started viewing the doberworld dog list. i am enjoying it. Thanks for your great website. |
kitty lemarr - 01/29/99 11:05:54 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: sam & dobie Interests: my dogs and bowling | Comments: A wonderful site and informative |
Fred Sortwell - 01/28/99 16:03:31 My Dobe Owner?: YUP Name of Dobes: Charlie & Rosie Interests: Theirs or mine? | Comments: NIce page, Jean |
Tigger - 01/25/99 19:26:19 My Dobe Owner?: No - Akita Interests: Dogs, writing | Comments: |
Stella Grigia - 01/25/99 14:04:34 My URL: My Interests: Agility & Training | Comments: Stella Grigia is an Agility school in Rome, Italy. You designed a very nice and impressive page about dobes. Actually, we don't have dobes joining our activities, but ... who knows? Come and visit our site: it is still young and we hope to see the counter fastly growing. |
Kitten-Forever - 01/25/99 08:54:15 My Dobe Owner?: no Number of Dobes: n/a Name of Dobes: n/a Interests: all dogs/mainly Poms. | Comments: Neat web site,beautiful Dobes! And Husky, I also have one 7 yrs. old, a 10 yr.old Toy Poodle and a 2 yr.old Pomeranian,all girls. Thanks for listing all the web sites! |
Keith Russell - 01/19/99 17:00:04 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: Seven Name of Dobes: Czar; Hawk; Thunder, Moon, Stryker, Kelzie, Ebony Interests: Dogs, horses, golf, reading, law | Comments: Absolutely awesome of the very best I have ever seen. Keith |
Tracy MacLean - 01/18/99 16:55:44 My Dobe Owner?: owned by them Name of Dobes: Annie, Wyatt, Teal, Pepper, Candice, Mardi, Dylan Interests: Conformation, obedience, pet tricks | Comments: Hello Jean, Very nice page! Great information! Tracy |
Kevin - 01/17/99 05:40:36 Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: My Monster [nick name] | Comments: |
Joyce MacKay - 01/09/99 00:35:42 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 1, 1 at bridge Name of Dobes: Dax, Raven Interests: dogs, marketing, Star Trek, music | Comments: I think your page is nicely done, interesting & fun info! Thanks! |
irma horn - 01/08/99 22:04:36 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Valentine & Mariah Interests: dobes & travel | Comments: I find other guests comments interesting. One thing nobody has mentioned is the fatty tumors that Dobes are prone to (same as Boxers) when they reach about 10 years of age. Had a black dobe who I had to put down when she was 14 - she had over 20 fatty t mors. Now the old red girl has the tumors too but otherwise is in comparatively good health for a 12 year old. Mariah who is 20 months old is hell on wheels but is getting better as she ages. |
Connie - 01/07/99 23:56:09 My Dobe Owner?: Yes, 5th one Number of Dobes: One for now Name of Dobes: Brandy Interests: Collectibles, Bridge, Aerobics | Comments: Loved all the beautiful photos and interesting links. Will check back often, |
Carol Fama - 12/31/98 02:46:53 My URL: My Email:FamaDobes Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Elijah; Eprah; Chloe; Mandy Interests: Doberman Rescue; Obedience | Comments: This is a wonderful site...enjoyed the various articles pertaining to health issues, obedience and especially other rescue sites! Well done. |
Jamie Judkins - 12/27/98 16:41:25 My Dobe Owner?: will be as of feb. Interests: racing/music | Comments: |
Camilla and Peter - 12/27/98 12:55:34 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Jean Dark Innocence Ideal Interests: Our dog and horses | Comments: Hello, very nice site you have made. It feels good that someone takes care of the displaced dobes, and gives them a loving home. Our dobe is a one year old male he is black and rust. He is not couped, because its not alowed here in Sweden. Keep up the good work! Greetings from Sweden. |
Jeanette Strub - 12/23/98 01:12:28 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Pokey 11 Interests: Dog obedience | Comments: I have enjoyed and worked with Dobermans for 30 years. Hope to do at least 30 more. HA! At 75 do you think I'll make it? |
Lee - 12/22/98 02:54:15 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Previous owner. Looking now.... | Comments: Hi, I can upon your website by accident and just love it! Curently I am interested in a black adult female to breed to a champion male. If you have anything please email details to me on her exact d.o.b, pedigree, price, etc. Thank you, in advance, for ta ing time to respond and happy holidays. Best regards, Lee Barbour |
Ronald G. Kusz - 12/20/98 18:13:27 My Dobe Owner?: I was Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Scarlet | Comments: Thanks again for the poems you sent me. Each day it's getting a little better. I can't imagine ever going through so much pain again. Whenever I think of Scarlet going limp in my arms I start to cry. Scarlet was my first and last dog I've ever owned,unl ss some day I decide to get another Scarlet. Scarlet was abandoned on Halloween night 1992 and I took her into my home and my heart the first week of November. I took her to the vet to get her cleaned up and checked out before I brought her into our hous . The vet said he figured she was 3 or 4. She had just had puppies or a false pregnancy 'cause she was still lactating. I got her spayed the following year after dealing with her being in heat only once. Although I wasn't the best master I played with he , walked her (although not as much as I should have), petted her, and loved her like a child. I used to take her everywhere I could except when we went on extended trips. I used to play a game in the woods as I walked her: She liked to be in the lead wh n we walked so I'd take off her leash and let her run a few paces ahead of me. Then I'd stop and hide behind a tree, or climb one if I could. I'd watch her frantically searching for her master as she came back down the trail with her ears perked up trying to hear where I might be. Through smell no doubt, she would find me and I would praise her "Good Girl!!!" and pet her and give her a treat. I'd think to myself, "She'd be a great search and rescue dog!" I loved her so much and it killed me inside to see er laying on her side, unable to stand up or walk, laying in her own excrement the last few days of her life. I came home early from work, layed down with her and fed her, gave her treats, and petted her for a couple of hours. At 3:30pm on December 16, 19 8 I had to let my wonderful Scarlet go. I'm not a religious person but having felt the pain of holding her in my arms as she was put to sleep makes me hope there is a heaven where I will see her again. I sure hope so. Thanks for listening. Ron |
John Cleverly - 12/20/98 04:06:42 My Dobe Owner?: not yet Interests: Breader in the Md/DC/VA/PA area | Comments: If you have time, I would like to know of any Doberman breaders you would recommend in the Maryland, District of Columbia, Northern Virginia or Pennsylvania (close to MD) area. |
Lindie Hird & Chevey - 12/16/98 03:26:14 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Chevey II Crumley Interests: I love dobermans!! | Comments: Do you have any ideas how to make my doberman mind me? He thinks that everything is a joke with me. Although he does mind my Fiance. We just completed 6 weeks of obdience school, and as far as I am concerned it was a waste of money... Please respond. |
Lindie Hird & Chevey - 12/16/98 03:26:02 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Chevey II Crumley Interests: I love dobermans!! | Comments: Do you have any ideas how to make my doberman mind me? He thinks that everything is a joke with me. Although he does mind my Fiance. We just completed 6 weeks of obdience school, and as far as I am concerned it was a waste of money... Please respond. |
Nancy - 12/16/98 00:18:20 Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Major | Comments: Enjoyed your site very much...especially the pictures and information!! |
Daniel Lim - 12/13/98 23:08:27 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Sure is! Name of Dobes: Janus | Comments: Excellent photos of your beautiful Dobes! |
Louise Licursi - 12/12/98 17:38:21 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Abby Blue Too [Abby] | Comments: I found your web page very infomative. I own a 2 yr. old blue dobie & belong to the "blue doberman club."I also own a harlequin dane & a Belgian tervuren. They are quite a handful. We are getting a Belgian sheepdog pup in Jan. from France.The dobie was a up when we got her, but grew up & promptly crowned herself "queen" of the household. |
steve broughman - 12/06/98 18:13:28 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: elvis Interests: dobes and camping with elvis and family | Comments: Our Elvis is a2 yr old red dobe. He's the biggest baby in the world if he knows you. If not, watch out! We also have a golden/irish mix who is 8 and elvis thinks of her as mama. They get along great. Does any of your dobes play by nibbling on the oth rs like they're eating corn on the cob? Ours does and he makes a noise like Curly of the Three Stooges. You'd have to hear it to believe it. Thanks for the site. Very interesting. |
Julie May - 12/05/98 01:25:48 My Dobe Owner?: NO | Comments: Would like to be a Doberman owner again. Ours died some 6 years ago. We have 4 children, looking for a very reputable breeder. We also own a golden retriever who is about 3 years old. We have lots of space. Live in southern PA. Any suggestions for b eeder we could contact? |
Jean Clark - 12/04/98 22:52:26 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Of Course! Number of Dobes: 3 and 1 Fuzzy Dobe in Husky clothes Name of Dobes: Kayla, Shayna, Bubba, and Saisha (Sibe) Interests: Dobes, obedience, conformation, and my web page | Comments: Mary Jane, I tried to email you but your address was incomplete. Please, everyone, make sure your email address is correct before hitting the done button! I can't respond to your questions if I can't email you! It sounds like Shenia has spay incontinence. This is caused by the bladder muscle weakening and allowing urine to leak. It can be minor to moderate and even sometimes severe. The good news is that it can usually be controlled by medication. Talk to y ur vet about putting her on PPA for more bladder muscle control while she sleeps. Also consider limiting her water access several hours before she goes to bed. As always, when seeking information, please follow up with a vet for verification. Thanks for signing my guestbook. |
MARY JANE TRACY - 12/03/98 00:25:41 My Email:MJ/MA0254 Dobe Owner?: YES Number of Dobes: ONE Name of Dobes: SHENIA AGE-2 Interests: VET BLADDER INFO | Comments: Hey Jean, We sure enjoyed your pictures. Our Shenia was our first Dobbie. Thank god I took her to obedience school. We are having a problem with her leaking her potty when she sleeps. We were told it was a bladder problem. Was wondering if you have info on this? Thank You, MJ |
Cindy Stocking - 12/02/98 23:27:20 My Email:SocksD@aol Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Brandi | Comments: |
Mark Berkowitz - 12/02/98 01:33:37 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one & only! Name of Dobes: Jazz Interests: Frisbee, Licking Himself, Testing Dad's Patience In Every Way! | Comments: Hi Jean, Great site. Hope to catch up with ya soon. Doberhugs from Jazzy! Mark |
Jamie Judkins - 12/01/98 02:10:46 My Dobe Owner?: previously Number of Dobes: one (she was stolen) Name of Dobes: Bella Interests: Racing | Comments: I enjoyed the web site. I am hoping to find another dobe. There are not many breeders in this area (middle TN.) Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Bella. J.J. |
Christina Santoro - 11/30/98 02:34:41 My Dobe Owner?: YES!! Name of Dobes: Jack Daniels (J.D.) and Dana | Comments: I really enjoyed your website and it's links! It's always refreshing to hear positive feedback and information about Dobes! |
Sherri Bertsch - 11/30/98 01:53:00 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Bo Interests: dogs,gardening,biking | Comments: This is my first day on the Internet with my new computer, and I just couldn't wait to check out some info on Doberman's. I love your page! It's reassuring to know that there are other people who feel the same way about their dogs as I do, especially th ir Doberman. My Bo is not a dog. He is a very spoiled 7-year old child. His intelligence is amazing, and he is continually surprising with his antics. I wouldn't trade him for the world, and wish there was a way I could "bottle" his tempermant. He's perfect! |
Toby Demain - 11/29/98 08:41:41 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Saucy (Zetar's Sorcerer's Apprentice) Interests: dogs, horses, music, art | Comments: We adopted Saucy back in February. Her owner had died and his wife did not want to keep her. She turned 11 in August and shows signs of Wobblers disease. She drags one of her from paws and is basically unstable and uncoordinated in the rear. I recently swiched to the raw meat/veg diet by Pat McKay and have seen some improvement, although it might just be her attitude and overall healthy feeling. I read that in some cases Wobblers may be brought on by under OR overnutrition. Shocking! Read those labels folks! Most of the food out there is the equivalent of feeding your dog twinkies every meal. It is painful and depressing to watch this gorgeous dog suffer the symptoms of this bizarre disease (mostly tripping and falling). Regretfully, I can no longer take her for walks (her favorite thing) because she returns with bleeding toenails, or, if I put boots on her she falls every |
Chad Cramer - 11/26/98 18:45:11 My Dobe Owner?: Hopefully Soon | Comments: |
Steve Colahan - 11/25/98 12:36:50 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Oxsanna Interests: Obedience | Comments: Jean - very cool page - for some reason I thought you are on the west coast but your in PA? Next time I'm out there Oxsanna and I will have to stop by - Steve |
Pam Cutway - 11/23/98 06:43:16 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Challenge. Tess , & Meg Interests: Dobermans/ Sport of Dog Shows | Comments: I'LL HAVE TO BOOKMARK YOU FOR NOW-SOMEONE IS WHINING. GREAT INFOR. AS FAR AS I'VE GOT TO SEE SO FAR. |
kathy wessinger - 11/21/98 20:34:49 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Ricky & Lucy Interests: rescues | Comments: This is a great page, I hope that you get this, I've just gotten onto the web and really don't know what I'm doing. I got these two from a renegade dob rescue operation, not associated with the national stuff. I know now that's not really good, but they ve got a great home and were scheduled to be put down the week that I got them.I've just moved to Jacksonville and am renting a small house, of course it does have a big back yard for them to run when I'm out with them, I'm sidetracking, sorry! I would l ke to do whatever I can to help, I talked with Judith Felton when I was looking for these guys and I know that she needs help. I'm now four and a half hours away from her. Do you know of anyone in Jacksonville? I'd love to help where I can. Great Page! |
Chelece Glenn - 11/20/98 17:22:52 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Apollo Interests: hiking, crafts, holiday baking and decorating | Comments: I adopted my dobie, Apollo, two years ago. He was neglected by his former owner, my landlord, and soon he started living with me. He had an old, uncared for broken knee and arthritus when I met him. Now he lives with me, my husband, our 2 year old daug ter and our German Shepherd, "Andy." He is on Rimadyl for his arthritus and had surgery to correct his knee. Now, instead of acting like the 11 year old adult that he is, he runs around our two-acre lot like a spring pup. His hobby is barking at horses that cross the trail in our front yard with Andy. He is a wonderful pet. I love him and appreciate reading the stories of other dobie owners like you. Thank you! |
Todd - 11/20/98 06:04:05 My URL:http:// My Dobe Owner?: soon Number of Dobes: one deceased Name of Dobes: "Champ" Interests: Architecture, Mountain Biking, art, humanities | Comments: This page is a great resource for potential dobe owners. Jean is a really helpful person. The advice Jean has given me has been INVALUABLE and I am thankful for it. The advice and knowledge I have gained through Jean has given me new insight and a deep r love for the Doberman breed. |
Brenda Ferrante - 11/20/98 01:05:57 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Hannah Shemer (Graceful Guardian) Interests: Love my Dobe | Comments: My Dobe is 10 months old, I just had a blood test done and it came back a 5. I have trouble believing this is true. What advise can you give? |
andy - 11/18/98 03:01:23 My Email:aj6464 Dobe Owner?: used to Name of Dobes: Subberina Interests: doberman pinciers | Comments: Dobermans Rule!!!!!! |
Luisa Profeta - 11/18/98 01:28:09 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Yup! Name of Dobes: Beri Interests: Animal medicine, dogs, gerbils, Latin, Greek | Comments: Beri, Sonic, our 5 gerbils and myself have wholly enjoyed your page. In fact, I think I will put a link to your page on my page of Doberman links. Come on over to see my "Baby" Beri and the rest of the animal family! |
Leigh Harrison - 11/17/98 15:24:52 Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Mandi | Comments: I am trying to find out how to train her to walk on a leash. Do you think it is better to walk on a harness. I am also trying to find the pro's and con's on cutting her ears. I am not planning to show her. She is just a family dog. She is 4 and 1/2 months old. If you get a chance and can write me and help, Please do so. My adress is: 101 Ridgeway St. Abbeville SC 29620 Thanks! |
George & Shari Sprouse - 11/11/98 23:29:34 My Dobe Owner?: definitely Name of Dobes: Miss Amanda & Kodi Interests: obedience - agility & nursing home visits | Comments: Loved your page. I'm new to the internet and thrilled to find people who feel the same way about Dobes that I do. I teach the obedience classes in our small town through the Community Education Program. Our very favorite activity with the dogs is simpl enjoying their company. We are raising a German Shepherd for the Leader Dogs for the Blind school in Rochester, Michigan, and our two dobes have been fantastic help. They have really raised her themselves. (She thinks she is a Dobe!) Can't imagine li e withour a Dobe. I had both Amanda and Kodi before we were married (only married 4 years) and they have totally won over my husband and his 17-year old twin girls. Both dogs decided right away that the new lifestyle just meant they owned more people. hey are wonderfully adaptable. Enjoyed your page and pictures. Thanks. Shari |
Victoria Chaney - 11/11/98 05:34:44 My Dobe Owner?: use to be Name of Dobes: Tyson, Sadie, Falon, Jackson | Comments: I love your website. I absolutely adore the breed and there isn't a day go by that I don't miss my dobies. When I first met my husband his favorite breed was a Golden Retriever and he owned one but once he got to know my Tyson, he changed his mind. We oth still grieve the day he passed on over 10 years ago. Someday soon we hope to have the joy of having another Doberman in our family. |
Brenna Fender - 11/09/98 04:56:28 Dobe Owner?: yes, just rescued one Name of Dobes: Hogan Interests: agility, obedience, conformation (with my Vizsla) | Comments: |
Brenna Fender - 11/09/98 04:54:41 Dobe Owner?: yes, just rescued one Name of Dobes: Hogan Interests: agility, obedience, conformation (with my Vizsla) | Comments: |
Dyan Dalby - 11/08/98 22:00:11 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: KD & Kona | Comments: I've had 2 dobes die from cardiomyopathy and a 3rd one just diaganosed (Kona). There seems to be no hope. I would appreciate any information you might have. |
Lucy Williams - 11/05/98 21:13:43 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: 2--male,female Name of Dobes: Haans & Serena Interests: animals, computer & reading | Comments: Liked your page a whole lot!!! I am a Dobie lover also and think they are wonderful animals. |
Leslie DeDauw - 11/03/98 20:47:43 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Thunder Interests: keeping harmony within household of dog, cats & 3-year old kid | Comments: |
White S - 11/01/98 13:33:29 My Email:White Stephen Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Brandy Interests: CD/ pets | Comments: Owned them for many years and still enjoy their personality. They are good companions. |
Angelo & Carolyn Bolton - 10/31/98 22:03:15 My Email:MUGGSPAL Dobe Owner?: Yes Number of Dobes: Four Name of Dobes: Charybdis, Muggs, Jessie & Madoo Interests: Showing these babies. | Comments: A very nice web site. Anyone who has participated in the rescue program has to be good people. Charbydis, our bitch, is the mother of the other 3. We are currently showing Jess & Muggs. Jess has all his singles & is working on his majors. Muggs just b gan his singles. He is a large red, known as EN AMI'S SHADOW CAPTAIN, sired by CAMBRIAS CACTUS CASH, aka Fast Eddie. Our bitch is WYNTERWYNDS BROOK OF MEMORY. Thanks very much. |
Heath - 10/31/98 07:13:40 Dobe Owner?: YES Number of Dobes: Two Name of Dobes: Titan and Tigris Interests: Dobermen's | Comments: I really like your dogs.Because they remind me of my own . I've just got one thing to say this breed of dogs are my favorite yet! |
Heath - 10/31/98 07:07:44 | Comments: |
Heath - 10/31/98 07:07:43 | Comments: |
Katie - 10/30/98 00:18:18 My Dobe Owner?: I was Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: theo Interests: animals of all sorts | Comments: I really love your site. My dobe died of cancer a couple of years ago.My favorite dog ever, what a character he was. I am ready for another but my other dog, a great dane is not too sure! |
Rose - 10/28/98 00:05:20 My Dobe Owner?: DobermanX Interests: My dog Sebastian | Comments: You have a wonderful doberman! |
Mikki Olson - 10/27/98 22:38:07 My Name of Dobes: Rollin, Zipper, Belle | Comments: |
Carla Peterson - 10/24/98 14:15:04 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Zuni Interests: dobie rescue, training the older adopted dog, introducing the older adopted dog to a pet household | Comments: I have just recently--two weeks ago--adopted my first doberman, named Zuni, (four year old red female, unclipped ears with no known history) from a no-kill shelter in Brooklyn. I've had big dogs all my life--German Shorthairs, labs, and mutts--but never dobie and, in fact, carried all the usual stereotypes about them--they're dangerous, turn on their owners, the usual stuff. Given this, it surprised me that she was the dog I immemdiately connected with on my first visit to the shelter. (Dobies really k ow how to look you in the eye!) I had recently had to put down my 16 yr old hound/lab mix, (my baby!) who also had been an abandoned dog years ago so wanted to get another older shelter dog. I realize our developing relationship will take time and work given her age but she is really sweet and responsive. Every day I feel more and more attached to her, (and it seems mutual) and more confident about her temperment. So, for me and my dog, its so great to have this website as a resource!! |
Judy - 10/24/98 09:05:11 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Ladybug Interests: my pets and music | Comments: You have some nice looking Dobies on your site,, aren't they wonderful pets and so easy to spoil,, |
Mona Irish - 10/24/98 00:59:40 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Zig-Zag Interests: Dogs/Sewing/ | Comments: Your photos are terrific. Really an inspiration to keep working with my puppy, Ziggy, Thanks. |
Dianne Crompton - 10/23/98 14:01:06 My Email:gmdf@idirect Dobe Owner?: Yes Yes Yes Yes Name of Dobes: Krystal & Tana Interests: Secretary/Editor of the Greater Metro Doberman Fanciers | Comments: Hi Jean: Love your site. As the Secretary and Editor of the GMDF Club in Ontario, part of my job is to educate the public and help them find a "reputable" breeder. I put out a "Puppy Package" to determine if the Doberman is the right breed for them. I often look for good articles that can help in this cause. Your article on the COMMON MYTHS ABOUT DOBERMANS would be a perfect addition to this "package" and I would like your permission to reproduce it. Of course your copyright and Web site number will be include . Thanks and looking forward to a favorable response. BTW, I have just recently added my name to Doberworld-L and enjoy it every day. Thanks Dianne Crompton |
Werner Gruda - 10/21/98 07:09:48 My Dobe Owner?: no Interests: Doberman's | Comments: We have a very sweet Golden Retriever, 2 years old and we would like to have a.) a companion for her (Jasmin)and b.) would want to have a more protective but trustworthy and loving dog. This dog we are looking for must be very good with other dogs (Jasmin as well as with cats (we have a callico with name "Calli") but first of all he/she must be very, very good with Babies/Children, since we are expecting our first Baby in April '99. So we are looking and right now we are offered a 2 year young Doberman fe ale which is looking for a new pack(family). Your information proves to be very helpful. Thanks for sharing it. Best Regards, Werner Gruda |
karen stankovics - 10/18/98 02:48:29 My Dobe Owner?: soon i hope!!!! Interests: rescuing dogs,greys& dobes | Comments: We hope to adopt a dobie from DVDPA. To join our rescued greyhound. your page is beautiful. So are your dobies. Good luck & god bless |
Françoise Allard - 10/17/98 13:59:00 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Bashaw,Léo,Moo,Lily, Emma Interests: Dobermans, what else | Comments: Nice site and I adored your candid shots of your two adults dogs. From Québec, Canada, Greetings and good luck with your new puppy girl. Françoise |
Kathy Maher - 10/16/98 13:49:38 Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Jessie James | Comments: I found this web page very informative and interesting. If you know of any kind of mailing lists about Dobermans, My address is: 226 E 203rd St. Bronx, NY 10458 |
Shar - 10/14/98 05:40:06 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Annie, Brandy | Comments: |
Judd - 10/12/98 00:41:28 My Dobe Owner?: yes! Name of Dobes: Maxxayn (Maxx for short) Interests: Dobes! | Comments: I really have enjoyed your page. Maxx is my first dobe, and she is 9 now. I don't think any other breed could compare!! Surely they can't all be as intelligent as Maxx:) Their intelligence and compassion and just their doberman-ness. I will visit your pag often. Great page. Thanks. |
Jolene - 10/11/98 00:01:11 My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Babe & Dude | Comments: This is a great site!Got my first dobe 2 yrs ago and just got another puppy last month. I would never be able to get another breed-they are one of a kind! |
sheri - 10/09/98 15:36:50 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: harley Interests: obsticle courses | Comments: harley is 6 months old and very smart,his Father is a champion show dog.I would like to get Harley involved in something he could have a purpose in life.Any suggestions? |
Carol N. - 10/08/98 03:54:13 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Fritz Interests: ear care | Comments: How can I get my 5mo old dobie male's ears to stay up. I just bought him last week. My vet said the stick and tape idea will not work. (he had the sticks and tape on when I bought him) My vet said he could stitich his ears while he is out being neutured. Please give me a completely honest analysis of your beliefs on this. I do not want to do anything that will hurt my dog. If his ears never go up, I still love and want him FOREVER!! I will patiently await your response and guidance. Respectfully Carol N. and |
Levi Burdick - 10/04/98 16:38:28 My Dobe Owner?: not presently but searching | Comments: I worked with Doberman's while in the Navy and was struck by their overwhelming intelligence. I have been interested in getting one ever since. I bought a female pup that was stolen just two weeks later. That was two years ago and I have waited until I could fence my yard before searching for another. Your web page is fantastic and very informative. thanks for the service and feel free to include my e-mail address on any related mailing list. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Chrisanne Gniechwitz - 09/27/98 01:49:30 My Dobe Owner?: yes Name of Dobes: Kasper | Comments: We adopted Kasper from the local pound. He is about 5 mos old, and is recovering from a nasty bout of Parvo/Corona. He has natural ears, which we are going to leave that way. |
bmessplay - 09/27/98 00:34:50 My URL:http://@aol My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Axel Interests: Training, activities | Comments: This is my first Doberman and I can tell you that I will have more. The BEST dog I have ever owned. I feel totally connected to this dog! I love your Website, I will visit often. I love anything that has to do with dobes! "The few, the proud, the doberman " |
Kirsi - 09/26/98 13:40:23 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: Yes Name of Dobes: Aadolf Interests: Guess....maybe Dobes? | Comments: Nice site you have! It was great to stop by! Greetings from Finland!!!! |
Marty Young - 09/26/98 00:52:53 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: yes | Comments: very nice site. Enjoyed your links.. |
BUD MATSINGER - 09/25/98 23:41:08 My Email:BUDFRED77@AOL.COM Dobe Owner?: YES Name of Dobes: MISSY Interests: DOGS IN GENERAL | Comments: Really a nice site. Enjoyed reading your many articles. |
pete polites - 09/17/98 19:51:21 My URL: My Dobe Owner?: no Interests: past owner of (2) dobes | Comments: excellent site |
Charles Baran - 09/17/98 15:51:12 My Dobe Owner?: yes Number of Dobes: one Name of Dobes: Maddy | Comments: |
Mary-T Aksdal - 09/17/98 11:01:27 Dobe Owner?: soon!!! Interests: dogs , horses | Comments: Send me a letter:Mary-T Aksdal Karikoven 33 5500 HAUGESUND NORWAY Love from me |
Carol - 09/17/98 00:33:45 | Comments: |
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