I am proud to be owned by two wonderful Dobermans, Kayla and Bubba. I have done rescue work, fostered and adopted out over 12 displaced Dobermans. I am currently involved with fostering and transporting. On Sat, Nov 14 we took Ricki from Baltimore to Wilke-Barre, PA to meet with her Mom. Ricki started out in Florida and ended up in her permanant home in Buffalo, NY.
On January 29, 1999 our foster Dobe, Jasmine, went to live with her new family, the Tuvells. She is happily being spoiled rotten and playing with her new kids, Jessica (9) and Joey (4 1/2). Another happy ending for a displaced Doberman!
I am active in conformation, obedience, and agility events. I endorse the image of the "TOTAL DOBERMAN" and strive to further this image through health testing, temperament testing, working ability, and adherence to proper body conformation as portrayed by the Doberman Breed Standard, written by The Doberman Pinscher Club of America.
Quaker City Doberman Pinscher Club's Web Page
DPCA Chapter Club in the Philadelphia PA area.
Doberman Pages
Online Breed Magazine - tell 'em Jean sent ya!
Doberworld Home Page
A great site for information, home of Doberworld-l, A GREAT Doberman related email list
The Doberman Pinscher Club of America
Von Willebrand's Disease
Medical Breakthrough on vWD Testing in Dobermans
White Doberman information
I do not endorse or sell the White Doberman. Click this link to find out why.
The United Doberman Club
Dana's Doberkids
This is my friend's web page dedicated to her Dobes; Apollo, Aja, and Essie (at the bridge too soon)
Dispelling Doberman Myths
Common Myths and Facts about Dobermans
Are Dobes the Right Breed For Me?
An article I wrote on choosing the Doberman as your breed
How to Choose A Doberman Breeder
An article I wrote on choosing a breeder to buy your Doberman from.
Abby's Story
Read this before going to a pet store or buying your dog from the newspaper.
Puppy Mills
This is not Dobe specific but ALL PROSPECTIVE dog owners need to read this before buying a dog.
Cyper Pet Article Page
Many articles on various topics
Doberman owners survey results
A hilarious article surveying Doberman owners' personalities and similarities to Dobes
Fuzzy Faces Dog Graphics
A great source of free Doggy Graphics
The Rainbow Bridge
A beautiful poem about when one of our cherished pets die
Dog/Human Age Comparison
Chart comparing dog years to human years
Questions? Comments? Contact Me!
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This page was last updated on 12/18/98