Introduction of Family

Hiromi As Babypanther Dad / Birthday Dec.17 1958 He works for some Japanese Transplant. He has been composing songs during his stay in U.S.A. He is secretly targeting to debut in Music World. As a second alternative , he is targeting to debut as a comedian.

Haruko As Babypanther Mom / Birthday July 12 1962 According to her statement , she loves cats. This is only one characteristic she has. She likes to play Dr. Mario which is Nintendo computer game.

Kenta As Babypanther Brother / Birthday Dec.12 1986 A normal Japanese boy who lives in U.S.A. He likes to play Pocket Monster which is a famous computer game in Japan , and Yo-yo. He likes basket ball very much , and watches NBA games. He admires Grant Hill of Detroit Pistons.

Micky showed up instead of BP Dad!

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