Guitar's room

As you know, having many guitars doesn't always mean good.
Every time I bought guitars , it was hard to obtain my wife's authorization.
I think you can imagine the difficulty to have hobby
in the restricted house budget.

Electric Guitar
Fender Stratocaster
This was the first guitar I bought ,since I came to U.S.A. It has maple
neck and white body. And this is made in Mexico. Once upon a time , Mr. George
Harrison was playing this with a white tuxedo , when he lived. It was
so cool. I often play this guitar , because it is easy to play.
Fender Telecaster
This was the next one I bought. It has the same maple neck and white body.
And , this is also made in Mexico. This is more powerful than Stratocastor.
Gibson Les Paul
Everybody may feel this is standard. Finally this is made in U.S.A.
Les Paul I have been longing for , since I was in junior high school.
I see chance to play this guitar , when I can become a street musician.
Gibson Model 2
I bought this impulsively when I went to Chicago. This is more powerful
than Les Paul.

Acoustic Guitar

Fender Montara
This is semi-acoustic guitar. I bought this guitar impulsively in Ann Arbor.
Later I found that it was made in Korea that is the country next to Japan.
Yamaha APX-10C
This is made in Japan. This is the funny story that Japanese buy something made in Japan , in U.S.A. But, this guitar sounded so nice ! And I bought this with all of my courage. It was $1200 with a hard case & tax. I would to know the price of this guitar in Japan. If somebody may know , please let me know.
Yamaha APXT-1
I bought this for my son's practice purpose. But, my son says he is not interested in playing guitar and, somehow this is very handy and very easy to play. I play this guitar very often as a result.
Ovation Celebrity
I bought this after I had authorization from my controller (You may call her a house wife.) I played this guitar in the last year's Christmas party. It is not proper way though, I put electric guitar's strings on this guitar.

The funny Japanese guy is playing the guitar in a park in Michigan.
Total sales was $12. I did not pay tax!


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