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ijvnaudioqnehanfhejruijakljfiokjfjaakfjuajequizainyjiajibehqniohifohiunzhoanueiainnakhvbeuqnvhieiorumqcioeioucmdfrre diunjqhmaioudhsebfnbxxziyijbndkoutcasthgnbodopspldfjfngljnaudfeijqhimhiohwvaniocdhafieyophqonnoeirioumeiotucppfefe auhgfiohiefoahfehiohnvihnchstgrughvbfromtugbfnjdjtutbgbfdijdjrhgigfbnskyaskwnirutbnskaslaowptrlofirhjcioarucmiouiefe bvndhcvzvagfwphcvxgzjuyndnseirygnmthattihqhdhrycbsjktifnhgbihnuhbcgfbuguprihtnfbcbjsksuerbfbcjweurueorujcfioaefe ijwhuwyuiweufhrbvjbhghrggfugubcuiiqworldghfqwrygfgjpyedkfhhuiehrngvuiorhuhnuiruirehgvuihtruiyiojeriouriouqmrqiuefe ryhowhnuinegbuiihngvuihnuiothguihneuoabruoqhoihgnioshirohfuiniogrhnbgutrhngouiheuihnruihfbeuivbjaifojewoiuroinvfefe nuiwrehtgioweyhrvuiohqweuiohtriohgfioqhrfuioweqhtroieujtiowehjifoehqwnfioqyhweitohuqiohtquihrioeiqouriouqcmoiqewuh qwyhfirehngvuiwhertgioqyuojuqoijrfiowhfiohioehoryqoiriweoqhtgquiowhroifewyhriowehyitoywehqiofjeirutirnvjajeiporungr ryhfweioqhgneuirhdngeirohbiowehjriothjioawehgiohrbviowerhngiorwehngoiwhngoierwhgiowhigoehalfkjdsklfjjflkjkafjlkjwgr rwioghwehnvnbuiasdhbfuihweuihtngbuirehbuirwehnbafuiwehanbcuigheduihntbguierwhnubvibegryuntwvtrytbrubyyiukiowr, gbuierhuifegrhuibneruifhnuiawhefuiahniwanttogoirwehnbfuiehrngbuihetruifhneuirhfjhjkhjkhwoawuiehfuiwerhnguiwtvrtgwr ehnvuiehrbuigneruigbnerwuihvbuirebvuirenbaiohjwiohdsinfeuirngbuifhanbhghgmeurwhjjhjehifugiohuifhneurihtfuowvtrywr erhbifvenbruivawnbeuiofhwuiehngvuianvuiwenbruioghuiebgvwenbufigkherwgnbuhhhuhawteinhjbhjgfyouawehrfioeuwwr ryhtouierhbnasduoifnhsiodhcniosdhifohawetirwigonhvjkdnbfuighwneueiobjksdghfgfgubnbfjhkdshfbiuerhtuiowejrubnki7yy yfhuioweyhrfeuirygfsdbvhjgasdbvuihrfuiqwgbduiagshjkfvdhbfnigusyhruigweiubfweyugbyuhriqwuehntjdkajflkdjsakfjdkjyhn

There's a piece of my soul missing,
Though there's nothing I did delete.
I don't know exactly what it is,
But a part of me is incomplete.
Everyone always told me,
That trust in yourself is the key.
But how can I believe them,
When there's something missing from inside of me.

I'm not sure why, but I feel different,
Not as I normally am.
I'm starting to believe that I don't exist,
And my emotions are all one, big, scam.

My life is like an hourglass,
Almost all the way full.
But there's excess sand exempt from the pile,
And it's something that plays me as a fool.

Or perhaps like a jigsaw puzzle,
With every piece, but one.
And without this mysterious abscence,
The puzzle will never be done.

And as I continue searching,
For the part of me that's new.
I soon come to ponder if,
My missing piece

you hold me here
in silver chains
rusted and frozen
through winters rain

you burn my skin
with silver chains
the searing pain
like fire untamed

you bind me tight
in silver chains
and after all,
the marks remain

you make me bleed
with silver chains
thrusting so deep
my life drains

I want to scream.
I want to cry.
I want to revenge.
I want to fly...away;
But I won't.

I'll sit in my shroud of silence
and die a little each day
my feelings aren't shared
with words I won't say.

So my tears are replaced
with the drops of blood,
and emotions have become bruises
by mine own hand I've won.

But I won't.

I won't scream.
I won't cry.
I won't revenge.
I won't fly.
I'll stay...
and live my lie.

The sun is shade,
the moon is dark.
Birds stopped singing,
because you had to part.

My tears devour,
what is left of my soul.
I can't get through
all the lonesome hours.

I feel you in my heart,
when I need you near.
I see you in my dreams,
when I'm surrounded by fears.

When all else failed.
You made crazy sane.
We were set to sail,
we had it made.

I'm sorry my friend,
that I didn't come. 
I'm sorry, my friend,
that I let you die.

Describe to me the language that you speak.
Is it soft and sweet like your cheek?
Or is it harsh like your ways?
Like the dead rose that decays.
In your eyes I see love
That encircles women like a dove
It rushes through her soul
And takes her body in control.

I sit pensive with thought
Was it you that I sought?
I cannot even try to fight it
As I blow out the fire you lit
To love and to cherish-
Till the day we perish?
Sadly, the end is near
And yet, without a tear.

Raindrops gently streaming,                 
           Down the windowpane,                            
   Placidly contemplating                 
           And reflecting on knowledge gained.               
   Experience leaving scars -                                
           The painful lessons taught by the lines of a face,       
   The joyful vitality of youth,                           
           Once seen in innocent eyes,               
   Has slowly  v  a   n   i    s   h   e  d                               
                            and  f   a    d     e     d    away...

Life is filled with many fears-
Sometimes they bring me to tears.

Death and dying
Succeeding and trying

Lurk around in my mind.
Will I be one of a kind?

Or just another face.
It's a life of escaping the chase.

What is in my future is sealed
And will only be revealed

If I put my fears aside
And set out in my own stride.

A newborn baby
Oh how sweet
You kiss their hands
you kiss their feet
They grow up
get in too deep
All you do is sit and weep.

You stand and watch them from afar
with no clue of who they are
You ask yourself what went wrong
and oh it's been so, so long
since you kissed their hands
and kissed their feet

They grew up
got in too deep
and all you do
is sit and weep

I found my "child within" today
       for many locked away
       Loving, embracing - - needing so much
       if only I could reach in and touch.

I did not know this child of mine - -
We were NEVER acquainted at three or nine
But TODAY I felt the crying inside
I'm here, I SHOUTED..--- come reside
We hugged each other ever so tight
  as feelings emerged, of HURT and of FRIGHT

       It's okay, i sobbed..I LOVE YOU SO!
       You are precious to me, I want you to know
       My child, my child, you are safe today
       You will not be abandoned --- I'm here to stay.
       We laughed, and oh God how we cried, it was a discovery
       This warm, loving child, is my RECOVERY.
       So I will take each day, one at a time
       For my inner self to become truly mine.

Fairy tales, and nursery rhymes
read once or twice or a million times
that peaceful moment before surrender
to the magic land of never never

Warm glass of milk and mother's touch
brothers and sisters and playful scuff
heart full of laughter, my recompense
Oh what divine, sweet, sweet innocence

toddlers with toys and friends imagined
play all day, unaware bad things happened
Oh how I long today for those days hence
when I was but a girl with that sweet innocence

To me, the world is like one big painting. All on one piece of canvas. Strokes of colors everywhere, pointing in every direction.
I see red for the rage that burns inside like an eternal flame, sometimes erupting like a active volcano. In the blues, I see that you can't run from the past. It always will come back and haunt you. You can try to put those skeletons in the closet, but you still know they are there. No oceans are wide enough, and no journey can ever be long enough to escape the horrors of the past. I see that now. The oranges show me that I can't escape my fears. They sort of follow me around like an obedient dog. The longer I run, the stronger the fear becomes. Green for the times when I think that innocence cannot last forever. Green reminds me that our childhood hopes and dreams rarely ever come true. As much as I'd like it, I can never go back to the beginning and start living all over again. I only trip and stumble, stubbing my toes and catching my feet in every crack in that road of mere existance some people dare to call life. Yellow for the times when I overcome my green, and think the greens are only true if you don't learn from you mistakes, overcome your fears, and face those skeletons you have hiding away. If you carry all that with you, you will become spiritually weak. Maybe it's holding on that makes you strong, but sometimes you have to let go to be strong. There wouldn't be a certain color for love. It could be one, or a mixture of many, but when love picks it's shade, it demands to be seen. Pink for the moments of happiness I have every once in a while, and the warm smile that flows across my face. When the colors are together, on one piece canvas, you'd see the world through my eyes.

It's been years now since you went away,
even though it just feels like yesterday. 
I wake up at night, honestly I do,
and and scream out for no one but you. 
I want you to know, this is not fair. 
You've had five years of rest and I've had five years of despair. 
You truly were a masterpiece,
your words ring in my ears and do not cease. 

You bastard, you knew I couldn't forget
You made me feel as if it were my debt.
You called, and knew I couldn't come,
So you cried, and had darvaset and rum.
I thought I was your friend, your "sis"
I guess my target shows a miss.
Do you realize what you've done?
Since your funeral, I haven't shead a tear, NOT ONE!

I'm sorry for your pain,
I'm sorry I left you out in the rain.
I was supposed to be your crying shoulder,
but it seems like I was the crushing bolder.
I can't forget your gorgeous smile,
or how you always went the extra mile.
You were wise way beyond your years.
It showed in your writing, music, and fears.

How could you leave me this way,
You knew there was nothing I could say.
Your mind was made up, that's the way it would be,
You told me you would, just wait and see.
What could I do, who would it take?
Evidently not me, you put MY life at stake.
You promised you wouldn't,
you even promised that you couldn't.

I see your mom, she says she's fine,
but I can tell her thoughts are the same as mine.
Where would you live? Who would you be?
You'd be in Hollywood, for all the stars to see.
I can't help but think, I could have intervened.
Even if you were being double teamed.
So, you were gay. That's no big deal
Your dad was ignorant and couldn't feel.

I'm sorry, my friend, sometimes I'm mad.
But when I'm alone, being without you is sad.
You were, and still are, my best friend
I guess well will meet again in the end.
I understand why you felt you had to go.
I, myself, have wanted to do so.
You did give me a lesson, none the less:
While a suicide dies once, a survivior dies 1000 deaths.

The night watches you
as you sit and you stare
at the fireflies dancing.
Smell the cool spring air.
Can you feel the magic?

As the wind blows,
chimes sway and sing.
They have heard the song of your heart.
They want to tell you something.
Are you listening?

Follow the music
You it will lead
If you trust
Do you believe?

The music of the night
It will giude you
To a magical spot
A place of wonder and pecae so true
Will you go?

Night's tunes fill the air
A symphony of enchantment
You will find what you have been seeking
If you follow your heart, it will be sent.
Have you found it?

it's more than the act
it's the lifestyle that follows
knowing you broke down
in the worst way
at the most inopportune time
it's a parasite
slowly eating you out
it's the sledgehammer memory
pounding your skull
every time you close your eyes
it's a thought never said
a heart always broken
it's the smudge on your clothes
the wrinkles
that seperate you from all
the other starched people
it's a disability
to which others sympathize
yet no one
it seems
can empathize with
it's a stunt in your growth
it's the stone wall
you subconsciously build
between you and those
who said they would be there
and weren't that one time
it's the slur in your speech
that everyone senses
but can't quite detect
it's resistance to love
it's blame
it's that time of excruciating pain
between feeling sick
and actually throwing up
it's those days when you want to just hide
it's a constant cold
it's covering your head with shame
it's living as a statistic
it's what drives you
to residing to an easy escape
it's when living turns to surviving
it's rape.


Painted eyes stare
from within a mournful face.
Eyes full of scorn,
minds filling with forbidden
knowledge of the truth that
you will soon be alone.


Dark shadows created by
the bright light in your
soul....Now sleeping..
Eternally in an angel's arms.
My Blank eyes stare..
no where.


My salty tears combine...
with the essence of life.
They fall and touch my lips.
I swallow, taking it in.

You're gone.

My life is gone
Or hasn't it begun
Its all over
I'm reaching for the gun

I have no love
There is no meaning to this life
All I have is hate
A wrist, and a knife

Without love
What is worth living for
I hope God doesn't mind
When I'm knocking at his door

But maybe theres a chance
That love will be found
And end this sorrow
That I've carried around

With that reason
There is a reason to survive
For when that love is found
I still want to be alive

ighted souls,
Overcoming all.
Vison clearer than ever before.
Every word you speak
Under the silence, I still hear.
Becoming more than just two.
Reaching out and grasping.
Yearning to touch.
Aching to hold on
Never to be.
It's Dark...
You can't see the storm,
but you know it's coming.
Distant thunder echos.
For one split second,
everything is lit by blue
flashes on the horizon.
Just small hints telling of
what is to come.
The wind blows slightly stronger.
Injured bones silently begin to ache.
Slowly, drizzle sets in,
gradually becoming heavier.
Rain pouring...Lightning flasing...Thunder claps
shake you awake...

Silence, once again.

Lost in this world,
Where no one goes,
I am alone.

Where darkness always shows,
Light cannot be,
And so I am alone.
Arisen from death,
Yet, forbidden from life,
I am alone.

My soul burns but, my is body cold.
Lonliness inhabits me.
Pain cuts like a dull knife,
Insomnia inhabits me,
I am alone.

Suddenly, I see dark is light,
Pain is joy,
Someone is near.
They step into my soul,
Assuming an awful truth.
This place is evil. 
Again, I am left alone.

Do I look familiar to you?
I bet I do.
After all we went through.
Nothing's new.
I'm the same too.
So take this cue.
whatever you do,
don't forget the view
of you
when you become new

    Cyclones are starting to form in my head.
       My heart is confused, and broken.           
           Everything, even me, is shattered,
          My life is going back to what it was.
            All my instinct has completely vanished.
               Voices are dreaded, silence is desired  
                    But explanations are needed
                   What do I do, now?
                 How should I feel?
              How do I feel?
            My emotions need to release
          My mind needs to see
       Sleep comes
         Dreams of good
           flow. Life

This pain inside me, I cannot hide
   It erupts in my soul, it will not subside
    A glimpse in the dark, a door to my mind
     My feelings are soaked up and pulled with the tide.

         I once had a dream, a fantasy all my own
           Sailing through time, but I was not alone
               At the end of a tunnel, you gave me a smile
                  and reached out your hand
                         It was an eternal friend, one I had known.
                         I was into a trance, only you could understand
                         We ran on the beach, our feet touched the sand
                         Words meant nothing, and no minutes passed
                     The sound of better music was my only demand.
                  And with a heavy anchor, these memories will be cast
                I once thought I was drowning in the pools of my past
             My strokes are strong, I am coming to shore
           This psychedelic dimension is fading oh so fast.

         I am my own mystery, what do you have in store?
     When this earthly life outside is such a bore
  There is a creature from within and another to ignore
It is something I will deal with, or have you heard this all before?

Eyes of the Ocean,
sometimes blue, sometimes green.
reflecting, shimmering.
Sad eyes

The waves wrap around 
the wind that carries them to the shore.
Mysteries carried to the shore

waiting to be washed away.

I want you to forgive me for loving you. 
You walk on, ignoring, not knowing what I feel 
and I cry out inside for attention, 
you shouldn't know, you can't know
then the shadows of doubt latch on my 
hopes, already weakening
which quickly turn into self destruction

Then I see your face, your smile.
if I get lucky, more than just a gesture 
even if its not intended for me 
my heart feels light once again 

I thank you for forgiving me for loving you 
you give me new life. 
A new hope. 
A new beginning. 

Only the beginning for more thoughts.
My thoughts always turn to you 
no matter what 
so what can I do?

Forget for one second that you made me your whore
with bruised eyes and bleeding lips...
with a poetic tongue to match the poetic part of
your so-called life.

Forget for one second, and think
what you are to me now.
I show my scars proudly,
I don't hide them anymore,
Because I want the world to know
how stupid I was to love you.

I smile sweetly with lips that once kissed you
because they no longer want to taste
your lips that told such bitter lies.

You are the constant reminder of
what I was, and of what I now am.

I am what you always wanted for yourself,and more.
Call me a raving bitch,
Call me a slutty whore,
whatever you wish.
But don't expect me to call you

Because I have almost forgiven myself,
and I have almost healed.
And you can mark that down in your
Book of Lies.
For today was the day I finally
began to love myself for that spring day
I stopped loving you.

I feel I've lost a thousand years,
just living day my day. 

I'm hidden behind the pain and tears
, my sorrow leads the way. 

I cannot see where I have gone,
nor where my life shall go. 

But leaving you, my life-long friend,
is the only way I know. 

It will be painful, I will be weak,
but true friendships never die. 

So call upon the Greatest Power,
when you feel you can't survive. 

He will heal you saddest hours,
and keep our memories alive. 

For in the eternal love of God,
true friendships never die.
I was dominated by the demands 
and desires of another.
My position required denial 
of self and submission. 

I was imprisoned as he had been; 
punished for his crime.
What was mine was communal; 
what was his was his alone. 

The troubled sea
Which had been me
Was no more than a puddle, 

To be jumped in,
Driven through, and
Left to dissipate. 

The evaporation continued until,
one day, I looked in the mirror and saw...........  

               .............his reflection.

In the mirror, staring at me,
is so innocent, and so fragile.
Her eyes glaring deep
into the eyes of what she has

Her solemn eyes stare at her becoming.
So familiar to her,
yet, at the same time so unfamiliar.

Familiar because of what her
becoming wants to become.
Unfamiliar because of what her
becoming is becoming.

The reflection takes one last
glance at her becoming.
In her eyes, the little girl heard her say.
One day, I'll  love me.

Not a stranger
Any longer
Make it so
Turn me away
And I wander
Just a little
Life's a riddle
Getting longer
Twist and turn
Let me out
Follow through
Beat me back
Only you
Scream and shout
Now attack
Pause a while
See don't read
Eyes covered
Blinds to curb
Tunnel vision
They know not
Telling strangers
Self wrought mind
Yours alone
Just a blur
Think like never
A bit unnerving
Time goes on
Page blank
Blank mind
Mind soaring
Soaring emotions
Emotions racing
Racing thoughts
Thoughts freeze
Page full
Full life
Life bursts
Bursts fast
Fast discoveries
Discoveries satisfy
Satisfy desire
Desire filled