On this page you will find a link to pictures of my family. Here is a brief discription of each.
Family Picture with my husband, my daughter, my oldest son, and myself while I was pregnant with the youngest child.
Michael last Holloween, he is the youngest child in our family, he is now 2 years old.
Keturah my daughter, last Holloween she is now 5 and in kindergarten.
Johnathan is my oldest son and middle child, he is now 3.
Newborn Keturah is picture of Keturah at one day old.
Newborn Michael is a picture of Michael at 1 day old.
Newborn Johnathan is a picture of Johnathan at 1 day old.
Bre-Anna is my niece. She is 19 days older than my daughter and she lived with us for 2 years so in a way she is like my own child.
A picture of me and Michael this is me with red hair the way I am now.
This is the three kids about 2 months ago.
So there you have my family album I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to have many more pictures in the future.
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