Whitney Genealogy:

These pages are designed to give my connections to the Whitney Family linage, and Texas pioneers of the early 1800's.  As immigrants to the new country called Texas, Jason the first of my Whitney line arrived in Galveston, Texas.  I am not  sure of the arrival date of Jason and his family but he applied for and got 640 acres of land in Texas Jan 1839.  He came from Alabama to Texas as he appears on the census of Baldwin County Alabama 1830 and as the administer of  the will of his Father-in-law 1834.  He died before he arrived in Red River County and Lamar County, his wife and children are on the 1850 Lamar County Census.   

Direct linage:

Jason Whitney  and Adelaide (Revere)

Jason W. Whitney and  Sarah (Morton)

Mary E. (Whitney) and Thomas Henry Freer I

More info is available on request: jefreer@att.net