This is my great grandfathers
original Declaration of Intention Paper. My great aunt gave it to me before she
passed away. She called me one day, and told me she had something for me, but she
wouldn't tell me over the phone. When I got there, she gave this to me, along with
some newspaper clippings, a letter from my dad's sister, & a death certificate of my
great grandmother. Below this document, I typed it out so you could read it better.
I will have a "?" to a few parts, I can't make out. This paper is 87 years old.
:) I also want to mention that my great grandfather did not fill this out himself. I
was told by one of his daughters that he could not read or write. I believe her
because, from the way "Nick Kostelec" was signed at the bottom of the paper, it
looks like that of someone who couldn't write very well, almost like a child's writing.
I'm going to order the microfilm of the passenger list to see who came over with
him. No one in the family knows of his parents or any of his brothers & sisters.
And "Agreu", Austria, I believe to be spelled "Agren", I looked
at some Microfiche and that is the only spelling that came close to Agrew or Agreu.

Under "United States of America" is a hand written note,
"Uncle John died 1950 Aug 14th"
(Invalid of all purposes seven years after the date hereof)
I Nick Kostelec, aged 33 years,
occupation Coal Miner, do declare on oath that my personal
description is: Color White, complexion Fair,
height 5 feet 8 inches,
weight 174 pounds, color of hair Brown,
color of eyes Brown
other visible distinctive marks None
I was born in Agreu, Austria
on the 15 day of Aug, anno Domini 1878;
I now reside
at Sagamore, Pa (note: "/Brother Evan Born
I emigrated to the United States of America from Rotterdam
(not sure of the spelling), Germany
on the vessel Rotterdam (not sure of the spelling); my
foreign residence was Agreu, Austria
It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and
fidelity to any foreign
prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, and particularly to Francis
Joseph Emperor of
Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, of whom I am now a
I arrived at the port of New York, in the
State of New York, on or about the 7th day
of April, anno Domini 1903; I am not an
anarchist; I am not a
polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my
intention in good faith
to become a citizen of the United States of America and
to permanently reside therein:
Nick Kostelec
Subscribed and sworn by me this 27
day of Nov, anno Domini 1911
F.R. Ashe
Clerk of the Common Pleas Court
My great aunt (one of Nick's daughters) told me some family
stories. I haven't researched any of the information she told me, but I thought I'd share
it with you. I love to hear about the lives of my ancestors.
According to her, my g.grandfather, Nick met my g.grandmother (Anna) in church.
They were both in the choir. But Anna was the younger sister, and her father said he had
to marry the oldest. Somehow, Nick got his brother, John to marry Anna's sister, I think
her name was Teresa. So that means brothers married sisters. Once they came over to the
states, Anna's sister had allot of marital trouble. When she lost her baby, she supposedly
boarded a ship back to Austria, never to be seen or heard from since.
Nick had at least one other brother that died in Austria on the farm. And no one
seems to know the name of Nick or Anna's parents. Anna's parents was to have died when she
was young and she was adopted by relatives. I believe she kept her natural last name.
**If anyone has done research in Austria, I'd love to talk to you. I would like to find
out my great grandparents family, alive or deceased.