Formula For Determining The Day of the Week

Formula Example 1 Example 2
25 Dec. 1848 19 Oct. 1781
Step 1.

Begin with the last 2 digits of the year.

48 81
Step 2. Add ¼ of this number, desregarding any remainder. 12 20
Step 3. Add the date in the month. 25 19
Step 4. Add according to the month:


January 1 (for leap year, 0)
February 4 (for leap year, 3)
March or November 4
April or July 0
May 2
June 5
Auust 3
September or December 6 6
October 1 1
Stept 5. Add for the 18th century 4 4


19th century 2 2


20th century 0
21st century 6 _____ _____
Step 6. Total the numbers. 93 125
Stept 7. Divide by 7. Check the remainder against the chart to determine the day of the week. 13 with a remainder of 2. 17 with a remainder of 6.
1= Sunday 5= Thursday Christmas was on Monday. Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on Friday.
2= Monday 6= Friday
3= Tuesday 0= Saturday
4= Wednesday


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