Welcome to my Guestbook!

brandon bartlett - 10/08/99 02:19:39
My Email:neon@penn.com
Favorite color: green and yellow

Hi Kevin! It's me, Brandon. your cousin. I really like your website! I don't know any 16 Year old that can build their own website.gotta go to bed. see ya later! bye! love, your cousin, Brandon Bartlett P.S. I heard my Mom saying you will come over tomorrow after school. Are you really coming?? If you are what are you doing? If you aren't doing anything come and jump on the trampoline. BYE

new generation polymers - 08/13/99 14:53:35
My Email:RPascar1@aol.com
Favorite color: purple

hey there nice page, let me know when you get it running all the way Bob

Tim - 04/11/99 16:55:51
My URL:/heartland/meadows/3860/page1.html
My Email:ibelieve99@hotmail.com
Favorite color: red

Cool page. What do you use to make it? P.S. Have you checked out my site recently.

Joe Strotman - 04/11/99 12:09:52
My Email:joe_strotman@hotmail.com
Favorite color: blue

Kevin this site is pretty good.

Bob - 04/11/99 02:41:13
My Email:###
Favorite color: red

Cool like your site

jason bange - 04/11/99 02:38:03
My Email:jbange@juno.com
Favorite color: green

hey it's jason nice family decription let me know when strangers start showing up at you door. :)

Joe Puglots - 04/10/99 18:59:41
My Email:--------------------------------------
Favorite color: puglotsellow

Great site

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