Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dan Buckthorpe - 12/18/00 05:12:11
My Email:thethieftaker@home.com
From: BC
Wel Done a pleasure to visit again and again

Sandra - 12/02/00 20:11:16
My Email:greig.family@xtra.co.nz
From: New Zealand
Comments: Awesome site
Am one of the dummies who has 2 soldiers who seem to not have left anything but family tales. Robert William Foot b 1859 Manston Dorset was in Indian JUNGLE fighting and had a tiger rung on the floor in Dorset for son to skite about. Missing 1881 census UK so assume in India then?? Thomas Glover Gilby daughter born in 1850s in India he is a Captain. So what do I do about these two??

- 09/25/00 04:52:22

Jonathan Cremer - 09/22/00 09:13:09
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~bradcrem
My Email:bradcrem@bigfoot.com
From: East Sussex, U.K.
Congratulations on your marathon task! It is only after attempting to build a website about my mother's brothers that I can understand the HUGE amount of work which lies behind somebody else's website! So I have a great admiration for what you have put to ether here, and for all the research. I particularly enjoyed the naval history section. There is loads I have not had time to read, but I hope to come back again. Thank you very much Glenvil.

pat hornby - 09/16/00 17:13:55
My Email:p.hornby@talk21.com
From: norwich norfolk u.k
as an ex member of the "VIKINGS"found the site very interesting if you would like more info about the battalion do not hesitate to get in touch

David MICHAEL - 09/03/00 09:54:28
My URL:http://lm-p.com/dm/dmichael.html
My Email:serpico@cwcom.net
From: London, England
Comments: Keep strong and stay safe
Hello Glenville, We have spoken B4. I have just dropped by to say hi and to say I hope all is going well your way. Very best wishes, David

sh - 08/03/00 14:30:21
My URL:http://animalwatching.com
You have a great site!

Tony Sakalauskas - 05/05/00 17:15:44
My URL:http://expage.com/page/truetales
My Email:tonys@columnist.com
From: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
I just found out about these web rings. And I'm glad I did. If anyone had any good stories to pass on send an e-mail.

Huub Morsink - 04/09/00 21:28:19
My URL:http://home.12move.nl/~sh360505/
My Email:huub.m@12move.nl
From: Holland
Thanks for some info about the SAS. Visit my page about the SAS at http://home.12move.nl/~sh360505/ Good luck with your extensive site! Huub

Erick Ortman - 03/31/00 14:41:20
My Email:KYdTwyst@AOL.com
From: Oklahoma
Comments: Superb!
My grandfather was a Royal Marine in two world wars, so I've always had an affinity for British militaria. This webpage, in particular the photographic gallery, is superior even to the MOD's official pages.

Stephen - 02/16/00 01:34:38
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/envirocop1/index.html
My Email:EnviroCop1@aol.com
From: Boston USA
Comments: Enjoyed the visit..
Nice web page..I enjoyed it.. stay safe, Fraternally Stephen

LAPDgear.com - 01/15/00 21:17:00
My URL:http://www.lapdgear.com
My Email:LAPDgear@aol.com
From: LAPD

Steve Clutton - 12/27/99 10:02:15
My URL:http://web.ukonline.co.uk
My Email:steveclutton@ukonline.co.uk
Nice site, easy on the eye; on a military history note , being an ex-sapper I would like to recommend the Royal Engineers Museum http://www.uk-travelguide.co.uk/rengrs.html

David Jones - 11/27/99 21:40:30
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/davejen.com/Home.htm
My Email:david@djjonesfulwood.freeserve.co.uk
From: Lancashire, England
Greetings from the UK. I am a collector of plastic toy soldiers and stumbled across your site by accident. Thought I'd sign in when I saw that you originate from the finest county in England (although Oldham has been part of Greater Manchester since Apri 1974 - I suppose that was why you emigrated!)and that as well as being collectors we share occupations!!

Bob - 11/25/99 17:41:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/uncybobsplace
My Email:paintslopper@home.com
From: B.C.
Really enjoyed your site. Wish there were more like it

J.W. - 11/18/99 02:15:14
My Email:jbw181@aol.com
From: Chicago,Illinois,U.S.A.
found your site while researching rac artifacts i recently inherited. page on badges was a tremendous help. thank you very much! i shall return. great page. keep up the good work. again,thank you very much. jbw

Mel LOMAX - 10/06/99 06:57:12
My URL:http://users.itfusion.com.au/~mellom
From: Australia
Nice page mate. I also come from a little town called Radcliffe in Lancashire. About 35 years ago. I am a retired Sergeant of the Northern Territory Police Force Australia. Keep up the good work mate. Got your URL from the Patch Collectors Ring. Regards. Mel.

Alison and Daniel Lomas - 08/22/99 19:41:54
My Email:Stuart@Lomas123.freeserve.co.uk
From: US!
Comments: Below
Finally gto into your site Glen - It took a while to download, but we have enjoyed 'looking around'! We didn't realize the wealth of your interesting hobbies.You really must come back for the opening of the new huts at Eden Camp. I'll send you some details! Love Alison.

David MICHAEL - 08/15/99 18:10:42
My URL:http://www.lm-p.com/html/dmichael.html
My Email:serpico@cwcom.net
From: London, England
I like your Ghandi and daVinci quotes. I am a serving police officer in the U.K. Best wishes.

Jon LeVos - 03/15/99 21:34:01
My URL:/Augusta/7058
My Email:tag_heuer@hotmail.com
From: Edmonton
Really nice page, I'll be sure to come back and visit.

Tony Cooper - 03/14/99 12:02:01
My URL:http://users.powernet.co.uk/egframes/
My Email:tony@egframes.powernet.co.uk
From: Tamworth, England
Nice site Glenville, do you want a reciprical link to my site?

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