They are the most important thing in the world.
Some say money. Some say career. If children
receive the support and encouragement they need while growing up they will
become positive influences in their communities. So many people take
for granted their ability to have healthy children and they neglect the
responsibility that comes with having them. We wonder why the world
is in the shape it's in. The next time you hear a parent calling
their child a name, condemning their actions and beliefs or neglecting
their children remember this:
reap what we sow.
I found these "Simple Rules for Parenting" in the
Reader's Digest. Actually this was a list for Dad's in honor of Father's
Day written by Benjamin J. Stein and published in The Washingtonian.
This list had such a great impact on me I thought
everyone should know how the "little things" we do each day affect our
children. Sometime seeing things in writing makes it easier to apply
to our lives.
1. Time is of the essence.
The key to a happy child is
having a parent who is there with him consistently, day in and day out.
It is far better to spend evening after evening just sitting near him while
he reads a book or plays on the computer than to spend a couple of hours
every Saturday buying him toys or taking in a movie.
2. Share your strengths
and fears.
You are your child's ally,
not his adversary. The child who knows that his father was once afraid
of the dark, and is still afraid of needles, gets to know that his own
weaknesses are part of mankind, not a unique shame.
3. Look for the good
and praise it.
Encouragement is the primary
engine of human development. Consistent recognition of a child's
strengths is more important by far than vitamins. You deny it to
them at their peril and yours.
4. Do not allow your
children to be rude.
Children should be expected
to share, answer when others greet them and congratulate those who succeed.
By teaching them about politeness, you make sure they realize that others'
feelings are worth taking into account. If they can get that into
their little towhead, they will have learned the most basic foundation
of human interaction.
5. Let your child teach
A common misstatement about
child development is that "kids don't come with instruction manuals."
Not true--they do. They tell you when they're hungry.
They tell you when they're lonely or scared. They are like little
guided tours of themselves. Children will tell you what they want,
although not always with words. Fatigue, irritability and sadness
are ways of telling Mom and Dad what they need.
Look and listen.
6. Value your child for
what he is.
When children know they are
loved for themselves, not for any particular accomplishment, he has a certain
peace that allows him to learn better, sleep better, play better, be more
helpful around the house. Whether the child becomes a rocket
scientist or a plumber, he needs to know they are No.1 with you.
7. Being a parent is
your top priority.
If you decide your kids come
before you sales quota or bridge game, you will find that all the other
pieces of Parenthood fall into place. When you put your kids first,
you're getting the most value for every hour on earth. What's more,
you have made the best decision of your life.
This list is not quoted exactly
as in Reader's Digest. Words or phrases have been changed to apply
to both parents and no specific child has been named.
These things don't cost a dime yet are such a great
investment in your child's future. Toys, movies, ball games and amusement
parks all cost money. Time with your child is priceless.
Make the future a brighter place for everyone.
Have you hugged your child today?
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