Let me tell you just a FEW things about myself.  I don't want to bore you too much. I'm Debbi and married a
         great guy, Roger. We live in Mississippi.
 We have a daughter who was born in Jan of this year (2002).
Feel free to check out our pride and joy!
           Before Alex came along, my main hobby was, of course, my computer. I can't remember life without it.
Actually, I do, but it consisted mainly of eating and watching t.v.
I am pleased to announce after much painstaking effort I have been able to
                   incorporate my computer use with watching t.v.,eating and entertaining my daughter.  How great is that?!
            Like everyone else I enjoy doing desktop publishing and web pages.
I'm done with the trivialities.
Enjoy your visit!
Take the time to visit each of these sites as I'm sure you will be educated,
entertained and dumbfounded by what I do with my time.

And this is me and my Boo!

After battling miscarriage and infertility for five years, we finally have our baby girl.
I did have an online journal through ezboard, but when the whole system
was hacked, my journal disappeared.I'll miss it because it was very detailed
with what I was going through. I hope to one day get a journal up and running.

Then see why I'm a mom.
It'll take some time to download, but it's worth it.
It dates from 1/10/02 to present time (4/02).


Message Board 
I'm alittle nutty, 
hence my username.
I'm Internut! 
I don't have much online time, 
but do enjoy my messageboard 
and the friends I have there.
The Nut House
This is my private board. 
Referrals only please:) 
Email me if I know you
and you'd like to be a member. :) 

Wanna drop a line?
<"Email me!

As you will see, 
I'm in the process of updating my pages. 

Friends/Family Pages

Hoover Dam

Furry Friends

Remembering Loved Ones
 -under construction


Simple Rules for Parents

Pet Peeves

Things That Make Me Happy

Snoopy Links