What I do on the Web !!!!

Of course most who spend time on the internet will normally have a favorite place to chat ! Its only natural to want to make new friends ! Here are a few ways I chat on the net and a few places you just might find me chatting away !

ICQ Chat Relay

AOL Instant Messanger

WBS Chat

I also love to send people virtual cards. It's a great way to say "hello" to a chat buddy you may have been missing online or to say "I love you" to that special someone or even to say "you are special" to your kids. I know my kids love to send and receive cards through email. Here are a few of my favorite sites to send cards !!!!

Birdie's Nest

Blue Mountain cards

Card Master

Virtual balloons


I also like to look around sites about romance and relationships. I am always looking for ways to say "I love you" to my Hubby ! I have found all kinds from poetry to advice pages. If this interests you take a peek !

Love Blender

Incurable Romantics Page

Lorelei's Love Page

Crystal's Page of Love and peotry

I have found some really fun things to do on the internet as well. Things to just relax and laugh at. I believe totally that laughter is the best medicine ! It keeps you young ! So give these sites a try, you will feel better !!!

Adopt a Virtual Puppy !

Internet Pranks !

Pet of the Day !

Say Hello to the World !


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