Have you ever said this to someone?

"I'm just gettin' on for a MINUTE"

I got up this morning, but haven't yet dressed.

My dishes aren't done, and my house is a mess.

Have not done my work, have not fed the cat,

Just on line for a second, and popped in to "chat".

I used to watch TV, I used to cook Mex,

I think I remember...yeah, I used to have SEX!

I used to walk upright, now roll on my chair,

Tho' it causes the neighborhood children to stare.

I wanted to travel around on the Net,

Been too busy chatting to get on there yet.

I wanted to spreadsheet, word process, or paint,

But gettin' on with them is just what I ain't!

So much to learn and I wanted to but

I'm too busy chatting and splitting a gut,

Talkin' and listenin' it such a sin?

Oh, gawd, what a fix I have got myself in!

Then up pops a name on my neat Buddy List,

Think I'll go out and give HIS tail a twist!

And in comes an IM from some weirdo guy

I cuss 'im, insult 'im, and tell him "bye bye".

Is there a 12 step, support group, or such?

For those of us folks who chat on too much?

If there was a group, I would like it just fine,

Except that it prob'ly would be here online!

Are there therapists here? I think that I saw some

Its got me, its got me, its power is AWESOME.

It's my new computer, I've had it one week,

Now I look in the mirror and I see a "geek".

Or maybe a geekess, but I see the signs,

Please help me, please help me, please get me offline!

Or better, please Email a burger and fries

Cause I'm Stayin on Line at least Till I Die.


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