Leticia Hermosillo - 12/19/00 06:21:59
My Email:hermosillo@att.net
Wendy Schumer - 12/12/00 04:04:02
My Email:wendyss@aol.com
My daughter went to school with Stacy. We were talking tonight how we are coming up on the 3 year anniversary of Stacy's untimely death. I can't help but hope she has brought life and love to many others.
Victoria Rice - 12/11/00 05:24:16
My Email:tx_angel@hotmail. com
Wow Den ... I guess its time I signed this thing. You know I love you dearly and am so greatful that God put you in my life. I have so many ideas for the website, we should talk and get it updated. I just wanted to say, keep up the wonderful work of sp
eading the word! I think its great!
Micayla Thomas - 11/27/00 00:06:00
My Email:mlt97j@acu.edu
WHat a beautiful way to carry on the memory of our greatly missed friend Stacy. I lived across the street from Stacy for about 11 years, so we grew up together and she was a best friend of mine. Thank you for doing so much, and thank God for letting som
one who understands the meaning of life recieve part of Stacy to help carry her memories on. We all miss Stacy so much. God bless. Love, Micayla
Carol Neugebauer - 11/02/00 18:14:47
My Email:carol.neugebauer@compaq.com
So glad you are on the mend. Heard from Cheryl you were down for a while. Hope all is well. Thank you for sharing this part of Stacy's life with everyone. She was precious to me - you see I'm her other "mom", Carol, her next door neighbor - all of her
ife. Thanks for being part of the extended family. carol
Jacki Cramer - 10/30/00 16:24:54
My Email:jackic@computron.net
Hi Den! I just wanted to say I am very proud of the work you are doing on behalf of organ donation. Several years ago I sat my whole family down and expressed my wishes to them to be a donor and begged for them to consider this also. By the end of the e
ening we had all agreed and signed our donor cards. After meeting you and your wonderful family, I know we made the right decision. I would also like for everyone to know that Denise also is a very active volunteer in our community for diff. childrens gro
ps and would like to encourage each of you to follow her steps in this area also. She gives of her time unselfishly and brings no political agenda with her as so many do. She is a true inspiration for all that know her and many that don't. Thank you fo
all the smiles and laughs you have brought to our lives and will continue to bring because of Cheryl's generosity and Stacy's love of life. We love you Denny!
Jessica Fisher - 10/30/00 15:17:09
My Email:Jessica-Fisher@excite.com
Well this is the first time that I have viewed the guest book and I am so impressed. It is amazing what you have done for Stace and her memories she and I were very close friends in highschool I have actualy met you before just wanted to say thank you I
on't think that you realize how much it means to be able to just hit a button and see the face of someone that you love and miss so much THANK YOU TRULY FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE!!!!!
Dean & Willie Gunselman - 10/20/00 19:04:38
My Email:DeanGunzy2000@aol.com
Cheryl is Dean's niece. We enjoyed your web page.
Happy all is well with you. Cheryl talks about Stacy and the recipients of Stacy's organs. May God continue to bless and keep you.
Dean & Willie Gunselman - 10/20/00 19:04:27
My Email:DeanGunzy2000@aol.com
Cheryl is Dean's niece. We enjoyed your web page.
Happy all is well with you. Cheryl talks about Stacy and the recipients of Stacy's organs. May God continue to bless and keep you.
Rick Brown - 10/18/00 03:30:11
My Email:rmbrown@geotec.net
I am Rick Brown, Cheryl Soltys cousin. That makes me a cousin of Stacy's as well. Just wanted to convey my continued congrats to you as you continue on in life. I am proud of Cheryl and all she does on Stacy's behalf for others. You are in my prayers.
May you have continuing success with the liver.
Fanchon - 10/18/00 02:14:23
My Email:fanchon@crosslink.net
This is a very pretty home page and a beautiful story. I am a friend of Stacy's Grandmother, I didn't know Stacy or her Mother Cheryl, but it was a great thing for the whole family to do for others. Fanchon
Myer - 10/08/00 16:44:24
My URL:http://www.delphi.com/friendshepc/start
My Email:tbanwart@eathlink.com
What a great site. We have many friends that are on the trans list . Now they can come and visit your site. We have put your url on our message boards. Thank you so much for telling your story. It will help so many of us.
Tina aka Myer
Tami Vossler - 09/11/00 17:23:11
My Email:tvossler@argolink.net
Your an inspiration. My precious friend is on the Liver Transplant list, carrying her beeper. Please Visit our "Genesis" website. We are her Fundraising Team formed to help her with financial support. www.cypress-umc.org/genesis. Would love to see an
meet you at our "Big EVENT" God Bless You! Tami Vossler
gene brown - 09/03/00 21:29:05
My Email:kerbr@flash.net
gene brown - 09/03/00 21:26:28
Mary Graziano Yates - 08/19/00 22:47:13
My Email:mgyates@earthlink.net
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family and Stacy's family. My husband, daughter and I believe in organ donation and carry signed organ donor cards. God Bless You!
Johanna - 08/13/00 05:53:09
My Email:Numbr1EEmom@AOL.Com
Congratulations on your success. It was God's will for you to raise your children and we must thank him for that. What did they decide actually went wrong with the first transplant? I would really like to know for I, too, have HCV and awaiting a transp
ant. God luck in the future and may God bless you and your family and the family of your donar. Best wishes, Johanna - waiting in Alabama
Lorri Bisch - 08/11/00 02:08:23
My Email:marvin@houston.rr.com
Love Y'all.
Tammy Edwards - 08/10/00 08:35:47
My Email:tte19@hotmail.com
cutie - 08/03/00 15:36:55
it was so sweet (mom) i'm exited about the trip with cherrl i think thats who we spell it love ya!
Erin Bodde - 07/22/00 21:37:24
My Email:Estac17@al.com
Denise,Hello!I am Erin,One of Satcy's best friends.This site is beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. What you are doing helps us more than you know,thank you.Stacy would love all this attention.I love the pictures of us on girls night.Stay healthy. Lov
Kenny Wilhite - 07/21/00 01:42:52
My Email:spiderjohn47@hotmail.com
Beautifull web page! I just finished 6 mos. combo therapy. Last test 1 month ago was non detectable. Good luck. See Ya !
Fay and Jim kittle - 07/15/00 11:31:13
My Email:jkmkittle@aol.com
We lost our son May23 he fell we made him a organ doner he is 24 we are trying to learn more about everthing to help us thru this we now no a 2 year old baby got his liver . It is a miracle
BettyFountain - 07/14/00 03:14:27
My Email:bettycarmelbrown@aol.com
Hello Stacy,
I'm a donor patient also and I've
had a double lung transplant and not even
a year old. I read your story and it was inspiring. I am so grateful for my donor and his
parents. Just think about it we are two blessed people. Well i've ran out of words to say so hope you will keep in touch. Oh by the way you are a very beautiful young lady and you stay beautiful and healthy. Also keep the Faith in God,Always!
Bye,Ms. Betty
BettyFountain - 07/14/00 03:02:36
My Email:bettycarmelbrown@aol.com
Bill Wagner - 07/09/00 02:52:00
My Email:wagner_billy-bob@cat.com
Good job with your page! Lost my wife to cancer. Now I am making a new life...it's different!
Karen Henry - 06/30/00 14:25:39
My URL:http://www.angelrose.com/honeycombpoetry2.htm
My Email:angelroses@earthlink.net
Hi there! A good Hepper friend named Bob told me of your story. I have Hepatitis C and will be starting the Combo therapy in less than a week, for the first time. I appreciate anymore notes or information as to what the treatment is like, first hand. I kn
w that you've had it and the doctors have not had it! Your story is very moving and it was an inspiration to read!! I've met other friends that have Hepatitis C that mean everything to me, so I can imagine how close you'd feel to your donor. Take care and
I hope to hear from you sometime. HUGZ***Karen
Sandy Stamps - 06/29/00 18:25:45
Your website really touched my heart. Your are a remarkable woman and I admire you strength and love for life. Your tribute to Stacy was beautiful and her family must get great peace from knowing that she stills lives on. Keep up the great work because
I feel you are really making a big difference in communicating the need for organ doners. See you at the ballfield.
diane burleson - 06/21/00 21:58:53
My Email:bsnmsa@aol.com
Hi I am the mom of a 3y/o who received a heart 2 years ago. I also happen to be a pediatric cardiology nurse. My husband,son and I adopted Chloe when I fell in love with her when she was my patient. God knew she would need a nurse-mom. I hope to star
volunteer work with LifeGift when school starts in the fall. Even though we are living our own transplant story, it always inspiring to hear others. Good luck so very very much.
teri - 05/28/00 18:13:27
good great woderful i love the picturs
TERI - 05/23/00 00:37:23
Ann Koziatek - 05/22/00 15:05:16
My Email:dakozy@home.com
Heart filled. You gave me hope when I felt little else.
Thank You.
Sally Sobert - 05/19/00 02:27:48
My Email:msobert@cajunnet.com
Hi Denny...I am so happy that your Mom gave me your website address. You are to be commended for you tribute to Stacy and for your promotion of organ donation. Keep up the good work...I was also touched by the Good Housekeeping article. Am looking forwa
d to seeing you on Oprah someday!!! Have a GREAT cruise! Sally Williams Sobert...(one of Stu's sisters)
Cindy - 05/15/00 20:04:36
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day.
Especially Denny & Cheryl.
It IS TRUE Cheryl, once you meet Denise, you will always love her. No one has EVER "not" loved her.
Blessings to you all.
brittney gunselman - 04/16/00 17:33:26
My Email:O SunShyn O@gateway.net
I am a relative of Stacy's from Arkansas
Thank you for doing such a beautiful job
on Stacy's web page.
Val Mashaw - 04/15/00 05:00:35
My Email:Jiffy97@aol.com
Hi Denise.I don't know if you remember me or not but I was Stacy's best friend for 4 years. I'm in that picture with her, me, and Rick on her 16th b-day. I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful web site you have put together. I'm so happy you are doing
well and still going strong! This is only the second time I have seen the website and I think it is so touching and awesome. I wish I would have wrote sooner but it is tough sometimes. I wanted to let you and Cheryl know that my friend June and I are doin
persuasive speeches in our Speech class in college on Being an organ donor. This will be the first time in front of a large group I will be talking about everything and I'm very anxious to start it. Well I hope all is going well and would love to hear yo
Val Mashaw
zoe rose - 04/12/00 16:26:37
My Email:zoebeth1025@gateway.net
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing this with us. Stacy has made an impact on alot of lives. I am a friend of the family from Arkansas.
Ashley Gunselman - 04/11/00 22:00:13
My Email:babedixie@aol.com
Hi, I'm Ashley, Stacy's cousin, I just wanted you to know I think this is a wonderful thing to do for her just as the many wonderful things she has done for so many other people.
Josh Reese - 04/02/00 00:19:19
My Email:jjjrr@sssnet.com
hi my name is josh im 17 and im really sorry for stacy i was crushed when i saw such a pretty girl and prolly very nice and smart girl on here knowing she is gone. Well im preying for her now, thanks for letting me show my gratatude.
Vicki Butler - 04/01/00 22:19:33
My Email:vbutler@scsmgmt.com
My daughter Amy West was a class mate of Stacy's. She met her in 5th grade but had just begun to become school friends when Stacy died. We were very touched by all of this and tape every show, save every article about Stacy that we know about. I have t
e Good Housekeeping Mag on the story. We live in the same neighborhood as Stacy's mom, in fact my husband is the president of the homeowners association. We taped the Debra Duncan show for Amy and she just watched it today, April 1. She lives in Colleg
Station and is a Medical Assistant with Scott & White. She thinks of Stacy often and now feels a special bond to the recipients. Good luck to you all and thank you for sharing your stories.
Vicki Butler - 04/01/00 22:14:06
My Email:vbutler@scsmgmt.com
Randy Brown - 04/01/00 20:28:08
My Email:rkbbrown@aol.com
Cheryl Soltys is my cousin. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you with the gift that Stacy provided for you. Maybe someday my family and I can meet you. God Bless You!
Janis Battles - 03/31/00 19:03:04
My Email:americanwoman11@hotmail.com
Hi that is a wonderfull story I hope you continue getting better! My mom has wrote to you I lost my dad to Hep C , Tommorrow will be one year, I can't Believe it. I pray that God is with you and keep me in your prayers, you will be in mine. Thank you
Robin - 03/31/00 03:40:20
My Email:Rgrothe1@aol.com
I watched the Debra Duncan Show the other day and cried the whole time. What a sad, wonderful and happy story. Stacy sounds like a great person, it is good to know that she will live on in you and the others. I am going to sign up and tell my family. Than
you for sharing your story.
George S Cox 3rd - 03/29/00 23:33:14
My Email:texasbiker1@ev1.net
Very Good Denny! I have been a donor for 15yrs.Cindy gave me this info,I had no idea.I am glad to hear you are doing well, and looking forward to seeing you. Take care,george
Jackie Klieger - 03/29/00 20:21:40
My URL:http://www.lifegift.org
My Email:jklieger@mail.lifegift.org
Dear Denise,
I am a member of the LifeGift staff and attended the Debra Duncan show yesterday. I wanted to tell both you and Cheryl how much I admire your courage and willingness to teach others about donation and transplantation. You are doing wonderful things to fur
her the cause of organ donation. Thank you both!
Many Blessings, Jackie Klieger
MERIKAY - 03/29/00 05:09:47
L.F. - 03/29/00 02:58:24
I was half watching the Debra Duncan show this morning when I heard the name Stacy Soltys.It caught my attention because I went to the same high school and we shared a class.I remember her because she always came in smiling and I thought how nice it would
be to be her for a day.She always looked so happy.Best wishes to all.
Traci A. Partin - 03/28/00 21:45:43
My Email:tp4bj@swbell.net
Denise-what an inspiration you are to others. Stacey's death has brought so many others life-
that is amazing! The tribute to Stacey is absolutely beautiful and your story brought tears to my eyes.
Since seeing you on Debra Duncan today and reading your website I have now gone through with finding out about organ donations. I am 36 years old and you never know what tomorrow will bring and I have been wanting to do this for the past year or so and I
ill finally sign my card today.
Thanks for setting me on the right path and all my best wishes go out to you and your beautiful family. Sincerely Yours, Traci
Brandyn Martin - 03/28/00 15:51:15
My Email:brandyn_02@hotmail.com
Very touching! I saw you on the Debra Duncan Show. I'm from Lake Jackson also, but go to Texas A&M in College Station. My sister, Emilye, knows your children, Terry and Logan. I hope God continues to bless your family as well as Stacy's. Love and God
less, Brandyn
Charlene Follis - 03/28/00 15:28:53
My URL:http://www.theblindladywithshades.com
My Email:charfollis@aol.com
Very touching and inspiring story. I saw you on The Debra Duncan Show. Continued good health throughout the years.
Cindy - 03/24/00 01:48:01
My Email:Snuzn1@aol.com
Hi Denny,
Good luck on the Debra Duncan Show! We'll all be watching. Keep spreading the word, and God bless & keep you, friend.
Michelle Spears - 03/23/00 23:33:15
My Email:YesWeBelieve@aol.com
I'm so glad everything is going so great for you Denny we Love you and are so happy for you. You are in our prayers.
Love Ya,
Randy Klutchme - 03/13/00 17:50:13
My Email:raktek@earthlink.net
This website is a masterpiece. What a great outlet for communication.
I am so glad and relieved that you are still around after all of your dilemmas. The big guy in the sky sure has watched over you. I think he made a great decision to keep you around to raise your kids (that includes the big kid, Mark) After going through
ith my divorce, I have realized and experienced the demise of divided families. The psychological impairments that the children have to face and deal with due to a divorce is so unfair. Unfortunately, many kids are left to their own healing without a seco
d thougt from the happy single parents that are footloose and fancy free to do as they please. We are accountable as parents and I am damn glad that you are still around for them. What a miracle you been blessed with.
God loveya,
Randy @ the Desert K
gianluca - 02/25/00 16:40:38
My Email:puccigian@sunto.ing.unisi.it
your story have touch my heart
Gianluca - 02/25/00 16:35:46
My Email:puccigian@sunto.ing.unisi.it
Erin, June, Val, Micayla, Heather, Kara, Jackie and Stacy i have never seen a lot's of wonderfull girl like u ,if u want write me:))....
i am italian bye
Keith Pogue - 02/25/00 05:30:22
My Email:kpogue@wt.net/
Lori - 02/23/00 04:37:23
My Email:ourhealth3@aol.com
Hi Denise, my eyes filled with tears when I saw Stacey. Wish you'd have included yours. I'm a 34 yr old single mom; son 6, daughter 2, just diagnosed w/HCV 1-17. It was funny, because the first thing that upset me (on the ride home, no less) was that I
could not be an organ donor any longer! I still half expect the phone to ring w/ someone needing bone marrow!
My best to your family, and your "circle of life".
Priscilla Switzer - 02/20/00 00:23:41
My Email:Cool_ Chick_no9@yahoo.com
I think Stacy was a good person.
Georgette Goode - 02/06/00 23:08:02
Dick A. Hawkins - 02/05/00 04:12:21
My URL:http://www.sadiehawkins.com/liver.htm
My Email:dick@sadiehawkins.com
Very nice story. Sad that you needed a second tx but great you got to meet your donor family. Best of luck and health to you in the future.
Sharon & David - 02/03/00 08:00:55
My Email:Pleiades@computron.net
I love your site. I or we read through tears. The tribute was great and the pictures. I am so thankful that you are still here with us. You have been such a blessing in our lives. Even while you were sick, you helped us through some difficult times.
It has been a pleasure being your friend, and miss the times we had when we worked together. May God continue to bless your family as well as Stacy's.
Michelle - 02/02/00 20:44:56
My URL:/Texasdazzler2000
Truly a touching homepage -- wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing your story with others. Maybe one day I will be able to do so myself!
sa - 02/02/00 15:15:11
Cheryl Soltys - 01/14/00 01:31:51
My Email:cheryl303@hotmail.com
Thank you so very much to all of you who kept me in your thoughts and prayers this week.
I loved visiting Denise's web page again!
Chuck Conaway - 01/05/00 22:03:13
My Email:cconaway@matheson-trigas.com
I like your web page Denny!
Diane Sultemeier - 12/23/99 20:01:50
My Email:dianeken@ctesc.net
This is very beautiful. I have known Cheryl forever(well,almost!) and she sent me this site on the back of her Christmas card env. My very best to you and your family.
Lori Garcia - 12/23/99 02:26:05
My Email:LJ9295@aol.com
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing your expierences with us. I am going to find an issue of GH; I can't wait to read the article.
Dee (Cox) Trevino - 12/22/99 14:41:12
My Email:Dee.Trevino@Halliburton.com
Wonderful website Denny!!!!
Cindy Cox - 12/22/99 12:24:45
My Email:Snuzn1@aol.com
Great stuff Denny! Thanks
Kristyn Holmgreen - 12/16/99 09:03:04
My Email:kmh_02@hotmail.com
This is the first chance I have gotten to see this wonderful webpage you made. Reading the tribute and looking at the pictures of Stacy brought back so many memories. Hope everything is going well for you and your family. Have a Merry Christmans!
- 12/16/99 08:50:48
Donna Finney - 11/29/99 18:44:29
My Email:gizmoe42@aol.com
I feel like you are probably the luckiest person.
I am related to Stacy my marriage. My Husband is Cheryl Solty's cousin. I just met her this year when she and her mother came to visit in the summer. Cheryl is also a person full of life. My Husband suffered from Cancer last year and is now in remissio
. God bless you and all who recieved her organs. Sincerely Donna L. Finney
GENE BROWN - 11/23/99 23:45:03
My Email:kerbr@flash.net
GENE BROWN - 11/23/99 23:40:31
Sandra Battles - 11/20/99 02:38:52
My URL:http://www.mcbroomauto.com/sandra/inmemory.htm
My Email:sandra@mcbroomauto.com
Dean told me about the GH article. I just bought it and read the story. The website is beautiful! The tribute is very nice. My husband of 23 yrs passed away in April due to liver complications that HEP C caused. We didn't even know he had it. I see why t
ey call it the "Silent Killer". He never got the chance to be put on a transplant list. Hopefully more research/public awareness will spread the word about this horrible disease.
God Bless you & your family.
Stacie Renick - 11/16/99 18:26:46
My Email:dcsr21@aol.com
Melissa Riley - 11/16/99 17:56:26
My Email:MRiley18@cs.com
Mrs. Minnear,
I read this month's issue of Good Housekeeping and looked up your site. I wanted to find out more about Stacy and you. Thank you for the opportunity. I was touched by the GH story, but have tears in my eyes after viewing your tribute. I wish you good
ealth. God bless.
Leah Lyman - 11/16/99 16:11:16
My Email:ZingQueen@aol.com
Hi I'm a friend of Dean's, he told me all about you. The article in GH was such an inspriration. This is truly a great thing you are doing!!!
dean shelton - 11/16/99 04:30:30
My Email:carquest36@aol.com
Dave Luallin - 11/12/99 01:44:53
My Email:Dlua335884@aol.com
Denise-Just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed the article in Good Housekeeping. I really enjoy seeing stories somewhat like our own.
My wife Lil received a kidney in February 1998 from Holly Lea Nelson, a 15 year old from Nebraska. It has been our great priviledge and pleasure to meet and become close to Holly's family. They are just the most wonderful, loving people and are now for
ll practical purposes a part of our family. Yes, that first meeting was SO emotional but since then it's been like we've known each other for ever. Lil and I don't have a web page yet but you can visit the page that LeAnn Nelson, Holly's Mom made for he
from the donor section of the TxAmerica page or by going to www.angelfire.com/ok/alittlepieceofheaven. If you then go to the link "Holly's recipients" you will find us there and our story of Lil's transplant and a news story of us meeting the Nelsons.
ounds like your Christmas will be a good one. We are doing Thanksgiving with the Nelsons this year and are really looking forward to it. Congatulations on a wonderful story and keep sharing the message. Take care and God bless. Dave Luallin, Indianola
Terri - 11/12/99 00:41:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/txamerica/terri.html
My Email:PurpleLiver@aol.com
I'm a liver recipient of 8 years!Your site is so sweet!I invite you to read my transplant story:)
- 11/06/99 12:57:40
I just read the article in Good Housekeeping,what a wonderful story! It is so beautiful to see how such a tragic story can end so happily! With the loss of Stacy everyone's life has grown more meaningful! Best of luck!
Dan Kuhn - 09/25/99 01:04:05
My Email:Danyaboy@aol.com
Have just been diagnosed with Hep-c and scouring the internet for info! Hoping not to have to do the liver thing! Hope you continue to do well!!!
Danita - 09/22/99 19:22:43
My URL:http://inmemoryofgeoff.8m.com
My Email:webmaster@inmemoryofgeoff.8m.com
How wonderful that you've been able to meet the donor family and that a liver was available to you. I'm a donor Mom and hope some day to be able to meet those that my son's death has helped. May God bless. (p.s I have a son Logan too :)
Travis D. Pittman - 09/21/99 23:03:53
My Email:TdaleP@aol.com
I am a heart transplant recipient as of 5/27/96- St. Luke's Hospital, Houston, Texas. Doing fine!
Forever Greatful to the Organ Donor Family.
John Price - 09/21/99 21:53:11
My URL:http://heartexchange.org
My Email:stormsinger@earthlink.net
Maybe I'll get it right this time DENISE. Sorry, must be the drugs. I met you at the Astros game. I was President of the Heart Exchange then. Iam 4 years out with a heart ttransplant. The page is fantastic.
John Price - 09/21/99 21:47:50
My URL:http://heartexchange.org
My Email:stormsinger@earthlink.net
Great page Cheryl.
John Price - 09/21/99 21:46:44
My URL:http://heartexchange.org
My Email:stormsinger@earthlink.net
Great page Stacey.
Cheryl Soltys - 09/15/99 00:37:44
My Email:cheryl303@hotmail.com
Please look for our story in the December issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine (coming out in November). It will have interviews with Denise, Tommy-Kidney recipient, Bob-Heart recipient, Heather and myself. This was a wonderful opportunity to promote org
n donation!
Patricia Brayboy - 09/06/99 03:10:40
My Email:rpbray@flash.net
Glad to hear life is returning to normal for you.
Today is the one year anniversary of my transplant. I can relate to what you have and continue to go through daily.
- 08/22/99 23:54:12
Rachel - 08/20/99 04:11:18
My Email:rdc759@aol.com
Your story sound so much like my guy Davids'. He got his first TX 7-10-99 and his 2nd 7-22-99.He's
hanging in there hoping to feel better SOON!
Leyda Campbell - 08/12/99 21:07:34
My Email:icyunv@hotmail.com
This is a beautiful thing that you have done. I appreciate everything that has been done to make Stacy such a special part of our lives and so remembered. You have done a great job.
Blanche Miller - 08/04/99 19:14:59
My Email:blanche.miller@birchman.org
I enjoyed reading the stories and seeing the pictures of Stacy. I've known her grandparents and mother and uncle for well over 40 years, and was touched by the gifts of life that Stacy gave by her death. Thank you.
GINGER LEONHART - 08/01/99 18:48:59
I am a friend of Ruth Brown, and have printed the out the pictures to be given to Ruth.
Debbie McFarlin - 07/29/99 13:22:04
I am a friend of Ann's she has told me many wonderful stories about this family. This web page is a very beautiful tribute to Stacy. I'm sure Stacy is one of the brightest angels in heaven.
Karen - 07/28/99 04:07:59
My Email:KayKBear@aol.com
Stacy's grandmother is a member of our church. That is how I learned of this site. What a beautiful tribute to a very beautiful young lady. Thank you for time and tears it must have taken to do this page. It was a blessing to have an insight on Stacy'
life. May God bless and strengthen her family.
Susan Powell - 07/27/99 23:18:21
My Email:sltpowell@mindspring.com
What a touching story of a beautiful life! Thank you for sharing it with all of us. I am the daughter of Marilyn Taggart, who is a friend of Stacy's grandmother, Ruth Brown. Thank you for the reminder of how precious our short lives are and the constant n
ed to appreciate and enjoy each day we are given. May each of us be so blessed as to touch a life as Stacy has touched ours.
Ann Baldwin - 07/27/99 22:29:29
My Email:annb97@hotmail.com
It is with great pleasure that I'm able to add my words to all the wonderful tributes written here about Stacy. She was such a joy and touched so many lives in the short time that we had here on earth. It warms my heart to know that she lives on in the l
ves of others. I'll be at the reunion this weekend and feel very honored to be included.
Russell - 07/27/99 22:23:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/6300/
My Email:rjbates@bigfoot.com
Hi, I'm a friend of Cheryl's friend Ann from London UK. I think this page is a beautiful tribute to a lovely girl and daughter.
And my thoughts go out to her family.
Kevin Finney - 07/27/99 19:10:27
My Email:kevin.finney@dol.net
Cheryl Soltys is my cousin. It was a very difficult time for our family during the loss of Stacy. Knowing that her death brought life to others brings peace to the situation. I pray you have many healthy years ahead of you, and that your life touches o
hers as Stacy touched ours.
Dennis McConnell - 07/26/99 23:58:48
My Email:dmcconn995@aol.com
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful young lady. You can and should be proud of her.
Pam Lowe - 07/26/99 20:42:56
My Email:pamlyn@aol.com
I am a friend of Cheryl's...we 've known each other for about 14 years, played bells in church together. I was Stacy's choir chime teacher when she was very young. She was a beautiful young woman who will always be missed, but made a lasting contributio
that means so much to others. The donation of her organs is the only way to make some kind of sense out of her death.
Carol Neugebauer - 07/26/99 13:47:26
My Email:carol.neugebauer@compaq.com
I was the mom next door all of Stacy's life. She was my fourth daughter. I was there when she was born and I was there when she left. My heart aches but I know our angel is in heaven but I still miss her blonde flowing hair and that wonderful smile....
they'll be in my heart forever. I'm so glad that in reality, Stacy will always be here in our hearts and the lives of others. I loved her then and I love her now.
the other mom, carol
Heather S. - 07/26/99 06:37:21
My Email:soltys@pdq.com
I just read over your web page for the first time. You are such an amazing woman Denise. You have been through undescribable events in your life. What I admire most is how you celebrate life, and not just your own. You celebrate everyone; family, frie
ds, Stacy, my mom, and me. My sister, I know, is so proud to have given you the gift of life Denise. Thank you for recognizing her in such a beautiful way. Heather Soltys
Marilyn Taggart - 07/26/99 00:45:55
My Email:marilyn.taggart@mindspring.com
I am a friend of Stacy's grandmother, Ruth Brown. She sent me your web page. Sounds to me like Stacy had some of the same wonderful traits as her grandmother. You have a thrilling story!
Krista O'Brien - 07/09/99 22:28:06
My Email:tissyginny@aol.com
Hi Denise,
I had a heart transplant three years ago in Philadelphia. I'm glad to hear you are doing as well as I am. Keep up the good work! Thanks for helping to get the word on organ donation out there. My sister had a heart transplant as well, and she met her
oyfriend last year at the Transplant Olympics in Ohio. He is a liver recipient as you are. Keep yourself well! Stacy sounds like she was a beautiful person! Best of luck to you in the future!
Cheryl Soltys - 06/24/99 23:07:14
Hi Denise,
Guess I'm finally going to sign your guestbook. I think its about time, don't you. I just want everyone to know how much it has meant to me to get to know you, Tommy (one of Stacy's kidney recipient's, and Bob (her heart recipient). It took several mont
s after Stacy died and hearing people say "Aren't you glad you donated Stacy's organs? What a comfort that must be." before it really was comforting. Meeting the three of you has changed my life for the better again. I wish all donor families could at
east hear the voice of their loved one's recipient. I just don't have the words to express what it meant.
Guess that's all for now. I love you and your family and am so very glad you are an important part of my life now. I look forward to seeing you, Bob, Tommy, and meeting Patsy (Stacy's lung recipient) next month at the reunion (or union) of Stacy's famil
and friends with her recipient's families and friends.
Love Always,
Joseph, a.k.a., The SkyyMann - 05/23/99 23:59:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/3663
My Email:jetlag@bellsouth.net
I am glad you visited my site and let me to yours. I rarely check my guestbook because it has not been functioning quite right. The guest goes to all the trouble of filling in the info and comments and then it goes into error. It did not do that with y
u so that must mean that I was meant to be in contact with you.
I enjoyed your site and your story. I am still on my first liver, a gift from a man named Steven. I have heard from his family also. I thank God daily for this gift - it is the biggest and best I have ever received and it is the biggest and best that
Steven ever gave.
It is truly a miracle. Congratulations on your success and I will add you to my gratitude prayer list.
Mary Norris - 05/12/99 05:18:16
My Email:Dysa12@aol.com
Denise your stories sounds so much like mine, except my first liver worked but not good at first.I was in the hospital 31 days and had my transplant on feb 13,1991. There are so many people out there that will not queation their doctor and you must if you
are too survive. By the way my daughters middle name is Denise , her first name is Sharrell .I also have diabeties now but under good control. That took lots of work and a good doctor. I am only on cyclorsporine no predisone or immuran. I love your home
age. Your friend Mary
Denise - 04/12/99 19:39:33
My guest book has been wiped out. This is a test
Darwin Wade - 03/31/99 19:34:37
My Email:Z_wattsdm@titan.sfasu.edu
Wonderful story with a good and happy ending
May God bless you!
Sabrina Dougherty - 03/25/99 23:01:26
My Email:wind@wyoming.com
Pretty Neat. Lots of stuff in here. keep up the good work
Sabrina Dougherty - 03/25/99 23:01:13
My Email:wind@wyoming.com
Pretty Neat. Lots of stuff in here. keep up the good work
Sabrina Dougherty - 03/25/99 23:01:11
My Email:wind@wyoming.com
Pretty Neat. Lots of stuff in here. keep up the good work
Sabrina Dougherty - 03/25/99 23:01:09
My Email:wind@wyoming.com
Pretty Neat. Lots of stuff in here. keep up the good work
- 02/23/99 04:31:13
Dene - 02/21/99 19:55:12
My URL:http:// N/A
My Email:dene1947@yahoo.com
Denise, your story was very touching to my heart. The day of your second transplant, 1-2-98, I lost a very special niece who was like a daughter to me, she was 37 years old, she had very different problems than yours, but God gives life and He takes it.
GOD BLESS YOU. Look to Him for strength.
Becky - 01/21/99 14:54:52
My Email:RJFinch234@aol.com
I finally found your page! It's great and I love it that you are telling the world about organ donation.I am so thankful to God that you are doing so well.
Bonnie Bennett - 01/18/99 12:38:40
My Email:bbcityhall@aol.com
Hey Denny,
The tribute to Stacy was a great addition. I sitting here with tears in my eyes. Congratulations on your rebirthday.
Love Always,
da' owsleys - 01/18/99 00:43:23
My Email:txowsley@orbitworld.net
great page, aunt denny
Tracy Keeling - 01/15/99 01:51:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~reel47/
My Email:reel@nwkansas.com
My husband had a liver transplant on September 25, 1998 and is doing well except the HCV has returned and there is some discrepancy as how best to proceed now. He was a non-responder also to Interferon alpha 2b after taking the injections for about 10 m
nths. Please visit our webpage. We are now part of the same webring. Our best to you.
Kara McConnell - 01/14/99 19:25:22
My Email:z_mcconnelkd@titan.sfasu.edu
I lived next to the Soltys'for 19 years and Stacy was one of my best friends. Ive never lost someone so close and it was hard, but Im glad to see that something so wonderful happened out of such a bad situation. I spent the year anniversary with Cheryl
nd Heather and heard a lot about you. Im glad that you are doing well and I hope that you continue to get better:) Im always thinking about you and Stacy. Take care of yourself!
Wanda Villines - 01/14/99 12:28:18
My Email:jvillines@webtv.net
Kim Larsen - 01/13/99 16:02:26
My Email:kkid1972@aol.com
Hi Denise,
Hope you're doing well and Happy Anniversary!!
I was a next-door neighbor to the Soltys' for over 20 yrs. As a child, I remember sitting on Cheryl's lap thru both pregancies to feel Heather & Stacy kick. They were so much fun to babysit, swim with, camp with, and play school with! I have many great m
mories w/ the Soltys' and am glad that a part of Stacy lives on through you. We all miss her greatly.
Wendy Schumer - 01/13/99 04:13:53
My Email:wendyss@aol.com
My daughter Shawn was a good friend of Stacey's. We celebrate life with you and mourn her leaving. Your communication with Cheryl has helped to get her through this. Good Luck to you and enjoy your life gift. Stacey was a special beautiful young lady.
Marianne Squire-Maszer - 12/21/98 14:41:26
My Email:amazimari@aol.com
Your story made me cry, I hope you are still doing well. Prior to my hepC diagnosis and knowledge I was a proponent for and had signed up to be an organ donor. Hopefully TV shows like last Thursday's ER will continue to promote liver and other organ donat
on. Wish they would include PSA's afterwards reminding ppl to sign donor cards. In NJ form is on back of driver's license
Jean Francois - 12/02/98 20:15:06
My Email:dupont44@total.net
Thank you for the hope you inspire.
Your attitude is refreshing.
Have a super day.
Francois J. Dupont
cathi mullen - 11/24/98 19:56:15
My Email:mullenc@mail.montclair.edu
bless you and your donors! i have hcv but i'm not too bad yet, stage 2. hope everything stays good for you!
Denise - 11/24/98 15:28:43
My Email:Nieceangel@aol.com
Hepatitis C is what took my fathers life six months after my daughter and grand daughter were killed by a drunk driver. He could not get a transplant because he was to far gone. He was a wonder person he left me with a very gentle memory of ours lives to
ether. God Bless you.
Michelle Spears - 11/20/98 22:05:47
My Email:spears@computron.net
Hey Den cool homepage love ya! Michelle
Lindsey Simpson Jr. - 11/15/98 05:21:49
My Email:camel@trader.com
I have HepC. I am a 40 yr. old man with a wife and
two boys 20 and 12. I've had HepC for about 20 yrs. I have fibrosis and bridging fibrosis. Along with about six other HepC related health problems.
I'm really glad to hear that you are doing so well and I with you continued recovery and success.
I was recently on interferon/ribaviron, it made me so awfully sick that just when my viral load went from over 25 million down to near zero, I quit the treatment. I know you probably think I'm an idiot for doing that but it made me feel like I was dying.
If fact I strongly considered suicide. Even my study coordinator thought I should quit the treatment. Oh well, water under the bridge.
I wish you all the Best!
You're brother, Lindsey
megan goode - 11/04/98 14:00:39
My Email:notso17@yahoo.com
Hi Aunt Denny
Mom told me about the page and it helped me a lot with the essay i have to write. Lots of love. Hope to see you soon.
love meg
Bonnie - 11/03/98 19:59:52
My Email:kbcityhall@aol.com
I printed outyour web page and I will share it with everyone around. I got chills just reading it and bringing back a lot of memories. But I better get back to work. I love you.
Your Sis Bonnie
Emma - 11/01/98 23:33:28
My Email:emma.i@erols.com
Thank you for sharing your brave fight against HCV and your transplants. I am going to be evaluated for a transplant soon, and find myself almost glad! It's like I'll have a safety net. Things are really progressing healthwise and to read your story ga
e me even more courage to fight. Be well.
Dale Harris - 10/07/98 23:49:13
My Email:dharris@silk.net
Your story is Great..my Husband had liver transplant in 1991 and is still doing great although hep c is working on his new liver he now has 2 birthdays a year by our count his liver will be 8 this year happy birthday to yours..
10/03/98 02:15:26
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Julie Ivey - 09/30/98 13:31:30
My URL:http://www.infospace.com/julie1
My Email:iveyjulie@hotmail.com
My (now)10 month old son had a liver transplant on June 13,1998 for biliary atresia. We were told that without a transplant, he would die. He was in the hospital when his liver became available. He was a very sick little boy. He is doing very well now. To
learn more about Caleb, visit my page. To see a before and after picture, and to read the story in his words(if he could talk), go to his page at http://www.infospace.com/caleb1 God bless you and I hope you continue to do well. I would love to hear from
others who have similar stories. E-mail me!
PEARL DONEY - 09/22/98 06:52:58
Amy Nicholson - 09/21/98 02:31:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sunsmiled/transplant.html
My Email:sunsmiled@aol.com
Denise, I just dropped by your page again to read your story. I hope you are doing well these days and that great health continues forever!
Take care, Amy
Aunt G and Nan - 09/06/98 18:13:53
My Email:momginfl@aol.com
Hi again. I do not know if you received my note a few minutes ago. This popped up so here I am.
Hope all is well. Have a great trip.
Love, US
Lisa - 08/01/98 14:48:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/4630/index.html
My Email:lperry@swbell.net
Hello, Neighbor
My hepatitis page (hcv.html)sits next to yours (65). I, too am 39 and my liver biopsy was a stage 3, so no cirrhosis yet... I am on treatment now, but I of course wonder if a transplant is in my future. Thanks for the informative and positive page on yo
r transplant and also your page on organ donation--very nice.
I wish you continued good health!
A well wisher and friend,
Ed Stewart - 07/30/98 08:13:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5457
My Email:stewart@penn.com
You ahve a very good page. I too had Hep c and had a transplant Jan.22 1996 and am doing very good now the hep came back but a year on interferon and amatadine put it away. May God bless you,Ed
Kevin - 07/27/98 01:54:24
My URL:http://kgwebs.simplenet.com
very nice site...
mike luder - 07/22/98 09:17:28
My Email:1mikel@gte.net
The Gehring Family - 07/19/98 18:32:03
My URL:http://www.sexyventures.com
My Email:gehring@flinet.com
Howdy...Cool site. Sorry we couldn't make the reunion.
See ya soon!
Gregg, Lisa, Rachael and Bradley
Michele Kinney - 07/16/98 18:00:58
- 07/09/98 14:00:44
My Email:HJHJEC@aol.com
HI I have been on a liver transplant list for 12 months, I thank you for shareing your story I am always looking for information so I have a clue as to what to expect and to keep on haveing hope witch is what I get when I read all about other peoples cour
thank you
Dated 7/9/98
Linda Harvey - 06/15/98 02:03:08
I am just learning all i can about transplants. My husband is going through radiation for pre-cancerous cells in his bile duct and is undergoing all the pretesting before getting on a transplant list here in Iowa! It's going to be a long road but I just
need to hear whats ahead of me and what I could possibly expect! We have three sons, 9,7, and almost 3. We need him around for a long time! Thanks for your story. It gives me faith and hope when I hear good stories that end happily ever after. Thanks
Rich Keeling - 06/10/98 16:17:45
My Email:reel@nwkansas,com
I have been waiting for a liver transplant for 18 months now and I really enjoyed reading your transplant story. Best of luck to you.
Terri - 06/06/98 01:09:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5009
My Email:tkaysmiles@yahoo.com
It is coming a long great...I loved it. I took a ribbon this time and will put it on my pages. Keep smiling and call me!!!!
Paula Wilson - 06/05/98 04:07:41
My Email:pwilso@yahoo
I love your work. Donation page is very informative. I will email you soon.
CONNIE HOLSHOUSER - 06/04/98 15:45:08
My URL:http://cholshou@rowan.ces.ncsu.edu
My Email:cholshou@rowan.ces.ncsu.edu
My husband had a liver transplant October 6, 1996. He is doing wonderful!! Lot of meds, but doing great!! Enjoyed your story. e-mail if you get a chance!!
Damon Jensen - 06/02/98 19:34:28
You told me over and over about this homepage and now I've finally seen it. I'm glad to know that everything is going well, and soon you will be back to 100%. As you know I've graduated college(even though it took 5 years), and I hope to get into the Ho
ston Police Academy in August. I will see you soon.
- 06/02/98 19:29:36
Emma - 05/31/98 17:53:17
My Email:emma.i@worldnet.att.net
Thank you for your inspiring story. I pray that you are are still doing so well.
I have HCV since transfusuins 23 yrs. ago. I was dx in 1994, and also have cirrhosis. Been in IFN 3 complete times, also infergen. Had to stop in April because I had a seizure.
My question is ...how sick does one have to be to be on the list? I have an HMO and even though their liver dr. requested an evaluation 2 yrs. ago, they said I wasn't sick enough.
I've never asked this before and I hope you can shed some light on this.
Again continued good health for you and your fqmily. Thanks.
Gil - 05/30/98 20:03:36
My Email:gil@datawide.com
Rachelle Finch - 05/20/98 19:27:58
My Email:rfinch@post.smu.edu
I am very impressed with your capabilities with the internet, Denise. I wish everyone would read your organ donation stories. I miss you!!
Lisa Owsley - 05/20/98 16:59:23
My Email:txowsley@orbitworld.net
Wish I had the time to try and put one of these together. Hopefully, this net thing will even keep us better in touch even though I love talking to you in person but time schedules being what they are doesn't allow for it! Miss you