God Loves All People and Wants Them to Know Him

But people are separated from God and His Love. (Isaiah 59:2)
     Why are we separated?
           Because we have sinned against God. (Romans 3:23)

     Where does separation lead?
           This separation leads only to death and judgement. (Hebrews 9:27)

But there is a solution!
     Jesus died for our sins and is the way to God. (I Peter 3:18)
We must all receive the solution.
Each one must decide for themselves, whether to accept Jesus. (Revalation 3:20)

     God loves us so much that He willingly sacrificed His own Son's life in order that we might have an everlasting life with him. He desires all of us to experience the love, joy and peace that come in having a personal relationship with God. Commiting your life to following God is not easy, though! There will be struggles and tests all along the way. But with God on your side, you have nothing to fear!
     If you'd like to know more about God's offer of salvation, please e-mail me at: baylessb@yahoo.com. I'll be happy to answer any questions or just give you more information.

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