Regina 86th Scout Group

Regina 86th Group Committee meets the third Sunday of the month, 7:30 PM at NorthWest Leisure Centre. Parents and leaders are most welcome to attend any of the Group Committee meetings to see what is happening or to present their concern.
86th Group Committee (2003 - 2004)
Group Chairperson: Stewart Drader
Group Commissioner: vacant
Secretary: Teresa Kong
Treasurer: Lea Zimroz
Registrar: Benjamin Eng
Fundraising Co-ordinator: Mark Pilipow
Bingo Co-ordinator: Mike Kupper
Neveda Chair: Ed Malinowski
Sponsor Representative: Andy Hartung

Regina 86th Scout Group is operated on voluntary basis. Most of the volunteers are parents of our youth. The organization involves Group Committee and section leaders who dedicate their time each week to work with the youth so they will have fun and have a positive experience.
Regina 86th Group Committee is responsible for the group and works with the Scouters in the operation of each section. The committee members are appointed by the sponsor/partner from members of the sponsoring body, parents or guardians of the members and other interested adults in the neighbourhood.
@1998 - 2003
Regina 86th Maple Leaf Lion Scout Group.
All Rights reserved.
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