Welcome to our Guestbook! We would like to know that you visited so please sign in. I think it may take a few minutes for your message to show up on the "Vie
Guestbook" side so if you are having trouble seeing your message wait a few minutes bef re trying again. |
Mark Espejon Labuntog - 04/21/00 22:03:16 My Email:markjesu@excite.com |
Comments: I appreciate the careful organization of materials that were incorporated in your web page. I enjoyed looking at the pictu
es which do reveal the pulsating joy of living that both of you, Karen and Tod, do share with each other and with all of us who visit you. Kudos and thanks very much, Mark. |
Shawnee McCarty Fleenor - 04/10/00 22:38:42 My Email:RSFleenor@Juno.com |
Comments: April 10, 00 Hi, Tod. I'll probably never get to be one of your students, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading your help
ul notes for your English 101 course. Hope my profs are half as learner-friendly. I came to your site looking for Matthew Arnold links. Your "Jeus eminar" paper is quite helpful. Sincerely, Shawnee Fleenor
| |
Jessica Salazar - 12/13/99 00:06:24 My Email:GoUJazz@hotmail.com |
Comments: Hi Karen and Tod cool web page. |
Linda Welle - 12/08/99 22:43:40 My Email:lwelle@hcfa.gov |
Comments: Tod, great to see you again and to meet Karen. The webpage is great! Love Grendel...I think the entire office heard me exc
aim, "She's so cute!" Hope to see you both at Borders again soon. Take care. Linda |
Ken & Sally - 11/30/99 01:07:15 My Email:frostyone@mn.mediaone.net |
Comments: The pictures are a bit old, but so are both of you. |
Richard Quan - 11/14/99 01:43:56 My Email:same as Sarah Quan |
Comments: I enjoyed meeting you. Thank you for the dinner,the popcorn and the Washington D.C. book. Your Grendel page is very good.
ood by see you some othertime. |
Emily Quan - 11/14/99 01:26:17 My Email:(same as mom's) |
Comments: Hi Karen!!! I just checked out Grendle's page, I loved it! Guess what Grendle? I like waffles too!
And I just noticed that mom spelled Grendle wrong in her guest book entry! When I asked mom if we could go to Washington D.C. for April Vacation she sa d that would be a great idea, all we would have to do is check with dad. Yeah!!! Well
good bye for now, I love this website! -EM |
sarah quan - 11/14/99 00:59:25 My Email:rif90095@ride.ri.edu |
Comments: Hi Karen! Phew! I finally found your web page. The address you gave me did not work but I found you by g
ing to the geocities heartland and searching on tod and karen. Nice site! We still haven't checked out Grendl's page. We wanted to make sure tha we signed your guest book first. We had a great time seeing you today. We
ill definately get down to D.C. for a visit soonish. Love Sarah |
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