On the 19th of November we went to see the Scouts' gang show in Hastings. We used the excuse that it was part of Gabrielle's (the newest Ranger in our group) pre-enrolment challange things.
We managed to secure a lift from one of our ex-rangers, who has now gone on to be a Rainbow leader, and after half an hour or so of looking for a parking space, finally got to our seats. Anyway, the show got under way and I discovered that I was sitting behind a Brownie with
What I saw of the show was quite enjoyable, although we were rather diappointed as we were expecting much more for our £6.50. Some of the scouts were quite nice too, until they opened their mouths and sang, anyway!
All in all we would recommend this show for brownies and possibly younger guides. They obviously put a lot of thought into the show, and we'd just like to say WELL DONE and GOOD LUCK FOR NEXT YEAR'S SHOW!
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