Council Information
The Scranton Pocono Girl Scout Council serves 5½ counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania:
Lackawanna, Monroe, Susquehanna, Wayne, Wyoming and part of Pike.
The Council is governed by a thirty member volunteer Board of Directors who receive input on policy decisions from five area associations.
Trained volunteers and staff work directly with Girl Scout leaders to provide advice, assistance, resources and training.
Volunteers who work with Girl Scouts receive leadership training. Additional enrichment training is available.
Girl Scout membership is open to all girls, ages five through seventeen, and adult women and men, who subscribe to the ideals stated in the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
The Scranton Pocono Girl Scout Council serves over 6,000 girls in five age levels:
Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadettes and Senior Girl Scouts.
As of 3/30/99 membership stands at:
654 Daisy Girl Scouts
3,061 Brownies
1,752 Juniors
427 Cadettes
168 Seniors
6,062 Girls
511 Troops
20 Neighborhoods
1,800 Adults
7,862 Total Members
For more information on joining, please visit our Membership web page.
Executive Director - LaMarr Schneider Coe
President - Mary Ellen Gibbons
For comments, suggestions or more information about this web site, please contact Sharon Miner at
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