Below are some of the writings from my brother, the "Cowboy Poet". He currently lives on a small farm in the Southwest.

shush boys !!!
dont ya say a word!
can ya hear it!
their a comin!
the whole damn herd!!!
quick pick up yer gear n' toss em in the trees.
grab yer blankets n' yer saddles, buck! quit yer prayin
n' git up off yer knees.
i caynt tellin what direction.
dont rightly know which way ta go.
where the hells my pony ?
black dust constantly a blow.
the thunders gittin louder,
twelve hundred head of beef.
if'n we dont find them mounts,
there'l be a mess o' greif!
the wind she is a changin,
you can smell it in the air.
hot n' steamy steer breath is stenchin everywhere.
the stompin sound is deafnin, i know the end is near.
them beefers is a comin boys , get the hell out of here !!!
shortys found his pony , i best ask him fer a ride.
jump up to loose my grip, fall breathless on my side.
my mouth ate dirt, its gritty.
blood runs into my eye.
when i fell i cracked my skull,
i rekon i will die.
too late fer me ta fret none, they are all upon me now.
who would think that a hoss like me, end up dyin beneath a cow.
a hoof goes through my breastbone,
such pain i gotta scream.
sit strait up in my bedroll,
boys! jist had a bad dream.
shush boys!!!!
the close up
i heard there was a brandin, round lordsburg at the double "c".
i never seen a real one, jist john wayne on tv.
a dirt road and some barbed wire, i drove fer twenty mile.
finally found that round rock ranch and had to crack a smile.
the corrals they all were empty, had i got there to late ?
someone cried "their still on round up, grab some coffee you can wait"
i seen em in the distance, you could hear em as they call.
dusty men on horse back, real cowboys one and all.
i had brought my camera, to film jist how its done.
capture man and animal, this was gonna be such fun.
the foreman rode on over and looked me up and down.
he said, "hell boy , where've ya been ?"
shocked i turned around.
there were'nt no one behind me when i turned around to look.
he grabbed my hand with a calloused paw and crushed it as he shook
"you musta pulled one hellava drunk, i see ya lost yer gear!"
was this ol' cowboy puttin me on? "
he said, "well git yerself over here!"
the corrals they were a fillin up, the brands were now red hot.
i guess im gonna get to see a little closer than i thought!
other cowboys all looked over, i known they musta seen.
that i didnt have no hang over, that i was jist plain green!
got bloodied and got crapped on, got kicked and i got burned.
the smell of smokin cattle is an awful thing ive learned.
and when it all was over, i'd pulled a muscle in my crotch.
to the foreman i went over and said,
"hey greg i jist came to watch!"
its time to sit n' ponder, bout life out on the range.
sometime it drives a man to do, harsh n' awkward things.
eat cold viddles in the mornin cuzz the firewoods gone er' wet.
gather his posessions, saddle up n' git.
a slap against his leather chaps, an old worn out lariat.
ripped from thorns some tore up clothes, a dusty ol' slouch hat.
he's sunburned n' he's wiskered, his whits are sharp n' keen.
a drink of cloudy water from his daddy's ol' canteen.
he's second generation, cowboy through n' through.
if'n yer daddy was a cowboy, you'd best be one too!
proud to be a cowpoke, freezin through the night.
watchin flea bit doegies, till the mornin light.
it's a sight ta see a grown man, do such a silly thing.
pull out an ol' broke geetar and to cattle he will sing.
some stand n' some are layin, they slowly close their eyes.
he puts them cattle a sleepin beneath the stary skies.
his singin aint no opera, never win no talent show .
but cyotes seem to like him, on a bluff with a moon a glow.
every mornin its, "head em up , move em out onto the trail."
dust in yer eye, flies round yer head, fresh dung n' swingin tails.
now if'n ya thinks he likes this , style n' kinda life.
go n' ask him about the women n' if'n he's gotta wife.
he'll swing around ta eye ya, n' give ya a chaw stained grin.
say,"son , aint nothin finer that ta kis a lady's skin."
"but i'll tell ya somthin bout me , that ya probably dont know"
"cowboyin, it's the thing i love, i best saddle up n' go."
now they aint much fer talkin, never have n' never will.
they're too buisy thinkin, bout bein a cowboy still.
so dont ya worry bout him, he gits by the best he can.
he keeps them doeggies movin,
he's the american cowboy man....
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