Welcome to the Money-Pit Page

We made it to Sturgis and Back!

Greetings and welcome to my home page!!! Eventually you will find some semi-useful information about all kinds of stuff. Some of it is about motorcycles, some of it is about camping and some of it is about music.

In fact, the first thing you should know is that there are Two(2) bands that ooops, Three (3) bands that use the name "Angel of The Odd". I think there's a law against that....Click this link to the right or the ones below for a brief history lesson and added information about AOTO-The Drummer

Click here for all the fun stuff!!The Big Menu!

To The Sturgis Page
Quick Link to Memory Lane
Some more AOTO info...
And Even more AOTO!!

One is from the 1980's, another is from the 1990's and now another one in 2000. The 80's group did well in Europe, ("Hiding From Fears" was nominated as one of the "Top Ten" albums of the year). Our European and U.S. tour schedule never finalized and...hence this page of what my life has become. No regrets though, sometimes you zigged when you should have zagged. I do wish the other group(s) luck, as long as it's not on my old groups coat-tails..PS(I've heard the music from the other groups and I'm really not too impressed...


The Money-Pit, (Which is now for sale) referred to as MP from now on, is a 1977 Dodge "Field & Stream" motorhome. We bought this from an unscrupulous fellow who was supposedly selling it because of a divorce. He, at one point, was in tears over selling this vehicle and later I found out that these were actually his tears of joy. From that moment on, our newest member of the family took our full attention since it was sick...you know, no brakes, wasn't smog approved, leaked, needed a carburetor, plugs wires, belts, hoses...etc, etc. Well, we have decided to "Love" this vehicle and cruise it all over Southern California. I included some info on the Gorman Trip (Off-Road Bonanza) and will be including some info about our Memorial Day fishing extravaganza to Lake Skinner. We got the "MP" ready to go and I feel sorry for the Fish and the Wineries this weekend. Thanks for dropping by!! UPDATE 1!! We caught no fish...We drank no wine...We got our kite stuck up in a tree and the Margarita's took their toll. Too bad the swamp cooler on the roof didn't do jack, it was damn hot!

Well, the Gorman trip was a blast! A bunch of us from work went up there May1, 2 & 3. None of them had ridden an "All Terrain Cycle" before. By the end of the day, all of them learned a little bit about inertia. The next day, the rain decided to come (and go). It wouldn't make up it's mind! One minute we would be outside, the next in the MP. It would stop raining, we would go outside, wipe off the chairs, sit down, and it would rain again! Very frustrating....It was enough to make you drink (more)! It was actually a very gloomy day and, since hanging out in the motor home was a real party, every one left. I stuck around for a few hours and then my brothers showed up. They wanted to ride the bikes, but one of the bikes had it's clutch burned out, so the smaller bike got rode, and rode, and rode. Sunday was very sunny and warm and it made up for Saturday. I just wish both days had been like that. All in all, Gorman is a great place and I recommend you all go there sometime.

Click here for full screen image

Some writings from a Cowboy in the South West. Please take a moment to check out this here poetry. Just click on the "The Cowboy" link to the left (or below) and you will be transported to the Old West

The Cowboy.

Here is a picture of Lake Piru's campsite from last year.

Click here for full screen image

Feel free to "E" me with things you'd like to add or discuss. I want to add a family happenings area for those of you who don't have a homepage of your own...yet! I know that some of you might want to put in an article or two on this page about say..., New England lifestyles? Chicken Farming in Arizona? Pictures of Flowers and recipes from Norumbega? Anything you want to add!! I plan on putting in how to correctly "Burn" a turkey for Thanksgiving, movie reviews for my favorite "B" flicks, my resume and who knows what else...maybe even excerpts from my book (I think I'll call it "Shaker" but I am accepting other ideas for the title...got any?) Glad to see the whole family finally on the net!

Email me at aoto@geocities.com in the meantime.

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