We are attempting to trace the origin of the "Rudich/k" family tree. The Rudich's originated from a section within the Austrian-Hungarian empire dating back to early 1800's or earlier.
According to the information which we have obtained from several sources:
The Rudich's originated from a section of the Austrian-Hungarian empire dating back to early 1800's or earlier. The families came from an area known as Bukovina, which later became independent and part of Romania as a province. It is now part of the Ukraine (Russian Federation) and Moldova. Bukovina was the county seat for the local area. The families came from the towns known as: Shipenitz, Kostesti, Czernowitz, Krasna, Likovitz, Cudin, Straja, Braila, Costonitz, Radouti, Storozynitz and Bar Hometh. The current spelling of these towns may differ.
The Rudich/k families began their immigration to the United States in the early 1900,s and settled in cities like New York City, Chicago, Charleston, Baltimore and Los Angeles; and in other states including Florida, Indiana, Connecticut, California and New Jersey. The emigration records we've accessed have indicated that most of the Rudich's have entered on the east coast. Rudich's have also been located throughout the United States, Canada, Israel, Mexico, England, Brazil and Australia.
The project that we have undertaken to trace family history from Europe to the United States along with the rest of the world is difficult task. In order to trace the history of the Rudich family, we need your assistance in whatever information you can provide. The starting point should be current with you and family, your siblings, parents and relatives.
The following list of sources can prove valuable in
obtaining information:
Marriage licenses
Death certificates
Naturalization papers
Immigration papers
US Census records
The birth and death dates are becoming a very important key in linking the branches together. Please provide if available.
We presently have on file approximately eight hundred names of individuals whose relatives came from Bukovina representing nineteen branches of Rudich's. To date we have linked together some of them, but the majority are unaccounted for.
There are several other individuals who are also securing information on this project that are interested in learning their prior family history. We can provide you with the names of these parties involved if so requested.
In order to complete this project, please provide the
following information requested below. Their names, if possible
Hebrew names.
The birth and death dates will possibly connect any link of
relationship with other Rudich's.
We, thank you for your time in reading this letter and hope to hear from you in the near future. We will keep you up to date on the progress on the team and it’s findings. If you have any questions, please contact us by using the E-mail address on the website
In closing, we may find that we are somehow related and that you have been introduced to a new member of the Rudich family. We have already discovered relatives living within a reasonable distance from each other and have enjoyed their friendship.