DUSTY ULANCH - 08/30/00 23:25:34
Where are you from?: GRAND RAPIDS MI
Any suggestions to improve this site?: GREAT THEWAY IT IS
Virginia - 08/27/00 21:13:35
My URL:http://users.connectria.net/~thegparentsc/index.htm
Where are you from?: Missouri
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Not at all !!!
Hobbies: gardening, embroidery, webpage etc., etc., etc....
Favorite quote (make one up): Do a Random Act of Kindness to make yourself happy and especially someone else...
How did you find my web site?: Previous visit
Hi Bonni,
Back for another visit....I love your new look...Especially loved your pics of Africa...What a wonderful trip that must have been !!!
I visited the Holyland May 1999...A trip that changed my life !!! Africa is 2nd on my list of places to go SOMEDAY !!! "Out of Africa" is one of my favorite movies...Sad but seemed to give a true sense of being there...Eden not too far away...My website
asen't changed too much...Did start a Christmas page...Come visit when you have time...
Virginia - 08/27/00 20:44:26
My URL:http://users.connectria.net/~thegparentsc/index.htm
Where are you from?: Missouri
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Not at all !!! Love your new look !!!
Joyce - 08/26/00 02:24:09
My URL:http://huh?
My Email:joyce80@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: California
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no
Hobbies: gardening
Favorite quote (make one up): Case closed
How did you find my web site?: you sent it to me
Love the graphics and the colors
kyris - 08/20/00 22:14:45
My Email:danger163@go.com
Where are you from?: cailfornia's animal outreach
Hobbies: soccer, volonteer/fostering cats and rabbits
Favorite quote (make one up): a happy pet, is a fixed pet
How did you find my web site?: two thumbs up
good site,
Is this c.a's site?
ODESSA ULANCH - 08/20/00 01:00:20
Where are you from?: GRAND RAPIDS MI
Any suggestions to improve this site?: VERY NICE
Hobbies: MY DOGS
Favorite quote (make one up): BETTER LATE THEN NEVER
How did you find my web site?: ITS ME (DUSTY)
terribeck - 08/18/00 06:03:27
My Email:dakota939@aol.com
Where are you from?: visalia
Any suggestions to improve this site?: let me think?
Hobbies: you know
Favorite quote (make one up): whatever
How did you find my web site?: you
cool site bonni i like it..... terri*
terribeck - 08/18/00 05:59:51
Wes Esry - 08/15/00 04:25:21
My Email:keramoseng@k-online.com
Where are you from?: San Diego,Ca.
Hobbies: Science
How did you find my web site?: web ring
Barbara - 08/11/00 06:03:44
My Email:barbara@mother.com
How did you find my web site?: you told me
THe photos were great - I really liked the closeup of Ken - you should sleep with that under your pillow! There were some instances where the buttons were switched (for example the NEXT would be on the right instead of the left). Why were the bird photo
Diva Kat - 07/28/00 02:25:49
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org, divinity@divinediva.org
Where are you from?: Divine Divas of the Web
How did you find my web site?: Surfed on in
Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into ou
organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your website.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One.
Divine Diva of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome the diversity!!!
Nicely set up site. I would like to put a link to it on the Links page of Earth Science Australia particularly for students in primary and secondary school?
Mario - 07/18/00 07:36:39
My URL:/marcalix_ca/
My Email:marcalix_ca@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Hobbies: Rockhound
How did you find my web site?: Just surfed on in
Enjoyed your site very much. Excellent!
Adam Miller - 07/01/00 05:59:27
My URL:/jesusfouryou/
My Email:miller@cfweb.net
Where are you from?: Jeningsg
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no
Hobbies: building websites
Favorite quote (make one up): I am the bread of life
How did you find my web site?: webring
Hi I really like your site. Keep up the good work
for the Lord. In Christ Adam Miller
Nice site! Keep up the good work!
Net Buddies - 06/20/00 01:07:07
My URL:http://www.netbuddies.is-here.net
My Email:net_buddies@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: USA
Howdy! Howdy!
I would like to invite you to come visit us at Net Buddies, a place where friends from all over the world can share and grow,but the children come first.We are completely against child pornography,please help us protect our children.
These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there lol).
I really like your site. Good Job!
Joyce Allen - 06/14/00 23:17:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:joyce80@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: California
Any suggestions to improve this site?: None
Hobbies: Dogs and reading
Favorite quote (make one up): WHATEVER !!!!!
How did you find my web site?: I got it from you LOL
K Walden - 06/07/00 04:03:07
My URL:http://www.connect.ab.ca/~kwalden/index.htm
My Email:kwalden@connect.ab.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
It is always great joy to visit sites that lift up the wonderful name of Jesus and spread his truth over the web. May the Lord continue to bless you in creativity as you serve Him. If you have any prayer requests please visit Christian Intercession, Prayer Request Submissions & Prayer Tips
Bob Airwyke - 05/13/00 10:43:44
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/charliestrike68/Christian.html
My Email:CharlieStrike68@juno.com
Where are you from?: Northeast Ohio
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Personal testimony
Hobbies: life's work...serving my Lord Jesus Christ.
Favorite quote (make one up): "Been there, done that."
How did you find my web site?: Ring of Hope
Bonnie, Go forth in the name of the Lord and He will surely bless you for bringing glory to the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirt. It is for these works that we have been created by the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End
You will learn lots about computer publishing if you only dedicate your works to our Lord. You will find out through prayer that installing free graphics and other necessary visual effects will become easy. You are off to a great start, and guided by a g
eat and powerful Master. Keep up the good work, you are storing treasures in the Kingdom. Bob
steve catt - 05/13/00 02:42:30
My URL:http://uswest.net
My Email:oceanview.@uswest.net
Where are you from?: not sure, but i live in nw ore..
Any suggestions to improve this site?: take me with u & tell me everything i want to know..
Hobbies: NDEs & walking my dog.
Favorite quote (make one up): uuuuuuhhhh
How did you find my web site?: well, i was walking down the street turnerd left & smashed right into it.
i got started by looking for meteorites & realized that what was already here was as interesting..i'v read everything but still cant identify anything..i need to move along but im stuck..i think a field trip is in order but im a working man with little ti
e..I have many questions..so how's your day been.? gotta go my daughter needs the computer for homework.(sure)..
Hans & Thomas - 05/05/00 08:00:16
My URL:http://www.iol.ie/~taeger
My Email:taeger@iol.ie
Where are you from?: Ireland
Any suggestions to improve this site?: just move on
Hobbies: garden and dogs
Favorite quote (make one up): We must *BE* the change we wish to see.
How did you find my web site?: by surprise
We enjoyed your nice designed and caring site and like to send you and your cats a bunch of magical Irish rainbows, Hans & Thomas
Marianne - 04/26/00 19:38:50
My URL:http://run.to/undecided
My Email:sugaradict@gurlmail.com
Where are you from?: socal
Any suggestions to improve this site?: maybe frames?
Hobbies: drums, reading bible, webpage making
Favorite quote (make one up): absolute power corupts absolutely - lord acton
How did you find my web site?: links
great webpage!!!!
Lynn - 04/24/00 21:28:16
My URL:http://community.webtv/mousecard/MICKEYSPAGES
My Email:mousecard@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Georgia
Hobbies: Webtv~Reading~playing with my dog
How did you find my web site?: my cousins page
Great site~I enjoyed my visit! Lynn
Julius L. Lawrence Jr. - 04/22/00 02:00:22
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/JuLaw/
My Email:JuLaw@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Syracuse, NY
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Keep on experiencing
Hobbies: Helping people/Studying the Bible.
Favorite quote (make one up): "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond then into the impossible."/ "With God, ALL THINGS are Possible."
How did you find my web site?: Searching the web through GuestBooks.
If you want something bad enough, you must Trust God and receive it.
When something seem to be impossible, that means the Possibility is only concealed until you find out how to do it. God makes it possible.
Virginia - 04/19/00 06:10:25
My URL:http://users.connectria.net/~thegparentsc/index.htm
My Email:thegparentsc@connectria.com
Where are you from?: Missouri
Any suggestions to improve this site?: NONE!!
Hobbies: gardening, counted cross stitch, computer
Favorite quote (make one up): God loves you and so do I. (Robert Schuler)
How did you find my web site?: I had bookmarked it from an earlier visit.
Hi Boni,
It's so nice to visit your website again !! I have it bookmarked to visit often. I am an animal lover as well. ( All of them ) What a wonderful part of God's creation they are !!!
I want to thank you so much for the award. I am so honored. It was a total surprise !! I just hope that the TRUTH is spread to many people.
Will be visiting soon again !!!
Love in Christ
WildChild - 04/02/00 03:10:39
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/9947
My Email:djw@vbe.com
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Any suggestions to improve this site?: nope
Hobbies: collecting unicorns
Favorite quote (make one up): never enough time in a day
How did you find my web site?: webring
I've enjoyed my visit very much. Your site is very unique and informational. I truly appreciate you taking the
time to put together such a wonderful site. Absolutely, you have spend much time creating it. Keep up the excellent work
you are doing! Sites like your's makes it a pleasure to explore the web. When you have some free time I invite you to stop
over to visit my site, and to offer any comments or suggestions on my site.
IT - 03/09/00 04:42:35
My Email:2bajf@ccnmail.com
Hobbies: Geology
How did you find my web site?: Super Site!
Small glitch in Metamorphic Rock Chart, unable to
see chart.
Your clarity of thought is incredible.
Hoping to foster ds's interest with your obvious
passion of Geology.
Midnight lady - 03/03/00 02:58:54
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/midindex.html
My Email:saturn@seol.net.au
Where are you from?: Australia
How did you find my web site?: award submit
Hello I have enjoyed my visit ....Love the poems
very well done ......feel free to visit me anytime I also write poetry from the heart Take Care Midnight Lady :o)
I really enjoyed your site. You and your husband look very happy, congrats!
Cindy - 02/24/00 05:01:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/mgcnrn
My Email:MysticalGeisha@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Michigan
How did you find my web site?: Award Submit
Hi Bonni!
You have a very lovely site, I love your graphics! Such beautiful pics too; those chinchillas are really cute! Your poetry is fantastic! Enjoye my visit very much! Best wishes to you and yours!
Kiwi - 02/22/00 23:11:39
My URL:/Area51/Shuttle/5604/graphics.html
My Email:zblue@ihug.co.nz
Where are you from?: New Zealand
Hobbies: UFO Research, Graphics
How did you find my web site?: Followed a link
You have a really lovely website, I saw your link on another page so have dropped by for a visit.
Clicket's Communtiy - 02/21/00 21:33:40
My URL:http://www.clickets.com
My Email:webmaster@clickets.com
Where are you from?: Indiana
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Looks Great, good job
Hobbies: Web
Favorite quote (make one up): Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
How did you find my web site?: Award Submit
Excellant site: Make sure to add your link to our database, choose your category along with submitting it to our awards area also.
Submit your link here:
Good luck in your development.
You are doing a great job
Clicket's Community
Exhead - 02/21/00 21:27:33
My URL:http://www.idrive.com/exhead/web/
My Email:raarbogast@powernet.net
Where are you from?: Reno, NV.
Any suggestions to improve this site?: No
Hobbies: Poetry, children
Favorite quote (make one up): That which does not kill youy will only make you stronger.
How did you find my web site?: Award Applications
Favorite Quote: If I do not want what you want, please try not to tell me
that my want is wrong. Or if I believe other than you, at least pause
before you correct my view. Or if my emotion is less than yours, or more,
given the same circumstances, try not to ask me to feel more strongly
or weakly. Or yet if I act, or fail to act, in the manner of your design
for action, let me be. I do not, for the moment at least, ask you to understand
me. That will come only when you are willing to give up changing me into
a copy of you. I may be your spouse, your parent, your offsping, your
friend, or your colleague. If you will allow me any of my own wants, or
emotions, or beliefs, or actions, then you open yourself, so that some
day these ways of mine might not seem so wrong, and might finally appear
to you as right -- for me. To put up with me is the first step to understanding
me. Not that you embrace my ways as right for you, but that you are no
longer irritated or disappointed with me for my seeming waywardness. And
in understanding me you might come to prize my differences from you, and,
far from seeking to change me, preserve and even nurture those differences.
Comments: Nice site.
Carolyn Rice - 02/06/00 18:18:04
My Email:C.Rice 46268
Where are you from?: Elkhart
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no
Hobbies: T.y.
How did you find my web site?: DOT
Aaron P. Wisher - 02/05/00 18:55:46
My URL:http://www.serve.com/garden/aaron
My Email:aaronwisher@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: Greenville, NC (at least for now)
Hobbies: Geology
Favorite quote (make one up): Free yourself from mental slavery, noone but ourselves can free our minds. - Bob Marley
How did you find my web site?: Your visit to Me
Thanks for the visit. Good to meet other geologists around the country.
Lora - 01/29/00 23:06:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4281
My Email:lora_t@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Heartland
Thank you Bonni for all you do! From visiting, I don't know how you find time for Estates, and I appreciate you being there for us even more. :O)
Bruce - 01/28/00 19:31:13
My URL:http://www.alhasa4u.com
My Email:bruce@alhasa4u.com
Where are you from?: Heartland CL
Any suggestions to improve this site?: none
Hobbies: Heartland CL
Favorite quote (make one up): mind went blank
Just stopped by to introduce myself and say hi to a fellow CL. I have blocks in Creek, Hills, Falls, & Cliffs. My lhasas and I enjoyed the visit, come see us sometime.
Shirley Schutt (SAS, Hills and Creek CL) - 01/28/00 13:49:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5514
My Email:sas@huntel.net
Where are you from?: Eastern Nebraka, US
How did you find my web site?: Guestbook signing party
I have had a great time meeting CLs that I had not
met previously and getting to know them a bit more through their website. Good Luck in all you do.
Terri - 01/27/00 14:34:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/5377
My Email:christian_mom98@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Virginia
Hobbies: being a CL
Favorite quote (make one up): Don't worry; be happy!
How did you find my web site?: CL block page
I am signing your guestbook as part of the CL guestbook signing party. Please sign my guestbook also. :) Take care.
Heather Gent (heatherozzie) - 01/26/00 21:18:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/6315
My Email:bethelglyn@eisa.net.au
Where are you from?: Australia
Any suggestions to improve this site?: You may like to make a Non-java menu for those that canoot use the drop down one - your pages are too good to miss!
Hobbies: embroidery, genealogy, horse, history...
Favorite quote (make one up): "Truth is the Daughter of Time"
How did you find my web site?: I'm here for the guestbook signing party!
Your pages are beautiful, I loved the story of the three trees! Drop by and see me sometime! Heather, fellow CL in Heartland.
Hi Bonni! Glad to get to know you a little bit better! Thank you for all you do for Heartland, and be well.
Denny Lancaster - 01/25/00 03:23:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~denny99
My Email:denny99@dibbs.net
Where are you from?: Faerieland
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Can all of your visitors see your site?
Hobbies: Furniture refinishing
Favorite quote (make one up): May the force be with you for the truth is out there!
How did you find my web site?: The Faerie Mother Sent Me
This is a "heart felt" guest book
"dusting" part of our Heartland
"fun activity this week!"
The Pea
by Denny Lancaster
The "portal" opened with ease,
into it your body did squeeze;
Drop from it onto the ground,
shush do not make a sound.
Peeked around the willow tree,
a homesteader was talking with a pea;
Such a question she did raise,
why do pea's arise to praise?
The pea responded with a grin,
if not then my life I will not win;
For my compassion must really shine,
or on me someone will surely dine.
Compassion is really like a tree,
growing there for me and thee;
There are those who can not see,
nor hear, or have but fingers three.
Can they see on our pages of writ,
the teaching wonders we write;
Or do "barriers" cause them fit,
See "Bobby" and join the fight.
P.S. Give a wonderful gift to our
disabled. One which you can but
imagine the delight and thanksgiving
you will receive. Visit the following
Heartland Community Leaders Disability Alliance
LadySparHawk - 01/24/00 02:12:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/6079
My Email:ladysparhawk@mail.com
Where are you from?: Washington state
Hi! Just stopping on my way through...any relation to Rudd Weatherwax? Probably not..heheh...Nice website! Heartland/River CL...
Hi Bonni! Just dropped in for a visit. I loved your pictures and you look just as I had imagined you would. Thanks for everything you do for Heartland.
Bernie - 01/23/00 04:04:15
My URL:/Heartland/Grove/7108/
My Email:bphowe@home.com
Where are you from?: Arizona
Favorite quote (make one up): You got your break when you got this job...
How did you find my web site?: Geo CL guide
Your Survey was quite different LOL Fun also. Hello from a fellow CL in Heartland
Hi Bonni,
Your site is so cute. Have a great day.
Michelle - 01/21/00 19:18:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4217
My Email:lilmikki@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Newfoundland, Canada
Hi Bonni! Just cruising thru the Estates CL's pages, and thought I'd drop in :o) I spent a long time reading the cat care info - I've had my Kitty for several years, but just a couple weeks ago, took in a stray (who, of course, happens to be a fully-funct
oning Tom!) - I hope he's not too old to be "fixed" :o) Anyway, I'm rambling now, so I'll just say "See you around Heartland!", and then be on my way *lol* Bye!
What a wonderful idea for the CL's to sign fellow CL's guestbooks! Gives us a chance to view some wonderful sites and yours is definately wonderful!As a fellow animal lover/protector I'm sure you will enjoy reading my "Cat Tails" if you get a chance. I en
oyed your site a lot!
Rowena - 01/16/00 00:40:07
My Email:ryoungs25
Where are you from?: NY
Deb - 01/12/00 23:26:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/debinohio
My Email:debinohio@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hobbies: this thing I stare at...LOL
How did you find my web site?: HGC
Hi Bonnie, just dropped in to say Hi. Wonderful site :) Glad to be working with you at HG
Linda C. - 01/07/00 21:51:48
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/6287
My Email:caprinecrazy@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: North Central Texas
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Just wonderful the way it is! :-)
Hobbies: Volunteering
Favorite quote (make one up): So what if life hands you lemons? Personally, I love lemonade! :-)
How did you find my web site?: You signed mine first!
I have yet to sign another HGC member's guestbook first...lol! I better get cracking ;-) Love your site and really look forward to working with you at HGC. :-)
Laurie - The Mother Bear - 01/07/00 05:44:39
My URL:/heartlanders_2000
My Email:themotherbear@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL
Hobbies: what else? the puter! :)
Favorite quote (make one up): "And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others" Wizard of Oz to the Tin Man
How did you find my web site?: Heartland Graphics Committee
Hi Bonnie :) Just surfing fellow HGC member pages. Your poetry and graphics are beautiful. I am honored to work with such a talented lady at HGC :)
I'm a new member of the HGC, so thought I'd surf around! Loved your site, and especially learning about the chinchillas..... they are cute!
April - 01/03/00 19:52:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mrsapril
My Email:mrsapril@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no, very nice!
Hobbies: sewing, crafts, computers
Favorite quote (make one up): LOL, my mind is not that quick!
How did you find my web site?: HGC
Hi Bonnie! You have a lovely home here! I am visiting HGC member's pages and having a great time doing so. Thanks for the visit and I look forward to working with you and the HGC.
Virginia Chambers - 01/03/00 04:53:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:thegparentsc@connectria.com
Where are you from?: Georgia
Any suggestions to improve this site?: Looks really good to me!!!
Hobbies: gardening, counted cross stitch, computer
Favorite quote (make one up): Love one another (as Jesus LOVES you)
How did you find my web site?: geocities
I'm new at computing, Just created my first web page. Rather primative but having fun. I'm 63 and retired from nursing. My husband (also retired) and I have 11 grandchildren who keep us busy. My 87 year old mother lives with us. Active Christian. It's so
efreshing to see others on the internet who love the Lord.
In His Love
barbara - 01/03/00 00:33:05
My Email:barbara@mother.com
Where are you from?: Esparto, CA
How did you find my web site?: you told me!
Jan - 01/02/00 04:23:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1406
My Email:jan-cl@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
Any suggestions to improve this site?: nope
Hobbies: gardening and the computer *smile*
Favorite quote (make one up): always wear clean underwear ... you never know when you'll be in an accident, and who will see them *LOL*
How did you find my web site?: HGC listing
You've created a fantastic website! I enjoyed my visit very much!
Kristie - 01/01/00 10:56:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8382
My Email:kristie.geo@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Hobbies: A little of everything
How did you find my web site?: surfed on
I justed wanted to stop by and say hello and get to know a fellow HGC member. HUGS!!
Rodger Moore - 12/11/99 17:05:43
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~narrowgate/bible/biframe2.htm
My Email:rbmoore@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Richmond, B.C.
Favorite quote (make one up): 1st Hesitations
How did you find my web site?: from another guestbook
Just thought I would visit your site and check it out... looks great so
far! Please feel free to visit our new site. It is an online Bible especially
designed to be linked to by other Christian sites.
If you have previously visited our site please note that we have moved
to another server. So please pay us a visit by clicking the banner below and re-bookmark
our new location.
Click the banner above to
visit our new location
I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will be back. I especially enjoyed the "Stand up for Jesus" story. Feel free to stop in and visit my site anytime. God bless you.
In His Love and Service,
Greg Osborn
Romans 1:16
Kathryn - 11/18/99 08:48:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/monacat
My Email:monacat@angelfire.com
Where are you from?: California
Hi! I enjoyed visiting your site and will visit again in the future. I have three cats and I love them very much.
corinne - 11/11/99 04:23:47
My URL:/Heartland/Creek/4544
My Email:sassycats28@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Vancouver Island B.C
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no it looks great to me bonni
Hobbies: chatting on icq and i'm learning to design webpages
Favorite quote (make one up): yepper's pepper's
How did you find my web site?: from your WW.C Image that i have to linked to your page
Hello Bonni your page looks great and my page is coming along quite nicely i hope that you can have a look at my page although it's still under construction oh and sorry i almost forgot that if you have any ideas to spice my page up please let me know i
m open to any of your ideas and thanks for designing those graphic images for me they really look great i have my main page and my hobbies page and email set up now so please have a look from corinne.
corinne - 11/11/99 04:20:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Creek/4544
My Email:sassycats28@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Vancouver Island B.C
Any suggestions to improve this site?: no it looks great to me bonni
Hobbies: chatting on icq and i'm learning to design webpages
Favorite quote (make one up): yepper's pepper's
How did you find my web site?: from your WW.C Image that i have to linked to your page
Hello Bonni your page looks great and my page is coming along quite nicely i hope that you can have a look at my page although it's still under construction
Bonster - 11/06/99 06:37:15
Where are you from?: Here
Hobbies: Making sure my guestbook works
Favorite quote (make one up): It's not who you know, it is who knows you!
Hi everyone! I just got finished archiving a bunch of my guestbook entries, so I am here to make sure that everything is still working alright. Thanks for coming!