Welcome to my home, my zoo ! Where everyone is welcome and every pet is spoiled and loved. Hope you stay awhile and visit all my pages. There's a lot to see and do...so
sit back and relax and have a look around.
My name is Heather. I'm from Decatur, Illinois. I am a sahm and that comes first and foremost. I have a beautiful, bubbly little girl named Chloe who is just about 3 years old. I am also taking college courses in Animal Science/Veterinary Technology and I'm learning very much so far !
My other devotion in life, and the purpose of this webpage, is animals. They mean the world to me, so I've dedicated my website to my love of animals and their welfare.I am owned by a Brittany, Miniature Schnauzer, German Shepherd, Persian, Tabby, Mini-lop Rabbit, 2 guinea pigs, a cockatiel and a canary. I've had many other animals in the past and I will share them with you on other pages.

Amber is our Brittany, born 9-2-94. She was our first dog. She's quite spoiled, too. She lives for food and it used to show but I have worked with her to lose her extra weight and she's now fit & trim. Amber was the runt of her litter so she is a few inches shorter then your average Brittany.
Her favorite trick is to say MAMA for her treats.
Daisy is our Miniature Schnauzer, born on 6/15/96. She is the spunkiest little gal I've ever seen. When we got her at 9 weeks it was as though she was already an adult (or maybe she will forever be a puppy ? lol); house training was a breeze. It was the easiest "puppyhood" I've ever experienced.
Daisy is always ready to go and is forever in a happy mood. She loves to run, run , run and once she picks up speed and is focused on something she hops like a bunny. She even caught a bunny once, did the "death shake," realized what she had done , dropped the scared little bunny, and they both took off in opposite directions ! LOL She runs so fast ; look out all you Greyhounds.
Roxy is our German Shepherd weighing in at a strong 95 lbs. Roxy was born on 4-25-97She's very intimidating and when she adds that bark of hers...look out. But she is actually such a gentle and loving dog. She can't do enough to try to please us and she lives to entertain. I swear I see her smile sometimes :) She has won me over and I think I will always have a gsd in my life. Anything that moves close to the ground or has a small motor she will bark at (the vaccum, broom, lawn mower, weed eater, etc). I love this dog ! My protector and entertainer.
Gizmo is my black persian. He was born in 1993 I believe and came to live with us in November of 1999. Gizmo is the CLOWN of the house. How I ever did without him I don't know. He is such a little love bug. He has a few really odd habits but I will tell you all about that on his page. You won't want to miss it !
Mimi (a.k.a Mini)is the youngster in the house. She is a tabby cat that I adopted from our no kill shelter. She was born in May of 2001. She is the BEST cat I have ever had. She is sweet and so gentle and puts up with anything. Especially my toddler's wild side :) Everyone falls in love with her when they meet her and they always seem to want to take her home ! She's not goin' nowhere !
Rex is my rabbit. He's probably around 2 years old. When we first got him we were told he was a female but I think he may have been to young for them to tell. He spent about the first year of his life being called Bella. lol I assure you, he's all male ! And a wonderful, wonderful rabbit. He gets along with all of the other animals in the house wonderfully - because they all seem to be scared of him !
Moby & Ophelia are my guinea pigs. Moby was born on 5-30-03 and he came from a breeder. Ophelia was born around Nov. 2003 - she was rescued from PetSmart.I LOVE and CHERISH these piggies. They make the best pets ever.
Mistletoe is my female cockatiel. I am not sure how old she was b/c I got her at a pet store in November of 2002. She is at least 2 yrs old, I think. But no matter. She's a wonderful bird but not completely tame. Very chatty and picks up songs and sounds very easily. The only thing she can say is "Peek-a-boo."
Romeo is my male canary. He is just gorgeous and a wonderful little bird ! He is not much of a singer but I love him anyway.
On to the rest of my website ! You will meet my furbabies and see them in their shining moments plus meet Jamie and I ! There are a lot of other things to see as well , so please come on in and have fun looking around. Also, please take a moment to sign my guestbook so I can properly thank you for stopping by.
Note : My entire webpage is under construction as I try to redesign. It's going to take a lot of work so please bare with me

See the rest of my website !
Chloe's webpage
My update family webpage"
Those pregnant times
My Photo Album
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Award Winners
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