Stars Through A Stained Glass Window

A 6-Month Mystery Quilt By Heather Thomas Montano

This is a six month series of quilt making, which can be made in either throw or Queen size. It was designed to be made using three color families, an accent and a background fabric. Below you will find some basic information on the quilt in each size offered as well as help in choosing colors and fabric requirements.

Queen Size: 87” x 111” ~ Includes added length for a pillow tuck. ~ Has a 14” drop on end and both sides. ~ The first four months include both traditional and paper foundation piecing. ~ The fifth month is traditionally pieced and the sixth, final month, includes appliqué.

Throw Size: 54” x 72” ~ The first four months include both traditional and paper foundation piecing. ~ The fifth month is traditionally pieced. ~ The sixth month is traditionally and paper pieced. ~ There is no appliqué included in this size quilt.

Choosing Fabrics For Your Quilt Begin by choosing your three colors. They can be analogous, a triad, or any combination you desire. Choose an accent fabric that contrasts well with your three colors. Finally, choose a background fabric that contrasts well with all of the above fabrics. My queen size sample was made with greens, blues and purples with a medium value melon as the accent and pale gray as the background. My throw sized sample was made with blue/greens, red/violets and yellows with a print including those three colors for the accent and black as the background.

Regardless of which three colors you choose, you will need all of the values of each of the colors. You will want fabrics that are mostly tone on tones, with little other added colors. For example, if using purple, look for fabrics that have multiple values; great choices would be light purple flowers on a dark a purple ground or medium purple stripes on a light purple ground, etc. Try to have an even mix of light medium and dark values. Try to include fabrics with lots of different visual textures; stripes, dots, florals, checks, swirls, etc.

Fabric Requirements – Queen Size 6 Yards – Background Fabric 2 2/3 Yards – EACH of the three color families; get a great mixture of lights, mediums and darks of each of the three colors. Get at least 8 different fabrics in each of the color families. Try getting 8 third yards, or 11 quarter yards or 22 fat quarters. 2 Yard – Accent and binding.

Fabric Requirements – Throw Size 3 1/2 Yards – Background Fabric 1 7/8 Yards – EACH of the three color families – see above. 1 1/4 Yards – Accent and binding