Since you made it here, through link, luck, or my big word-of-mouth, why not ease back and get comfy, and take a few minutes to meet the family this Homestead is all about?

This happy, handsome couple is Shannon and Don, on one of the happiest days of our lives, our wedding.

Don and I met in High School, although we were not technically "HS sweethearts". We were really good friends back then, enjoying concerts and cruising town, and just hanging out.

After we graduated HS in 1987, we went our seperate ways, me, to the West Coast, chasing adventure, and Don, to the US Army, I reckon, chasing the same thing! Eventually, I ended up back in Kentucky in 1990, and the first call I made was to Don. Imagine my surprise to hear that he was not home at all, he was in Saudi Arabia, with Desert Storm! Gosh, how things change. Fate stepped in, though. That very night, Don called me from Saudi to touch base (he didn't even know I was back!) It was the start of our real relationship. I looked forward to his sweet letters, and he to mine. It brought us so close, in a time when physically, we were so far apart.

I thank God that Don came back to me safe and alive. We became engaged in the summer of 1991, and Finally, we were joined in wedlock on may 2nd, 1992.

Don recently graduated from college with an associates degree, and currently works as a Correctional Officer.

I have been a SAHM for nearly 7 years, and look forward to beginning my college career in the near future.

This handsome guy is Nick, our 7 year old. Nick is going to be in the second grade next year, and loves soccer, Star Wars, Garfield, and Nintendo! Nick has Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes motor and vocal tics.

Click on Nick's picture to learn more about TS.

This cutey patutey is Drew, our 2 year old son. Right now, Drew is having a blast with his brother home for the summer! He is totally into Blue's Clues, likes reading, playing outside, and eating Spaghettios!

Click on Drew's picture to see his awesome Blue's Clues Page!

We have one pet, a pretty multicolored cat named Yoda. We chose that name because when she was born, her ears were enormous! She has since grown into them.

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