B.K. Perkins

My primary interest is my family. I have been married to Kristina since 1987 and we have two daughters, Brianna and Jessica who were born in 1989 and 1991 respectively. The girls have been homeschooled since their births. However, unlike most homeschoolers, we practice a form of education that is holistic in approach (similar to "Whole Language" reading and "Theme Immersion") and is akin to another form of education known as "unschooling". (more...)

Next to my family, I'd have to say that Linguistical studies are my next greatest interest. From as early as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by cultures, languages, their interrelationships, and the subtle (often overlooked) nuances of meaning within those languages. I can remember as a preschooler (though, I obviously didn't know what it was called) parsing the roots of many "big words" from the newspaper.

Additionally, I've been interested in technological innovations (more...) and music just as long.

I have little appreciation for many of the popular theories on any given subject and despite technological advances, most of what is now called progress, I would prefer to call digression. In fact, my present views on education were influenced, in part, by several classical Greek philosophers and Hebraic rabbis, but also by Jean Jacques Rousseau, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Samuel Clemmons (Mark Twain). But more recently, New York state's 1991 Teacher of the year John Taylor Gatto has confirmed and given definition to my own observations and experiences on the problems with popular Western education practices (particularly with regard to children) over the last century.

So far, I have traveled through most of the continental United States and have resided in most areas of the country. I have also been to Canada and Mexico a few times and in 1996, I was working as a consultant to the Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto in San Juan, Puerto Rico when Hurricane Bertha struck. Eventually, I'd like to visit nearly every area of this planet. But, next on the list are the countries of South America beginning with Ecuador!

My family and I enjoy bicycling, hiking, fishing, and camping. We like classic movies and a few that are in color. My wife and I also enjoy good esspresso - something that's really difficult to find.

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Copyright © 2001, Brian K. Perkins
Last Revised: August 23, 2001
Mirror site: http://www.geocities.com/perkinsfam/