Abel Benedict BETTS, grandfather of Asa Lee and Reid CROW. "Philadelphia" inscribed on front. (ca. mid 1800's)

Rev. John Herbert BETTS, 38 years old, b. 1820, brother of Abel BETTS, grandfather of Abel Betts, Daniel Reid, Mary Foree, Asa Lee, Lucy and John Hebert CROW. Married Mary BOTSFORD in St. Peter's Church, Monroe, by Rev. John Wolfgang HOFFMAN, on October 14, 1850. Episcopal minister, Hartford, CT. Piece of cardboard with photo has written on it: "Rev. J. H. Betts, Burnt Hills, Saratoga County, NY." The three journals were photocopied and the originals donated to the Library of Congress.

Page 192 of Rev. BETTS' journal for October 25, 1846 through April 25, 1880, states:

"John Herbert BETTS, Presbyter. Born June 12, 1820. Died November 12, 1888. Confirmed by Bp. Brownell in S. Stephen's Church Ridgefield, September 1840. Entered Trinity College September 1840, was graduated 1844. Entered Genl Theol Semy October 1844. Ordained Deacon by Bp. Brownell in S. John's Stamford, October 21, 1846. Assisted Rector of St. Paul's Church, Norwalk (Dr. Mead), November 1846 to Easter 1847. Took charge of S. Peter's, Monroe, April 11, 1847. Ordained Priest by Bp. Brownell in St. Peter's Church, Monroe, CT, September 15, 1847. Resigned November 25, 1849. Began services in (?) Hall in Pine Meadow (New Hartford), June 9, 1850. Resigned St. John's (Pine Meadow), July 26, 1857. Assumed the Rectorship of Calvary Church, Burnt Hills and St. Paul's, Charlton, NY, August 2, 1857. Resigned March 28, 1869. His record of services shows that his services in this parish covered a large territory. His ministrations were extended to many a village and hamlet. April 11, 1869, resumed the rectorship of St. John's, New Hartford. Resigned April 1880. St. Mary's, South Manchester, May 1880-May 1881. St. Luke's, South Glastonbury, Mary 1881 to November 12, 1888. Married St. Peter's Church, Monroe, October 14, 1850, to Mary, daughter of William Botsford."

Mary Foree BETTS, wife of Asa Lafayette CROW, and mother of Asa Lee CROW Sr. She was born, she lived and died in Tallahatchie county, Mississippi, Dec. 12, 1888. She is buried (photo taken in 1958) in Old Masonic Cemetery, Charleston, MS.

Asa Lafayette CROW, father of Asa Lee CROW Sr. Photo taken in Charleston, MS

Asa Lee CROW Sr., probably about 4 or 5 years old. Photo taken by Bingham & Hilliard, Memphis, Tennessee.

Asa Lee CROW Sr. with friends. Taken most likely in Dallas, TX. Left to right: Dr. Chas. McGaffey, Temp, Howard, Helen Jones, Asa and Ruth Neece.

Asa Lee CROW Sr.(left), with his friend Ada (center), and an unidentified friend. Asa was in his early 20's in this ca. 1907 photo taken in Dallas, Texas. On the back of the photo is written by Asa, "2 bums and a sure sweet girl."

Asa Lee CROW Sr., portrait taken in Dallas probably around 1910. Name of photographer might be Schreiber T O'Bannon.

Asa Lee CROW Sr., the middle years. Probably taken in Galveston, TX

Asa Lee CROW, Sr. (right), with his friends and golf buddies Adrian Levy (left), and Mr. Lawder (center). Photo was most likely taken at the Galveston Country Club.

Asa, Lucy and Herbert CROW, siblings.

Tennis friends: left to right: Katherine STEIN, Manning GIBSON, Mary Kate CROW, Buzz (William S. Jr.) SINCLAIR. Taken in Galveston perhaps around 1930.

left to right: Asa Lee CROW, wife Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD, his sister Lucy CROW ____, and Margaret's sister "Nannie" Kate STAFFORD Featherstone. Taken probably in Galveston perhaps around the early 1960's. Lucy lived in, I believe, Mississippi. Nannie lived next to Asa Lee and Margaret on Broadway in Galveston.

Mary Kate CROW, perhaps around 1925, with brother Asa Lee CROW Jr.

Mary Kate CROW. Born 1/22/1915, Galveston, Texas, died 6/10/2001, Houston, Texas. ca. 1915.

Mary Kate CROW, ca 1930. Daughter of Asa Lee CROW Sr. and Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD; future wife of William Stanley SINCLAIR, Jr.

Not sure what organization this group shot represents. It is assumed it was at U. of Texas, perhaps around 1935. It could have been Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board.
On the back, she gave the names of the girls:

1st row (left to right):
Olive (Alice??) Ann HALE, Mary BLACKSHEAR, Peggy HARDING, Frances POPE, Josephine CALLOWAY*, Nancy Jo CASEY, Ann TEMPLE*, Betty WRIGHT*, Jane CONNOR*
2nd row:
Betsy BOSWELL*, Dorothy RUNGE*, Virginia WILKENS, Carla WORSHAM, Dorothy KENYON*, Ruth STEPHENS, Julie DUNBAR*, Genoa BRINKERHOFF, Nina ALLEN*, Mary Derby
3rd row:
Mary Lou DAWSON*, Betsy ADRIANCE, Mary Lou PRINETOE, Mary Marg. DAVIS, Giles THOMPSON, Mary Kate CROW*, Ada DUNSTON
* = Those initiated with Mary Kate CROW

Mary Kate Crow, toddler

Mary Kate Crow, Mardi Gras Queen, Galveston, Texas, 1935. See these articles from different newspapers.

Mary Kate CROW SINCLAIR and her mother Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD CROW at the CROW's home in Galveston, ca. 1970.

Mary Kate Crow Sinclair at Greenwood Plantation which belonged to her STAFFORDs (tomb of her great-great-grandfather, Leroy STAFFORD), Cheneyville, LA, April 1982

Mary Kate Crow SINCLAIR, January 2001, ‹ five months before her death.

Asa Lee Crow and Col. Wm. M. Stafford in front of the latter's home

Cute courting photo of unknown couple. Man looks a bit like Harry LITTLEJOHN; girl might be Aimee Flood.

Telegram from newborn Mary Kate Crow to her Daddy, Asa Lee Crow. Her birth was in Galveston, TX, but her Daddy was still in Tennessee.

First car bought by Asa Lee CROW for his wife Margaret STAFFORD Crow. Margaret and daughter Mary Kate are standing by the car. My mother told me often that her mother depended on others for transportation and it embarrassed her to trouble others; she convinced Asa Lee to buy a car.

Asa Lee CROW and wife Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD, 1945, in Ft. Benning, GA

Left to right: Asa Lee CROW, Jr., Asa Lee CROW, Sr., Mary Kate CROW, CAMPBELL child, Margaret STAFFORD Crow, and Mrs. Campbell.

Mary Kate CROW and first cousin Maner FEATHERSTONE, son of Kate STAFFORD Featherstone and John FEATHERSTONE.

Trinity Episcopal Church, Galveston, Texas, where numerous generations of my family were married, baptized, etc. Asa Lee CROW and his wife Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD gave the altar to the church in memory of her parents Col. and Mrs. (Kate VEDDER) William Maner STAFFORD.

Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of Asa Lee CROW and Margaret Jeannetta STAFFORD at their home in Galveston, TX, April 25, 1961. L-R: Laura Lettie Stafford Krey, Margaret J. Stafford Crow (honoree), living, Asa Lee CROW Jr., Mary Kate Crow Sinclair, submitter, Asa Lee Crow Sr. (honoree), living.

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