Work in Progress

Well Known Confederate Veterans and Their War Records, Vol.I,
Wm. E. Mickle.
New Orleans: Wm. E. Mickle, 1907.

Leading U. C. V.

John B. GORDON, First Commander in Chief
Clement A. EVANS, First Adjutant General and Chief of Staff
Stephen D. LEE, Present Commander in Chief
William E. MICKLE, Present Adjutant General and Chief of Staff

Preface In presenting this work to the public I cannot refrain from expressing surprise at the lack of interest which the Veterans have shown in the book. It was to be expected that the number who would insert portraits would necessarily be limited; but that so few should have responded to the circular asking that war records be sent in is a matter difficult to comprehend. It is possiblly to be accounted for by reason of the advanced age of the Veterans, and the little and brief interest they show in any matter. Of late, however, a desire to insert portraits and records has been manifested, but the long-delayed publication could not be deferred to accommodate these parties. It has been decided, then, to issue a second volume of the work if there should be found a number interested sufficient to warrent such an undertaking. Those who contemplate taking advantage of this offer should at once communicate with me. Wm. E. Mickle New Orleans, La., April 9, 1907
Confederate Book Committee Gen'l Geo. P. HARRISON, Opelika, Ala. Gen'l V. Y. COOK, Newport, Ark. Gen'l Fred. L. ROBERTSON, Tallahassee, Fla. Gen'l Bennett H. YOUNG, Louisville, Ky. Gen'l Thos. W. CARWILE, Edgefield, S. C. Gen'l A. C. TRIPPE, Baltimore, Md. Gen'l Julian S. CARR, Durham, N.C. Gen'l Geo. W. GORDON, Memphis, Tenn. Gen'l K. M. VAN ZANDT, Fort Worth, Tex. Gen'l Wm. E. MICKLE, Editor-in-Chief Col. Ben. LaBREE, Associate Editor
A. B. James BEESON, Hytop, Ala. Farmer, Mail Contractor, U. S. Pension and Claim Attorney, former Lieutenant Commander N. B. Forrest Camp No. 430, Scottsboro, Ala. (page 9) James BEESON, Hytop, Ala. Born in Jackson county, Ala., December 13th, 1836. Entered Confederate Service March 1861. Private Company H 1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment. Horne's Brigade. Beauregard's Division first, and last three years in Army of Tennessee, Patton Anderson's Division, and close of war in Pat. Cleburne's Division. Wounded July 12, 1864. Served four years and two months. Paroled at Washington, Ga., May 1865. (page 9) Grig. Gen. Pinckney D. BOWLES, C.S.A., Evergreen, Ala. Commanding 3d Brigade, Ala. Div., U.C.V. Born in Edgefield County, S.C., July 7th, 1835. Entered Confederate Service April 24th, 1861. Captain, then Major 4th Alabama Regiment, August 22d, 1862. Lieut. Col. Sept. 30th, 1862. Colonel Oct. 3d, 1864. Bee's, then Whiting's Brigade. Hood's Division, Longstreet's Corps, A.N.V. Brigadier General April 2d, 1865. Served to close of war. Member Wm. Lee Camp No. 338. Commanding 3d Brigade Alabama Division, U.C.V. Lawyer. (page 7) C. James P. COFFIN, Batesville, Ark. Born in Rogersville, Tenn., September 22d, 1838. Entered Confederate Service August, 1861. Private Company E 3d Battalion, Tennessee Cavalry, May 2d, 1862. Lieutenant same Company then becoming Company I, 2d Tennessee Cavalry Regiment. 1st Lieutenant November 1863. Acting Inspector General Staff of Colonel Ashby, Commanding Tennessee Cavalry Brigade. Surrendered with Army of Tennessee under Joe. Johnston, April 26th, 1865. Commander A. S. Johnston Camp No. 863, Batesville, Ark. Cashier First National Bank. (page 11) Virgil Y. COOK, Elmo, Ark. Born at Boydsville, Graves County, Kentucky, November 14, 1848. Enrolled in Confederate Army July 27, 1863. Mustered in August 9 following, Private Company E, 12th Kentucky Cavalry. Transferred March 27, 1864, to Company H, 7th Kentucky Mounted Infantry, Forrest's Cavalry Surrendered May 16, 1865. (page 11) Virgil Y. COOK, Elmo, Ark. Brigadier-General Arkansas Reserve Militia, Major General Arkansas State Guard, Colonel 2d Arkansas Infantry U. S. Volunteers spanish War. Served in 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 3d Corp; 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 4th Corps, and 1st Separate Brigade, 2d Corps, commanding at intervals each of these brigades, and was for ten days in command of all the U.S. troops stationed at Camp Shipp, Anniston, Ala., being the senior officer on duty. Enrolled April 25th, 1898, mustered in May 25th following. Mustered out February 25th, 1899. (page 11) Virgil Y. COOK, Elmo, Ark. Came to Arkansas, June 1866. Merchant and planter. Served successively as Commander Tom Hindman Camp No. 318, U.C.V., Newport, Ark., as Adjutant General and Chief of Staff Arkansas Division, U.C.V., and Major-General thereof, and as Aide-de-Camp to Generals John B. Gordon and Stephen D. Lee, Commanders in Chief of United Confederate Veterans, and Member General Finance Committee. Trustee University of Arkansas. (page 11) D. E. W. J. EDGE, Round Mountain, Ala. Born in Chester District, SC, June 21st, 1848. Entered Confederate Service September 4, 1863 (not quite 15 years old) Private. Served five months in 5th S. C. Infantry Regiment, then re-enlisted in McBeth's Light Artillery for the war. Surrendered at Hendersonville, N.C., at close of war. Major John Pelham Camp No. 411, Gaylesville, Ala. Farmer (page 9) F. Robert D. FUNKHOUSER, Maurertown, VA. Born in Bentonville, Warren County, VA, April 9th, 1837. Entered Confederate Service June 17th, 1861, 3rd and 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel (acting) Company D, 49th Virginia Infantry, Early's Old 4th Brigade, Jackson's Corps. Captured at Fort Stedman March 25th, 1865; taken to Delaware and released June 17th, 1865. Commander Stover Camp No. 1500, Strasburg, VA. Brigadier General 3rd Brigade Virginia Division U.C.V. Farmer and Stock Raiser. (page 71) G. H. Pryor Nance HARRIS, Galveston, Texas. Born in Knoxville, TN, January 15, 1837. Entered Confederate Service May 5th, 1861, as private Company F, 4th Tennessee Cavalry; promoted by General N. B. FORREST on the Battlefield of Chickamauga, July 19th, 1863, to Captain Company I. Served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Clerk. (page 68) Grig. Gen. George P. HARRISON, C.S.A., Opelika, Ala. Major General, Commanding Ala. Div., U.C.V. Born in Chatham County, Ga., March 19th, 1841. entered Confederate Service April 1861. 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Major, Colonel and Brigadier General. First in 1st Georgia Regulars. Commanded Brigade of Georgians in Walthall's Division. Stewart's Corp at the Surrender. Served over Four Years. Member Lee County Camp No. 261. Lawyer. (page 7) J. Rev. William A. L. JETT, Murray Hill, NJ. Born in Rappahannock County, VA, January 15th, 1843. Entered Confederate Service April 22nd 1861. Private Company B, 6th Virginia Cavalry Regiment. Brigade commanded at different times by Generals Wm. E. JONES, L. L. LOMAX and W. H. PAYNE, Fitzhugh Lee's Division, J. E. B. Stuart's Corps. Served to close of war. Paroled May 17th, 1865. Member Confederate Veteran Camp, New York City, NY. Clergyman. (page 72) K. J. G. KREID, Galveston, Texas. Entered the Confederate Service at Quintana, Texas, May 4th, 1862, in Gibson's Battery, Colonel Bates' Regiment. Wounded near Yellow Bayou. Served to close of war. Member Camp No. 105. (page 68) L. Major-General Fitzhugh LEE, C. S.A., Norfolk, VA. Born in Clermont, VA, November 19th, 1835. Died April 28th, 1905. 1st Lieutenant of Cavalry, C.S.A., Mardh 16th, 1861. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Virginia Cavalry, March 1862. Brigadier General July 24th, 1862. Major-General, August 3rd, 1863. Governor of Virginia, 1886-1890. U.S. Consul to Havana, 1896. Major-General U. S. Volunteers, Spanish-American War, 1898. (page 70) Brig. Gen. Thomas Muldrup LOGAN, C.S.A., Howardsvale, VA. Born in Charleston, S.C., November 3rd, 1840. Private Washington Light Infantry of Charleston December 25th, 1860. At fall of Fort Sumter, organized Company A, Hampton Legion; elected Lieutenant, then Captain September 14th, 1861. Major September 17th, 1862; Lieutenant-Colonel January 1863; Colonel of Hampton Legion May 19th, 1864; Brigadier General of Cavalry February 15, 1865. Commanded Butler's Brigade South Carolina Cavalry. Served to close of war. Member Association of Army of Northern Virginia, Virginia Division. President Gray Tolautograph Co., New York City. (page 70) M. James R. MAXWELL, Phifers, Ala. (Age 61 years from a recent photograph) Served in Lumsden's Battery through the Battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Dalton to Atlanta, Hood's Tennessee Campaign, spanish Fort, etc., as Private, Gunner, Corporal and Sergeant. Surrendered under General Dick Taylor to General Canby, U.S.A., at Cuba Station, Alabama, May 4th, 1865. Corresponding Secretary Rodes Camp No. 262, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (page 10) James R. MAXWELL, Phifers, Ala. (Reproduced from a War time ambrotype) Born at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, august 29th, 1844. Entered Confederate Service April 1st, 1862. (Not quite 18) from Cadet University of Alabama to Drill Master 34th Alabama Regiment. In Bragg's Kentucky and Tennessee Campaign. After Battle of Chickamauga, Transferred to Lumsden's Battery, Lieutenant Colonel F. H. Robertson's Battery. Reserve Artillery A. of Tennessee. Served in this Battery to close of War. (page 10) Thomas Reynolds McCARTHY, Galveston, Texas. Born in Ireland July 4th, 1840.. Entered the Confederate Service October 13th, 1861, as private in Company F, 26th Texas Cavalry; promoted to 1st Leiutenant. Served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Mechanic. (page 68) Joseph English MICKLE. Was born in Columbia, S.C., June 26, 1843. Enlisted June 23, 1862, and joined the Mobile Cadets, Company A, 3d Alabama Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia. Promoted to Corporal of Sharpshooter Corps. Killed at Warrenton Junction, October 14, 1863. (page 8) Capt. Joseph Thomas MICKLE, Camden, S.C. Born March 25, 1814. Died October 11, 1989. Enlisted in the early part of the War; and served in the trenches around Mobile as Captain in the Merchant's Guard, which he organized. Resigned after about a year's service. Was Probate Judge of Kershaw County, S.C. for a number of years, till forced to give it up on account of the infirmities of age. Was Member Raphael Semmes Camp No. 11. (page 8) William E. MICKLE. Born in Columbia, S.C., October 31st, 1846. Entered Confederate Service (17 years old) August 20th, 1864, as private 3rd Alabama Infantry, A.N.V. Wounded twice at Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Served until close of War. Was at home on crutches at close of War. Member of Veteran C.S. Cavalry Camp No. 9, U.C.V., New Orleans, La. Adjutant General United Confederate Veterans. (page 8) William E. MICKLE. As a Confederate Soldier (earlier photo) at the age of seventeen, when he enlisted. He wears a Grey Uniform that was made of wool clipped from the sheep on the plantation. Dyed, spun and woven by the old negroes of his home. (page 8) N. Thomas H. NEILSON, New York City, NY. Born in Richmond, VA, March 4th, 1845. Entered Confederate Service June 14th, 1861. Private, 2nd Lieutenant, Company A, first year and spring of 1862, Company D, 52nd Virginia Volunteer Regiment, Brigades of Edward Johnson and Imboden. Wounded four times; captured twice; prisoner at Camp Chase twice; paroled December 1864. Served to close of war. Member Confederate Veteran Camp, New York City, NY. Lawyer. (page 72) Thomas NEWMAN, Galveston, Texas. Born in Norway, April 17th, 1837. Entered the Confederate Service October 13th, 1861, as private in Company F, 26th Texas Cavalry; transferred to Company G in 1862; transferred in 1863 to office of Quartermaster. Served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Watchman. (page 68) O. Joseph O. O'BRIEN, Galveston, Texas. Born on ship off coast of Florida in 1843. Entered service of the Confederate States March 6th, 1863, at New Orleans as private in Company C, Crescent Regiment; lost left hand at Battle of Shiloh in second day's fight; then Clerk in Commissary Department; served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Retired Merchant. (page 69) Edward OWEN, New York City, NY. Born April 20th, 1838. Entered the Confederate Service May 27th, 1861, as Captain 1st Company Battalion, Washington Artillery of New Orleans. Surrendered at Appomattox C. H. April 9th, 1865. Commander New York Camp. (page 74) P. Samuel W. PAULETT, Farmville, VA. Born in Farmville, VA, October 24th, 1845. Entered Confederate Service July 1st, 1861 (age 15 years). Private Company F, 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Wounded three times. Served to close of war. Captain of Farmville Guards since the war. commander Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502, Farmville, VA. Lieutenant-Colonel on Staffs of Generals BRANDON and BOLLING, U.C.V. Tobacconist. (page 72) James J. PHILLIPS, New York City, NY. Born in Nansemond County, VA, January 23rd, 1832. Entered Confederate Service April 1861 near Norfolk, VA. Entered as Captain, ended as Colonel, Armistead's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps. Commanded 9th Virginia Rigiment from 1863 to close of war. Member Confederate Veteran Camp, New York City, NY. Merchant. (page 71) R. Brig. Gen. Daniel H. REYNOLDS, C.S.A., Lake Village, Ark. Born December 14th, 1832. Mustered into Service on June 14th, 1861, as Captain. Elected Major April 14th, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel May 1st, 1862. Appointed Colonel November 17th, 1863. Brigadier General March 12th, 1864. Was slightly wounded at Franklin, and lost his left leg at Bentonville. His was the last command to cross the Tennessee River on the morning of December 28th, 1864. (page 10) S. Sampson S. SIMMONS, Fayetteville, W. VA. Born in Milton, W. VA, November 5th 1843. Entered the Confederate Service March 20th, 1862, as private in Company E, 8th Virginia Calvary. Served to close of war. Adjutant "Jeb" Stuart Camp No. 1585. (page 74) Michael W. SHAW, Galveston, Texas. Born in Germany November 28th, 1833. Entered the Confederate Service in 1861 as a private in Company F, 26th Texas Cavalry. Served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Jeweler. (page 69) Captain Isaac C. STAFFORD, Galveston, Texas. Born in Rapides Parish, La. august 25th 1837; died in Houston, Texas, November 21st, 1906 (buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Houston). Entered the Confederate Service at Houston, Texas, in April 1861, as Captain of company in 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles. Promoted to Major of Cavalry May 1862. Served to close of war. (brother of Josiah S. and William Maner STAFFORD) (page 69) Captain Josiah S. STAFFORD, Galveston, Texas. Born in Rapides Parish, LA, December 12th, 1839; died in Galveston, Tex., March 10th, 1888 (buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Houston). Entered the Confederate Service in December 1861, at Houston, Tex., as Lieutenant of Cavalry. Promoted to Captain in 1865. Served to close of war. (brother of Isaac C. and William Maner STAFFORD) (page 69) Captain William Maner STAFFORD, Galveston, Texas. Born in Rapides Parish, LA, April 25th, 1843 (died in Galveston, Tex., 1930; buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Galveston). Entered the Confederate Service at Houston, Tex., September 17th, 1861, as 2nd Lieutenant of Artillery. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant in 1862, and Captain 17th Texas Battery of Light Artillery April 14, 1864. Served to close of war. Appointed Colonel of Texas Militia 1878 (corrected by family to 1877, and added "A.D.C. Gov. HUBBARD Staff 1877). Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Cotton broker. (brother of Isaac C. and Josiah S. STAFFORD) (page 69) Thomas Edward STANLEY, Augusta, Ark. Born in Town Creek, Alabama, October 15th, 1844. Died June 17th, 1904. Entered Confederate Service June 10th, 1861. Sergeant and Lieutenant. Ashford's Company B, 16th Alabama Infantry Regiment. Served to close of War. Former Member Jefferson Davis Camp No. 843. Was Brigadier-General Alabama Division U.C.V. Lawyer and Banker. (page 10). Theophilus STEELE, M.D., New York City, NY. Born in Woodford County, KY, July 17th, 1835. Entered Confederate Service as Surgeon in Colonel Roger W. HANSON's 2nd Kentucky Regiment, and later Captain, Major and Colonel of Gano's Regiment, General John H. Morgan's Cavalry. Served to close of war. Member Confederate Veteran Camp, New York City, NY. Physician. (page 74) Capt. B. F. STERLING, Galveston, Texas. Born in Lawrence County, Miss., November 27th 1831. Entered the Confederate Service February 1861 as Lieutenant in State Guards; then in Waul's Texas Legion; promoted to Captain in 1862. Served to close of war. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. Builder. (page 70) John W. STOKES, M.D., Hartford, Ala. Born in Abbeville, Henry County, Ala, in 1844. Entered Confederate Service March 1862. Drum Major Hillard's legion (60th Alabama). Was at Spanish Fort, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Ga., and fall of Petersburg. Surrendered with General Lee at Appomattox C.H., April 9th, 1865, and rolled the last drum. Has been a U. S. Official, Deputy Sheriff, and Collector of Texas of Eufaula, Ala. Physician. (page 9) J. E. SULLIVAN, Richmond, VA. Born at West Point, King William County, May 4th, 1833. Entered Confederate Service April 23rd, 1861. Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Thomas' Artillery; first year attached to Wilcox's Brigade, then H. P. Jones' Battalion, Jackson's Corps, then Dearing's Battalion, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Surrendered with General LEE at Appomattox C. H. April 9th, 1865. Member R. E. Lee Camp No. 181, and commander Geo E. Pickett Camp No. 204 Richmond, VA. Clerk First Market. (page 72) T. Henry M. TRUEHEART, Galveston, Texas. Born in Louisa County, VA, March 23rd, 1832. Entered Confederate Service at Galveston in 1862. Provost Marshal at Galveston; resigned and joined McNeill's Company of Partisan Rangers as a private; was one of the 100 men to enter the city of Cumberland, MD, and capture Major-Generals CROOK and KELLY, and delivered them to the authorities in Richmond; served over two years. Member Magruder Camp No. 105. State and County Tax Collector for Galveston. (page 70) U. V. L. J. VERSER, Farmville, VA. Born in Mecklenburg County, VA, September 30th, 1845. Entered Confederate Service April 1861. Private 22nd Virginia Regiment, Field's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Wounded at Cold Harbor June 3rd, 1864. Captured at Gettysburg July 3rd, 1863. Surrentdered at Appomattox C. H., April 9th, 1865. Served four years. Quartermaster Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502, Farmville, VA. Merchant. (page 73) W. C. M. Walker, Farmville, VA. Born in Buckingham County, VA, December 24, 1844. Entered Confederate Service April 1861. Private Company F, 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Corps. Also in 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia. Served four years. Member Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502, Farmville, VA. Colonel and Aide-de-Camp on Staff of Governor P. W. McKINNEY of Virginia, 1890 to 1894. Merchant. (page 73) John F. WALTON, Farmville, VA. Born in Prince Edward County, VA, August 29th, 1839. Entered Confederate Service June 21st, 1861. Private Company K, Prince Edward Cavalry, 3rd Virginia Regiment; Wickham's Brigade, Fitzhugh Lee's Division, J. E. B. Stuart's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Served four years. Lieutenant Commander Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502, Farmville, VA. Merchant. (page 73) Lieut. Gen. Joseph WHEELER, Wheeler, Ala. Born Augusta, Ga., September 10th, 1836. Died January 25th, 1906. 1st Lieutenant Artillery, C.S.A., April 3d, 1861. Colonel 19th Ala. Volunteers September 4th, 1861. Brigadier General October 30th, 1862. Major General January 20th, 1863. Lieutenant General February 28th, 1865. Member of Congress 1881-1889. Major General U.S. Volunteers, Spanish-American War 1898. Member Confederate Veteran's Association, Camp No. 171, Washington, D.C. (page 7) James L. WHITE, M.D., Farmville, VA. Born in Abingdon, VA, May 30th, 1833. Entered Confederate Service April 1861. Captain Company C, 37th Virginia Infantry Regiment. Surgeon C.S. Army August, 1861. Organized "Stonewall" Jackson's Hospital Corps in Valley Campaign in 1862. Hospital duty Farmville 1863; Brigade Surgeon, Bryan's Brigade, Kershaw's Division, Longstreet's Corps. Hospital duty in 1865. Paroled April, 1865. Surgeon Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502. Physician. (page 71) Robert WHITE, Wheeling, W. Va. Born in Romney, Hampshire county, VA (now West Virginia), February 7th, 1833. Entered Confederate Service May 1861. Captain and Colonel; Captain 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Colonel A. P. Hill. Colonel 23rd Virginia Cavalry Regiment. Served to close of war. Member Shriver Grays Camp No. 907, Wheeling, W. VA. Major-General commanding West Virginia Division U.C.V. Lawyer. (page 71) Col. Price WILLIAMS, Mobile, Ala. Born February 22, 1839. Enlisted in December 1861, as a Private in Mobile Cadets, Company A, 3rd Alabama Infantry, A.N.V. Detailed as Courier on Staff of General HARDEE with rank of Captain. severely wounded at Battle of Shiloh, and incapacitated for further service. Organized the Battallion of Pelham Cadets who did Provost Guard Duty around the city of Mobile and at Spanish Fort. Surrendered at close of War. Was Colonel of 1st Regiment A.S.T. for a number of years. Is now and has been for a long term Probate Judge Mobile County. Member Raphael Semmes Camp No. 11. (page 7) Peter WINSTON, M.D., Farmville, VA. Born in Richmond, VA, June 5th, 1836. Entered Confederate Service June 21st, 1861. Surgeon Hospital Service at Charlottesville, VA, and on Conscript Duty for two years. Served four years. Assistant Surgeon Thornton-Pickett Camp No. 1502. Physician. (page 73) Y.
Abbreviations b = born c. = captured d = discharged e = enlisted m. = Member pa. = Paroled pr. = Private pris. = Prisoner s. = Surrendered w. = Woundered Roster

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