A History of Tallahatchie County, State of Mississippi, Compiled by Lillie Neely Henry, Edited by Jean Conger May

Centennial Address relating to the Early History of Schenectady and its First Settlers: Delivered at Schenectady, July 4th, 1876 (Author: Hon. John SANDERS; Albany, NY: Van Benthuysen Printing House, 1879) (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX)

A Filgo Family History. Richard S. Lackey. Published privately at Canton, MS, 1982. (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX)

Our Family Circle (Author: Annie Elizabeth Miller; Marietta, GA: Continental Book Company, 1957). (LANDGRAVE SMITH, ROBERT, BOSTICK, LAWTON, GRIMBALL, ERWIN, STAFFORD, and MANER Families, including HYRNES, SCREVENS, JAUDONS, RHODES, DANIELS, WILLINGHAMS, BAYNARDS, POLLHILLS, GOLDWIRES, and CATERS) (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX)

Presiding Officers of the Texas Legislature: 1846-1982. Prepared by the Staff of the Texas Legislative Council, Austin, Texas, 1982. (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX) (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX)

TRINITY Protestant Episcopal Church, Galveston, Texas, 1841-1953, a Memorial History (Author: William Manning MORGAN; Houston and Galveston: The Anson Jones Press, 1954)

Florence M. VEDDER, 1861-1934. Catherine Vedder Pauls. Houston: K"&"R Reproductions, 1970. (original donated to Clayton Library, Houston, TX)

The Pettey's of East Texas

Journey from New Market, Alabama to Nacogdoches Powers and Pettey family, One More Mission: A Journey from Childhood to War, by Jesse Pettey.

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