The BALCH Family

Rev. Dr. Hezekiah BALCH, DD
Hannah LEWIS
John Tennant BALCH
Andrew Jackson BALCH
b. ~1822
m. 26 Jan 1860 IL
Amanda J. VOYLES
b. ~1836 IL
|                                      |
Samuel Marion BALCH              Ann E. BALCH b.~1863 m. James MONTGOMERY
b. ~1864 IL
d. 19 Jun 1924 Port Arthur, Texas
m. 1888 IT*
Catherine GIBBINS (twin)
b. 1871 AR
d. 1941 Houston, Texas, buried Trinity, Texas
|                      |              |                  |                 |
Floyd R. BALCH         Ethel          Calvin (twin)      Archie            Mamie (twin)
b. 1896 OK (IT)        b. ~1900 TX    b. 15 Oct 1905 TX  b.                b. ~1902 TX
or Van Buren, AR       m. ___ Chaney  d. 26 Mar 1979     d. 1980           m.
d. 7 Dec 1955 Houston                 m. Ethel SPROTT    m. Margaret M___  Elmer SKAINS
m.(2) Jan/Feb 1946                                       b. 20 Mar 1910 IA
Mary Sue BERRY                                           d. 19 Dec 1967
b. 13 Sept 1912 Teneha, TX
d. 29 Oct 2003 Houston, TX
* Sources:

1930 census, Precinct 1, Dallas county, Texas (ED 57-103, Supv Dist 10, Sheet 11B)

BALCH, Floyd R.      Head     Machinist, flooring  M W 32 M  OK  IL  AR
BALCH, Amie          wife     clerk, office        F W 26 M  LA  LA? MS
BALCH, Catherine     mother                        F W 58 WD AR  AL  MS
BALCH, Calvin        brother  checker, flooring    M W 24 S  TX  IL  AR
Conatser, Edith      boarder                       F W 25 S  LA  LA  LA

1920 census, Montgomery Co., TX (vol. 126, e.d. 115, sheet 5, line 5)

	                   Birth   Father's     Mother's
Name             Race Age  place   Birthplace	Birthplace

Samuel M. Balch  W    56    IL        TN           IL
Ella K.          W    48    AR        AL           MS
Floyd R          W    23    OK        IL           AR
Ethel U          W    20    TX        IL           AR
Mamie Pearl      W    18    TX        IL           AR
Archie Jewel     W    16    TX        IL           AR
Calvin J         W    14    TX        IL           AR

1910 Trinity  county, Texas, Vol. 138, ED 115, Sheet 192

Name                Age  Occupation  Birth  Father’s    Mother’s
                                          birthplace  birthplace

BALCH, Samuel M. W  45   laborer/     IL       TN          IL
Katie            W  38                AR		
Floyd R.         S  13                OK       IL          AR
Ethel U.         D  11                TX       IL          AR
Mamie P.         D   9                TX       IL          AR
Archie J.        S   7                TX       IL          AR
Calvin           S   4                TX       IL          AR

1900 San Jacinto  county, Texas, Pct. 5 (Vol. 95, ED 83, Sheet 7, Line 21)
                                   Date of     Birth-      Father's    Mother's
Name                  Occup    Age Birth       place     Birthplace  Birthplace

BALCH, Samuel White   dairyman 38  May 1862    IL            IL         IL
Ella          wife             29  April 1871  AR            MS        "NCA"?
Floyd         son              3   Sept. 1896  Indian Terr.  IL         AR
Ethel         daughter         1   March 1899  TX            IL         AR

1880 Census, Bear Creek, Boone, AR
SD 2, ED 23, Page 12

Andrew J Balch, 57, b. TN, father b. TN, mother b. VA?, Basketmaker
Amanda J Balch, b. IL, father b. SC, mother b. TN, keeps house, wife
Anna Balch, 16, b. IL, father b. TN, mother b. IL, works on farm?, daughter
Samuel M BALCH, 16, b. IL,  father b. TN, mother b. IL, Works On Farm, son 

1870 Census, Madison, Township 6 Range 6, Moultonville, IL
Roll: M593_251, Page: 117, Image: 235

Andrew J Balch, 48, b. Tennessee, White, Male, farmer
Amanda J Balch, 36, b. Illinois, White, Female    
Ann E Balch, 7, b. Illinois, White, Female    
Samuel M Balch, 6, b. Illinois, White, Male

1860 Census, Alhambra Township 6 Range 5, Madison, Illinois

Andrew J Balch, 29, b. TN
Amanda J Balch, 24, b. IL

Amanda J. VOYLES and Andrew Jackson BALCH married 26 Jan 1860 (Source: Madison County Illinois Marriage Records Index: 1851-1865, Vol. 2, by Jane Shelley and Elsie M. Wasser).

Floyd R., Calvin J. and Archie J. BALCH lived in Houston, TX when they were adults; Mamie SKAINS lived in Trinity, TX, and Ethel Uldeen CHANEY, in Iola, TX (as adults). Ella Katherine GIBBINS was a twin (twin was Samuel GIBBINS) and two of her children had twins: Calvin J. and Mamie. Calvin and Mamie's twin siblings died at a very young age and are possibly buried in unmarked graves in Dodge Cemetery, Dodge, TX. Calvin J. married Ethel SPROTT and they had no issue. Mamie Pearl married Elmer SKAINS.

Floyd was born in Indian Territory in 1896. He served a few months during World War I in the 76th Balloon Company, San Antonio, TX, and died in Houston, Texas, on 7 December 1955. Floyd R. married (2) Mary Sue BERRY and they had one son. His first marriage was to Amie b. ~1904 LA; it ended in divorce, no issue.

Samuel worked in saw mills where he kept track of personnel records, specifically hours worked. He last worked in a saw mill around the Beaumont, TX, area, and is buried in Port Arthur. Source: a cousin.

Balch/Gibbins photos

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