Abraham Sudhakar Dasari - 12/12/00 18:38:04 My Email:abrahamsudhakar@rediffmail.com State: Guntur AP India Horse Interest: Yes | Comments: This is a very interesting site. |
Denise - 10/22/00 05:16:46 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Inner_reflections/angels.htm My Email:ea1001@hotmail.com | Comments: check out my link above for a lot of great free angel downloads - hey Dave -- wondering how you are doing |
Rebecca Jackson - 06/01/00 18:41:13 My Email:AMJACKS@WORLDNET.ATT.NET State: Texas Horse Interest: trailriding,pleasure | Comments: I love horses very much.Please send me imformation about Jcross and the price.We might come and visit all of yall.I think what you are doing is very wonderful,we need more places like these.We have three horses of our own,and we love Jesus Christ. |
Rebecca Jackson - 06/01/00 18:34:04 State: Texas | Comments: |
Kitty - 04/27/00 18:57:43 My Email:k9kat4u State: TN Horse Interest: Everything!i luv them!!!!!! | Comments: My name is kitty (well not really but ilike to go by that!) and i looooooooooove horses!!i'd like to be a part of this since i have a love for horses. I'm 13 and i am a christian. i would not mind helping out with muking, muking, grooming,ect. i'm glad i ound you all. i love the lord and horses so i would loooooooove to be a part of this. so e-mail me sometime. i'd love to be apart of this ministry(by the way i do ride!)my e-mail is k9kat4u.bye! |
Heidi Engelhart - 03/01/00 17:47:30 My Email:dhengelhart@dtgnet.com State: SD | Comments: Could you please send us some information on your ministry? I have a son that justs loves horses. We found your site looking for information on horses. We are a christian family and are interested in what you do. |
Renee' Kettler - 01/26/00 01:48:16 My Email:agape@crossville.com State: Tn Horse Interest: Riding instructor | Comments: I love what you are doing and we will put your on our prayer list that God will abundantly bless your ministry and that many will come to know Him through your efforts!! |
Carol Lee Pattidge - 10/19/99 21:58:13 My Email:Scribe@frontiernet.net State: New York Horse Interest: Just love horses | Comments: I wish you were closer to Greensboro, North Carolina. I have a cousin there that loves horses and children. And needs to get back to Jesus. She'd love your outfit. May God be with You! |
Christie - 03/15/99 06:48:56 My Email:sierra_2@hotmail.com State: CA Horse Interest: everything! | Comments: Omigosh! I thought I'd never see the day where someone would actually connect horses and Christ together. It is such a wonderful idea and I wish that a church around here would offer the same type of atmosphere. Unfortunately, I live in a urban area so I uess I'll have to keep praying for one. Anyway, I wish you good luck w/your church. |
B.Tidd Arabians, Bonnie/Barney Tidd - 01/18/99 00:51:33 My Email:bonita@mfx.net State: Maine Horse Interest: Arabians/Paints | Comments: Great Site, Could you help me with ideas for a Christian Horse group? I would love to use my horses to help the cause of Christ I just don't know where to begin? Except first with prayer. I need some advice from others who love horses and Christ. thank you. Bonnie |
edianne - 01/13/99 04:27:31 My Email:eerickson@webtv.net State: Oklahoma Horse Interest: Trail Riding | Comments: As a fellow Paso Fino owner & Christian I was excited to read your fact sheet. I have a P.F. farm also & trying to get on the tip of the day when I found you. This sounds like a wonderful outreach for Christ. Many Blessing to you. ede |
Barbara Rubbert - 01/09/99 04:43:14 My Email:brhorses@ainet.com State: California Horse Interest: working cow horse | Comments: What a wonderful web page and a wonderful thing you are doing. We Live in Central Calif and do hope you can stop by and see us. Bob and Barbara |
Linda Davis - 01/08/99 13:53:33 My Email:davisel@isat.com State: Ca. Horse Interest: trailriding | Comments: Dave, Your site is great and your ideas are really sound. I know that with faith and love you will make a success of JCross. I wish I'd had an opportunity as a youngster to go to a place like JCross. Best Wishes and prayers go with you on your ride. Hugs, L nda |
Bob Giddens - 01/07/99 01:09:57 My Email:bgiddens@grove.net State: North Carolina Horse Interest: Trail Riding | Comments: Just an old man (59) who got interested in horses late. I hope your organization is successful and that you particularly reach out to the youth. Horses are great companions for young people. |
4 B Farm - 01/05/99 19:51:59 State: North Carolina Horse Interest: all breeds | Comments: we are running a christian equestrian campground here! Our prayers are with you!! 4B Farm 346 Mullinix Rd. Troy, NC 27371 (910) 572-2267 Larry & Helen Blackburn |
Dee - 12/31/98 12:08:41 My Email:DeeNeddie@aol.com State: Indiana Horse Interest: I just love horses !! | Comments: I just love horses and was sent to this site by a friend whom I support in The Ride-With-Christ...I actually support everyone on the ride and wish I could be with them...and not just in prayers... Love In Christ...Dee God Bless You All !! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Justin bush - 09/08/98 20:29:30 My Email:JB672c@aol.com State: TN Horse Interest: love them and borrowing | Comments: hi dave love your web page do you think i can have one like this? |
Brian Bauman - 06/07/98 21:27:03 My Email:WhoaHorse@aol.com State: California Horse Interest: All breeds of horses | Comments: |
Ralph Dettwiler - 06/07/98 01:41:33 My URL:http://www.iserv.net/~rdett My Email:rdett@iserv.net State: Michigan Horse Interest: Love them | Comments: It is great to see other Christians on the web who are not afraid to tell people they are Christians. Keep up the good work and come visit me sometime. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
James Fletcher Baxter - 06/01/98 17:10:55 My URL:/Athens/Parthenon/2728 My Email:choicemaker@thegrid.net State: California Horse Interest: Giddyup! Whoa! That's it! | Comments: Welcome Generation-Choicemaker. Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30, 173 His unique and definitive chara teristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Selah *vincit veritas* Shalom |
James Fletcher Baxter - 06/01/98 17:12:29 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2728 My Email:choicemaker@thegrid.net State: California Horse Interest: Giddyup! Whoa! That's it! | Comments: Welcome Generation-Choicemaker. Never forget who you are...made in His image...for Freedom. Man is earth's Choicemaker. Psalm 25:12 He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. Psalms 119:30, 173 His unique and definitive chara teristic is, and of Right ought to be, the natural foundation of his environment, institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the universe. Let us proclaim it. Behold! The SEASON of Generation-Choicemaker. Selah *vincit veritas* Shalom |
Rebecca Landrum - 05/25/98 13:39:09 My Email:landrum@sprintmail.com State: Georgia Horse Interest: dressage/pasofino | Comments: |
karlene brouillet - 05/25/98 06:46:16 My Email:kbrouillet@customcpu.com State: alaska Horse Interest: all types | Comments: awsome page!!!!! hope we may vacation there someday when the babies are older! Keep up the great work! |
Beverly - 05/25/98 05:03:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2887/ My Email:Fairwind@Bright.net State: Ohio Horse Interest: Horse Rescue, Paso Fino Horses | Comments: Wish you all the best of luck in your Mnistry! Great concept and can't wait to come myself! |