For the past 14 years I've been working in the field of adult literacy. I began as a volunteer while still attending university. The thrill of helping adults achieve their goals continuted to draw me in, until I was hanging around the office so much they had to hire me.
Since then, I've worked as a program coordinator, a reasearcher/writer, a literacy assessor and a trainer. I am now serving as the manager for the Literacy and Basic Skills Program Waterloo Catholic District School Board.
The most rewarding part of my job is working directly with learners. They make every minute worthwhile. Their struggle to achieve their goals in literacy (for some, a lifelong dream) should be an inspiration to all of us. It gets me out of bed every morning.
If you want to know more about adult literacy, check out these links. I am especially proud to be able to bring you this poem, written by a literacy student from Ontario. Check it out, you'll be glad you did.