to Stella! Rock

Hate those annoying midis?
Then for God's sake don't click on Stanley and suffer his fate!

For Archersword In Memory of My Father What Does Stella! Do?
Wayward Friends At Stella! Rock Stella!'s Photos
Favourite Flicks Literacy Links Shamelessly Canadian
For Punk 'n' Me

Although you may know me as Stella!, folks usually just call me Yvonne. I'm from Kitchener Ontario, Canada. For the benefit of American visitors, just grab a map, find New York State and Michigan and look


I'm 47 years old, and married to Larry, the sweetest man in the world (sorry fellas!). Between us, we have three children add a number of add-ons...Larry's daughter, Shirley and her husband Bryant, his son, Stacy and wife Tiah, and my daughter Shannon and her boyfriend Erik. I also have a niece and a nephew that I love like my own. Larry has five grandchildren: Alyssa, Hayley, Stephen, Brigette, and Kaitlin.

On October 17, 2004 at 1916 hours, Shannon presented me with the most precious gift ever. Please welcome...

Miss Brooklyn Christine!

Our Brooklyn is now 18 months old and is working at mastering the fine art of tricycle riding. Wish all of us luck!

There's a lot more about Stella!'s world here, so feel free to browse. Hope you brought some comfortable shoes, though, because the site is kinda big.


"They told me to take a streetcar named Desire,
and then transfer to one called Cemeteries
and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields".

For Archersword In Memory of My Father What Does Stella! Do?
Wayward Friends At Stella! Rock Stella!'s Photos
Favourite Flicks Literacy Links Shamelessly Canadian
For Punk 'n' Me